
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Republican Parish Executive Committee comes out against school tax proposals

This Saturday will determine whether voters approve three propositions being offered by the Bossier Parish School Board. As I noted in an earlier blog post, the first is for $210,000,000 in bonds for construction. The second is to approve a new tax for employee raises. The third is for technology.
Bossier Parish voters have a history of opening their wallets for schools. These propositions, however, have drawn some opposition. The most recent is from the Bossier Parish Republican Executive Committee.
Here are links to articles both pro and con.

School employees haven't had a raise in seven years. I have heard opposition to the pay proposal because, simply put, a lot of people don't want to raise the salaries of some upper echelon who already make $100,000 per year plus, while they have no objection to raises for teachers and support personnel. This may be a problem.
The other objections that I have noted are that there are no plans beyond the construction of facilities for payroll and maintenance associated with them.
Another objection which is noted is that the election itself will cost about $85,000 and could have been held during last month's election. The school board insisted on having it on the April 21st date on its own.
That decision may backfire on them if the opposition organizes.
Prediction - I don't have one at this point. At first I assumed that it would pass, but now I'm not so sure. We'll find out Saturday.


  1. Vote No! All these groups coming out against the taxes and bonds must have good reason to come out against the taxes and bonds issues. Our bussiness and voters don't need any new taxes. All these government groups should have to learn to live on less and produce more like the average person has to do in todays times. Vote no and the voters will send a serious message to all politicians that we want no new taxes and we want the ones we pay now reduced or eliminated. VOTE NO!

  2. What about the God fearing Republicans on the board that voted for this thing? I'm no left leaning liberal, but I don't see how anyone can blame the local Democrats, if there are any for this one.

  3. Since Kostelka left the only board member to ever question the administration on anything is Wiggins. They took the bait from DC. Hookl line and sinker on this one.

  4. Another reason I'm voting "no" besides the fact I don't trust D.C. Is the fact they could have put it on the ballot a few weeks ago didn't. They wanted it on a ballot by itself hoping for a low turnout. Low turnout favors them and they know it. They know it's unpopular so they are pulling a little shadiness to get it passed. They just can't be trusted.

  5. But, it's for the children.

  6. the children and teachers will get what they need when it is done properly. A few more months to crunch numbers, do proper studies and real planning for growth is not going to hurt the children.

  7. Bet it passes - only people motivated to vote are the ones getting the money - bossier repub executive committee has the same influence on bossier politics as "brick" from barksdale boulevard - the bossier electorate is generally lazy and won't go vote

  8. When it's done properly? Don't you mean IF it's done properly? 7:35 is right. Bossier voters are lazy. They don't vote but bitch about the election and the results.

  9. Yes, Its obvious, they want a low turn out.
    Please y'all, show up this time and vote NO.

    Get Machem out,talk specifics,quit wasting money, and we will vote..raises for teachers.

    P.S. Who paid for all the yard signs?

  10. I don't know who is paying for the yard signs but I know Dr. Brigham was passing them out like candy yesterday.

  11. a new non profit group supporting education.

  12. Unfortunately we all need to look closely that everything that goes on in the school system. Good Ole Boy system is alive and well in Bossier Parish!

  13. 10:53,
    Is it the CIC? They are a new non profit group. At least that what the tax papers say. I'm sure anyone involved withat project is wanting this to pass. They want the school board to rent space in their empty building.

  14. It is misinformation about teacher salaries. They may not have had a cost of living raise in several years but they are getting step raises every year. Also, the consumer price index claimed there was no inflation in many of those years ask the seniors that got nothing for social security during those years.

  15. I will vote yes for the Skill center prop. We need a tech school back in Bossier. Shortage of skilled workers in this area.

  16. Vote No. Remember that they will be back next year to renew other taxes which were passed several years ago including a sales tax that we passed for teacher raises and continue to pay on everything we buy. Also remember this is the same school system that lost over $3mill. due to bad decisions and now they are running the show. Remember also that Mr. Edminston annoucned recently that he plans to raise your current property values per reguations so that means even higher taxes on our homes when this is done. My god folks, how much more can this parish take in regards to taxes. These people are just going wild with these taxes and I will bet you that as soon as these raises pass the entire group will decide to retire at their highest salaries. Just some food for thought.

  17. I'm in favor of the first bond. The two taxes, no.

  18. Anon @ 1:51 PM, that is not correct about yearly step raises. After the first year there's a raise, then every two years until the ninth year, then it is every three years. After 25 years of service, the step salaries will have raised a teacher's salary in Bossier by a little over $12,000.

