The Official MyBossier Blog about Bossier and North Louisiana since 2007! We've been holding local people, events, and politicians accountable ever since. :-)
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Thank a Police Officer
It's Thank a Police Officer Day. To all of our BCPD, Shreveport PD, BPSO & CPSO officers, and to all in our extended area, thank you for your service to our communities.
Funny Bone Guy must have been released from Brentwood again because he was quiet for a while. Thet don't have access to computers during their "therapy". Hey Funny Bone Guy, do you still think Jim Wells is the city attorney who wouldn't take up your "case". The only people who are qualified to take up your case is staff at Brentwood. Once again, the truth is you were showing your ass at the Funny Bone, you were asked to leave, you refused and was escorted to the door, you showed your ass some more, and a little force was used to get uoui out the door. You had 100% control of the situation but your defective brain couldn't comprehend that fact and it still can't.
I want to thank Harold Sannford for doing the worst job, and what I see as not being honest in the Funny Bone Case, also I want to that Jimmy Stewart for threatening me. Tough guy. And Chief Worley when I told him Troy was no longer hiding and was back at work at the Funny Bone.
Hey Sept the re was no Briia Detective at the Funny Bone, he was on the copperhead case, then got promoted 6 months later. You seem to have a lot of knowledge about Brent Wood having computers. Well what time did you go to sleep.
FBG, I see you're off your meds again and we have a waxing moon that will soon go full. Maybe you need to see about trying a tin foil hat until the moon starts to wane, and when we go into a new moon I hope things will get better for you. Have you talked to your doctor about medication?
I think black is fitting for the BCPD. Why don't they drive in the summer with their windows down, that would make more since. And I don't blame these guys for not taking a polygraph, that id usually what you would do if you had something to hide. And in my opinion Chief Worley, McWilliams, Sanford, Stockton .,and Stewart would never take a polygraph in the Funny Bone Case.
If Sanford, Stockton, McWilliams , Stewart, and Worley are really, honest then stand up and stop hiding and take a polygraph. If I were a coward I would say I am not telling the truth, but I will take a polygraph and prove I was threatened, and lied to by the BCPD. And if you have your Mission Statement on the wall, you should take it down, because your organization is not following it.
FBG, Who's stopping you from taking a polygraph. There are places in this area where you can get one but you'll have to pay for it. How about taking one, at your expense since you're the one demanding it, and prove those who says you're lying wrong. Here, I'll help you, Nissen Unlimited and Associates Inc, they're located on Vine Street (just off Market between Youree and Stoner, 425-4536. Now Put Up or Shut Up!!!!!
FBG, I was looking on the Google Map for Nissen and it's location is very convenient for you. It's a couple of blocks east of Brentwood. After your session at Nissen you can ease on over to Brentwood and check yourself in there.
You guys are so creative, I would say you probably have lots of time counting your money not. The BCPD the last time I checked gets paid for by the city and from the looks of this Blog, I am not the only person that is overwhelmed with the fine Job they doing. Do the BCPD Detectives have a big Dart Board they use when they don't have a criminal they can arrest, they throw a dart and arrest a person they want to arrest. The officers that are doing their job, Thank You, the once that are not, Hi.
Answer, you are right, I was in Mexico Deer Hunting Sept 27, My hat goes off to all of the great law enforcement in the US. But if you are a bad cop, and try to screw me over, well I am going to call you out, and I am going to try to help the city see what they are paying for. I think that is fair.
FBG, You need help. I would like to give you a benefit of the doubt that you posted as Anon 10/16/12 @ 6:18 and as Anon 10/16/13 @ 10:53 in an attempt to make readers believe you're two different people, but I fear that you're posting as two different people isn't intentional (remember, there was a point you thought Jim Wells was Jimmy Hall who had an office in a high rise building on Airline Drive.) Schizophrenia is cruel and I do hope you get the medical attention you need.
I think I am going to ride around all winter with my window down, and have a wreck or two. Maybe even take some funny money, Let people hide after assaulting people. Oct 17, 4:23p if your not a Detective with you know who, tell them you know me and I said give you the job. You fellows that think you know me are wrong. I don't have play games, like pretending to be someone I am not. Ask Sanford, he thought he was smarter than me, wrong. I hate he got demoted but It happens to great people.
We know you aren't pretending to be more than one person, because of your schizophrenia it occurs natually. Also, please take care of yourself for the next couple of days because we are in a full moon cycle which is particularly hard on people with mental disorders. I know because I deal with them when we have to do commitment orders on them. That's why we drive around with our windows down in the cars. We do so that we can hear people like you who's medications are working properly and end up howling at the moon, and we can take them to the 10th Floor to get them help. So, There's no need to fear open car windows, it's done to help poor wretched souls like you. Since you fear open windows ask your doctor on your next visit to Brentwood or LSU 10th floor if he can find you help from Defenstraphobia, the fear of windows.
Leave the comedy to the professionals like you should have the night you were asked to leave the Funny Bone for interupting the acts. You suck at comedy but your mental issues does make for some great levity.
Another stupid person, I hate your misuse of the English Language.. What you should have wrote was, issues do make for, and your mom should have went with the larger Batman costume. Man you are stupid.
Let me tell you something Mr. Wilder. Sanford, Stewart, Worley, Stockton, and McWilliams are good people. Leave them alone. Sanford DID NOT get demoted. Everybody on this blog knows that you are crazy!. Lets talk about extortion. HMMM wonder who go arrested for Polygraph-Smolygraph, who cares. You have done NOTHING, but run your mouth. Go ahead tell us all about it one more time.....geez. "I am coming for justice"...really. oooooh I am sure they are all shaking in their boots. come on tell us about a polygraph again, use some of your wittiness. RUN YOUR MOUTH some more, so we can all laugh at you. NO one takes you seriously. NOBODY, not even the comedian you tried to extort. ---signed your good buddy FRANK
Hey Timmy, I mean Frank, I mean Timmy. Are you mad , I have never had an alter ego, what is that like. I bet it takes hours for your mom to get you dressed. Your abuse of the English language would make an English teacher, start teaching PE. Wonder who go arrested for that. I am sorry you could not pass the psych test, good thing for Bossier. Why are you not talking in your Timmy voice?
But come all the rest, what the does that mean Einstein. I wish the people that post on this Blog would take an IQ test, that would make for more interesting reading. But come all the rest, I guess it is true, you can't hide stupid.
I guess it is true, you can't hide stupid.,,,,,,,,,, Is stupid being used as a noun or an adjective. If you used it as an adjective you should have used the word stupidity.
The way you wrote your statement is up to subjective reasoning.
Einstein, I have not heard the word chuckle in decades. Your vocabulary reeks of objective reasoning. I bet your mom bought you the Batman matching underwear Frank, I mean Timmy, I mean Frank..
A friend of mine who lives in the Dogwood area is telling me he heard someone howling at the moon last night and it got wilder throughout the night. Was that you FBG?
I hope this isn't violating any HIPPA laws but I've obtained a video of FBG during his last visit to Brentwood:
I have since learned that FBG had submitted to a polygragh but there were complications due to his multiple personality complex. Chuckles, the paranoid schizophrenic actually believed he was telling the truth but due to his bouts with delusion couldn't determine if Jim Wells was telling the treuth or if Jim's alter ego Jimmy Hall was lying. Then his Shirley Temple personality came out and FBG was last seen skipping down the street toward Brentwood (which was only a couple of blocks away) and singing On The Good Ship Lollipop.
