
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Bossier Councilman questions Fire Department payroll

Councilman Don Williams offered a resolution at Tuesday’s meeting of the Bossier City Council to investigate discrepancies in firemen’s pay from 2008 to the present time.
The resolution was defeated, but a special meeting will be held after the next regular meeting. Meanwhile, city officials are looking into the charges.
Williams wasn’t specific as to details, but said that several firemen had approached him about the problem.
This brings to mind last August, when Max Fletcher had to be paid $41,000 in overtime which the city had failed to pay for a three year period.
It also brings to mind the fiasco with the Sheriff’s tax reporting, where taxes were incorrectly withheld for a number of years.
I have no idea what the situation is, but if one employee had to be paid $41,000 for three years of incorrect payroll, it is scary to think of the cost if employees of the Fire Department have indeed been underpaid.
We’ll stay on top of this and hopefully have some more facts next week.


  1. Hope for the best, but expect the worst.

  2. Wow. This ought to be good. More good news out of Bossier. I guess those firemen who brought this up should quit and move to Shreveport.

  3. At least we don't have the problems they do in Caddo, DeSoto, Red River, Webster Parishes, or Lafayette County, BY GOD!

  4. Better hold on folks, this is going to be big.

  5. 11:19,
    So what if it big? Nobody will be held accountable. Jimmy hall will see to that.

  6. Anon @ 11:22, Jimmy Hall will see to it that Sammy Halphen will be blamed.

  7. Once again you see an example of putting an inept brother Shriner into a position of responibility and a qualifier non-Shriner be damned. Every department head position is staffed by a Shriner and the mistakes are coming by the truckloads. Until we get rid of these clowns it will continue and only get worse.

  8. 6:56,
    Wrong. They all have dirt on one another and Jimmy Hall knows if one go down, it will start a domino effect. Me personally, I can only dream of that situation but Jimmy Hall will protect them to protect himself.

  9. I'm not from Bossier, so please tell just what this "Jimmy Hall" entails? Is is something like the Tammany Hall political machine that once ran NYC?

  10. I think Judy is BAAACK..Get some business...YOUR OWN...

  11. is now reporting that the meeting which was scheduled for Tuesday has now been cancelled. I guess this was all smoke and mirrors.

  12. 1 PM - Jimmy Hall is the City Attorney for Bossier City. He is someone about whom I have never blogged, to the best of my memory, and probably has more mentions in My Bossier comments than any other individual.

  13. It was cancelled because the entire affair was not handled properly by Mr. Williams. Mr. William's made no attempt to talk to any city official and instead found it politically expedient to try and blindside everyone - including the Chief of the Fire Department! Please see Marty Carlsons article in the Press Tribune. And by the way - I can think of at least 3 department heads who are not Shriners. Furthermore, if you are talking about the Shriners who support the wonderful children's hospital in Shreveport then shame on you for throwing that term around in such an inflammatory and derogatory manner! Here is the link to Mrs. Carlson's article -

  14. I read Marty's column earlier. Here is a direct link so no one has to cut and paste.

    Link to Marty Carlson’s column

  15. Hey Bubba,
    Keep up the good work. Be careful though. You try and expose too much and Jimmy Hall will have you arrested like he did Chubby.

  16. No, I'm talking about the skunk Shriners who cover for one another when a wrong has been committed, who screw over non-Shiners and think it's ok because the person they are screwing over isn't one of them, snd hide behind the "good deeds" and children's hospital to fool poeple who don't know better.

  17. The Shriners is just a face organization that the Masons use to solicit funds from non-Masons for their hospitals. And the Masons take care of each other. I have seen a man who can barely read and write be promoted to high level management in an area oil company because of his Mason affiliation. And in government, it is Katy-Bar-The-Door where the Masons are involved.

  18. Budget problems..? What budget problems? The ones in charge are making up the difference. Did you know that the puppet mcwilliams makes over $100k which is more than what 3 new officer make combined. How about the mayors secretary, if its the same one I heard about when the hiring freeze went in, she was making $70k....a secretary...oh and when she told lo walker she was retiring he got the city counsel to agree to allow him to hire a new person AGAINST the hiring freeze. Now again I don't know if he did hire someone or not but still. Wrong doing is,nothing new in this city, I bet if we find the men and women that have "resigned" I bet they how have some pretty interesting things to say about the fd and pd. I have also read that the city employees are threatened to keep their mouths shut or face some ridiculous punishments. Pretty soon Bossier will be trying to enforce a curfew on adults...look out people this mess is far from cleaned up

  19. 12:14, You would be scary, if you had a brain!

  20. 12:14 - Shane McWilliams is a 'puppet' because by law he answers to the mayor? How much do you think hd should be paid?

  21. I see the detractors are out again belittling the people who are trying to tell the citizens what is going on in Bossier. Why don't you people go back to what you know best: licking Jimmy Hall's boots.

  22. 5:45,
    You said it best. By law he should answer to the mayor. But for some reason he and everyone else has to answer to Jimmy Hall. To me that's a problem because we can't get elect him out of office. We can elect a new mayor but who is to say Jimmy Hall doesn't get who he wants elected and keeps his job. His job is an advisor to the mayor and city council. Lo is so pathetic though that he allows Jimmy to run all over him.


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