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Thursday, August 9, 2012
BCPD promotes two
Bossier City Police Chief Shane McWilliams promoted two officers to Sergeant. Scott Gray and Bernard Grant are both assigned to patrol. Sincere congratulations to both.
Other than Mayor Walker having a modicum of testicular fortitude towards this Council. he appears to stand by his men in a sort of shy way. But yet, not too bad of a individual in true terms. I would reelect if he slammed his gavel more and did less stammering. IE, More charismatic leadership. Bigger nut-sack. Grow some. and be the leader he CAN BE!
If reelected maybe be more gruff and don't be bullied .In a other words take no S**t from the Council.
the officers are leaving cause they are sick of there chief that has no guts and does anything j hall and the mayor tells him to. v. maggio meeds to run for mayor he would win hands down and would get things back on track.
A new city attorney would definitely be nice. I like the police chief. He can't run a department unless he has good officers. When you have several veteran police officers leaving because of pay issues and you cant hire quality officers because of pay issues then tell me how is a chief suppose to succeed? The department's patrol shifts have worked at or below minimum staffing everyday for over two years now. When you only have the minimum amount of officers, you can only get the minimum amount of work done. Officers want to fight crime but are told they can't because due to the low number of officers, they can't keep up with number of "calls fir service".
What are the pay issues in PD? Aren't the officers getting the state mandated raises verses the rest of the city departments not having a raise in four years?
Seems like every two weeks there are promotions in PD yet none in other departments.
It's my understanding, people are leaving due to lack of pay raises of any signifance(if haughton pd makes more than Bcpd, then that is a shame). In addition, I was shocked to learn the small number of actual patrolman there actually are, at any given time... It's a complete embarrassment and as a citizen of bc, I was appalled when I learned the truth
And the one that got put back on patrol could be gone when the Mayor is forced to answer allegations about that fine officer, when the election race begins. When Tim Larkin asked the mayor about these allegations, the mayor Lawyered up. That want work for the voters.
1:23, You forgot to explain that the minimum is 10 officers per shift. But your right, shhhhhhh. Everything is ok everyone. There is no crime in Bossier.
Since Lo Walker has become mayor my pay has been cut, my tax raised 3 times, and my water bill has tripled. Maybe I should do what the chief and the deputy chiefs have done and just move to Haughton.
The rest of us are good cops and pleased with the department. These cry babies are not unhappy with BCPD. They are unhappy that they chose the wrong career and only they can fix that.
If the current administration had their way, which was put to the side this past session of the legislature, promotions would go only to those who know the lion claw handshake and the secret knocks (or a particular girl friend) and deserving officers who put in their time but not connected would be left out in the cold.
8:38,,, same in all departments. Employee number 925, here(not real), point being, This administration and city council TRULY keeps forgetting what the running and operations of an organization whether it be private or public, best asset is.
Is not a cop...just a citizen of bossier, who is fed up with poor leadership and good ole boy politics! BCPD officers need a pay raise of more than 2% a year... We also need more than 6 patrol officers, manning the entire city.. Certainly, there is a qualified candidate who will challenge Lowell Walker this year...
With everybody paying for the losing pension fund and the rest of the employees taking a hit also, it seems like the cops are getting a raise through their retirement. The rest of us take hits on our retirement when the market goes bad, but not them. The citizens pay for their screwy investment decisions like golf courses.
I don't believe for a second that there are only 6 or 8 officers on the street in bossier. Sounds like winey cops who think they can scare us into giving them more
6:11, I can promise you that's the truth. There are a minimum 10 officers per shift. One has to work the desk and another works the boardwalk. That leaves 8 officers to work the streets. That is unless someone calls in sick. Then it's less.
The police are not getting a raise in their retirment. it has been years since a retired Officer has got a raise. Feel free to check with the retirement board and verify this.
The fact that your retirement has not gone down after your screwed up investments is more than the rest of us get. Your pension board wrecks the plan and the rest of us make up the losses. Who would hire a cop or fireman to oversee their retirement. No one! Yet we allow them to wreck their system and send the citizens a bill. Someone should go to jail.
10:27, We all agree with you on that. We would love to be the ones to personally go and put handcuffs on people like Bill Fields and book them in jail. Hopefully one day it will happen.
@ 12:03, No kidding. I won't go into it, but there was an incident where he should have been fired but wasn't. Maybe if he had, the retirement system wouldn't be in the "pinch" it's in today. But he has been known to "grab" whatever he can.
I wonder if all the grabbing is being done in Bossier City is being done in order to grab all you can before the ship goes completely under the surface.
I think so. I think they all know they are getting old and soon it will all be over. It's either that or they have been hanging out with each other at those hunting camps for so long with each other that their behavior has become the norm for them. We have ourselves to blame though. We for the longest time let them do these things and never questioned them.
I somewhat disagree with some of the statements. Some might agree with the statement that around next election in the spring of next year the council will make an AMAZING discovery of a windfall of $$$$'s and give every department a raise for doing such a great job with limited manpower.
Then each council member will pat each other on the back and tell each other how proud they are of themselves.
I will agree with that statement. However I still plan on voting for change. If anyone credible will run for mayor I plan on voting for that person. There are a few city councilmen I hope will be bone as well.
Anon @ 4:50, The "I haven't lived in Bossier long" routine is old and tiresome. You most likely know more about the problems going on in Bossier because you're most likely one of the creators of them or closely associated with the ones who are. Your "innocent, uninformed" guise isn't working.
7:12, I would not count on a raise. The pension went up to 30% on July 1st. If there should be any back slapping it should be to the pension board and their free golf for certain cops. Back slap all you want.
10:59 PM, In one of Jim's earlier blogs, as I remember it the statement, with out unforeseeable consequences this one man is planning to run for a council post.
I will not mention the name but if the election was sooner would you consider that man credible?
