
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Saturday Elections: One Prediction

Saturday is election day for municipal offices in Bossier Parish. There are only two contested council races in Bossier City, and I have a prediction for one of them.
First, the one I won't predict is District 1, where Michael Beam is challenging Incumbent Scott Irwin. I really have no feel for that one.
Now my predictions don't carry much weight, but everyone loves to predict, so here is my prediction for District 5, which has Incumbent Larry Hanisee being challenged by Tommy Harvey and Mischa Angel.
I believe that Angel will take away more from Hanisee's vote than from Harvey's, so my prediction is this:
Tommy Harvey in first place.
Larry Hanisee in second place.
Mischa Angel in third place.
Resulting, of course, in a runoff between Harvey and Hanisee. Deja Vu.
Beyond that, I won't predict!
Happy voting.


  1. Scott Irwin is the only person that every stood up for me in the Funny Bone case. Well it really was not a case, I did all the leg work while McWilliams, Stewart, Sanford, Stockton, Lo Walker, and Worley got paid for nothing.

  2. If Scott Irwin stood up for you then he is an idiot. I know who you are and I'm familiar with this situation. You started the confrontation at the Funny Bone and got what you deserved. End of story. Scott Irwin is the type of person who blamed other people when his daughter got in trouble so it doesn't surprise me at all he would stand up for a guy like you.

    1. I am glad you know who I am, I don't hide. You are probably one of punks, that think you are some tuff guy, and can't get a better job. Talking to your wife is only a crime at the Boardwalk. Why did so many of the BCPD have to be Dishonest, if I did something wrong. If they want take polygraphs that shows they have something to hide. They wouldn't give me a polygraph. The owners of the Funny Bone were honest, they were six months late on their rent, and left in the middle of the night. Now go do some quick draw in the mirror, and tell your fat wife how tough you are.

  3. Okay, enough. This is about the election Saturday, not about a grudge with BCPD.

    1. Ok Jim your wish is granted. I hope the next mayor cares about Corruption, and so does the police force. According to Low, he went over my Statements with you in detail, if that was true would you mail me the information, or was that true?

    2. Grudge is not when you call out the Mayor for not looking in to the Fact as to why Shane McWilliams would be dishonest to a victim and tell the victim that a detective Humpries had left the Department and he had no way to contact him, when the truth was humpries had moved upstairs to work with Stockton. Why did he not just tell the truth. Why did Walker just turn his head.

  4. Let's see how I finish Jim. Batting a thousand so far. Irwin big in the south. Hannissee and Angel in a runoff. With this low turnout it could be anybody, but I think Harvey lost ground out of the chute with some really stupid comments. Both men were at 50%. Angel has two strengths as candidate, woman and none of the above. Once again with this turnout anybody could win any race.

  5. I believe Michael Beam will win in District 1. It is a time for change!

    1. I feel if the Mayor did not do his job during his present term, this is the chance for people to call him on it. I would really like to know if the boats have paid people not to run against Mr. Walker. It happens everyday if you watch the news. Just like at New Orleans.

    2. I believe Beam will take it also. A lot of people in the south do not care for Scott Irwin.

  6. I attended the South Bossier Mtg. Monday nite and both Irwin and Beam spoke but due to the fact that you cannot question them until after the meeting it worthless to question them as everyone is gone and nobody hears the question. Irwin talked about all he had done for SB but not once did he mention the fact that he voted along with the others on the U L Coleman deal that will now cost us $26million which did not have to happen had hard headed councilmen just given the curb cuts he wanted in the first place. That along with the great Cyber palace they built and we still a waiting for all those big jobs to come at a cost of anohter $25million. Irwin took credit for the lights that are coming to Barksdale Blvd.- that's federal funds given to the state and he had nothing to do with that. Same old bunch to run city for anohter 6yrs. and if Angel gets in there she will vote with Larkin (family ties). I guess LO will be our permanent mayor as seem no one gives a crap about running for that job. Same old same old.

