
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Congratulations Mike Nerren

Mike Nerren has won the election for Judge. Of 9,350 votes cast in Bossier Parish, Nerren won by a margin of 266 votes. In Webster Parish, where the count isn't complete, he has an insurmountable lead at this time.
Congratulations to Judge Nerren.


  1. Congratulations Judge Nerren !!! Long live the Marvin empire !!!

  2. Bossier City and Webster parish, you have made a mistake.
    "Until you wake up we will fight for you"


  3. It is what it is looks like people did wake up and we got the right man for the job!!!! Congrats mike NERREN

  4. Congratulations to the Honorable Michael Nerren...a good man...a good friend...and a good judge.

  5. Anon 1012 shut the hell up sore loader

  6. Congrats, Mike. The better man did win.


    1. According to hell's standards, yea.

    2. Best one liner of the night Anon10:30PM

  7. Can't for the life of me figure out why whit hung his hat on Danny Lawler! What a couple of mistakes that was !

    1. Lawler never would have printed that if he thought it would hurt Nerren. He knew it would sell papers and motivate nerrens base.

  8. Congratulations Mike. I will say this though. It looks like the good ole boys are getting closer to being defeated though. I voted for Mike because I think hevwill make an outstanding judge. But as far as all those elected officials that endorsed him, I say watch out. You almost cost a good man this election.

    1. if you will look - this is the largest margin of victory so far for the good ole boys - sorry - i could not resist - haven't posted in nearly a year - but it sure is nice to see bossier standing up and continuing to support the leaders that have made bossier one of the greatest places to live in the South - go good ole boys - walker , marvin, hall, whittington, police jury, city council - keep up the good work - the naysayers should take this continuing whipping to heart and get on board

  9. Z-- you remember this exchange--
    "AnonymousDecember 6, 2012 11:35 PM
    Graves 57/43.
    Whoa, that's cool. I can make up statistics too!
    AnonymousDecember 7, 2012 12:08 AM
    Remind me about this on sat night. We'll see whose closest."

    I was running polls that showed a huge lead for nerren because of the negative obama ads. This included a sampling of Stockwell-- A big conservative box in Bossier-- stockwell voted 71 for Nerren 14 for Graves. If negative campaigning, the "Obama Flyer" and "General Cole Press Release" would have worked, it would have worked in this precint. It did not and actually caused a backlash-- so the result was really not a surprise. Nothing to do with Marvin,Obama or Darby-- race was won because most educated voters see through the BS.

  10. well I guess the party never retracted the endorsement of Whit--
    I hear a lawsuit is going to be filed to find out the maker of the video that bad mouthed those families and a lawsuit will be filed against the state party.

  11. Ironically, the data shows that the obama flyer actually helped mike nerren secure more votes in the historically democratic boxes. he split most of those almost evenly with Whit. Nerren did better in the runoff in those boxes than he did in the primary-- so I guess the negative obama mailouts from the Whit team actually helped Nerren.

  12. That puppet cartoon had to have costs some votes too. I mean who does it motivate but people who like Mike Nerren. That just caused a bunch of people who had been on the sidelines to go vote and bring a few people. Whoever authoized that puppet cartoon in the Inquisitor should return the full consulting fee to Whit as he funded his campaign with his personal funds.

  13. 54/46-- thats a big victory-- maybe should have run more negative youtube videos--- did OBAMA ever call as ask for a royalty since his picture was being used so much by John Kay in those negative flyers?

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Craig is a great judge. You must never be in court. Ask any attorney and they will tell you that.

      Nerren owes No one. He is his own man. This farce of Obama, Darby or Schyler controlling Nerren is a lie that was REJECTED by the people. Please don't start actually believing your own propaganda - I think that's a diagnosable disorder.