Mike Beam would definitely be an improvement. He is a small business owner and a former police officer. If I lived in south bossier I would vote for him.
Seems the best way to get ahead is to get caught doing something illicit or illegal. Then it gets swept under a rug and held over their head to shut up and do as told. If you want to move up, kiss the right ass, and be a yes man. The only alternate way is to know where Jimmy Hoffas bones are buried.
9:14 your on the right track but it goes like this. You kiss ass and be a yes man first. Then they get you to participate in something illegal or unethical because you are a yes man. Then your part of the club and if you know what's good for you well you'll remain a dedicated "member" of the club.
I'm sure the police, fire, and city workers will do fine. I'm sure the politicians will wake up after the storm is over and pat themselves on the back.
Knowing the arrogance, and stupidity, of the polce administration, they are probably congratulating themselves for a job well done when nothing happened. They were so good that even Isaac knew better than to test them!!!!
9-4 2:18 pm The only golf you played was on your PC. Did your wife turn off the AC? I saw Lo doing an interview the other day. Poor guy was shaking so, I thought he was on a train. You Lo followers need to tell the guy to set down for his interviews.
6:39 pm I will standup for anyone with the BCPD but BJ Sandford. I have seen him in action in a Boardwalk case. He changed the way I think about good police, and reminded me how police will do anything, to cover for someone. And he did have help, LT Stewart, and C.D.Woorley.
If my case had no merit,why would the BCPD not question the Funnybone employee, why was I told by Stewart he would lock me up if I did not drop the case. Why did BJ add on five witnesses that were not at the funnybone that night. Why did BJ not know you could use your wife as a witness in a assualt case. And why did BJ tell me things that were not true. If BJ will take a polygraph test to these matters and let me have it published in the Shreveport Times, then we will have nothing else to discuss. A case can only have merit, when people are telling the truth. I did't get that in my case.
And I did offer a polygraph test, but I was refused by BJ. I wonder why? Food for thought. Why has there never been any crime reported at at the Boardwalk?
Somebody seems to be a little too obsessed with BJ Sanford. I mean wasn't your little no merit misdemeanor case over 3 years ago? I bet you have ex girlfriends you stalk.
I think people should no the truth about bad police work in the BCPD. If you are keeping up with the time sounds like you are alittle obsessed. Just tell Mr. honest are you sure you didn't see anything Sanford, to put on his big boy pants, and take a polygraph. He can even bring Stewart. and I will get him hooked up too. And I heard your baby ma mas are wanting their child support.
So it sounds like Jimmy is saying he has never heard of any funny bussiness with the BCPD while he has held his job. I wonder if Jimmy would take a polygraph with Sanford.
I'm only letting this go because I think everyone reading it is familiar with the incident at The Boardwalk and realizes that there is a grudge in play.
Man assualted at the Funnybone, by Funnybone employee. Victim has to have surgey to repair two torn ligements in his shoulder. Detective BJ Sanford forgets you can use your wife as a witness in a simple battery. Sanford manages to find five extra coctail girls for witnesses for the funnybone that were not there. Told Sanford boss about the problem Lt. Stewart he then threatened lock me up for filing a false report if I did not go away. The person that assualted me came to work for the Funnybone. I called chief D. Woorley and told him they could now question the person that attacked me. BCPD had eleven months to question my attacker but failed to. BJ Sanford is the same person that was involved with the Copperhead, norris case where he arrested the wrong person for a tripple murder. I want Sanford to take a polygraph so I can this city he is dishonest. I need everyone's support.
The trio with the BCPD were also involved in a missing person case and could not produce a file of their activity in the case after the missing man was found murdered. Dirty cops!!!
How about this? If you think you were wronged then hire an attorney and/or pay to the polygraph out of your own pocket. The city is not going to pay for a polygraph test over a misdemeanor case that has no merit. Better yet hire an attorney and sue the person that assaulted you. A civil case is easier to prove than a criminal case. Why haven't you done this? Oh yea because your case has no merit whatsoever
I'll still let the comments stand. Charges like this won't hurt Worley, Stewart or Sanford. As for the Copperhead case, has nothing to do with this. It was a premature arrest, but the amount of pressure being applied was immense. To the person with the complaints, I think I know who you are. Were you charged with anything? Convicted?
8:02,, I am sure there is some credence to your story, but what good would a polygraph do? Not admissible in the court of law. Just might do some internal departmental justification. But in reality probably not.
Those PD look out for themselves and I can't really blame them. Yet on this blog sight the way some whine and complain I have a hard time accepting some are allowed to have a badge and ARE ALLOWED TO CARRY A GUN, ~sigh~.
Sorry if you were wronged but this might just be a school of hard knocks thing.
I am a firm believer in one of my generations sayings. Always question authority without anarchy. Glad you are doing that.
Checks and balances, man, checks and balances. That is why I hope a former PD Officer is never elected to the City Council. There are reasons for civilian government our country was founded on this principal.
If Sanford, Stewart, or Worley can say I am not telling the truth then they are being dishonest. When a Detective can lie to a victim, threaten a victim and not even question a person that fled the state, then something funny is going on. And as far as an immense amout of pressure being applied to make an arrest in the copperhead case, how often does that happen. Sanford let a tripple murderer, a person that assualted me walk. How often does that happen. I have never been convicted of a crime. Have you ever been charged with anything, convicted? I would hope tax payers would want to know when citizens are threatned, and lied to by BCPD just because they can, and the DA says its OK. We don't want to look into that because it was a misdermeanor.
What Jimmy is saying is, it is OK for a citizen, victim to be lied to, threatened, or even not even question the person that assualted them, as long as the case has no merit.