What does treuth mean? It is funny what depths people will go to cover-up Corruption. Frank I think your mom got the wrong size batman underwear, to small. Frank if you are a secretary why do you carry a gun? Is it loaded? And remember I have proof when "You" were the one with multiply personalities, Timmy was nice, his brother "Frank" was the mad one Whooo? I scared of Frank.
Frank I am going to tell you this one more time. If a red line comes up under a word, that means it is Misspelled. You take the little thing you hold in your right hand, on your computer Take your first finger, not your thumb, and click on the top right, this will give you a list of words, call your mom to help you pick out the right word, and click on the word.. I guess it really is true, you can't fix stupid..
You can make fun of me all you want, Bossier is good at covering up corruption, it has been going on since the 60's, and that's in the history books. Walker thought he could take McWilliams from Sergeant to Chief like they did Prater, one problem McWilliams is no Prater. Tell Shane he can smile in his picture, he got the job. As so of them, what does that mean? And FBG love to point out other people, what does that mean? I only point out the bumpkins that try to make fun of me. If I were Mayor, and I could not take the pay cut, I would stop the corruption, and lock up these twisted cops that think they are above the law. When they lock up bad cops they put them in with the Pedophiles, don't drop the soap fellows. and I do want people to know, that I know Frank is not a Cop, I was just leading him on..
I want to take the test for a BCPD. You roll down your window in the winter. You roll your window up in the summer. You Passed, you get to ride with this guy that talks like Joe Friday. Sanford, he just got demoted so don't sat anything.
Ole Bucky.....Chuck, Mr. Wilder. Sanford was not a supervisor and didnot get demoted. You are engaged in a battle of wits and you came heavily unarmed. I would be ashamed if I were you. You have no clue. Your little comments are those of a junior high kid. You have nothing but your mouth to run.
Special thanks to our police officers, especially McWilliams, Stewart, Stockton and Sanford. TCB
Stockton? All this time I thought it was Jimmy Hall who had all the power. You better tell all all those sucking up to Jimmy Hall they're sucking up to the wrong guy and better start sucking up to Stockton if they want to keep their jobs.
Sanford did get demoted, his supervisor told me. He needed to he could not handle a simple assault case, he blew it. And any of you punks want to threaten me, I have flushed things, that scare me more than you girls. Bring it Bit__. Not afraid. I could see Sanford doing a Homicide, give me a break, lets just use Copperhead, know one will the difference.,
Congratulation goes out to the Dogwood Subdivison for its eligibility to have a village idiot, and congratulations goes out to Chuckles (a.k.a. FBG) in breing promoted to that status.
What does breing mean? Remember what I said about the red line under a word you rogue scholar you.I am trying to understand you but our IQ's are spread so far apart it makes it hard to. Try later Einstein.
Hey Dogwood Subdivision Idiot, is there suppose to be a space between a period and the beginning of a sentence? I can point out typos too, moron. But the real question is why are you afraid of answering why don't you put your money where your mouth is? We all know the answer and it's because you don't have squat!
Chuckles Wilder, I understand why you won't answer my questions. You can't and everyone following this post knows you're full of B.S. We know the truth which doesn't set you free. If you had a case you would have contacted the FBI and an attorney, which you probably did and was laughed out of their offices.
What is this people sleep restfully in their beds at night. And their are some rough people out there. They must be the cops that keep their windows rolled down all year long,. Does Sanford have to keep his window rolled down all year after being demoted? Frank why are you afraid of me? Frank is it true you pick your nose while eating your popcorn. No butter for Frank.
Here we go, more second grade humor. Frank rules and Buck Wilder drools. That previous post is a famous quote, I understand why you didnt get it. Village idiot is an understatement for Bucky
I want to thank all of the police officers for their great service they have provided except for officers that I feel are corrupt with the BCPD, great job Bossier PD you have proved that corruption still exists in the BCPD.
Wow great comeback. Buck, your sooooo witty. You lost loser. Hahaha everybody knows you are a joke. They laugh at you like a clown. Bucky the Clown has a nice ring to it. Or Chuckles the angry clown. I could keep going but you get the point.
The point is beyond Chuckles' comprehension (since Chuckled can comprehend that means understand, or in simipler terms gets it.) His intelligible, insane rants only provides proof of the type of person that the employees, comedians, and the audience at the Funny Bone was dealing with that night and the type of person the police had to deal with during their investigation: irrational and insane. His own words and antics have done nothing but strenghten the case against him.
I still say LT Jimmy Stewart is the coward of the Decade for threatening and trying to get me to drop the Funny Bone Case, Then Second place is an even tie Sanford, McWillims, Stockton, and Worley. Great job if can retire, I suggest, if you can't I am going to best as to get you each fired. Tell Frank he is a coward too, don't be afraid of me Frank, and you can try, but I am not playing your games. One of the BCPD detectives said he knows you and your elevator is stuck between the second and third floor. 6948, 3872
Chuckles bucky wilder. You havent got a clue. No bcpd detective would even talk to you, mainly because you are stupid. So the best chuck can do to get somone fired is post on this blog, run his mouth, what a joke. Appearing soon at the funny bone is chuckles the clown!
I too am wondering how is Chuckles going to do it. How is he going to get officers fired when no one in the city or police administration will even talk to him. I also suspect that old FBG has gone to the FBI (since Chuckles doesn't understand initials and acronyms, FBG is you, Funny Bone Guy, and the FBI stands for Funny Bone Investigators) but was laughed out of their offices. I can also imagine the guffaws (that mean loud laughter, Chucky) in each attorney office when he left trying to seek legal action (that means filing a law suit, no Chucky, suit as in a case to present before a judge , no Chucky, not a suit case...oh never mind). BTW (By the way) I hate to tell you this but that big den you're always bragging about is really rhe waiting room at Brentwood Hospital, but if if gives you the security you need it can be your den. Maybe one day we can meet, hopefully when I'm in need for some levity (that means laughter) you can tell me how you're going to get a number of BCPD officers fired!
I hate to see the corruption that flows within the BCPD. It is really sad they can't have enough experience between, McWilliams, Sanford, and the person that threatened me, in an effort to get me to drop the case against the Funny Bone. Sad Job men, it is sad to know there is a hiring freeze, and maybe a layoff, and people like these and get to keep their jibs.,
OMG!!!! You mean there may be people who will lose their "jibs"? Say it ain't so! BTW, The "effort" to drop what case against the Funny Bone? You pathetic little man, there is NO CASE to drop against the Funny Bone. The only case exists in you tortured delusional mind.
Wow these comments are way better than mine. Thank you. "Jibs" I am still laughing. The only thing sad is that this clown is still running his mout, I will say miuth so he will understand. Long live the Frank
Go to today's winner of the Funny Bone Award. Don't forget to roll your window down B.J. and all the other officers. I have decided to ignore these other people that I can't understand due to their very low IQ score's. I am sad that the Norris' murders happened. I am glad that BCPD showed that, when the phone start's ringing, just pick someone. Even if it is not the person that did I, right BJ..
Chuckles, the only time I'm concerned about my jibs is when I'm on my sailboat. When there's little or no wind jibs do me no good and I have to rely on my motor. But since you don't have both oars in the water this too is probably something you don't understand.
FBG, To compare your self induced problems to the Norris case is the acts of someone lower than whale turds at the bottom of the sea! Three men died, and yes there were mistakes made in the case, big mistakes, and the public already knows it. Bill Norris was a friend to a lot of people in this community and his family and the families of the other two men who died that day are suffering from a real tragedy unlike when some asshole didn't know when to shut up and leave a business when he was told to do so. Yes, because of the screw ups that were made it will probably mean justice will not be served in the murder of those three men. You on the other hand.... like I said, lower than whale turds at the bottom of the sea!
