
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

City elections around the corner

Elections for Bossier City Mayor and Council are fast approaching.
The primary election will be held on April 6th, and in case of any runoff, the general election will be held on May 4th.
It appears that Mayor Lo Walker is a shoo-in for a third term. Bubba Williams had considered a run for it, but decided against it.
Incumbent Councilman Scott Irwin has a challenger in retired policeman and restaurant owner Mike Beam in his South Bossier District. Here is a link to Beam's Facebook page.
David Jones is stepping down, and the only name I have heard tossed around in that district is Jeff Free. He has been attending council meetings and getting prepared.
Will Tommy Harvey go for it again, after losing by two votes to Larry Hanisee in the special election for District 5? I think so.
I'll have some more up soon on the individual races and candidates.


  1. What does people of different races holding up the world have to do with Bossier City?

  2. I have no idea. Because I was to the understanding there is no world outside of Bossier.

  3. I don't live in the city, but have interests there, and it looks like it is going to be a dull election cycle is nobody has the courage and gumption to oppose Lo Walker.

  4. I'd rather replace the city council than Lo. But Lo does need to go.

  5. Mike Beam, another yes man

    1. Another yes man? You obviously dont know him! He is far from a yes man. He is truly a fair man.

  6. Pity the attention seeking look at me, I am important types.

    Bossier City needs someone charismatic and dynamic to run for office.

    Rock the boat . I would rather vote for a TV preacher.

    You all ready know he(TV preacher) is a crook.

    The establishment should be unestablished.

  7. Easier said than done. It takes money and lots of it. These guys have been in power so long they got all the money tied up.
    The biggest problem is people in Bossier dont get out and vote. Especially in local elections.

  8. I saw a recent poll and the people of Bossier polled quite content.

  9. Where was this poll?

  10. Sheriff's race and DA's race

  11. Montgomery
    New person in vacant Jones seat
    Harvey beats Hannissee by more than a couple


  12. Prior to the Harvey vs Hannisse race, Mr Beam was all over Facebook contemplating entering the race for City councilman in south Bossier.

    Irwin's position wasn't open for election at that time.

    He was thinking about announcing his candidacy on public forums in an election that did not exist at that time.

    Irwin will be reelected.

  13. Irwin is getting our lights on Barksdale through the State. He has my vote.

  14. Irwin isn't doing anything. He is just a puppet . Mike Beam will be a nice change for South Bossier. Harvey will be a nice a change for North Bossier.

  15. Hope this Beam guy does not expect us to bring world peace!

  16. What are Beam's qualifications? I am not familiar with his background

  17. That's a legitimate question. He was a police officer for years and operates Beam's Restaurant. It might make for good discussion to talk about what qualifications everyone thinks someone should have to run for council.

  18. He is as qualified as David Montgomery and Tim Larkin who also own businesses in Bossier. But unlike those two, Mike has a background in public service.

  19. Also, he is a Mason

  20. If Beam is a retired policeman, I wonder what he thinks of the way the department is falling apart?

  21. Is he running for police chief?

  22. The police chief is not elected. He is appointed by the mayor. I mean Jimmy Hall.

    1. I have always wondered why Jimmy Hall didnt just go on and run for mayor???

  23. When does the council appoint a new mayor?

  24. Does anyone care about the $25 Million that Irwin and the rest squandered over the Walker Place debacle? $25 Million, people! Bossier voters poll content because they're low information voters who seem to be fine with their elected officials burning their money.

  25. I don't think they do. Because like every other debacle, they put a friendly little spin on it and make it seem like they are doing the citizens a favor. What's really bad is the citizens buy it. The mayor is still trying to call the Cyber Innovation Center a success. $100 million dollar water treatment plant. Can anybody really taste the difference in their water? I can't. My water billed tripled thanks to Mayor Walker and the water is not that much better. Let's not forget the fact they squandered so much money that the city barely has enough police and firemen to cover the city. All I can say is get used to it because we have 4 more years of this.

    1. The parking garage at the Boardwalk, don't forget about the $20 million debacle.

  26. 4:31,

    Want some cheese?

  27. I think Mike Beam would be a refresher for South Bossier. He is very tuned into what goes on. He has 2 granddaughters that go to school in South Bossier.

  28. Yea, he is so tuned in that he was one of the cops that raided the wrong house in 1986 and terrorized the innocent couple. Got the city sued. Real tuned in.

    1. Ok so tell me your part in this? Were you there beginning to end? No I dont think so! That is the #1 problem now days people dont know ALL the facts! Sounds like you made up your mind! Why dont you quit bashing people and circumstances you dont know all the facts about!