He only keeps saying he was lied to. He hasn't said how he was lied. As far as being threatened. He was told his case had no merit and after being presented to D.A. He was told the case was not going to be prosecuted. he refused to accept that answer. You began constantly harassing det. Sanford and so he turned to his supervisors. That's how Worley and Stewart got involved. Bottom line is what your not telling is how you started the incident at funny bone and every witness said you started the incident. Accept the fact that your case held no merit and move on. Your wife is a non biased witness. I'm sure you were told that also.
For the last blog, this is exactly what happens when tell things they know nothing about. After Bj did his first interview, I could tell something funny was going on. I never harrased Sanford. I called Stewart, right after the first interview and told him BJ is having problems with witnesses(like the tripple murder case} thats when Stewart got made because I called out the dishonesty, and he threatened to arrest me for filing a false report, if I didn't stop calling, (go away). And why would Sanford go to Sgt. Worley that is a theft Detective, and Sanford is a homiside Detective. According to the FBI, and Attorney general there is never a time when you can't use your wife as a witnesses in a simple battery. Even Bossier. If great officers did nothing wrong they should have no problem taking a pholygraph test. I offered a polygraph right off the bat but Sanford turned me down, I wonder why?
Jimmy if you did not commet a crime, and you heard the State Police were coming by to interview you about a hit and run where someone was injuried. Would you quit your job, and flee the state like the person that assualted me did? I don't need Worley to do a polygraph, I have a witness that heard everything he said, according to Worley when I told him my attacker was back in town so he could now be interviewed, Worley said do you think after all this time the man is going to say ( yes I twisted is F_______g arm.}
Weren't you a comedian at funny bone and got fired? Your one of these people who if they don't get their way you harp on it forever no matter how insignificant the issue. You started that incident and lost.
For one thing the funny bone does have comedians. I have around 12k in doctor bills from the assualt. I get shots in my shoulder and elbow every three months that are very painful. I have lost about 20 percent usage in my shoulder. So what part of that is insignificant. Again if Stewart did not threaten me, and Sanford was honest they should have no problem showing this GREAT city how honest they are.
I have filed a civil suit, neither party answered the suit. The last time I checked the Funnybone has about 20 people- businesses with suits against them. Also from what I understand each of the threeowners have fled the state and are not answering any of the lawsuits.
I filed a detailed complaint with the Mayor a year ago with no answer from him. I have also sent him countless E-mails about the way Sanford handeled my case. If he would have taken the time to look into them, Sanford might not have arrested the wrong man for a tripple murder. A murderer that still might be on the street today thanks to Sanford.
I say you should not let it go. Every since the strip there has been corruption. Very few people will stand up and tell the police they were wronged due to fear. I say if you can prove wrong doing with a polygraph test do. My friend is an officer and they would love to see Stewart, Sanford, and Worley leave the Department. Change only comes when person stands up and says this wrong.
You got fired from the funny bone, you returned later and someone twisted your arm. Everyone there said you started it. Sanford, Worley, and Stewart did not believe your story. Now you say you have attempted to harass the mayor about it and he doesn't believe you. Hey I know. Call the governor next. If that doesn't work call the President. Something tells me you'll probably go it.
Jim I am tired of being called dishonest when you don't know the facts. I can provide for you two documents that have statments made by BJ Sanford that he made about me, that are totally different. I can also show you were he left off a key witness in my police report. I will provide you this only if you promise to post the findings on this site. Now are ready to see who is dishonest?
Wow-amazing how one person can hijack a conversation so completely for a month! Sir, I promise you the court of public opinion will not be of any assistance to you whatsoever in pursuing your case. Wait for the real court date and good the party that commented that the police chief is not the problem....puh-leeeeze! The chief is an incompetent, inexperienced yes-man who is so grateful for the substantial increase in pay that came with jumping from sergeant to chief, that he will do whatever he is told by the mayor and city attorney. He may not be THE problem, but he is certainly a contributing by-product. Ask yourself- why him? Many more experienced, longer tenured officers successfully completed the chiefs exam, but the mayor selected an officer from the lowest rank eligible, who doesn't t have a college degree, nor near the supervisory experience of others who were passed over to fill Chief Halphen's vacancy..why?! Well, a previous poster got it partially correct...the whole "lions claw, secret handshake" is part of it, and the other reason is the chief has a lot to lose if he got demoted all the way back to sergeant so it is a given that he will be more malleable than a more seasoned officer. Then, once appointed, he goes and appoints his buddies to deputy chiefs' positions, so there are no checks and balances in place whatsoever. The officers who are "happy" with this administration are the ones who are in on the handshake, wink wink, while the rest are too afraid for what few benefits they have left to say anything. You can call us disgruntled if you want to, 'cause you'd be correct....time will tell if we're disgruntled with cause...guess you'll just have to wait and see.
11:25 this is 9-20 1:55 I've been saying that all along. Why skip over so many ranks of people unless you are looking for a yes man. Even Worley to me was very unprofessional when I asked him to question a person that assualted me and halled it out of town when the BCPD came to talk to him. Worley told me do you think this man that fled town is going to say yes I pulled on his F_______g arm. Now that is just the kind of leadership we need at the BCPD. But thanks for your post. If we all work together to get rid of Walker then maybe we can fix the BCPD
Anon 9-20 1:55, Getting rid of Walker is one step in a multi-step solution. You're going to have to get a mayor who will get rid of Jimmy Hall and who will put a stop to the Masonic bullshit! Worely has no clue as to what he's doing. He was chosen necause he is Jimmy Stewart's friend and McWilliam's drinking buddy. When Deputy Chief Chapman retires there's a move to by pass senior officers to promote junior officer. Senior officers, with experience are being pushed to the side. The excuse is senior officers are "dumbasses" and the department needs fresh ideas. I guess the fresh ideas mean to go back to the way the department was in the 60's and 70's where it who you bl@@ not what you know. The department has become a joke. Now BPSO and SPD are now laughing at BCPD. Every other agency in the area thinks BCPD is a joke and rightfully so!