  15. The results speak for themselves. I don't know who John Kay is but this is pretty good whipping. Congratulations

  16. Jim if this doesn't convince graves he is done i don't know what will. As my former college professor would say "good luck in your future endeavors"

  17. When you are as arrogant as Graves and John Kay, you are never able to just evaluate the outcome and dissect the results objectively. John Kay is now 0-6 in elections and Whit is 0-3 or 0-4, depending on who you believe. In spite of that, these goofballs will be back. Don't fall for their stupid tricks folks.

  18. Replies
    1. Not really. Oh well, still have another couple of years to see what actually happens.

  19. Congrats to Judge Nerren.

  20. Nerren will be a great Judge. The difference is he will treat all of the Whit supporters the same as he treats his supporters. I voted for Nerren because I know Whit very well and he would never have given the Nerren supporters a fair day in trial. He is incalcitrant and never charges his view in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I am so glad the voters of Bossier realized that and elected the best candidate.

  21. I agree. As a police officer, we got the right man for the job. We don't need judges who have a predetermined opinion.

  22. Both officers that have posted on here, I am requesting that you state your names. Otherwise, you are both civilians posing as police officers and your IP addresses will possibly be found and reported.

    1. So the blog Gestapo with the Anonymity decloaker allow freedom of Speech unless it hurts their agenda. Even the soup nazi grew a heart.

    2. The only way an IP address will be found and reported will be if Google is presented with a court order to reveal it. Good luck on that one.

    3. The guy hosting your blog can easily get it. Just ask.

  23. It is a sorry turn of events, but we all have the right to vote, and we have the exact politicians that we deserve, on every level, throughout the United States. We put them in office with our votes or our abstentions from voting.

  24. How will ip addresses be found. I thought this blog was anonymous.

    1. Again: The only way an IP address will be found and reported will be if Google is presented with a court order to reveal it. Good luck on that one.

  25. Wow.. Just saw results. Negative campaigning does not work . Gen. Cole might have lost this one for whit.

  26. I think ann price and John Kay lost it with the endorsement shenanigans. Before that it would have been an 8% turn out.,

  27. John Kay just allowed an Obama supporter to win in a heavily republican district. Or most people realized the flyer wasn't Nerren endorsing Obama, but the minority community endorsing mike.

  28. Congrats Mike Nerren. I voted for Whit, but once an election is over I am only hopeful the candidate who got the most votes will do a superb job. It behooves all of us to do the same. I voted for Romney, but now support Obama in doing the same.

  29. You cannot run a vicious campaign based on lies, tear a local party apart, get a Ret. General to publish a press release at the last minute, bismirch the reputation of every conservative leader in the community, tell sitting judges they are tax money wasters and disorganized, draw pictures of puppets, print lies in the local yellow journalism rag, use unheard of tactics to hijack a state party endorsement that wasn't even in writing, throw a 29 year republican under the bus, criticize a new republican DA who manages a difficult docket well, and then expect everyone to forget. This campaign got negative unnecessarily and no one will soon forget the "any lie to win campaign" that failed.
    Whit should get a refund from his campaign guys before they leave town.

  30. A837 the very first punch thrown was the robo calls asking people if they would vote for someone that didn't live in the district (Slattery) or lied to the Supreme Court (Graves). The next negative was 3 days into the run-off with the brown mailer accusing Graves a lier with the Supreme Court. Those were planned and premeditated and I dont really have an issue with them. Just don't act holyier than thou. Graves countered with a letter from the Court which implied Nerren a lier. The Darby flier landed in Graves lap because Nerren did it and General Cole filed a complaint. So what is the deal.? Schuyler carried Minden and Nerren carried Haughton and early votes went Nerrin (before ethics scandal). Everything else was slight Graves or a wash. Why can't you just realize a negative campaign was run and Mike Nerren was a part. Good grief!

    1. must be Darlene. Who else spells it "lier"?

  31. Anon at 8:37. Did you not see a vicious campaign recently based on lies, where one candidate was said to have killed a woman, was accused of not paying taxes, and the press went along with all these lies helping the lying party win. They are still not telling the truth and are not held accountable for anything they choose to say or do. What a well informed electorate we have.