Let's tell the truth about the corruption w chuckles bucky wilder. Who has been arrested for extortion. A man in a glass house shouldn't throw stones. Lower than whale turds is correct.
What's "wilder" than whale turds at the bottom of the sea? A nutty squirrel turd with the last name Wilder. Chuckles, do you understand that you village idiot?
It is nice to see that the BCPD did just what they were suppose to do with the rope, and that is hang there self. So if you want someone arrested, just keep calling the station. And if that don't threaten you, they will make an arrest, even if it is for a triple murder, and even if it is the wrong person.
It's a shame that at least one of the police mentioned McWilliams, Sanford, Stockton, Stewart, or Worley will step up to the plate and say yes I was dishonest in the Funny Bone Case, or take a polygraph test and say yes I told the truth and will prove it by taking a polygraph. Do it for the citizens of Bossier City/, don't be labeled as cowards, we need an honest Police force.
For all of you city workers, I am working on getting a bill passed that will require all City workers to live in the City. This will save enough money to hire more police that are needed.
For all of you residents of Dogwood I am working on getting a decree passed through the homeowners association to have Chuckles named Dogwood Subdivision's Douche Bag-of-the-Year! That ought to be a shoo-in!
On the last post you can see how immature the person writing the Post is. He is one sick, mental pup. He told me he has an alter ego living in his head named Timmy, and he goes around saying Frank rules. I never know to call him, Frank or Timmy. He is upset due to the fact I am working with some people to pass the bill ,live where you work, just like Shreveport. We need all the sick ones like him in Bossier.
Hey Chucky, Looking at the picture of you singing in the mirror I see you have a nice little ball bumper on your chin. Can you play "Looking Out My Backdoor" by CCR?
I can't wait till we trim some this fat. The next Mayor will have an easy job. He can find some young new recruits that want to be honest and protect our citizens, all of them, and not let criminals go to protect our Low Crime Rate. The Game is Over, and some people that are dishonest will not like it. Jim Wells should do a survey.
Chuckles, Because you can't shut up we all found ouit today the only dishonest person posting on this blog is you. You were caught with a forged prescription and now you're pissed at the police for that along with being arrested for extortion, and the Funny Bone incident where you justifiably got your ass whipped for showing your ass. Hey Pill head, what's your drug of choice?
If you can produce a Script that I forged, I will give you one million in cash. And I saw your mother at KMart taking back some 4x Spandex pants, the she got on Black Friday. She asked, can you believe these split, and I don't lie so I said Yes. She got mad and went sliding off in her orange shocks, and cloth house shoes, and all I could think of was Paul Simon, Slip Sliding Away.
Paul Simon's "Slip Sliding Away"? Is that another song you sing while you look at yourself in the mirror? You're such a F'ing retard. The best part about this is I know who you are, but you don't even have a friggin' clue to who I am. You can talk s*** all you want about who you imagine I am but Who am I. Once again, because you can't shut up and put what little life you have on the internet, I know all I need to know, and I can go about asking question, and learn more and more (like I've done already) about you. All you and do is look in the mirror, wonder, and sing the Who's "WHO ARE YOU?" to yourself in the mirror! What's even better is there is nothing you can do about it? What? Call and complain? Complain to whom? Complain about what? Complain that you're the one who put it all out there in a public forum for all to see ? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know who you are. The sad part you left off was your life resolves around me. It is obvious you are gay, backdoor man, ball bumpers, no one speaks like that if they are not gay. I see were not able to collect on the million. I have already offered you the chance to meet up, and tell me again how tough your not. Remember you are nothing to me, and if feel brave let me know, we can Talk about it. Did your mom go with the 5x, if she did that could have been risky.
I Love the way the Gay Guy Cannot get it thru his head. He knows only what he learns at CBARK. Where do some of the these Detectives come up with their crazy ideas? They will lie to you about what they see on a surveillance tape, but they want let you Look at it.
Story today about a man being locked up for 30 years after being torched into a confession of a Crime he did not do. That's like arrested the wrong person, when you knew it was the wrong person, because of public outcry for an Arrest. Does that sound familiar. It does to me.
Chuck Wilder is my friend and he was the Project Leader for the Largest Refinery Project in the History of North Louisiana. Maybe you are the one that is literate.
Damn Chuckles, is your "friend" one of the many personalities who lives in your head? Besides, have you read what you've written? It's on a third grade special education level and hardly makes any sense, or as you'd call it "since". The only gay person identified is you Chucky Poo! You're the one hitting the nerve on "That Gay Thing".
The gay guy has been following me around for four years, like he has a fatal attraction. He Calls chin hair ball bumpers, he loves the song backdoor man, should I go on. He' not coming out of the closet, I helped him. I have a family, and I am 100% straight, so he can follow someone else. Ball bumpers How sick.
Did I really hit a nerve on the little gay guys fewns, that is so sad. Well maybe Santa will bring him a gay guys calendar, maybe that will turn his little frown into a smile.
FBG, You're the one qualifying your sexual preference. I guess you're not quite secure in your manlihood. Just because you have a family doesn't mean your straight. Besides, after all that bragging about how you hit a nerve with that gay thing who's to know? I mean are you a 10 karat, a 14 karat, or a 24 karat homo?
I never bragged, you have been following me for over 4 years, I have never heard the word ball bumpers, for chin hair, and you brought up the song backdoor man, so if it looks like a duck, its a da m duck. So go do whatever you do. As long as you keep following the more the percentage I am right goes up Timmy frank, and what sixe do you wear, I was going to get you some Jamie's with the foodies' and the backdoor.
FBG is like a dog. His main goal is to lie about his experience with the BCPD, but if you pick up a ball (like exposing his homosexuality) and throw it, he'll chase after the ball.
I ran into a guy the other day when I was volunteering for the Salvation Army and I asked about you. He said you were an over the top catcher, whatever that means,catcher
Catcher? And you said you didn't know anything about being a homo! Once again Chuckles, you outed yourself. You've already have one foot out of the closet so come on completely out of it.
Catcher what size are those Jamie's time is running out, One thing about it you have not denied being a gay catcher, I hope you find a partner because I can you tell you have had no have no life for the last four years ,oh that's right you have 50 followers , I bet they are pitchers big boy.
The only person who ever claimed to be a "catcher" or a "pitcher" is you, when you said you used to be a "'miner' league pitcher". As for Jamie's, WTF is a "Jamie"?
Hey Chuckles, I see you're becoming the ass clown on the KTBS website. What, being an ass clown on this site wasn't enough so you had to expand? I think it's great that you are showing your ass on other site because it is regional and now they know Charles Wilder is an idiot throughout northwest Louisiana, northeast Texas, southeast Oklahoma, southwest Arkansas and other places around the planet where people read it. BTW, I'm hoping that other people will follow you there too and expose you for the moron that you are. Keep up the good work Chuckles.
I saw your mom at Wal mart the other day. She was wearing those 5X spandex pants, lime green hoodie, orange socks, and purple house shoes, and asked her what size Jamie's you wear , the ones with the feet, and the backdoor, and she said 4x, she said her little TimmyFrank loves to eat. I asked her why his name is TimmyFrank, she said that was two names she decided on, so she named him both of them. I said Merry Christmas, and she just walked away in those house shoes, and still all I could think of was that song, Slip Sliding away. Timmy Frank you should see by now I do what I want, and you can call he any name you want you coward. Because you want say to my face, because you will do just like the floor manager at the Funny Bone did when I stood up and the end of the show, he ran and locked himself in the mangers office, which was a good move on his part. You are a Coward, and always be coward the hides be hide a computer screen.