  19. So 425 are you saying that the advertised statement of teachers havnt recieved a raise in seven years is incorrect?

  20. There have been no raises for at least 4 years that I know of.

  21. There have been no raises for at least 4 years that I know of.

  22. Newer employees do get step raises. However after a period of time those stop. So, some got raises. Around 6 yrs ago everyone was supposed to get a 3% raise. But, not all got 3%. Some more, some less, but still 3% overall. The real issue is that this is not an across the board pay raise either. Based on past experience you can expect DC making 171,993 in "total salary" per the inquisitor. The top 93 make over $100k each. There are two assistant superintendents at 137,723 and 135,279. Add to this "directors of "finance", "human resources" , ect for a total of 6 "directors" at over $100k each. Then a total of 19 "supervisors.". The list goes on.

  23. I think we should note that Louisiana ranks 48 the in the nation in K-12 education. I know Bossier Parish is one of the better systems but being one of the best of the worst isn't saying much. I guess we should all be greatful for Mississippi.

  24. I will vote yes, I have faith in the local authorities and politicians. Chit! for the crap we receive we all deserve a raise.

    These teachers are not whining like that BCPD officer was a while back. Those folks have slowly and quietly gettig there prommotions so they can work in a cushy job for three years and make max retirement benefits.

    Just money, that is printed new every day.

    Maybe just maybe a vote for raises will come for the over worked and underpaid bottom feeding non-hunting club member Non-safety/first responder hard working sacrifice making deserving constantly chit on Bossier City workers will be voted a deserved raise.

    I actually agree with the props.

    Skills need to be taught in Bossier Parrish again. There is a shortage of skilled workers in this area.

  25. 9:25, maybe we should change the state motto from "union, justice, and confidence" to "thank God for Mississippi".

  26. Received a letter via school loop today about Saturday's election. I'm assuming it went to all parents who have a school loop account. The propaganda is getting very old.

    I'm still voting no.

  27. Apparently principals were presented the information and encouraged to send out. Walking a fine line of shadyness if you ask me.

  28. This is not the.first time school resources have been used for political purposes.

  29. I don't want additional taxes, and I'm concerned that the dialogue in the explanation of why the increase is needed is another smoke screen. Are politicians to be trusted now? Are they telling us the truth this time or lying again? I've seen two signs in my 'hood less than a block from my house. One is a deputy and the other a teacher. Who paid for these signs?

  30. I am a ninth grader. Vote yes so I can get an IPAD next week.

  31. Just one more day and we will be even more highly taxed than we are today. People are just as predictable as the phases of the moon. The high tax advocates always sneak their tax increases in with low-turnout expensive special elections and the electorate is always too lazy to go vote against it, so the industry killing taxation goes right on thru like a freight train. We have the government which we deserve, and it is robbing us blind.

  32. I just thought of something. If desoto pays a starting teacher 50,000 a year and we pay a starting teacher 40,000 and we want ours to be paid more. So we pass a tax to give the 40,000 a 5% raise to 42,000. We are still behind Desoto right? So if I am a teaching leaning to go to Desoto, then I am still going. I think we just got our chain pulled. this raise is for all the people about to retire to make the bigger retirement, not for the classroom teacher.

  33. "ditto" anon 8:10.

  34. yes because if I am making 100,000+ a year and about to retire, then 5% is a big raise.

  35. BTW... don't be shocked when the high retirement numbers come out in May because of Jindal. Those teachers that can retire will do so by Oct. All parishes will have a hard time recruiting new teachers.

  36. Well if our dumbass politicians would have signed on to the haynesville shale like Desoto then we could pay teachers like they do without raising taxes.

  37. Im going to vote no today then start researching which parish and if I must state I need to relocate my business to. Bossier will need to consider changing its name to Caddo East. Teachers you deserve a raise but not your admin. Question is are you going to allow your admin to destroy bossier to get it.

  38. I thought if we voted for lottery, video poker, casinos round one, two and three that we would not have higher local taxes. The taxing entities have lied to us on so many occasions that no trust is left. If this passes I doubt teachers will be paid the same rate as Desoto.

    If you pay rent in Bossier its about to go up (commercial and Residential)

  39. 210mm in new schools - not a bad result

  40. Good job for those of you who voted

  41. The dumb bastards in Bossier shot themselves in the foot and the feet of the smart one who were against saddle businesses and tax payers with another burdensome tax. Thanks a lot ass#¤¿€$! Since we are uncertain how the national elections are going to turn out, you dumbasses may have sunk a lot of decent, honest hard working people.

