
Friday, October 19, 2012

Local Charity to hold fundraiser

If you want to have some family fun and help out a great cause, you need to go to Hot Wheels South tomorrow for a fundraiser for David’s Gift.
A local charity founded in April 2012 by Gabriel & Audrey McCormick, David’s Gift is a nonprofit charity which will provide funds for caskets and other funeral expenses of children who have passed away. David’s Gift is inspired by the McCormick’s son, David, who went to be with the Lord in 2004. By providing this service, parents and family members will be able to plan a special memorial and spend more time comforting each other without having the added burden and stress of figuring out where the money will come from.
Tomorrow's David's Day Fundraiser is more like a festival with bounce houses, facepainting, rock climbing, pony rides, auctions, and concerts!
Hot Wheels South, 1902 Alfred Lane off Barksdale Boulevard from Noon until 7PM.
You can check it out on the fundraiser Facebook Page. David’s Gift webpage is here.

1 comment:

  1. Wondered how much they raised? It was a fun time for my kids. They ran around the bouncey things inside and I bought a wreath. I saw a policeman walking around and one of the guys running for judge with some of his people in matching shirts. I think he was the same one that does the Shriners circus. He must really support causes for kids. There was also a guy that looked like a one man band - he was surprisingly good. My kids got hungry ad we got some fried pickles to snack on. Not bad. Hope David's gift had a good day and were blessed with a lot of money gifts!


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