Chuckles, Once again you're too stupid to even know you're stupid. As for standing up at "the end of the show", I thought you were picking yourself up off the floor? Which is it Chuckles? We all know what happened. You showed your ass, you were asked to leave, you refused, got your ass whipped. That was the show. BTW hides be hides? And you say you were a manager of the largest refinery project in north Louisiana. LOL!!!!! Emptying trash cans and getting coffee is a project.
You don't have to believe me I don't care. Did Sanford lie and say he caught the triple murderer or not. I just want to know long it is going to take for the skin to heal on your face your boyfriend rubbed off last night. Ho Ho Ho. And I did run the 240 million dollar upgrade for Pennzoil.
Is that why they keep having problems with the place blowing up once and awhile? I also know FOR A FACT that you've spent time in Brentwood. How about telling people about that! Asshole!
Did you get any long black toys from Santa. Maybe that is why your mom says you cut off the backdoor of your Jamie's. She told me you sleep with your brother Eddie Frank sleep together. You Coward
You didn't deny your a mental patient at Brentwood. Did you? You don't even have a clue to who I am you c.s. I could set up a time and date at some place. I'd be there and you wouldn't even who I am, but I would know who you are, you're the dumb looking s.o.b. with the ball "bummers". LOL!!!!!!!!! You worthless p.o.s.
Don't know what Brentwood means? Everybody in Shreveport area knows about Brentwood, especially you since you were once a patient there. And it's funny that you've accused others of being patient there. When you weren't being the mop on the floor of the Funny Bone!
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Hey I just wanted to warn Brad and Sameer there is this gay guy named Frank Dec 31, 5;35pm that uses this site as a gay pickup site so becareful about the information you put on this site, he has been after me for four years, he is one sick SOB. He knows I am married with fam
FBG, You just have that way to get hit a nerve doing a gay thing, and you're quite proud of it and have bragged about your ability to do so several times. I've known several homos who are married with a family, so don't hide behind that. You worthless piece of sh**!
I goggled Frank the other day, and it had a fat guy saying all men please call me, I'm broke and live with my mom, but she has good plugs, PS we have Fleas but you will get used to them. This is the last time you will here from me coward. You are a real coward. They shouldn't even call you a man because your not. coward.
I win again you worthless piece of shit! On January 2, 2014 at 10:18 PM you wrote, This is the last time you will here from me coward!" On January 3, 2014 at 4:27 PM I wrote, "OK, let me see if we hear from you again! You're a low life liar! One hour and eight minutes later you just couldn't help it, you broke, YOU LIED, you wrote, "It's of for you to come out of the closet, you cracked the door, and I opened it Bitch." Then you commented again at: January 3, 2014 at 10:14 PM, and again at January 4, 2014 at 1:33 PM, and again at January 4, 2014 at 3:24 PM. You're such a friggin idiot.
Remember, I do what I want, you are the one that broke, over for your Boyfriend bitch. Are you still wearing the same bandage bitch? You don't play me. If I want to change my mind, I do want I want. My last blog had 248 hits, I didn't see that for any gay blogs. I bet your boyfriend is glad you came out of the closet, it was probably a little tight in there, no pun indented. I think that is so cute the way you do the dates, and times. You would make someone a good Secretary if they could keep you out from under the desk. Did I hit that nerve yet little girl.
FBG, Why were you let go at Pennzoil? Could it be something about you ending up at Brentwood? It's not a secret you're crazy. Hell, you've even told people you're a mental patient and reading the nonsense you're writing proves it.
This punk has been following me around for four years, I think he the one with the mental problem. Hey Frank I was in CVS today, and they have nose bandages for sale.
Chuckles, what was the diagnosis when you went to Brentwood? Is the prognosis good, or are you doomed with a life time of insanity? Are you taking medication? You see, I know people who know you and secrets get leaked. The problem with you is you can only speculate as to who I am. You think you do, but you don't. I'm not even a member of the police or sheriff's department, that's what's funny. Think back, way back, was it at Pennzoil or was it some other time you pissed someone off? Maybe it's been longer than four years, then again it may be just when you started your crap on this blog! There's only one person who knows, and I'm not telling.
I am so afraid I am going to sleep with the covers over my head, not. What you need to understand is you are nothing to me. Pennzoil would never hire you, I know because I was on the hiring panel for many years. When Pennzoil needed a project manager on their largest project ever, they picked me, also top started person me, top trainer me. so you can do whatever you would like, it want phase me. I just want justice, and I will go about getting it in a truthful, manner, and if you don't like it, well I am sure the BCPD does not like it either. the public should know the truth, and If I have to give it to them, so be it. And I know who you are.
From reading your illiterate incomprehensible writing I can see as for "for getting a manager for their largest project ever" Pennzoil settled for the cheapest bidder and ended up scraping the bottom of the barrel to get a "manager". Is this like when you said you were an all-star quarterback or a "miner" league pitcher? As for BCPD, yes it's a mess, but in your case justice was served.
Charles, By reading the drivel that you're writing it looks like you need to go forge another script to get your meds. You need some medical stabilization.
That's why FBG was at CVS, to pass a forged script. You better watch it FBG or "Brittman" or some other BCPD or BPSO detective will be "falsely accusing" you again!
Ms. Brittman fits the mold for a Bossier Detective, do you think her gun is loaded, or she had a perm the night before I talked to her. And she's no Joe Friday, put them up I am Tiffany. One thing about it, she want have to worry about you hitting on her. How's that nose?
Such great and thoughtful comments Chuckles. Hey, the next time you forge a script think about getting something that will help level out your chemical imbalance. Is a chemical imbalance the reason you were a patient at Brentwood. Yeah, I know your stay at some mental hospital for a nervous breakdown, a "mutual friend" of ours told me about it. BTW, he thinks you're a nut, too!
For those who are interested, Chuckles is showing his ass and spouting the same b.s. on the KTBS website. He admits he's hearing voices in his head and one of those voices is named WIlliam.
My stalker finally admitted he was dishonest last night. He said his had friends that were there when I was assaulted, but yet he could not recall anything that happened, even the comedians correct name. Then in the next blog someone asked the comedian's name which was the same name the extra honest Det. Sanford used, and was asked where that name came from, the name which was wrong but he lied and said I said she was there. This guy is a Gay Stalker, that is why he will not say he is not gay. Cone on Timmy Frank, get a life, I can tell you are hearing voices, and they are lying to you.
You're totally delusional. The name I used was a name you've been throwing about. And "your other commentor" is none other than you and even Stevie Wonder could see that. I think you've proved on the KTBS website you're a nut just like you proved it on this blog. BTW, once again you need to learn how to read with comprehension and context.
Tell me Grand paw how you wood jump off the house with your eyes closed, and it would feel like you were flying. And how you would eat watermelon and swallow the seeds, And how you would close your eyes for five minutes, and pretend like you didn't see anything, and walk in front of an 18 wheeler that was five minutes away and almost get killed, and set your alarm clock an hour before work, and never be late, and pretend to know people, that you just remembered two years ago, tell me grandpa please tell me. This was you on the KTBS Website. You did not get that GED, and it shows. You could have never worked with me. There is nothing in your Brain, Grey Matter, Air, And More Grey Matter.
Charles, You have to be the most stupid MFer I've ever seen on a blog. You really need help. There is no doubt in my mind why you got your ass kicked that night at the Funny Bone, Once again hotshot, you never answered my question on KTBS website about being big wheel at Pennzoil. What's the matter, too many people who know the truth may read that blog and call you the lying piece of shit that you are? As I've said, I've proven my point that you're nuts and if anyone with any common sense reads what you've written they will know the same.
