
Thursday, November 8, 2012


The general election has passed, the nation has chosen to keep Barack Obama in the White House, and in Bossier/Webster we have a runoff for Judge.
Mike Nerren garnered the most votes, but not a majority. He will face Whit Graves in a runoff on December 8th.
Judge John Slattery ran a good race and had the most votes in his home parish of Webster. Congratulations on a race well run, Judge Slattery.
Of course the presidential election brought out a lot of voters. Turnout in the runoff will be a fraction of what we saw Tuesday. The big question, of course, is which candidates will the Slattery voters favor and which candidate can turn out their supporters one more time?
I'll have a lot more on this soon, in the meantime give it some thought.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. 4:05 - While I appreciate your enthusiasm, let's just keep it at "Vote Whit".

  3. I believe that Whit Graves is the best man for the job. Vote Whit Graves for Judge! He will be a good judge.

  4. I know Mike Nerren is the right candidate for District Judge. Please Vote Mike Nerren He will be a great Judge!!

  5. Early voting is the key to having your vote count in this election. It will be easy to forget to vote on Saturday, December 8th, so taking care of it during the window of opportunity before then is the thing to do.

  6. I was impressed by Slattery winning Webster Parish by a landslide, which includes Springhill (which makes sense as he is from there) and Minden. I dont know if that is a tribute to Slattery or a disliking for Marvin/Nerren, maybe a combination of both. Either way my hat is off to Slattery, maybe he can run again in the future.

  7. I was told today that mr. Graves and his Friend Mr. Lawler, Who ownes the Inquisitor, has once again attacked Mr Nerren, because Mr. Marvin said he felt he was the best person for the position of District Judge. I would think that a District Attorney would want Judges that know the law,and uphold the law,and serve and protect the people of the parishes that elected them.Everyone knows that Mr. Graves thinks he is above the law,he lied to the State Supreme Court,was suspended and put on probation,then said it was really nothing. Then he sends out a brochure that states that he is the only candidate that can keep you from payying more taxes and he would change the whole system of Judges when he is Elected.Both are untrue!!He can not do either of these things. Judgeships are decided by the Legislature not the Judges. A Judge has one Secretary and the Clerk of Court supplies the Court Reporters. On Election Day Mr. Graves put signs in all the public right-a ways on every street and road in Bossier. This is Against the Law. Do you really want a Judge that thinks he is above the Law and is always bending it? Could you trust him to be fair and just and uphold the Law? What if you or your family,or your friends were before him? Would you expect fair and impartial? Would you get it? Maybe Mr. Marvin said he knew all three people and felt Mr. Nerren was the best person for the job, maybe it is really what he believed because of the facts. Mr Nerren is his own Person and he has worked hard for wherre he is today and nothing has been handed to him he has workd very hard and he is fair and impartial. Mr Nerren nor his supporters Lie or try to make Mr Graves look bad to make his own light shine. Mr Nerren runs on his own merits and everyone that knows Mr. Nerren knows this.Mr. Graves and his Friends may need to not talk about all they are going to post in the Inquisitor to attack Mr. Nerren or his supporters to make them look bad where others can hear you never know whos supporting who.

  8. interesting post, seems that the Nerren camp is pretty defensive already with the attacks. I read the inquisitor today and didn't see any so-called "attacks" by graves.

  9. I want to clear something up for you anon 6:39 stating the facts is not being defensive!!!!!

  10. Any one that has the endorsements of most elected officials and established law and firsi responder entities has to be a part of the good ole boy system.

    Please always question authority and the establishment , yet with respect.

  11. Again, Keep on Truckin,,,,Door to Door. My door has not been knocked on, yet, we have gotten a gazillion telephone licensed totally ignored calls that we the people are tired of getting.

    Double F***K the annoying home peace disrupting never ending plethora of political telephone calls that zero populace can care about..

    Make the stump. Your ingenuity can be a wonderful thing and can possibly make true changes.

    If you want votes hit the road jacks and walk a mile to smoke your Camel Cigarette,,,Dannit!

    Earn that respect from the working/voting man instead of the lack luster have it all so called leaders and established criteria of so-so half respected/half in-respected so called leaders of a community.

    EARN YOUR VOTE instead of getting folks to pay for the in-informed happenstance occasional show up voter!