  29. Looks like the mudslinging machine is getting geared up early.

  30. Replies
    1. Exactly! Lets bring up something that happened 28 years!

  31. Did the lawsuit cost the city $25 million dollar like the Walker Place deal?

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. 2:17 AM:
    1. No personal attacks or insults.

  34. Yes, Mike was one of the officer who "raided" wrong house in 1986, He and other officers involved were acting on good faith that the officer who went before a judge to get the warrant had correct information on the warrant (namely the address.) We now know that the officer who applied for the warrant did not have the correct address. Mike was NOT the officer who applied for the warrant but was assisting the officer who did. I can't make a comment about Scott Irwin, good or bad, because I don't know him, but I do know Mike and consider him a brother and damned good friend.

  35. Is your brother/friend qualified to spend millions of dollars of taxpayer's hard earned money in the appropriate places?

    That bar next to the cafe did not last long.

    1. Yes he is qualified! Again there are facts people dont know

    2. That bar next to the cafe has nothing to do with public funds. To simplify this for you, no public funds were lost in Mike's decision to close the bar. Go ask Mike why he closed it instead of making wild assumptions. And if you must know, the bar is actually open....

  36. Mike is a good guy. But look who pulls his strings. Not good. Of course Scott Irwin is horrible. What to do?

    1. The only strings he has is to his heart! The only people who pull those are his 2 granddaughters! So I guess that is bad? Yea! Ok!

  37. I think mike is honest. I don't think he will be a "yes man" to Jimmy Hall. I think he will stand up for what is right. He is not running for city council because his ego demands it. He was not asked to run for council by that group. They already have a clueless "yes man" in Irwin. Mike will be great for Bossier.

  38. I'm willing to give anyone a chance over what we have in there currently. We need someone that will go to bat for our police and fire departments. Being as they are the lowest paid in the area...

  39. It does not matter who gets elected. The police and fire can only be paid from the general fund and a dedicated sales tax. Any additional money would legally require an increase in taxes. Think the citizens would pass one?

  40. I was KTBS web site and I saw the article about crime being down in Bossier. I said before this would happen. The bossier political machine would tell you crime is down AGAIN. But if you read the article you will notice burglaries and theft were UP. Crime down 4% but thefts up 8%. Ridiculous. Why can't they be honest with us?

    1. Who are they? Bossier BD is doing a fine job with what they have to work with(hats off and a salute). It sounds like you are saying more crime creates more jobs.

  41. 11:20

    I would vote for a cop / fire specific tax. Would you?

    1. Would you vote for the rest of the city employees getting a raise, unlike the state law mandated First Responder annual wage increases?

  42. 80% of Bossier did on 5-1-09. They rolled taxes forward on a tax specifically for police/fire. It was suppose to add $3 million a year to the budget. Yet there are less police officers and firemen on the streets in 2013 than they were in 2008. And they took a pay cut. Not to mention the firemen were getting screwed on a pay raise they received in 2006. What are they doing with that money? I voted for it to have good police and firemen. I'm not getting my monies worth. I blame the mayor and city council for that. You won't hear about it though.

  43. No I'm saying they don't have enough officers on the street. They (elected officials) are constantly talking about how safe Bossier is but the fact is there is more crime today and it's getting worse. They use this figure they call "crime rate" to say what they want it to say. Ask any of them how to figure the "crime rate" and I bet they can't answer that. But yet every year they crime has decreased. All I'm saying is hire enough officers. According go my sources BCPD works with only 7 or 8 officers per shift. They have had to eliminate several divisions within the department just to be able to do that.

  44. The budget presented by the mayor and approved by the city councilfor the last two years has money for an aditional 20 cops. Why does the department not hire them? That is not a City Council question. The money is approved and it is shown in publicly, monthly, in the finance report.

    1. The money is there for the officers. Unfortunately, the pay is substantially lower than competing agencies, so the department usually loses out.

  45. That is not true. I haven't seen anything in any budget that gives the chief of police money to hire 20 officers.

  46. If only we could get the truth. Big sigh. Seems like we can't get straight talk any more, just big time spin.

    Maybe, Mr. Beam is the man.

  47. Hey Jim,

    I will e-mail you the manning levels so 9:49 can realize that he does not have a clue about what he is talking about. Funding has been there in 2012 and is there for 2013. I'll get it to you tomorrow. Who they gone be mad at next?

  48. I hear mayor will have opponent.

  49. 8:16,
    Still waiting

  50. Does anyone know if this is the same Mike Beam that was the SRO at Rusheon Middle?


Rules of the road:
1. No personal attacks or insults.
2. No accustory statements about wrongdoing or criminal acts against anyone.
3. Say all you want about the pros and cons concerning the candidates and the issues, or the general subject of the blog post, just follow Rule #1 and Rule #2.