Remember I don't answer to people with a neg IQ, I do what I want when I want. You are the one with about 8 wrongs, an I right. You are one stupid Guy I have nothing to prove to. I Love the way you tried to make yourself look smart, and ended up looking like an ass wipe. Your a nobody, lets face it. What are you standing up for, lower I Q people. I don't answer your questions. Now I know why you used to love set on grandpa's lap so much punk.
Chuckles, Now I understand completely about your problem. The reason you're not getting any better is you don't answer to people with a negative IQ. So, when you tell yourself you need to get better you won't because you don't listen to what you're telling yourself. Have you discussed this with your doctors at Brentwood? This may be the key they need to unlocking the barriers to your recovery.
It is so sad that Mayor Walker, didn't care as much about Corruption as Mayor Dement Did. I will be so glad when you are gone, and I will make sure the next Mayor knows about your past so he does not repeat it.
One mayor laughing you out of his office wasn't enough so you're going to try for two? I think I might run for mayor and hopefully win so that the one laughing at you will be me! But since you were a project manager for a major project at Pennzoil I may ever hire you for a special project. You can be monitor at the sewerage plants, because who would be better to know when the tanks are full so of s*** than someone who is full of s***!
Anon @7:38, You'll be making a mistake hiring Funny Bone Guy to monitor the sewerage plants. He doesn't realize he's full of shit so how would he know the holding ponds are full? If you hire him there will be a shit flood in Bossier City.
I just wanted to pass on to people with -IQ's You spell Hmm, not hnh. Man you are stupid. The are coming out with a new show called Justice For All, about crooked Cops and Judges, I am sure they will come here, but I am going to contact them and let them know about the piece of shit cover-up cops we have here. I have already worked with them in 2012 on the HBO Series Treme.
Charles, William, or whoever, Before making an ass out of yourself and making a statement you know nothing about it would be prudent to do a little research. But since you are an expert at stupidity and making statements about which you're not qualified why start now. Here's a little help. I've posted a link that gives the definition of "HUNH". And you have the balls to call others "Stupid"? Here's the link dumbass ,
FBG, You worked with HBO on Treme? WOW! You've been a All-Star Quarterback, a "miner" league pitcher, a big wheel at Pennzoil, a floor mop at the Funny Bone, And from the looks of it not successful at any of them, and you're least successful was defining words for a a dictionary. Hey, I know the exact job you're qualified for, I think Harvey Toyota is looking for a guy to suck the farts out of the seats of the used cars they get!
Chuckles, the big wheel for the largest refinery upgrade in the history of Pennzoil! What a joke! How in hell are we suppose to belive that crap when you can't spell, construct a comprehensive sentence, understand the context of a message, or know the meaning and spelling of "hunh"? Come to think of it you may have been, when the refinery on Jewella was plauged with series of fires and explosions. Is that when you were relieved of your duties and ended up in Brentwood? You're a absolute joke and the problem is everyone but you knows it.
There is no we, just one fat guy, that probably has a scrape burns on his face right now. I would rather live your sad pathetic life following a married man around wishing you could get that mans attention ,because you have it gets you off you sick B. I have nothing to prove to you catcher, and CVS has face bandages in 3x, perfect for your big Logger head,
Let's take a quiz. Why does the above post looks like it was written by someone with a literacy deficiency? A. The person is drunk. B. The person just took med he got from the forged script he passed (probably at CVS since that's the pharmacy he usually mentions.) C. He is illiterate. D. He needs to go back to Brentwood for psychological treatment because he's nuttier than a squirrel turd. E. All of the above.
AHHHHH. E, with a heavy emphasis on illiterate and nuttier than a squirrel turd.
I have thought of a new name for you, Marathon catcher, that fits you. After four years I hope you have figured out I am not gay like you, CATCHER, any burns on that nose.
That is so cute the way did all the work above. I am going to give you a D for Dumb and Dumber, makes me think you might be a local Detective, isn't that special. I am mailing you a case of Ben Gay you ferry tail. Hey Marathon Catcher let me know when I hit that nerve, I am looking very forward to that talk.
I'm not gay but I have a cousin who is and I showed him your picture, you know the one where you're sining to yourself in the mirror, and he said he remembers you from Central Station (that gay bar that use to be a train station under I-20 in Shreveport). He said he recognized the back or your head and said that's old Chucky Choo Choo! I asked them why Chucky Choo Choo? He said when you're not on stage playing your guitar you're in the back pulling a train. I asked him if he ever had you for a partner and he said yes, so I had to ask him if you ever hit one of his nerves, and he said he doesn't kiss and tell. So I don't know if you hit the nerve or not, but if your partner acts like it I suggest you just go along with it.
Wow! The above spam talking about trolls, "funny" people, jokes.... couldn't be more appropriate with Funny Bone Guy, who is a "funny" troll who posts his joke of a life on this blog.
Looks like you have been a bad girl, maybe you friend will spank you. Did you get that Ben Gay, Fruit Cake, and Face Bandages, I sent you. Someone said they saw you at the Mall, and your Face was covered in carpet Burns. Where is that Nerve, Come out Come out where ever you are, I want hurt. I changed my name on KTBS, and now you can look all you want. I heard when you got your job there was some running involved, and the did your on a hill since your such a dough boy, and the said you were not running you were falling. They give you some bandages but you said that was OK you had some. I think when you thought about a troll, your were looking in the mirror. You know like the one you hold up to see your feet.
You have to be the most stupid person I've ever contacted. You can change your name all you want but you can't change the fact that you write like an illiterate so you'll be easy to recognize. As for hiding, where have you been the past couple of days? Recuperating, because it was too sore to sit down, after a night at Central Station playing Chucky Choo Choo? What's your fetish with bandages? Were you dressed up as a nurse putting bandages on your friends during some sort of sick and twisted sex games. Oh well. As for knowing where the nerve is, you're the one who keeps bragging about how you hit it all the time. How in hell am I suppose to know where it is? Oh BTW, wipe your chin Chucky.
The Best Lol n Troll Network with the Name of Lols Gag... Troll Images, Prank Peoples, Funny Peoples, funny planet, funny facts, funny cartoons, funny movies pics, iphone funny, funny jokes, Prank Images, Fail Pictures, Epic Pictures, Lols and Gags, Lol Pictures, Funny Pictures, Lol is the Laugh out of Laugh where you can Fun Unlimited and Laughing Unlimited. LolsGag.Com
How does a Pig use the computer, and walk in the snow, you Ferry tail. I heard someone saw and your whole face was covered in Rub Burns. Man I have been all over KTBS and your to STUPID to find me Gay Blade. If you are Harassing that William, I have changed my Lo on in to something with numbers, so I could be cool (Not), I used to Love Playing Football for or Against with boys like you. I would hit them so hard they would go to the sideline and say (Coach can I go Home) and he push them back in, and I would do it again. Let me know when I hit that Nerve, Nerve Come out, Come out wherever you are, Please come out I will give you some candy. have you shined your badge today, I bet you have o use a mirror to see it.
Chucky Choo Choo, I see that I'm getting under your skin because your spelling gets worse and you become more a the raving lunatic that you are when you're rattled, and I can see you're rattled. I thought you were an all-star quarter back. Why were you out hitting opposing players. I know, because your a lying piece of shit, that's why. I haven't been on the KTBS website in a couple of days but when I do and see a comment written by someone with the intelligence lower than an ameoba i'll know it's you and I'll say hello. Oh, as for coming out, I'm one of your multi-personalities. So the next time I take over you can kick my ass, or would that be your ass, or maybe our ass. Damn, you better go make another trip to Brentwood to see about getting rid of me and William!