I would like to know if anyone can tell me if the little fat guy Humpries that works with Stockton used to work in Homiside. And I didn't know Stewart had any friends. He like's to threaten people over the phone.
Yes, little fat guy Humphries is the one who worked in homicide. His qualifications are being another one of McWilliams's drinking buddy and police academy classmate. He was useless then, too.
Now that means McWilliams has been dishonest with me too. McWillaims told me that fat boy had left force and they could not question him about an assualt case he was working in my behalf, when the trurh was all he had to do was pick up the phone. Humphries tried to get tough with me in front of his boss, and I had himbackin up like a river dance girl. I offered him a ride on the elevator but he refused. .
5:31pm I thought I was right about Humphries but you helped me to confirm. One big question do you why so many people would go as far as to lie to cover for the funnybone? I 've talked with some older retired Caddo Detectives and they feel like something funny was goin on between the BCPD and the funnybone. That's why no crime has ever been reported at the Boardwalk. Thanks again for your help.
I'm sorry I can't help you there. There's just a lot of "funny" things going on in BCPD. The department is falling apart and it seems like it is being done on purpose. There is no real leadership and McWilliams is just one of the empty headed puppets that takes orders from Jimmy Hall. As for the Funnybone, I don't know any connections, but certain city officials have been very protective of the Boardwalk as a whole. With the powers that be in Bossier just drag a dollar bill behind you and see who comes out trying to get it. And you can bet they're wearing a red fez on their head and giving each other a lion claw hand shake.
Thanks for being honest. I was told by one of the Biggest Attorneys in Shreveport that you'll get no results out of the BCPD with an assualt charge. I also worked with an old friend that now has one of the largest Bail Bonds comp. in the area. He said dealing with Bossier PD is harder than anyone else in the area. I should have listened. And I also want to say I know there are some great people with the BCPD so please don't take what I am saying to heart. I am going get Justice against the people that screwed me over, I just have to get to the right person.
I may have to make a correction. There were two Humphries at BCPD and both spent time in detective. After a while one loses track of who is kissing who's butt because BCPD, and city hall and all departments, have turned into a butt kissing smorgasborg. There are a large group of people aren't playing the games and those are the ones who arw keeping the whole damn thing from collapsing, but those people are getting fewer.
the reason they are all drinking buddies could be its hard sleeping at night knowing you turned into a bigger criminal than you swore to protect citizens from.....
Rules of the road: 1. No personal attacks or insults. 2. No accustory statements about wrongdoing or criminal acts against anyone. 3. Say all you want about the pros and cons concerning the candidates and the issues, or the general subject of the blog post, just follow Rule #1 and Rule #2.
Congratulations to Sgt Grant and Sgt Gray. The way everyone is quitting, we almost have as many supervisors as we do officers.
ReplyDeleteWhy is everyone quitting?
ReplyDeleteSame thing in utilities. New hires due to resignation, yet no promotions or pay raises.
ReplyDeleteShort handed everywhere. That new young Director sure shines in front of the TV camera though. Rookie.
I hear things are good at the PD. So why would anyone leave?
ReplyDeleteDon't misunderstand. Shane is not the one to blame. Mayor Walker needs to go.
ReplyDeletePlease explain
ReplyDeleteThe chief had to ask the new sheriff not hire people away from BCPD.
ReplyDeleteOther than Mayor Walker having a modicum of testicular fortitude towards this Council. he appears to stand by his men in a sort of shy way. But yet, not too bad of a individual in true terms. I would reelect if he slammed his gavel more and did less stammering. IE, More charismatic leadership. Bigger nut-sack. Grow some. and be the leader he CAN BE!
ReplyDeleteIf reelected maybe be more gruff and don't be bullied .In a other words take no S**t from the Council.
BE THE LEADER!!! BOSS! Earn your backing.
I still don't understand why officers are leaving
ReplyDeletethe officers are leaving cause they are sick of there chief that has no guts and does anything j hall and the mayor tells him to. v. maggio meeds to run for mayor he would win hands down and would get things back on track.
ReplyDeleteMaggio for mayor? Geez, you people really are backwards. Let's make Bo Vice police chief.
ReplyDeleteI like Vince but hell no to him being mayor
ReplyDeleteWhat is the answer? New mayor? New chief? Who wants to be mayor that would change things?
ReplyDeleteA new city attorney would definitely be nice. I like the police chief. He can't run a department unless he has good officers. When you have several veteran police officers leaving because of pay issues and you cant hire quality officers because of pay issues then tell me how is a chief suppose to succeed? The department's patrol shifts have worked at or below minimum staffing everyday for over two years now.
ReplyDeleteWhen you only have the minimum amount of officers, you can only get the minimum amount of work done. Officers want to fight crime but are told they can't because due to the low number of officers, they can't keep up with number of "calls fir service".
What are the pay issues in PD? Aren't the officers getting the state mandated raises verses the rest of the city departments not having a raise in four years?
ReplyDeleteSeems like every two weeks there are promotions in PD yet none in other departments.
It's my understanding, people are leaving due to lack of pay raises of any signifance(if haughton pd makes more than Bcpd, then that is a shame). In addition, I was shocked to learn the small number of actual patrolman there actually are, at any given time... It's a complete embarrassment and as a citizen of bc, I was appalled when I learned the truth
ReplyDeleteWhy does everyone become cry babies when the pd is discussed. A detective told me things are ok.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure he did. The last detective that spoke up for the officers got put back in patrol.
ReplyDeleteAnd the one that got put back on patrol could
ReplyDeletebe gone when the Mayor is forced to answer
allegations about that fine officer, when the
election race begins. When Tim Larkin asked
the mayor about these allegations, the mayor
Lawyered up. That want work for the voters.
