
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Scott Tubbs charged with Aggravated Incest

I first blogged about Scott Tubbs in January of 2011. Tubbs, owner of a local used appliance store, had announced that he would be a candidate for President of the United States. Here’s that blog post.
Rollin' with the Big Dawgs
Tubbs became a little less funny last May when he made a spectacle of himself at the scene of a suicide. That one is here:
Self Promotion on the back of a family's grief
Now, anything about this guy that made us laugh (or snicker) has disappeared. 
Tubbs has been charged with aggravated incest after an investigation by Bossier Juvenile authorities. He is accused of having sexual contact with an underage female relative.


  1. Scott Tubbs is a svumbag. Does this really shock anyone. Hopefully he will go to jail and not get some sweetheart deal from the D.A' s office. Don't be surprised if that happens as well.

  2. He should be quartered and hung in the courthouse square! What a sick individual!

  3. The dude might be odd but he has not been found guilty by a jury of his peers yet. If true, let's hope the evidence is plain and clear.

  4. One of the rules states,"No personal attacks or insults", so can we not prematurely attack the D.A.'s office?

  5. A person's true colors always come out when running for President.

  6. sounds like someone has a score to settle with him, i agree 100% being arrested and charged is very easy being convicted of a crime is a total different ballgame no doubt someone here doesn't like him but that does not mean this man has committed this crime fair is what this country was founded on


  7. i dont think tubbs is related to the da's office or has given any donations to his campaign...we may be ok on this one.

  8. This guy is a wanna-be politician, he's got a lying, cheating, stealing, and full of hot air that it takes, but he is a loser. I looked at his facebook page and he has pics with wax figures trying to say they are real celebrities. He was charged, that may not mean he's guilty, but he's still ignorant. This guy is NOT important, he is a nobody that got what he deserves.

  9. He wanted attention? Well he's got it. On one of his you tube videos he talked about how tough he is. Well we'll see how tough he is in prison being a child molester.

  10. 8:35 said,," This guy is NOT important, he is a nobody that got what he deserves. "

    As serious as this is, that is a mighty bold statement!

    This country and it's people are too quick to and just plain ignorant to jump to conclusions because of the printed word.

    I truly wish people could not be so fast to jump to conclusions and hang because of frenzy.

    I am not standing up for this dude, he probably is a scumbag.

    Extreme right wing and extreme left wing are to quick to jump to conclusions and speak their minds before thinking what is said.

    Lot's to be said for the old statement THINK FIRST THEN TALK, you know the old assume,,,ass out of you and me crap.

  11. He needs to be given the same consideration in this matter that he showed Robert Jones' family by insisting to film the suicide scene. In addition, he chose to be a jerk when a simple request was made for him to stop. Bleeding hearts, go see him in jail if you need to have a "feel good" about yourself.

  12. Ok one I have known Scott for 17 years and this does not surprise me at all. He is after sex and money and that is all. He has screwed so many people in his life. I feel for all of his children.

  13. 12:39pm--Everybody else also wants sex and money, but they don't want sex with an underage female relative, and there are very definite limits to what most people will do for money. This character wants to be the center of attention and seems to be suffering from delusions of grandeur.

  14. Bleeding hearts, go see him in jail if you need to have a "feel good" about yourself.,,,,,,

    Now that is a funny line.

  15. This guy defines the word crazy

  16. A guy was booked into Bossier Max this morning by the name of Ahmad Morning for aggravated rape. He was in jail this past June for sex related offenses, but one of them was never billed by the DA and the other two were dropped to misdemeanors where he was sentenced to the time he had served (approximately 30 days) and UNsupervised probation by Judge Bleich. A month later, he "alledgedly" commits agg rape. Another victim is in the wind thanks to the lack of efforts by the Bossier/Webster DA when he had the chance to do something and a judge letting it go on. Way to go 26th JDC! I can tell you really are looking out for the victims....riiiiiiggghhhhttt....

  17. I'm sure the inquisitor would like to hear about this story.

  18. While on this topic, that Congressman Todd Akin is not guilty of any crime but he is guilty of pure stupidity for his comment on legitimate rape.

    There are some very stupid politicians out there.

  19. So no Republicans or Democrats want to address the above post? Sort of understandable because it is a national issue that still touches home on a local level.

    Mostly because some Republicans(Huckabee) in a round about way tried to spin the issue.