Have you ever talked to a pig before, that's why I don't read your crap. Your mom says when you and Timmy Frank go to bed at night it is like a Pig in a Blanket, Where's that nerve, here nerve, come out, come out, where ever you are. I need to teach, I mean I need to talk to Timmy Frank about following people, it's not safe, and I really want to help the Ferry Tail. here nerve, I still can't see you, I will bring Candy, whatever you like.
Chucky, Capri Video called and said you left your credit card there and need you to pick it up. Evidently you dropped it on the floor in their theater where all the other perverts go to watch porn and hook up. Next thing you know you'll be down at Hamel's Memorial Park, oh wait, maybe you have. I hear that there use to be a rest area on I-20 just a little ways past the race track exit but it got so bad they had to close it down. I hear some guy named Chucky Choo Choo was the main one up there. Hey, that makes sense because it's close to where you live. Just a hop skip and a jump from the old hacienda huhn Chucky?! Oh well, to each his own! I'm not going to judge!
Hog zilla, I Have some Corn for you. Again I am not reading your crap, Your I Q is do so Low, They do not have a measurable scale .for it. If you think I have problems, you need to look in the Mirror a real big mirror and say I am not Crazy, every Gay guy chases a straight guy, it's normal, it's normal, its normal, I guess I am nuts, it's OK to have two people my head, everybody does, everybody, see if you could tell yourself this was normal, no your still a fat queer with a carpet burned face. where is that nerve, oh I didn't know they have hogs at Hamel's Park.
I just realize why you wanted me to meet you at Bodcau a couple of months ago. I know it's hard for you to meet up with anonymous men at Hamel's Park since SPD has been patrolling it more and at the rest stops since they now have security guards. So, I guess you have to resort to picking up guys on the internet and asking them to meet you at places like Bodcau, Cypress, Bistineau.... But, Sorry Charlie, I don't swing that way.
Chuckles, As I've stated before I have proven my point over and over again that you are a low life maggot infested piece of crap, but I do have to take into consideration that your personal state could be caused by your deficient mental capacities. In other words you're nuts, and thank your for admitting it. Now we can move on. Which I what I'm going to do for a while. You are free to rant and rave without hinderance from me. I believe the more you post the crazier you get and the more the point of us who are trying to point your that you're nuts is proven. Rant on you lunatic, Rant on and prove me right.
The Best Lol n Troll Network with the Name of Lols Gag... Troll Images, Prank Peoples, Funny Peoples, funny planet, funny facts, funny cartoons, funny movies pics, iphone funny, funny jokes, Prank Images, Fail Pictures, Epic Pictures, Lols and Gags, Lol Pictures, Funny Pictures, Lol is the Laugh out of Laugh where you can Fun Unlimited and Laughing Unlimited. LolsGag.Com
Rules of the road: 1. No personal attacks or insults. 2. No accustory statements about wrongdoing or criminal acts against anyone. 3. Say all you want about the pros and cons concerning the candidates and the issues, or the general subject of the blog post, just follow Rule #1 and Rule #2.
A huge thanks to the good ones. Not so much to the bad ones.
ReplyDeleteYou and we know who you are.
How do you know? I am serious
ReplyDeleteI just want to thank all the good officers, and the officers that screwed me over in the Funny bone case I am coming for justice.
DeleteFunny Bone guy please don't hijack every thread on this blog
ReplyDeleteCan we have one dedicated Funny Bone Guy thread? He can rant on rave all he wants on it. But he has to stay off all the others.
ReplyDeleteFunny Bone Guy must have been released from Brentwood again because he was quiet for a while. Thet don't have access to computers during their "therapy". Hey Funny Bone Guy, do you still think Jim Wells is the city attorney who wouldn't take up your "case". The only people who are qualified to take up your case is staff at Brentwood. Once again, the truth is you were showing your ass at the Funny Bone, you were asked to leave, you refused and was escorted to the door, you showed your ass some more, and a little force was used to get uoui out the door. You had 100% control of the situation but your defective brain couldn't comprehend that fact and it still can't.
ReplyDeleteI want to thank Harold Sannford for doing the worst job, and what I see as not being honest in the Funny Bone Case, also I want to that Jimmy Stewart for threatening me. Tough guy. And Chief Worley when I told him Troy was no longer hiding and was back at work at the Funny Bone.
ReplyDeleteHey Sept the re was no Briia Detective at the Funny Bone, he was on the copperhead case, then got promoted 6 months later. You seem to have a lot of knowledge about Brent Wood having computers. Well what time did you go to sleep.
ReplyDeleteFBG, I see you're off your meds again and we have a waxing moon that will soon go full. Maybe you need to see about trying a tin foil hat until the moon starts to wane, and when we go into a new moon I hope things will get better for you. Have you talked to your doctor about medication?
ReplyDeleteI think black is fitting for the BCPD. Why don't they drive in the summer with their windows down, that would make more since. And I don't blame these guys for not taking a polygraph, that id usually what you would do if you had something to hide. And in my opinion Chief Worley, McWilliams, Sanford, Stockton .,and Stewart would never take a polygraph in the Funny Bone Case.
ReplyDeleteIf Sanford, Stockton, McWilliams , Stewart, and Worley are really, honest then stand up and stop hiding and take a polygraph. If I were a coward I would say I am not telling the truth, but I will take a polygraph and prove I was threatened, and lied to by the BCPD. And if you have your Mission Statement on the wall, you should take it down, because your organization is not following it.
ReplyDeleteFBG, Who's stopping you from taking a polygraph. There are places in this area where you can get one but you'll have to pay for it. How about taking one, at your expense since you're the one demanding it, and prove those who says you're lying wrong. Here, I'll help you, Nissen Unlimited and Associates Inc, they're located on Vine Street (just off Market between Youree and Stoner, 425-4536. Now Put Up or Shut Up!!!!!
ReplyDeleteFBG, I was looking on the Google Map for Nissen and it's location is very convenient for you. It's a couple of blocks east of Brentwood. After your session at Nissen you can ease on over to Brentwood and check yourself in there.
ReplyDeleteYou guys are so creative, I would say you probably have lots of time counting your money not. The BCPD the last time I checked gets paid for by the city and from the looks of this Blog, I am not the only person that is overwhelmed with the fine Job they doing. Do the BCPD Detectives have a big Dart Board they use when they don't have a criminal they can arrest, they throw a dart and arrest a person they want to arrest. The officers that are doing their job, Thank You, the once that are not, Hi.
ReplyDeleteA serious question,, haw in the world does any one really know the Funny Bone guy posted the comment on September 27, 2013 at 1:15 PM?
ReplyDeleteSeems like group is really fast to jump to conclusions. Most posts are anonymous.
Answer, you are right, I was in Mexico Deer Hunting Sept 27, My hat goes off to all of the great law enforcement in the US. But if you are a bad cop, and try to screw me over, well I am going to call you out, and I am going to try to help the city see what they are paying for. I think that is fair.
ReplyDeleteTell the truth, you were in Brentwood again. Too bad they weren't able to help you this time either.
DeleteFBG, You need help. I would like to give you a benefit of the doubt that you posted as Anon 10/16/12 @ 6:18 and as Anon 10/16/13 @ 10:53 in an attempt to make readers believe you're two different people, but I fear that you're posting as two different people isn't intentional (remember, there was a point you thought Jim Wells was Jimmy Hall who had an office in a high rise building on Airline Drive.) Schizophrenia is cruel and I do hope you get the medical attention you need.