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell are you talking about?
patrol shifts are working many days with only 7 or 8 officers covering the entire city. wait, i am not allowed to say that.
ReplyDeleteYou forgot to explain that the minimum is 10 officers per shift. But your right, shhhhhhh. Everything is ok everyone. There is no crime in Bossier.
Anybody want cheese with their whine?
ReplyDeleteYes sharp cheddar. City employees don't seem to be whining, bitching. Earned that right in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteSince Lo Walker has become mayor my pay has been cut, my tax raised 3 times, and my water bill has tripled. Maybe I should do what the chief and the deputy chiefs have done and just move to Haughton.
ReplyDeleteHaughton is God's country.
ReplyDeleteIs there a way to identify who is posting? If they are BCPD employees they should be reported to the chief.
ReplyDeleteWhy? We're not mad at the chief. It's the mayor we don't like.
ReplyDelete7:06, are you serious?! I bet you ran and told Mommy everything.
ReplyDeleteThe rest of us are good cops and pleased with the department. These cry babies are not unhappy with BCPD. They are unhappy that they chose the wrong career and only they can fix that.
ReplyDelete12:07, Your words are spoken like a true kiss @$$!
ReplyDeleteThe Mantra of the 70's with today's realism,,, always question authority yet without anarchy.
ReplyDeleteDo not be a jellyfish.
If the current administration had their way, which was put to the side this past session of the legislature, promotions would go only to those who know the lion claw handshake and the secret knocks (or a particular girl friend) and deserving officers who put in their time but not connected would be left out in the cold.
ReplyDelete8:38,,, same in all departments. Employee number 925, here(not real), point being, This administration and city council TRULY keeps forgetting what the running and operations of an organization whether it be private or public, best asset is.
ReplyDeleteIT's EMPLOYEES. Just numbers in this town.
Is not a cop...just a citizen of bossier, who is fed up with poor leadership and good ole boy politics! BCPD officers need a pay raise of more than 2% a year... We also need more than 6 patrol officers, manning the entire city..
ReplyDeleteCertainly, there is a qualified candidate who will challenge Lowell Walker this year...
With everybody paying for the losing pension fund and the rest of the employees taking a hit also, it seems like the cops are getting a raise through their retirement. The rest of us take hits on our retirement when the market goes bad, but not them. The citizens pay for their screwy investment decisions like golf courses.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe for a second that there are only 6 or 8 officers on the street in bossier. Sounds like winey cops who think they can scare us into giving them more
ReplyDeleteI can promise you that's the truth. There are a minimum 10 officers per shift. One has to work the desk and another works the boardwalk. That leaves 8 officers to work the streets. That is unless someone calls in sick. Then it's less.
The police are not getting a raise in their retirment. it has been years since a retired Officer has got a raise. Feel free to check with the retirement board and verify this.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that your retirement has not gone down after your screwed up investments is more than the rest of us get. Your pension board wrecks the plan and the rest of us make up the losses. Who would hire a cop or fireman to oversee their retirement. No one! Yet we allow them to wreck their system and send the citizens a bill. Someone should go to jail.
ReplyDeleteWe all agree with you on that. We would love to be the ones to personally go and put handcuffs on people like Bill Fields and book them in jail. Hopefully one day it will happen.
@ 12:03, No kidding. I won't go into it, but there was an incident where he should have been fired but wasn't. Maybe if he had, the retirement system wouldn't be in the "pinch" it's in today. But he has been known to "grab" whatever he can.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I understand "grabbing" whatever you can is a common Bossier practice
ReplyDeleteOne "grab" in particular prevented a promotion.
ReplyDelete7:57 "Haughton is God's country" LMAO, It's Peyton Place!
ReplyDeleteI wonder if all the grabbing is being done in Bossier City is being done in order to grab all you can before the ship goes completely under the surface.
ReplyDeleteI think so. I think they all know they are getting old and soon it will all be over. It's either that or they have been hanging out with each other at those hunting camps for so long with each other that their behavior has become the norm for them. We have ourselves to blame though. We for the longest time let them do these things and never questioned them.
ReplyDeletePlease explain. I haven't lived in bossier long.
ReplyDeleteI somewhat disagree with some of the statements. Some might agree with the statement that around next election in the spring of next year the council will make an AMAZING discovery of a windfall of $$$$'s and give every department a raise for doing such a great job with limited manpower.
ReplyDeleteThen each council member will pat each other on the back and tell each other how proud they are of themselves.
I will agree with that statement. However I still plan on voting for change. If anyone credible will run for mayor I plan on voting for that person. There are a few city councilmen I hope will be bone as well.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 4:50, The "I haven't lived in Bossier long" routine is old and tiresome. You most likely know more about the problems going on in Bossier because you're most likely one of the creators of them or closely associated with the ones who are. Your "innocent, uninformed" guise isn't working.
ReplyDelete7:12, I would not count on a raise. The pension went up to 30% on July 1st. If there should be any back slapping it should be to the pension board and their free golf for certain cops. Back slap all you want.
ReplyDelete10:59 PM, In one of Jim's earlier blogs, as I remember it the statement, with out unforeseeable consequences this one man is planning to run for a council post.
ReplyDeleteI will not mention the name but if the election was sooner would you consider that man credible?
Just curious.
Mike Beam would definitely be an improvement. He is a small business owner and a former police officer. If I lived in south bossier I would vote for him.
ReplyDeleteYou will see the same people because they tell you no - golfers
ReplyDeleteSeems the best way to get ahead is to get caught doing something illicit or illegal. Then it gets swept under a rug and held over their head to shut up and do as told. If you want to move up, kiss the right ass, and be a yes man. The only alternate way is to know where Jimmy Hoffas bones are buried.
ReplyDelete9:14 your on the right track but it goes like this. You kiss ass and be a yes man first. Then they get you to participate in something illegal or unethical because you are a yes man. Then your part of the club and if you know what's good for you well you'll remain a dedicated "member" of the club.