    1. I predict Irwin will win, and we will be stuck with Walker.

    2. 4:18, what was your thoughts. Are you endorsing Beam? just curious and ready to be persuaded.

    3. @ 6:28 what do you want to know about Beam? I know him very well! I endorse him all the way!

    4. I think Beam will do a great job.

    5. ""@ 6:28 what do you want to know about Beam?""

      True decision making abilities and ~~~~willingness to admit if a mistake was made~~~~ instead of the total spin and flat out lies that have been happening. I know very little of him yet I have witnessed the actions of the incumbent.

      Again willingness to cowboy up and admit a mistake instead of spin. A rare thing these days.

  7. Nobody ran against Lo because he has all the campaign money tied up. An incumbent is hard to beat. It would take an extreme amount of money to beat him. Unfortunately that's the way it is in Bossier. Whoever has the most money wins. I applaud mike beam and tommy Harvey. I'm sure they have spent a lot of there own money to run their campaigns. They see a need for change and they are doing something about it.

  8. 4:28,

    You are really on top of things. The Mayor's race is over.

  9. The People need to know the truth, and I still will offer a polygraph, most people do when they have nothing to hide. I was assaulted at the Funny bone, When I filed charges the person that assaulted me fled the state for 8 months, I told chief Worley is was back in town, but never was questioned, McWilliam, Stockton, Sanford, all were dishonest, in the case and Lt. Jimmy Stewart Threatened to arrest me if I didn't go away, these are all members of the BCPD. I went to the Mayor with these problems. I feel if he would have looked into this Sanford would not have screwed the Copperhead case, and hire the wrong person in a triple murder. Jim this is not a grudge, and if of all the people can pass a polygraph to prove they didn't lie, You will never here another word about it. If the Mayor was not taking kickbacks from the Funny bone then why were they protected. The Funny Bone was six months behind on their rent, left in the middle of the night. Just the people that would pay kickbacks.

    1. BCPD has an eight month cutoff for Assault. And they only give polygraphs to kids that take bicycles, or anyone that the know can't incriminate them.

    2. If you had a problem with the police either go to Internal Affairs or get an attorney and sue. Please stop hashing it out here!

    3. Well look here it's ole buck the crazy dude from the funny bone case. He has been complaining about this for like two or three years. Please do not give him a sounding board. He doesn't know anyone. Please please get this guy off here.---your pal Frank.

  10. Jim,

    Can we do away with funny bone guy. What a wacko!

    1. get rid of the wacko please, he knows no detectives at BCPD. He makes stuff up all the time. Last I heard he was going to the Attorney General with is case. looney tunes. long live the frank

  11. My precinct is at Central Park Elementary School. I do not even know if it will actually be open, due to Lo Walker being unopposed. I have not missed voting in ONE single election (except for the Senior Bush/Clinton/Perot race), so I reckon I'd better go try...just in case.

    If it IS open, I am sure that the poll worker ladies will be bored to tears...might get 5 voters the whole day.


    Hey! Maybe I'll run down to Southern Maid, and pick them up some glazed donuts, and those bitchin' apple/or cherry fritters!

    And, if they're not taking voters...well...I reckon I'll have to figure some way to dispose of all that Southern Maid junk... ;)

    1. I think the man that brought up the idea of Walker taking a polygraph test to prove to his voters he has never taken kickbacks is a good idea. It happens everyday, why not here.

  12. So really, why should I vote for any one,,,really?

    Gonna change, heard that sh*t too many times.

    Got till poll close time tomorrow to convince me.

    Edit,,,, I meant to post this comment on this blog yet worth asking twice.

  13. No trust, man, no trust.

    1. One thing is for sure, corruption is like a Gas Fire something has to done before it will stop.

    2. I am so glad Lo is not going to run again, so Maybe if something like the funny bone screw up, or the Norris triple murder screw up want happen again. Am I the only one that see McWilliams is not a Leader, that's one some of his staff is telling me. If any one there has had Low help them with a problem with the BCPD. Speak up. We need someone that can make the BCPD a department we can all be happy with.