ReplyDeleteI think I am going to ride around all winter with my window down, and have a wreck or two. Maybe even take some funny money, Let people hide after assaulting people. Oct 17, 4:23p if your not a Detective with you know who, tell them you know me and I said give you the job. You fellows that think you know me are wrong. I don't have play games, like pretending to be someone I am not. Ask Sanford, he thought he was smarter than me, wrong. I hate he got demoted but It happens to great people.
ReplyDeleteWe know you aren't pretending to be more than one person, because of your schizophrenia it occurs natually. Also, please take care of yourself for the next couple of days because we are in a full moon cycle which is particularly hard on people with mental disorders. I know because I deal with them when we have to do commitment orders on them. That's why we drive around with our windows down in the cars. We do so that we can hear people like you who's medications are working properly and end up howling at the moon, and we can take them to the 10th Floor to get them help. So, There's no need to fear open car windows, it's done to help poor wretched souls like you. Since you fear open windows ask your doctor on your next visit to Brentwood or LSU 10th floor if he can find you help from Defenstraphobia, the fear of windows.
ReplyDeleteLook Oct 18 10:31 Batman I think your mom should have bought the bigger costume.
ReplyDeleteLeave the comedy to the professionals like you should have the night you were asked to leave the Funny Bone for interupting the acts. You suck at comedy but your mental issues does make for some great levity.
ReplyDeleteAnother stupid person, I hate your misuse of the English Language.. What you should have wrote was, issues do make for, and your mom should have went with the larger
DeleteBatman costume. Man you are stupid.
Let me tell you something Mr. Wilder. Sanford, Stewart, Worley, Stockton, and McWilliams are good people. Leave them alone. Sanford DID NOT get demoted. Everybody on this blog knows that you are crazy!. Lets talk about extortion. HMMM wonder who go arrested for Polygraph-Smolygraph, who cares. You have done NOTHING, but run your mouth. Go ahead tell us all about it one more time.....geez. "I am coming for justice"...really. oooooh I am sure they are all shaking in their boots. come on tell us about a polygraph again, use some of your wittiness. RUN YOUR MOUTH some more, so we can all laugh at you. NO one takes you seriously. NOBODY, not even the comedian you tried to extort. ---signed your good buddy FRANK
ReplyDeleteThey are not good people
DeleteHey Timmy, I mean Frank, I mean Timmy. Are you mad , I have never had an alter ego, what is that like. I bet it takes hours for your mom to get you dressed. Your abuse of the English language would make an English teacher, start teaching PE. Wonder who go arrested for that. I am sorry you could not pass the psych test, good thing for Bossier. Why are you not talking in your Timmy voice?
ReplyDeleteHoly crap, this seems like mob mentality. Not much difference than what happened at those Walmart stores with the EBT cards fiasco.
ReplyDeleteOn both sides I forgot to add. FBG is a nut, but come all the rest. Just ignore the nut.
ReplyDeleteBut come all the rest, what the does that mean Einstein. I wish the people that post on this Blog would take an IQ test, that would make for more interesting reading. But come all the rest, I guess it is true, you can't hide stupid.
ReplyDeleteCome ON all the rest. Are you happy now?
ReplyDeleteI guess it is true, you can't hide stupid.,,,,,,,,,, Is stupid being used as a noun or an adjective. If you used it as an adjective you should have used the word stupidity.
ReplyDeleteThe way you wrote your statement is up to subjective reasoning.
Einstein come on, subjective reasoning, give me a break. Your just Stupid.
ReplyDeleteFBG, I get a chuckle out of your insanituy which seems to get wilder.
ReplyDeleteEinstein, I have not heard the word chuckle in decades. Your vocabulary reeks of objective reasoning. I bet your mom bought you the Batman matching underwear Frank, I mean Timmy, I mean Frank..
ReplyDeleteA friend of mine who lives in the Dogwood area is telling me he heard someone howling at the moon last night and it got wilder throughout the night. Was that you FBG?
ReplyDeleteI hope this isn't violating any HIPPA laws but I've obtained a video of FBG during his last visit to Brentwood:
Frank I can see why the other Detectives did not want to work with you. Timmy I mean Frank.
ReplyDeleteI have since learned that FBG had submitted to a polygragh but there were complications due to his multiple personality complex. Chuckles, the paranoid schizophrenic actually believed he was telling the truth but due to his bouts with delusion couldn't determine if Jim Wells was telling the treuth or if Jim's alter ego Jimmy Hall was lying. Then his Shirley Temple personality came out and FBG was last seen skipping down the street toward Brentwood (which was only a couple of blocks away) and singing On The Good Ship Lollipop.
ReplyDeleteWhat does treuth mean? It is funny what depths people will go to cover-up Corruption. Frank I think your mom got the wrong size batman underwear, to small. Frank if you are a secretary why do you carry a gun? Is it loaded? And remember I have proof when "You" were the one with multiply personalities, Timmy was nice, his brother "Frank" was the mad one Whooo? I scared of Frank.
ReplyDeleteI think this man should write a book. There is more than one way to get even.
ReplyDeleteFrank I am going to tell you this one more time. If a red line comes up under a word, that means it is Misspelled. You take the little thing you hold in your right hand, on your computer Take your first finger, not your thumb, and click on the top right, this will give you a list of words, call your mom to help you pick out the right word, and click on the word.. I guess it really is true, you can't fix stupid..
ReplyDeleteChuckle chuckle, Chuckles,
ReplyDeleteFunny Bone Guy for Mayor!!!!
ReplyDeleteHe is mayor of they psycho ward at Brentwood!
Deletewhat is really sad, FBG would be a better than what we have
ReplyDeleteLet's make him a cop. He is as delusional as so of them.
ReplyDelete"As so of them"? And FBG love to point out other peoples' typos. Come on FBG practice what you preach or shut up you illiterate boob!
ReplyDeleteYou can make fun of me all you want, Bossier is good at covering up corruption, it has been going on since the 60's, and that's in the history books. Walker thought he could take McWilliams from Sergeant to Chief like they did Prater, one problem McWilliams is no Prater. Tell Shane he can smile in his picture, he got the job. As so of them, what does that mean? And FBG love to point out other people, what does that mean? I only point out the bumpkins that try to make fun of me. If I were Mayor, and I could not take the pay cut, I would stop the corruption, and lock up these twisted cops that think they are above the law. When they lock up bad cops they put them in with the Pedophiles, don't drop the soap fellows. and I do want people to know, that I know Frank is not a Cop, I was just leading him on..
ReplyDeleteI want to take the test for a BCPD. You roll down your window in the winter. You roll your window up in the summer. You Passed, you get to ride with this guy that talks like Joe Friday. Sanford, he just got demoted so don't sat anything.
ReplyDeleteOle Bucky.....Chuck, Mr. Wilder. Sanford was not a supervisor and didnot get demoted. You are engaged in a battle of wits and you came heavily unarmed. I would be ashamed if I were you. You have no clue. Your little comments are those of a junior high kid. You have nothing but your mouth to run.
ReplyDeleteSpecial thanks to our police officers, especially McWilliams, Stewart, Stockton and Sanford. TCB
A lot of officers lost jobs because of LT Stockon. Ask around
DeleteStockton? All this time I thought it was Jimmy Hall who had all the power. You better tell all all those sucking up to Jimmy Hall they're sucking up to the wrong guy and better start sucking up to Stockton if they want to keep their jobs.
DeletePeople sleep peacefully in thier beds a night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.