  32. This election is over. Nerren won. I say we now focus our attention in the city elections. I personally want Lo Wslker defeated along with several of the city council members.

  33. Well - just chalk up another loss then - because lo walker will win by 75 percent if he has a credible opponent and 85 with a patsy - keep wasting your efforts or get on board and try to make bossier better - the leadership in bossier is envied statewide - you should not keep trying to tear these good men down - but get on a committee or a board and try to do good

  34. I know. A man can dream can't he?

  35. There will be a couple of interesting council races. David Jones is stepping down, so we'll see who runs for that spot. Also, the last I heard, Michael Beam is planning to run. Haven't heard if anyone is going to challenge for one of the other districts, or the at-large seats.

  36. I heard Tommy Harvey is going to run again.

  37. I wouldn't be surprised. You lose by 2 votes it has to be hard not to go again. They are both good guys, ran a very clean race. If he runs again hope it stays that way, and I believe it will.

  38. Anybody know why Webster reported early vote tabulation at 9:05 and Bossier reported same at 8:07?

  39. Webster had to make sure Nerren was winning before they released their early vote tabulation.

  40. Ha - really enjoy the nuts on this blog - everything a conspiracy or a criminal act - I never knew we had mini-unibombers living here until this blog provided them an outlet to spew their venom - I guess they are in every community - but good lord - these folks are wacko

  41. i believe the tabulations have to be driven over to the courthouse in benton from all the precincts, which of course takes longer from webster, particularly springhill

  42. Dang! Was that yesterday??? ;)

  43. No accusations.. Unfortunately with blogging you have to type (sarcasm) with your posts. This election wasn't even close comparable to close elections of the past. Anon 3:39 was a sarcastic response to ANon 2:26. Please don't insinuate any accusations of election fraud the Webster mafioso may start a new hunt.

  44. Anon @ 7:04 PM...I understood what you were saying.

    Honestly, Anon @ 4:51 PM made me chuckle, too.

    "particularly springhill"

    Springhill is The New Haughton...

  45. Ann Price = Peyton Cole= POS

  46. 7:04 - Good, I thought it was a followup by 2:26. I deleted my own comment. Now I should delete Andy's, because he caught on and I didn't. I hate when he does that.

  47. I'm sure Marvin , had one of his good old boys, not give the rats any cheese, to run the wheel that would power the vote machines in Webster until he was happy with the results!!

  48. So you're saying . . . oh, never mind.

  49. How did Graves win almost every African American box in Bossier? Rush eon, Plantation Park, Butler, all went Gaves in th runoff.

  50. i think that community realizes more than you think

  51. Why did Slattery support Graves in the runoff? I'm sure Nerren folks will remember that.

  52. He didn't. If he had Graves would not have been destroyed in Webster.

  53. its really amazing how close it was with webster sheriff, bossier/webster da, bossier city major, billy montgomery, etc endorsing. i have a feeling this will be i scratch your back you scratch mine endorsement style going forward, i guess it works till it stops working

  54. That is true. I think endorsements are not what they used to be. In some cases the politician that endorses hurts his chances for future higher office as he upsets a large portion of the electorate. However, when 6 or 7 gang up it does add votes to the endorsed candidate.

  55. Judges are not allowed to endorsed candidates per Louisiana Supreme Court Canon rules.

    1. True. But their wives are free to campaign and Ms Slattery was active for Graves. Slattery will have an opponent for city court Judgeship next round.

  56. Where were you when Judge Bolin emphasized the unfairness of the D.A. being able to endorse candidates but Judges cannot.

  57. A640 better protect the home front before worrying over someones home.

  58. Slattery is the city Judge because he was elected when John Robinson went to the District Court bench. At the time there were only two other lawyers in Springhill. Mr. McConnell who was his partner and C Jacobs who did not have the tenure to qualify. He was elected without opposition as there was no opposition available.

