
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Council says farewell to Jones, Hanisee

Tommy Harvey was sworn in to replace Larry Hanisee on the Bossier City Council. Harvey replaces Hanisee on his 2nd attempt at the office. Hanisee served previously and was elected the last time to fill the term of Chubby Knight. I have every confidence that Councilman Harvey will serve his consituents well.
Jeff Free has some big shoes to fill. He replaces David Jones, who decided to step down after 16 years. I believe he will do well.
Bossier City is all about growth and infrastructure, and the council has done the job. There have been criticisms for some individual projects, but on the whole the city is not only keeping up, but is ahead of the curve.
David Jones has been a key player in infrastructure, probably more so than any other individual council member. He also fought hard to keep Public Safety funded at a good level, and tried to get raises for unclassified city employees. Well deserved raises, by the way.
He deserves a thank you from the citizens of Bossier City for a job well done.
I'm not ignoring Larry Hanisee, he also deserves thanks for serving, he just didn't have the time to achieve very much in this abbreviated term.
It hasn't been all roses and rainbows, however. What I consider to be the council's biggest mistake was the Walker Place debacle. I think it could have worked out early and amicably, but pride and egos got involved and it ended up in a (pardon my language) pissing contest that the council was destined to lose. Maybe if faced with a similar situation in the future, the council will act in a more prudent manner. 
As Kenny Rogers said, 'you have to know when to hold them, and know when to fold them'.
Overall, the City is in good hands.


  1. I agree with what you wrote (except the last line about the city being in good hands). This has a potential of being a very informative thread. Please don't let funny bone guy ruin it

  2. It's going to be interesting. I believe in Tommy Harvey. As long as he keeps an eye on Jimmy Hall. Hopefully he will retire. He and David Montgomery are fully to blame for the Walker Place debacle. I say sale CIC too. It is a money pit. They can spin it all they want but it's a money pit. Sell it to a company that knows how to manage property and let them fill it. The current group of political friends currently running the place have failed. It's time to cut the losses.

  3. Thank you Jim. Jeff Free will do an excellent job.


  4. Shreveport Times had an article on the U.L. Coleman debacle. When will Jimmy Hall be held accountable? I assume never.

  5. I give up on holding him or anyone in bossier accountable. the public just doesn't care

  6. I think they care. Just knowing who to talk to who is willing to do something about it. Thats ehere you hit a rosdblock. He is appointed by the mayor and is suppose to serve at the descretion of the city council. For some reason they are scared of him. David and Bubba are the only two councilmen that would come on here and answer questions. Even they won't say anything negative about him when asked.
    5 million dollars fighting a lawsuit. Why? To protect David Montgomery's business interest. He is the insurance agent for Brown builders. The owners of Jamestown apartment in South Bossier. That's the real reason they didn't want the U.L. Coleman project.


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