ReplyDeleteI will vote for change also, but I will not vote for an ex or retired police officer. There are reasons for civilian government.
ReplyDeleteWhy have they not promoted BJ yet after the
ReplyDeletegreat "Honest" police work that he has done.
He should be the next promoted.
8:06 You should have left off, former police
ReplyDeleteofficer. Well what I should have said was he
a former BCP officer?
Everybody gets re -elected. The only people that are unhappy are a few cry babies on this site.
ReplyDeleteBetter to be a so-called cry baby than a dumba$$.
ReplyDeleteYep, always question authority. That is what our Founding Fathers did.
who said your not a cry - baby and a dunba$$
ReplyDeleteLet's see how this administration handles the hurricane.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure the police, fire, and city workers will do fine. I'm sure the politicians will wake up after the storm is over and pat themselves on the back.
ReplyDeleteKnowing the arrogance, and stupidity, of the polce administration, they are probably congratulating themselves for a job well done when nothing happened. They were so good that even Isaac knew better than to test them!!!!
ReplyDeleteHow was the golf this weekend gentlemen?
ReplyDeleteSould have bought Walmart stock.
ReplyDeleteIt was pretty hot out there. I played pretty good though. Thanks for asking.
ReplyDeleteMaybe with the pension situation maybe you will have a lot more time for it. Pat yourselves on the back, huh.
ReplyDelete9-4 2:18 pm The only golf you played was on your PC. Did your wife turn off the AC? I saw
ReplyDeleteLo doing an interview the other day. Poor
guy was shaking so, I thought he was on a train. You Lo followers need to tell the guy
to set down for his interviews.
Philip vernon's appeal is being heard by the supreme court. He is there fighting for his job. Lets support him in his fight.
ReplyDeleteNo thanks, my money says he will be disappointed
ReplyDelete6:39 pm I will standup for anyone with the BCPD
ReplyDeletebut BJ Sandford. I have seen him in action in
a Boardwalk case. He changed the way I think
about good police, and reminded me how police will do anything, to cover for someone. And he
did have help, LT Stewart, and C.D.Woorley.
And the snakes bite each other .......
ReplyDeleteI'm familiar with your case. BJ made the right decision. Your case had no merit. You have no merit. So drop it.
If my case had no merit,why would the BCPD not
ReplyDeletequestion the Funnybone employee, why was I
told by Stewart he would lock me up if I did
not drop the case. Why did BJ add on five witnesses that were not at the funnybone that
night. Why did BJ not know you could use your
wife as a witness in a assualt case. And why
did BJ tell me things that were not true. If
BJ will take a polygraph test to these matters
and let me have it published in the Shreveport
Times, then we will have nothing else to discuss. A case can only have merit, when people
are telling the truth. I did't get that in my case.
And I did offer a polygraph test, but I was
ReplyDeleterefused by BJ. I wonder why? Food for thought.
Why has there never been any crime reported at
at the Boardwalk?
Wasn't BJ Sanford the same officer that had
ReplyDeleteproblems with getting all of his witnesses,
eye witnesses to point the finger at copperhead.
Somebody seems to be a little too obsessed with BJ Sanford. I mean wasn't your little no merit misdemeanor case over 3 years ago? I bet you have ex girlfriends you stalk.
ReplyDeleteI think people should no the truth about bad
ReplyDeletepolice work in the BCPD. If you are keeping up
with the time sounds like you are alittle obsessed. Just tell Mr. honest are you sure you
didn't see anything Sanford, to put on his
big boy pants, and take a polygraph. He can
even bring Stewart. and I will get him hooked
up too. And I heard your baby ma mas are wanting their child support.
Thanks to the person that posted 9:23pm
ReplyDeletefor me.
ReplyDeleteSo it sounds like Jimmy is saying he has never
heard of any funny bussiness with the BCPD
while he has held his job. I wonder if Jimmy
would take a polygraph with Sanford.
I'm only letting this go because I think everyone reading it is familiar with the incident at The Boardwalk and realizes that there is a grudge in play.
ReplyDeleteNot familiar with the incident. Can some one please summarize.
ReplyDeleteMan assualted at the Funnybone, by Funnybone
ReplyDeleteemployee. Victim has to have surgey to repair two torn ligements in his shoulder. Detective BJ Sanford forgets you can use your wife as a witness in a simple battery. Sanford
manages to find five extra coctail girls for
witnesses for the funnybone that were not there.
Told Sanford boss about the problem Lt. Stewart
he then threatened lock me up for filing a false
report if I did not go away. The person that
assualted me came to work for the Funnybone. I
called chief D. Woorley and told him they could
now question the person that attacked me. BCPD
had eleven months to question my attacker but
failed to. BJ Sanford is the same person that
was involved with the Copperhead, norris case
where he arrested the wrong person for a tripple
murder. I want Sanford to take a polygraph so
I can this city he is dishonest. I need everyone's support.
The trio with the BCPD were also involved in a missing person case and could not produce a file of their activity in the case after the missing man was found murdered. Dirty cops!!!
DeleteHow about this? If you think you were wronged then hire an attorney and/or pay to the polygraph out of your own pocket. The city is not going to pay for a polygraph test over a misdemeanor case that has no merit. Better yet hire an attorney and sue the person that assaulted you. A civil case is easier to prove than a criminal case. Why haven't you done this? Oh yea because your case has no merit whatsoever
ReplyDeleteI'll still let the comments stand. Charges like this won't hurt Worley, Stewart or Sanford. As for the Copperhead case, has nothing to do with this. It was a premature arrest, but the amount of pressure being applied was immense.
ReplyDeleteTo the person with the complaints, I think I know who you are. Were you charged with anything? Convicted?
Thanks for the summary.