  42. Well, I wake up this morning to a slap in the face by the citizens of Bossier Parish. I do understand your frustration, because I, too, had a difficult time pushing the YES button for higher taxes. I, too, am very frustrated that our school board sees fit to CREATE a public relations job that pays quite a bit more than my TEACHING salary with 25+ yrs experience. My hope is that the business community would get more invovled with the school system and develope together a comprehensive plan. Of course, knowing how we as teachers are treated when we come up against the powers that be, I doubt the wisdom and insight of the business community will be welcomed.

  43. They came up with the $100k for a PR person so they could control Chanel 3 and the rest of the media within the current budget. Now take another look and they can make the necessary adjustments to address shortcomings of salary of starting teacher pay and overcrowding. Where does the money from taxes on all the NICE NEW homes being built in Bossier go. Shouldn't that keep up with new students.

  44. Anonymous 10:31 it's because of teacher's like you who bash your own employer that the public did not support your pay increase. My parents taught me don't bite the hand that feeds you, obviously you missed that lesson. Take your 25 years and retire if you don't support Bossier Parish schools "powers that be"!

  45. anon 9:49 We understand you are upset. Blame the higher ups in the parish. They are the reason the pay raises were not passed. If we had a vote where teachers, paras,and support personnel that are "on site" get a raise, it would have passed. Y'all need to revolt! I know the good ole boy system is alive and well in bossier, but its only gonna stop if employees come together and take a stand. js

  46. The BPSB needs bashing. They waste too much money and don't appreciate the teachers and other employees. The "powers that be" have too much power, that's the problem.

  47. 11:55. I agree with your comments except expecting the employees to revolt to change the powers that be. The change must come from those of us who voted No, No, No to send the school board packing. This bunch of Kool Aid drinkers need to face the voters and be reminded that they supported two tax props that failed and one that passed by a slim margin. Also, 9:49, Bossier Police Jury and Bossier City have a "master plan" already. The administration in arrogance refused to sign on.

  48. The School Board said employees had not had a raise in over 5 years. The Inquisitor had published the salaries back in Dec, 2010 and again last month. Machen's salary and benefits in 2010 was $137,911 and now is $171,993. All of the other top 200 employess had the same kind of raises. Pretty good step increases!!!

  49. My "No, No, Hell No!" votes were not meant as a slap in the face for teachers. It was meant as a slap-down of the school board and D.C. Machen and all their crooked goings on like the air conditioning scandals. I am sorry there were not a few more people who bothered to go to the polls to vote against the $210 Million Fiasco, which is likely to be just one big orgy of taxpayer rape.

  50. Taxpayer rape. Good description. Did you see them on the news last night cheering at one big party. Some of their buddies are about to be rich. D.C says in the interview how they were going to look at other ways to give teachers a raise. Well how bout you do that before you try and raise taxes. My guess is the teachers will still their raise. But just like we have saying all along they are greedy and jest wantvmore money to go wild with.

  51. I wonder who paid for the party?

  52. It was held at the office of the architect of the project. I thought that highly offensive. But it was not near as offensive as watching the Board cheer and applaud on a night they lost 2 of 3 votes at a time they picked to run the election since noone would go vote. The one they "won" was by only about 300 votes out of about 9,000 casts. If I was a teacher I would mad about the results but madder about the Board's reaction to it.

  53. The people of Bossier spoke loud and clear, "We're apathetic!"
    So, the party was held at the architect's office. Wonder if the kickbacks were calculated before or after the vote? If this doesn't show the people of Bossier how brazen and dirty the powers that be in Bossier are I don't think they'll ever see it.

  54. As a life-long Bossier resident, I was shocked and pleased that Bossier voters finally voted along with me to vote NO against a tax increase, especially when the election was held when it was hoping for a low but positive turnout for the schools. It seems that everytime some agency asks for more money Bossier voters gladly open their wallets.

    I am a government employee who hasn't had a raise in more than five years, and I am not upset. The economy is bad and governments and businesses are suffering financially and I believe it was in very poor taste to ask for more money from me to give raises.

    And the pictures I've seen on the news and in the paper with the school administrators cheering their victory . . . it surely wasn't a mandate, and for an election designed for tax increases, in Bossier, for two losses and a very marginal win, I hope their celebrations were as fake as they appeared.

  55. Yes, it was in poor taste! We are all having to make sacrifices right now. Gas, food, taxes, etc. have made everyone tighten their belt. All we are asking of the BPSB is to be a good stewart of our money. Hope they know a lot of folks are finally "awake and watching."


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