  14. We need to hook up funny one with Scott Tubbs. That would be worth the price of admission to that freak show.

    1. Funy Bone and Tubbs, definitely worth the price of admission. 10th floor LSU material. take your meds wild one.

  15. I think funny bone man needs to put his frustration to rest by coming out of the closet.

    1. Hey you can ask, Stockton, Stewart, Sanford, The Mayor or you can spend 5 bucks, and get the Police report, that will give you all the info. I'm not in the closet, I don't like people that lie, of threaten me over the phone. Police are protected from not telling he truth to criminals, but no one told some of the BCPD you can't lie to victims. And you can't hide and protect criminals. Even if you are or are not getting paid off.

    2. This guy is hilarious!!

  16. I bet funny bone secretly has all of The Village People costumes.

  17. Please god get Wilder off here he is crazy. Dude used to blow hot air on the ktbs website for the same BS. Get over it u moron.

  18. 5:39,
    How bout this one? Funny Bone guy, Tubbs, and Randy Matthews all in the same room. How crazy would that be? Now that I would pay to see.

    1. OMG This guy is nuts.

    2. I like the funny guy, Tubbs, Mathews idea.

  19. Sorry this got a little out of hand. I have deleted some posts that were insulting. I have to confess that I know nothing at all of the funny bone incident. If somebody wants to email me the details I'll look at it.
    Generally speaking, though, when it's you against the entire police department and city administration it doesn't speak well for your argument.

    1. Jim I have sent you the e-mail a few days ago about the funny bone, just waiting on you to respond. I do not have a problem with the whole BCPD just the people the were not honest, threatened me, and were to lazy to question the person that assaulted me, when they had 12 months to do so. If anyone thinks I am not being honest I will take a polygraph, as long as the City will discipline. And for Mr Humpries call me what you want.

    2. I haven't received that email. Try it again.

  20. Jim,

    This guys is as crazy as Scott Tubbs and has tried to draw everybody elected into his atack against BCPD. His ranting has been ignored. He pulls this same thing on any forum that will allow him to go on and on.

    1. yeah, he went by Buck on a previous forum. It's a whole conspiracy with BCPD, big big deal. I think his law suit he was planning against the funny bone fell through after the bogus complaint.

    2. I don't know what rock this Jim guy crawled out from under, But I do know that guy named Humpries has multiple personalities. I don't know what the relationship with the Mayor, and the Funny Bone. I do a lot of people were dishonest, I know I was threatened, if I did not drop the case, and I know the BCPD had 13 months to question the person that assaulted me. I know I had 6k in doctor bills, and pain for 3 years. I know the Mayor would not answer any of the times I tried to contact him. And those people write, bogus, conspiracy, then ask the Fine Officers, and Low to take a polygraph. Then it will be settled, or they can pay for me to take a polygraph, and we will see the truth, but I don't think the Mayor or the BCPD want the public to know the truth.

    3. I don't know if there is a Frank guy on the BCPD, But there was a Frank on the KTBS site that had multiple personalities, this guy was one sick you know.

    4. Frank is not just one person. lol. Stop asking about him.

    5. The Frank I am talking about does work on the BCPD, that was just bait.

    6. Oh that's right Franks alter ego is Timmy. Timmy is nice and his alter ego Frank is the mean one. Are you Timmy or Frank. Frank is not just one person, he is Frank and sometimes Timmy. Did they give you a test when you signed on Frank or Timmy?

    7. Timmy......timmy, kinda like Bucky. Frank rules

  21. Who threatened you? What was the threat?

  22. "I don't know what rock this Jim guy crawled out from under.."
    You smooth talking devil, you really know how to get your case across to people. . .

  23. Replies
    1. Jim when are you going to answer that e-mail you asked for?

  24. I haven't received an email about it.

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