ReplyDelete8:02,, I am sure there is some credence to your story, but what good would a polygraph do? Not admissible in the court of law. Just might do some internal departmental justification. But in reality probably not.
ReplyDeleteThose PD look out for themselves and I can't really blame them. Yet on this blog sight the way some whine and complain I have a hard time accepting some are allowed to have a badge and ARE ALLOWED TO CARRY A GUN, ~sigh~.
Sorry if you were wronged but this might just be a school of hard knocks thing.
I am a firm believer in one of my generations sayings. Always question authority without anarchy. Glad you are doing that.
Checks and balances, man, checks and balances. That is why I hope a former PD Officer is never elected to the City Council. There are reasons for civilian government our country was founded on this principal.
If Sanford, Stewart, or Worley can say I am
ReplyDeletenot telling the truth then they are being
dishonest. When a Detective can lie to a
victim, threaten a victim and not even question a person that fled the state, then
something funny is going on.
And as far as an immense amout of pressure
being applied to make an arrest in the copperhead case, how often does that happen.
Sanford let a tripple murderer, a person
that assualted me walk. How often does that
happen. I have never been convicted of a crime.
Have you ever been charged with anything, convicted? I would hope tax payers would want
to know when citizens are threatned, and
lied to by BCPD just because they can, and the
DA says its OK. We don't want to look into that
because it was a misdermeanor.
Again, thanks for updating and educating. This is interesting and good luck!
ReplyDeleteWhat Jimmy is saying is, it is OK for a
ReplyDeletecitizen, victim to be lied to, threatened, or
even not even question the person that
assualted them, as long as the case has no
11:43 - email me at If you have a copy of the incident report scan it and attach it.
ReplyDeleteHe only keeps saying he was lied to. He hasn't said how he was lied. As far as being threatened. He was told his case had no merit and after being presented to D.A. He was told the case was not going to be prosecuted. he refused to accept that answer. You began constantly harassing det. Sanford and so he turned to his supervisors. That's how Worley and Stewart got involved. Bottom line is what your not telling is how you started the incident at funny bone and every witness said you started the incident. Accept the fact that your case held no merit and move on. Your wife is a non biased witness. I'm sure you were told that also.
ReplyDeleteFor the last blog, this is exactly what happens
ReplyDeletewhen tell things they know nothing about.
After Bj did his first interview, I could tell
something funny was going on. I never harrased
Sanford. I called Stewart, right after the first interview and told him BJ is having
problems with witnesses(like the tripple murder
case} thats when Stewart got made because I
called out the dishonesty, and he threatened to
arrest me for filing a false report, if I
didn't stop calling, (go away). And why would
Sanford go to Sgt. Worley that is a theft
Detective, and Sanford is a homiside Detective.
According to the FBI, and Attorney general
there is never a time when you can't use your
wife as a witnesses in a simple battery. Even
Bossier. If great officers did nothing wrong
they should have no problem taking a pholygraph
test. I offered a polygraph right off the bat
but Sanford turned me down, I wonder why?
Jimmy if you did not commet a crime, and you
ReplyDeleteheard the State Police were coming by to
interview you about a hit and run where
someone was injuried. Would you quit your
job, and flee the state like the person that
assualted me did? I don't need Worley to do
a polygraph, I have a witness that heard
everything he said, according to Worley
when I told him my attacker was back in town
so he could now be interviewed, Worley said
do you think after all this time the man is
going to say ( yes I twisted is F_______g
Weren't you a comedian at funny bone and got fired? Your one of these people who if they don't get their way you harp on it forever no matter how insignificant the issue. You started that incident and lost.
ReplyDeleteFor one thing the funny bone does have comedians. I have around 12k in doctor bills
ReplyDeletefrom the assualt. I get shots in my shoulder and
elbow every three months that are very painful.
I have lost about 20 percent usage in my shoulder. So what part of that is insignificant.
Again if Stewart did not threaten me, and Sanford was honest they should have no problem
showing this GREAT city how honest they are.
Did you contact the chief or make a complaint?
ReplyDeleteHave you filed a civil suit?
ReplyDeleteI have filed a civil suit, neither party
ReplyDeleteanswered the suit. The last time I checked the
Funnybone has about 20 people- businesses with
suits against them. Also from what I understand
each of the threeowners have fled the state and are not answering any of the lawsuits.
I filed a detailed complaint with the Mayor a year ago with no answer from him. I have also
ReplyDeletesent him countless E-mails about the way Sanford handeled my case. If he would have taken
the time to look into them, Sanford might not
have arrested the wrong man for a tripple murder. A murderer that still might be on the
street today thanks to Sanford.
Time to let it go. Just get over it.
ReplyDeleteI say you should not let it go. Every since the
ReplyDeletestrip there has been corruption. Very few
people will stand up and tell the police they
were wronged due to fear. I say if you can
prove wrong doing with a polygraph test do.
My friend is an officer and they would love
to see Stewart, Sanford, and Worley leave the
Department. Change only comes when person
stands up and says this wrong.
You got fired from the funny bone, you returned later and someone twisted your arm. Everyone there said you started it. Sanford, Worley, and Stewart did not believe your story. Now you say you have attempted to harass the mayor about it and he doesn't believe you.
ReplyDeleteHey I know. Call the governor next. If that doesn't work call the President. Something tells me you'll probably go it.
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ReplyDeleteInteresting as Heck but please note my two posts in Jim's top blog on humanity obligations.
ReplyDeleteEmail me the suit number of your civil suit or the names of plaintiff and defendants.
ReplyDeleteJimmy did you get my e-mail on the suit number?
ReplyDeleteI did, thanks. Will get back to you.
ReplyDeleteTo heck with all of this. Let's go play golf.