  12. Again,,,, Earn you vote to the conman man/woman voter.

  13. As a person who knows both Nerren and grave, I voted for Nerren because I simply felt he was the better candidate. I'm not at all a fan of the good ole boys. I usually vote for the guy not backed by that group. But in this case, I felt Nerren would make a better judge by far. If I was wanting a drinking buddy then graves would be my man. I also like the fact Nerren is a prosecutor rather than a defense attorney. Graves is an ex state trooper turn defense attorney. Helping drunk drivers avoid prosecution. Now graves wants to be a judge. I don't think so. If I was Nerren though I would tell Marvin to stay out of it. I feel Nerren would have won the election had Marvin not endorsed him.

  14. Marvin's endorsement was certainly a gift to graves lol

    trouble for nerren is all the marvin haters that voted for slattery (a lot of them) are going to vote for graves

  15. I believe that Nerren is a good fair man. I do not want someone who made their living getting drunks off when they get arrested for DWI, then trying to discredit Law Enforcement, that's a fact. Been there done that. Nerren is the juvenile prosecutor for the DA, I believe that his job is helping the public. I trust Nerren over Graves any day of the week.

  16. Comment on an earlier post. Slattery did well in Webster but failed to carry his own parish (47%). Hardly a landslide since Nerren ran strong in Webster also (37%). It would appear Slattery carried the north end of Webster while Nerren carried the south end.

    If his 10% margin of victory in Webster is a landslide then so should be the overall election which ended with a 10% margin of victory in Nerren's favor. Can Graves overcome this so called landslide margin ? Don't know but don't think so.

    Nerren has huge advantage but turnout will tell.

  17. Yea Nerren got roughly 23K with Graves at around 18K, a 5k difference, left over slattery voters around 16.7K. that is a big margin and Graves would need a huge chunk of slattery conversions to get close. not sure turn-out could make that big a difference.

    what are your thoughts Jim?

  18. It's tough to call. It is a brand new race with Judge Slattery out of the picture.

  19. I have known Mike Nerren for many years. My son played ball for him in Dixie Sports from 8yrs old to High school age. I have always known Mike to be honest, hard working,impartial and fair. There were times that his own Son,who also played for him, didn't get to play because he felt he wasnt ready and someone else could help the team better at the time. He also would put boys on his team no one else wanted. He felt that everyone that wanted to play should have the opportunity. Many of these men turned out to be very good players. If not for Mike may of never had the opportunity. I think Mike would make a very good Judge. I know he really cares about the people and children of these parishes. My Family and I will be voting for him on Dec 8, 2012 and hope you will do the same.

  20. Graves been suspended from practicing law for lying to the LA Supreme Court. Nerren never even a complaint. Integrity? Honesty? This is easy. NERREN on Dec 8.

  21. i keep hearing about Nerren being the family guy, great with kids baseball, therefore he would be a great judge and so on. there is a commercial for graves about helping a child (that he pursued rather than being asked for help) and if you talk to the family you will learn that ironically they actually called Nerren for assistance and never received a return call. So i guess his so-called family man status depends on the situation at hand. graves actually is a huge part of Shriners-let the record speak for itself.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. The suspension issue is all that I am hearing about. my lawyer friends say it is very serious

  23. i would advise not to lawyer up with your lawyer friends, they may want to read the documents you are relating to

  24. I know the Nerren family well. I thought the previous post about the Martin family contacting Mr. Nerren concerning their trying experience with their child was strange so I personally contacted Mike and asked him about the post.

    He said the statement is untrue and attributed what was said to an overactive Graves supporter. A kind description for what I would call an outright liar.

    You, an obvious Graves supporter, should support who you want but at least try to be honest about it.

  25. Anyone notice all the Graves signs illegally put in city right of ways? Well, the city did and had to send an inspector to pick them all up Friday. Had Graves followed the law, our tax dollars could've been spent elsewhere.

  26. Mr. Graves might want to pay attention where he is and who he is around before he once again makes up lies about his oppointment Mr. Nerren. Mr Nerren has a lot of family and friends in Bossier and Webster Parish. They do know the diffrence between fact and fiction. I cannot believe given his record both professional and private the fact that he has such disrespect for the Law! Missleads people about how he can keep them from paying more taxes, or that he will just go in as a junior Judge and change the entire system. He cannot do either of these things. He lies when the truth would suit him better. On December 8th,2012 I along with my family will vote for Mike Nerren for he is Honest,Impartial and fair. He care about the people and Children in our parishes. He will make a very good Judge. Mike Nerren 2012!!!!!