  20. This guy rips people off all the time!

  21. May not be so crazy if he gets a sweetheart deal. The DA lets off domestic abuses who are friends of other attorneys simply from a phone call. Talk about influenced justice!

  22. I wonder if he has posted anything about loving his cousin on his youtube account.

  23. I know Scott Tubbs personally and what he did to his own flesh and blood daughter is the God honest truth. Scott Tubbs is a cheater, a liar and a thief and now he is a child abuser. He is going to prison probably for the next 20 yrs and I say GOOD RIDDANCE! His wife is a piece of work as well. I feel sorry for the children, they are GOOD kids and DO NOT deserve parents like these two. One word describes both of them Kelly and Scott Tubbs . . . LOSER! Kelly is taking her husbands side, so you can see what kind of mother she is. They both deserve to be in prison!

  24. Good family Great Kids bad parents they gave their childern everything they could want for, doesnt mean he's guilty never has never will
    let justice speak everyone else shut the hell up

  25. I remember this guy, he took care of a guy named Ben Taylor, that lives in Bossier. he lives in this ugly green house and state he's some kind of computer Expert Scott gave him work when his on parents turned their back on this guy Ben, I bet you Ben posted some of this, Ben's free ride is over

  26. Anthony Tubbs is a work-of-art I'll agree,not a child molester, he's a good Dad his son is a sweet and very polite young man, his Daughter very pretty young lady. My husband and I spent time with them on Vacation in Destin Florida, the daughter wanted a Three Thousand dollar flat Screen and did not stop until he finally gave in, good Mom and Dad that gives too much, as I understand it backfired on them very unfortunate situation

  27. To the anon saying they know exactly what he did, what would that be exactly?

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  29. Ive known Kelly and Scott for years. Ive never said this but they do show favoritism. The daughter is a very nice and polite young lady. and their son is too but very very spoiled. Scott has always been a liar and honestly i dont think hes ever had any friends that actually liked him. hes a loser and always will be. i dont doubt what he has done to the daughter. AT ALL.

  30. Funny, look here, I see a Jury found him not guilty after a week long trial, Det Angela Adams of BCPD was fired, now working for Desoto Parish Sheriff, The ADA of Bossier Parish has been caught in wrong doing, the State of Louisiana as well and others. GOD HELP THEM ALL

  31. Watch this guy. He sold xanax drugs to my wife at a casino bar and he's a crook. He will be stopped. Just wait.

  32. The person that said Angela Adams has been fired doesn't know what they are talking about. She was never fired, but changed jobs for professional reasons. Scott Tubbs and his band thugs are trying to damage reputations because his sins finally caught up with him. He is a creep, pervert, and it will all catch up to him eventually. If not in this world, then the next.

  33. I know the scum. He is a liar, thief, and worse off he steals from his own blood. Don't be so quick to take his side. And note: he is not tough he wouldn't knuckle up with me on 2 square occasions. I can't publicly announce what I'd like to say about him being unlawful. But he probably blew someone to get out of trouble.

  34. Wow, who really knows? we can say we all know Tubbs was found not guilty by a six member jury, there's something to say about that even if no one wants to agree with that. I've been made aware of some disturbing info while researching other public officials involved in this case. I spoke with Tubbs daughters foster mom who stated the daughter disclosed to the ADA, DCFS workers, CASA workers, the Det. and some lady named Shelly Booker (not sure what role she played) that she the daughter had made up the story because the dad refused to let her date some adult while she was 13yrs or 14yrs old, not sure which one, it has been rumored the daughter was told she had to testify against the dad or she would be charged, at trial the daughter did very little to help the district atty.aiding the defense was two of Tubbs former friends that appeared to be testifying for the state, Turned out, (although a states witness) pulled a fast one helping out the defense. This twisted and very complex story is anything but over, I have some great inside info not from (Tubbs) that the Feds are and have been involved from the onset of this case. Finally, one local attorney states the daughter has been returned to the parents and The family case dismissed altogether, so it seems things are not always as they may appear, after much follow up we found a suit filed in Caddo Parish court at the end of Aug this year 2015 against all involved, if true GOD HELP THEM ALL. WOW what a story, late next year Lifetime movie network is said to start filming this unbelievable train wreck. I hope all involved will find peace in the end.

  35. Scott tubbs is a liar and a thief. He told me personally that he has been robbing many people for many years. Cleaning out peoples bank account. I ask him how he does this, and he said with the help of Melissa sugar


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