  59. slattery is strong there, i think marvin is the one that should be worried about getting run against in 2

  60. Laurie Slattery was not "active" for Whit!! If Laurie Slattery was active the election results would have been a whole lot closer!! Making threats after the campaign is kinda cheap....especially when the Slatterys decided to stay out of the election.

  61. That's the way the DA's bunch rolls. Either be assimilated or be destroyed. Resistance is futile.

  62. Another travesty of justice

  63. Its sad that Skylar Marvin is now gonna try to pick on Judge Slattery after the election..after he was fair and did not support either candidate. Can you say power trip?!!! The DA is not happy with the judge because he can not be controlled like a puppet!

  64. This is not skylar Marvin posting. I live in Springhill and supported Nerren. I and others received a call from ms Slattery encouraging us to support and vote for Whit. Plain as that. I was fuming mad and very disappointed.

  65. I know that's a lie. I am a personal friend of Laurie's and she did not make calls supporting either candidate. I can also guarantee that Graves would have won Springhill had she made calls.

  66. Believe what you want. I voted for Slattery first, Nerren last time and received the call myself.

  67. Why would it make you fuming mad? Even if what you are saying is true, which it isn't, you don't think she has the right to have her own opinion?

  68. Gas prices are down. I think it's because of Nerren. If Whit was going to provide lower taxes then Nerren should get credit for cheaper gas.

  69. Could you start a post on all elections taking place in bossier parish in 2013. That might help everyone get ready. Every candidate should go to state party for endorsement NOW. before first poll taken.

  70. Just curious as to whether or not anyone heard Whit's concession speech, if there was one, and whether or not Whit called to congratulate Nerren for his hard fought victory?

  71. Hard fought victory? LOL Marvin used his machine to raise money that Nerren would have never otherwise received, they ran phony misleading advertisements on tv and print, and brought about endorsements from 4 or 5 gang up on you politicians that are questionable at best, that have their own base of supporters.

  72. Jim,
    Did you where the city settled the lawsuit with U.L Coleman? 5 year lawsuit for what? It seems U.L. Coleman got everything they wanted and the taxpayers got stuck with the bill. More of Jimmy Hall's crap.

  73. It seems to me that Bossier Parish has benefited from Marvin's support. He openly supported Stinson, Robinson, Cox, Self and Craig. Each of them are great judges and haved served this parish well. I'll certainly pay attention when the DA supports someone in the court or law enforcement arena. I think he is in a unique position to know who will do a good job. The evidence speaks for itself!!!

  74. Schuyler was not the District Attorney when Judges Stinson, Robinson, Cox and Self were elected. Those that know those Judges very well know they were not happy when the D.A. Supported Judge Craig against an 18 year sitting Judge. That my friend is absolute taboo. Hard feelings still exist from that 2008 race and some of those feelings surfaced in the Graves/Nerren race.

    1. Anon at 541. Get your facts straight. Schuyler Marvin was the DA when Cox and Self were elected and he endorsed them both, with their absolute blessing.

    2. yes all the judges would have been so happy if whit had won

  75. Did the state republican party ever act on withdrawing Whits endorsement?

  76. Never formally endorsed him, no state letterhead, no press release, nothing to withdraw !!

  77. funny you mentioned that, i didnt see any state or city letterhead on Nerren endorsements---ignorance is bliss folks lol

  78. Public statements (quotes) with signatures. No dog in the hunt either way but these officials clearly endorsed Nerren. With open seats looming maybe Whit should be talking to some of them now.

  79. A812 Whoops, my bad. Forgot those were off cycle elections. Didn't remember Marvin involvement.

  80. anon 508, you probably were not privy to pac meeting, but nerren called down to br himself and confirmed, marvin even sent thompson down there to try and salvage with no success, but it was confirmed as well.

  81. i thought Nerren won this election?

  82. Congrads mike it was never a doubt!! Best man wins!! Look forward to greAt years of leadership!!

  83. If the best man always wins we wouldn't have Barack Obama. Same story, same tactics. Destroy your opponent with overwhelming negative advertising. Call your adversary a lier every single day without saying one positive thing about himself.

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