  27. LOL-Maybe instead of contacting Mr Nerren who has a vested interest in lying you should actually contact the family and ask them yourself. Of course it appears since you are SO close to the Nerren family, perhaps an actual family member, you would believe Nerren no matter what he said.

    speaking of illegal signs, I have seen a multitude of "illegal signs" with Nerren's name on them as well, but I guess that was an over zealous Nerren supporter too.

  28. I know Mike Nerren and know for a fact hes running on his own merits and he is a good ,honest, fair, impartial Man that will make a good Judge!!! He has no vested interest in lying. Mike has helped children and familes as well and a child that was very sick he paid to fly to have open heart surgery. Everyone that REALLY knows Mike Nerren will tell you the same all you have to do is ask them as well!!!! I do not have to tell everyone every good thing he has done for his record speaks for it self and trust me the ones who voted for Mike Nerren know he will make a good Judge and uphold the law. Graves has spoke first hand with Mr. Nerrens family members he didn't realize was family and it's a fact all the lies he has told to win votes. If you can't run on your own merits you don't need to run!!!! Graves really needs to pay attention who hes talking to before he makes up lies because you never know who may be family or friends or whos supporting who!!!! Nerren has our vote along with many others!!!!!

  29. What I have heard is that Mike Nerren is a bully in the courtroom with the kids and family, quite often being quite arrogant, I don't believe he has the right temperament to be fair and impartial. This was just feedback I received.

  30. Didn't see any Nerren signs all along Airline at every red light all along city property all down Benton road on city property. Did't see the city having to ride all over picking up Nerren signs all day Friday!!!! If they were in illegal places I am sure they would of had to pick them up. Only GRAVES SIGNS all over on ELECTION DAY ON CITY PROPERTY!!!!!!

  31. I live in South Bossier and there were Graves signs all down the right a ways and on city Property!!!!

  32. Dear Jim: I'm leaving you until after December 8. I'm tired of hearing Nerren's sister and other supporters (if his sister is not the only one) trash Graves time after time after time with the same old lies. I caught up with Graves after the South Bossier meeting and when I asked him about all the statments made on your blog, he said something I won't forget. "The best way to make sure people don't see that there is smoke coming from you is to set someone else on fire." I LOVE IT!!! Nerren would have been better off putting a muzzle on his sister. Whit Graves has my vote. See ya after the election.

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  35. I removed the last two because it's getting way too personal. Ease up.
    We're all going to be living here together when this thing is decided, let's keep it civil.

  36. Whatever Mr. Graves did to get disciplined to the point where he could not continue to practice law is all I am hearing. The rumors range from very minor to pretty severe. He needs to address this

  37. 8:39 - He wasn't "disciplined to the point where he could not continue to practice law". The rumors you are hearing are just that - rumors. He never missed a day.
    This was completely covered in an earlier post's comments, along with links.

  38. Where is the actual documentation on what he did? Is it on a site?

  39. I'm voting for the only one who has NOT been suspended from the practice of law - NERREN.

  40. I am interested in seeing that too. Jim says it was oovered by an earlier post but I am not able to find it. can someone give me a link to it? thanks

  41. Get your story RIGHT! The Martin Family doesn't even know Mike Nerren. Whit Graves was very gracious and offered to help them with their daughters situation.This was long before this race ever took place! The Martin's do not take their Daughters situation lightly and I would think you should do the same! Stop making up stories about this family and their reltaionship with Whit Graves! They endorsed who they feel is the best PERSON/CANDIDATE for the Job! Whit Graves for Judge!

    1. Whit Graves law practice is almost exclusively DWI defense. He's been suspended from practicing law He's run twice before and been rejected by the people because they know him. Come on folks. This ones easy!!! NERREN.

  42. I just want to know one thing. Who did Mike Nerren support for President?

  43. Are you are really interested in who Nerren supported for President or are you just attempting to start a rumor in order to help your candidate with republican voters. Poor tactics.

    In the slight chance you do actually have an interest, I would suggest you call Nerren directly. I bet he will answer and you never know, after an intelligent conversation you might even decide to vote for him. That is if your not already a Whit supporter.

    Wonder which it is ?

  44. and Nerren has been rejected too. In favor of DA Marvin. Ouch.

