
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fundraiser for BCPD Officer

The Bossier Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 39 and Bossier City Police Local 645 will host a lunch fundraiser Friday, Sept. 21 beginning at 11 a.m. in front of the Bossier City Police Department, 620 Benton Road, to benefit Bossier City Police Officer Chris Davis who has spent these past several weeks battling the West Nile virus.
The money raised Friday will help offset out of pocket medical expenses for Officer Davis.
Lunches of grilled hamburgers, hot dogs, sausage, chips and drinks will be available for purchase to the public as well as to all city employees including police and fire personnel for a donation in the amount of their choice


  1. Thats great that ya'll are doing, I will be
    their with my son.

  2. Chris is always first to step up and help others officers when they are sick or in need. I am happy to return the favor. I think everyone should know Chris recently paid out of his own pocket to fly members of another officers family to town so they could attend the funeral of that officers' son.

  3. I didn't know that. Hats off to Chris and I hope for a huge turnout tomorrow.

  4. Is there a paypal or bank account set up for us busy folks that can't make it?

  5. This man personally went out of his way to assist my family during a catastrophic illness- I too can personally attest to the previous post that stated Chris is the first in line to help others, and might I add, the last to leave! All around beautiful person with a beautiful family. I can think of no other person more deserving of our support- both our lunch money tomorrow, and prayers everyday! GOD BLESS YOU, CHRIS AND VICKIE!

  6. Great turnout today. Thanks everyone for supporting Chris.


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