ReplyDeleteJim I am tired of being called dishonest when
ReplyDeleteyou don't know the facts. I can provide for you
two documents that have statments made by
BJ Sanford that he made about me, that are
totally different. I can also show you were
he left off a key witness in my police report.
I will provide you this only if you promise
to post the findings on this site. Now are
ready to see who is dishonest?
Wow-amazing how one person can hijack a conversation so completely for a month! Sir, I promise you the court of public opinion will not be of any assistance to you whatsoever in pursuing your case. Wait for the real court date and good the party that commented that the police chief is not the problem....puh-leeeeze! The chief is an incompetent, inexperienced yes-man who is so grateful for the substantial increase in pay that came with jumping from sergeant to chief, that he will do whatever he is told by the mayor and city attorney. He may not be THE problem, but he is certainly a contributing by-product. Ask yourself- why him? Many more experienced, longer tenured officers successfully completed the chiefs exam, but the mayor selected an officer from the lowest rank eligible, who doesn't t have a college degree, nor near the supervisory experience of others who were passed over to fill Chief Halphen's vacancy..why?! Well, a previous poster got it partially correct...the whole "lions claw, secret handshake" is part of it, and the other reason is the chief has a lot to lose if he got demoted all the way back to sergeant so it is a given that he will be more malleable than a more seasoned officer. Then, once appointed, he goes and appoints his buddies to deputy chiefs' positions, so there are no checks and balances in place whatsoever. The officers who are "happy" with this administration are the ones who are in on the handshake, wink wink, while the rest are too afraid for what few benefits they have left to say anything. You can call us disgruntled if you want to, 'cause you'd be correct....time will tell if we're disgruntled with cause...guess you'll just have to wait and see.
ReplyDeleteThe above post is 100% spot on.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 9-22-12 @ 11:25. Well said, and you are sooooooooooo right!
ReplyDelete11:25 this is 9-20 1:55 I've been saying
ReplyDeletethat all along. Why skip over so many
ranks of people unless you are looking
for a yes man. Even Worley to me was very
unprofessional when I asked him to question
a person that assualted me and halled it
out of town when the BCPD came to talk to
him. Worley told me do you think this man
that fled town is going to say yes I
pulled on his F_______g arm. Now that is
just the kind of leadership we need at the
BCPD. But thanks for your post. If we all
work together to get rid of Walker then
maybe we can fix the BCPD
Anon 9-20 1:55, Getting rid of Walker is one step in a multi-step solution. You're going to have to get a mayor who will get rid of Jimmy Hall and who will put a stop to the Masonic bullshit! Worely has no clue as to what he's doing. He was chosen necause he is Jimmy Stewart's friend and McWilliam's drinking buddy. When Deputy Chief Chapman retires there's a move to by pass senior officers to promote junior officer. Senior officers, with experience are being pushed to the side. The excuse is senior officers are "dumbasses" and the department needs fresh ideas. I guess the fresh ideas mean to go back to the way the department was in the 60's and 70's where it who you bl@@ not what you know. The department has become a joke. Now BPSO and SPD are now laughing at BCPD. Every other agency in the area thinks BCPD is a joke and rightfully so!
ReplyDeleteI would like to know if anyone can tell me
ReplyDeleteif the little fat guy Humpries that works
with Stockton used to work in Homiside. And
I didn't know Stewart had any friends. He
like's to threaten people over the phone.
Yes, little fat guy Humphries is the one who worked in homicide. His qualifications are being another one of McWilliams's drinking buddy and police academy classmate. He was useless then, too.
ReplyDeleteNow that means McWilliams has been dishonest
ReplyDeletewith me too. McWillaims told me that fat boy
had left force and they could not question him
about an assualt case he was working in my
behalf, when the trurh was all he had to do
was pick up the phone. Humphries tried to
get tough with me in front of his boss, and I
had himbackin up like a river dance girl. I
offered him a ride on the elevator but he
5:31pm I thought I was right about Humphries
ReplyDeletebut you helped me to confirm. One big question
do you why so many people would go as far as
to lie to cover for the funnybone? I 've
talked with some older retired Caddo Detectives
and they feel like something funny was goin on
between the BCPD and the funnybone. That's
why no crime has ever been reported at the
Boardwalk. Thanks again for your help.
I'm sorry I can't help you there. There's just a lot of "funny" things going on in BCPD. The department is falling apart and it seems like it is being done on purpose. There is no real leadership and McWilliams is just one of the empty headed puppets that takes orders from Jimmy Hall. As for the Funnybone, I don't know any connections, but certain city officials have been very protective of the Boardwalk as a whole. With the powers that be in Bossier just drag a dollar bill behind you and see who comes out trying to get it. And you can bet they're wearing a red fez on their head and giving each other a lion claw hand shake.
ReplyDeleteThanks for being honest. I was told by one of
ReplyDeletethe Biggest Attorneys in Shreveport that you'll get
no results out of the BCPD with an assualt charge. I also worked with an old friend that
now has one of the largest Bail Bonds comp.
in the area. He said dealing with Bossier PD
is harder than anyone else in the area. I should have listened. And I also want to say
I know there are some great people with the
BCPD so please don't take what I am saying
to heart. I am going get Justice against
the people that screwed me over, I just have
to get to the right person.
I may have to make a correction. There were two Humphries at BCPD and both spent time in detective. After a while one loses track of who is kissing who's butt because BCPD, and city hall and all departments, have turned into a butt kissing smorgasborg. There are a large group of people aren't playing the games and those are the ones who arw keeping the whole damn thing from collapsing, but those people are getting fewer.
ReplyDeleteDid the Humphries in Homiside go to Internal
ReplyDeleteAffairs? This would have been in April of 09.
There are two Humphries and both were in detective and one went to internal affairs and the other is still there.
ReplyDeletethe reason they are all drinking buddies could be its hard sleeping at night knowing you turned into a bigger criminal than you swore to protect citizens from.....