    1. Did you address the suspension and 2 years active probation by Graves? That's what I want in my Judge. Ouch.

  45. Ok I found it.(it was difficult). Graves was suspended from practicing law. However, that suspension was deferred, so I can now see how one sidees are claiming it to be one thing and the other side claiming it to be something else. However, graves did get in trouble because he lied to the court about some document he was supposed to file. I think he should publicly address this because (1) lying is a symptom of dishonesty and is relevant trait of a persons character and a judicial requirement and (2) it is what people are talking about, like it or not. If he can articulate a reasonable response it will shift the campaign to other issues

    1. He already did. In The Forum he said it was "no big deal".

  46. He addressed it more than once. If the best Nerren supporters can do is try to make an issue out of it thats sad.

  47. I'm not a supporter of either but in reading the attached link it did say that the disciplinary board found Graves "misled the Court" when asked whether or not he actually filed this paperwork. He obviously wasn't truthful about it and then was suspended. Am I reading that right?

  48. It also said that there were mitigating factors, and that he was remorseful. That's why instead of a two year suspension he was given a 9 month suspension, DEFERRED. I love to see Nerren operatives pretending to be "Interested Citizens" making comments.

  49. Don't know that I'd be bragging about the "deferment", but that's just me. Kind of like bragging about being out on parole instead serving the sentence. Some things are just better left unsaid.

  50. I found it also, clearly Graves lied to the court. The delay in filing the required paperwork and his subsequent lies were much more than "no big deal".

    Instead of taking responsibility for his actions (inactions) he first lied then blamed everything on his health and then on his incompetent staff. Bet his staff and/or co-workers loved that.

    I was a Slattery supporter and undecided but not anymore because I don't think Graves disposition has changed, misleading people into thinking he will lower taxes when he knows he cannot.

    What is important to remember is that everyone is remorseful once they get caught !!

  51. Ok here it goes!!!! I personally know them both. I was Whit's secretary during the time of his suspension, so (I guess you would call me the incompent staff)lol. Come on whit take responsibility for your own actions. If you people would go to the link on the Supprem Court web sight and read the facts for your self you will see it was not the fact that he didn't file the brief in a timely manner nor the fact that his so called incompent staff didn't tell him time and time again about the deadlines that he ignored over and over but the ball face lie he told in open court that he had the documents and was going to file them with the clerk as soon as the hearing was over! (Another lie) didn't file again. You know this is not the first time whit has blamed his incompent staff ( ME) for this, but I took it the first time because yes he was my boss/friend but NOT NOW ! With friends like that who needs enemy's. As far as Mike Nerren I was his secretary also he never missed a date on filling a brief. He NEVER put the blame on anyone for anything no matter what. And as far as whit helping the martins with their child getting into the Shriners that's what he is suppose to do HE'S A SHRINER. I know personally the little boy that had to have heart surgery at 9 days old that Mike helped get his father to ACH because the hospital would only fly baby and mother which mother still recovering from surgery because that was my grandson and thanks to him we were able to be there for his surgery. I would not expect anything different from eighter one of them. Go and read for yourself the link then you will know who the one with honesty and integrity. MIKE NERREN has mine and my family's VOTE!
    Everyone makes mistakes take responsibility for them..

  52. Mike Nerren has my vote and my families vote. He is a good man and will make very good decisions.

  53. After all the lies that have been told, the truth will come out. It always does. Like the Bible says, "Your sin will find you out". Well, we know some of Mr. Graves' sins by reading this blog. Most people would say don't judge others before you judge your own self. Yes, we all have sinned. So when you vote, consider both men's record and not all the opinions of supporters on this blog. Let their records speak for themselves and how they run their campaigns. The mailouts of Mr. Graves make promises of lower taxes and change in the court system. I didn't know an incoming judge had such authority over 5 seasoned judges. As to Mr. Nerren, he is always fair in the courtroom. I know this because I have witnessed him in the courtroom on a weekly basis. Juveniles are always appointed an attorney unless they waive their right or hire their own. To the person that posted he was arrogant towards juveniles and their families, maybe you should check your own attitude before you enter a courtroom or like I said earlier, "Judge yourself, before you judge others", especially until you have walked in their shoes. People, just get out and vote your conscious. Who in your gut is the better man? If you don't have a conscious, then pray that God will give you one and wisdom to see with your own eyes who the better man for the job is. It's obvious...........GO NERREN!


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