ReplyDeleteHey Stockton is my Friend, he lives right by me about a mile down Bellevue rd when you turn past McDonald's bring it gills.,
ReplyDeleteSanford did get demoted, his supervisor told me. He needed to he could not handle a simple assault case, he blew it. And any of you punks want to threaten me, I have flushed things, that scare me more than you girls. Bring it Bit__. Not afraid. I could see Sanford doing a Homicide, give me a break, lets just use Copperhead, know one will the difference.,
ReplyDeleteCongratulation goes out to the Dogwood Subdivison for its eligibility to have a village idiot, and congratulations goes out to Chuckles (a.k.a. FBG) in breing promoted to that status.
ReplyDeleteWhat does breing mean? Remember what I said about the red line under a word you rogue scholar you.I am trying to understand you but our IQ's are spread so far apart it makes it hard to. Try later Einstein.
ReplyDeleteHey Dogwood Subdivision Idiot, is there suppose to be a space between a period and the beginning of a sentence? I can point out typos too, moron. But the real question is why are you afraid of answering why don't you put your money where your mouth is? We all know the answer and it's because you don't have squat!
DeleteWhat does breing mean? Don't be mad at me because your to stupid to be a cop.
ReplyDeleteChuckles Wilder, I understand why you won't answer my questions. You can't and everyone following this post knows you're full of B.S. We know the truth which doesn't set you free. If you had a case you would have contacted the FBI and an attorney, which you probably did and was laughed out of their offices.
ReplyDeleteWhat is this people sleep restfully in their beds at night. And their are some rough people out there. They must be the cops that keep their windows rolled down all year long,. Does Sanford have to keep his window rolled down all year after being demoted? Frank why are you afraid of me? Frank is it true you pick your nose while eating your popcorn. No butter for Frank.
ReplyDeleteHere we go, more second grade humor. Frank rules and Buck Wilder drools. That previous post is a famous quote, I understand why you didnt get it. Village idiot is an understatement for Bucky
ReplyDeleteI want to thank all of the police officers for their great service they have provided except for officers that I feel are corrupt with the BCPD, great job Bossier PD you have proved that corruption still exists in the BCPD.
ReplyDeleteFrank was trying to slip into his cheerleading costume.
ReplyDeleteWow great comeback. Buck, your sooooo witty. You lost loser. Hahaha everybody knows you are a joke. They laugh at you like a clown. Bucky the Clown has a nice ring to it. Or Chuckles the angry clown. I could keep going but you get the point.
ReplyDeleteThe point is beyond Chuckles' comprehension (since Chuckled can comprehend that means understand, or in simipler terms gets it.)
DeleteHis intelligible, insane rants only provides proof of the type of person that the employees, comedians, and the audience at the Funny Bone was dealing with that night and the type of person the police had to deal with during their investigation: irrational and insane.
His own words and antics have done nothing but strenghten the case against him.
" ...Chuckles can't comprehend..." I had to correct that. Chuckles can find typo but understands little else.
DeleteI still say LT Jimmy Stewart is the coward of the Decade for threatening and trying to get me to drop the Funny Bone Case, Then Second place is an even tie Sanford, McWillims, Stockton, and Worley. Great job if can retire, I suggest, if you can't I am going to best as to get you each fired. Tell Frank he is a coward too, don't be afraid of me Frank, and you can try, but I am not playing your games. One of the BCPD detectives said he knows you and your elevator is stuck between the second and third floor. 6948, 3872
ReplyDeleteChuckles bucky wilder. You havent got a clue. No bcpd detective would even talk to you, mainly because you are stupid. So the best chuck can do to get somone fired is post on this blog, run his mouth, what a joke. Appearing soon at the funny bone is chuckles the clown!
ReplyDeleteI too am wondering how is Chuckles going to do it. How is he going to get officers fired when no one in the city or police administration will even talk to him.
ReplyDeleteI also suspect that old FBG has gone to the FBI (since Chuckles doesn't understand initials and acronyms, FBG is you, Funny Bone Guy, and the FBI stands for Funny Bone Investigators) but was laughed out of their offices. I can also imagine the guffaws (that mean loud laughter, Chucky) in each attorney office when he left trying to seek legal action (that means filing a law suit, no Chucky, suit as in a case to present before a judge , no Chucky, not a suit case...oh never mind).
BTW (By the way) I hate to tell you this but that big den you're always bragging about is really rhe waiting room at Brentwood Hospital, but if if gives you the security you need it can be your den.
Maybe one day we can meet, hopefully when I'm in need for some levity (that means laughter) you can tell me how you're going to get a number of BCPD officers fired!
I hate to see the corruption that flows within the BCPD. It is really sad they can't have enough experience between, McWilliams, Sanford, and the person that threatened me, in an effort to get me to drop the case against the Funny Bone. Sad Job men, it is sad to know there is a hiring freeze, and maybe a layoff, and people like these and get to keep their jibs.,
ReplyDeleteOMG!!!! You mean there may be people who will lose their "jibs"? Say it ain't so! BTW, The "effort" to drop what case against the Funny Bone? You pathetic little man, there is NO CASE to drop against the Funny Bone. The only case exists in you tortured delusional mind.
DeleteWow these comments are way better than mine. Thank you. "Jibs" I am still laughing. The only thing sad is that this clown is still running his mout, I will say miuth so he will understand. Long live the Frank
ReplyDeleteGo to today's winner of the Funny Bone Award. Don't forget to roll your window down B.J. and all the other officers. I have decided to ignore these other people that I can't understand due to their very low IQ score's. I am sad that the Norris' murders happened. I am glad that BCPD showed that, when the phone start's ringing, just pick someone. Even if it is not the person that did I, right BJ..
ReplyDeleteChuckles, the only time I'm concerned about my jibs is when I'm on my sailboat. When there's little or no wind jibs do me no good and I have to rely on my motor. But since you don't have both oars in the water this too is probably something you don't understand.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad I was able to bring out the truth in the corruption in the BCPD someone needs too.
ReplyDeleteFBG, To compare your self induced problems to the Norris case is the acts of someone lower than whale turds at the bottom of the sea! Three men died, and yes there were mistakes made in the case, big mistakes, and the public already knows it. Bill Norris was a friend to a lot of people in this community and his family and the families of the other two men who died that day are suffering from a real tragedy unlike when some asshole didn't know when to shut up and leave a business when he was told to do so. Yes, because of the screw ups that were made it will probably mean justice will not be served in the murder of those three men. You on the other hand.... like I said, lower than whale turds at the bottom of the sea!
ReplyDeleteLet's tell the truth about the corruption w chuckles bucky wilder. Who has been arrested for extortion. A man in a glass house shouldn't throw stones. Lower than whale turds is correct.
ReplyDeleteWhat's "wilder" than whale turds at the bottom of the sea? A nutty squirrel turd with the last name Wilder. Chuckles, do you understand that you village idiot?
ReplyDeletethis has to be a kid.
DeleteIt is nice to see that the BCPD did just what they were suppose to do with the rope, and that is hang there self. So if you want someone arrested, just keep calling the station. And if that don't threaten you, they will make an arrest, even if it is for a triple murder, and even if it is the wrong person.
ReplyDeleteIt's a shame that at least one of the police mentioned McWilliams, Sanford, Stockton, Stewart, or Worley will step up to the plate and say yes I was dishonest in the Funny Bone Case, or take a polygraph test and say yes I told the truth and will prove it by taking a polygraph. Do it for the citizens of Bossier City/, don't be labeled as cowards, we need an honest Police force.
ReplyDeleteThat's right the bad guys where black.
ReplyDeleteAnd sometimes the Bad Guys lie to protect their assets.
ReplyDeleteHow does someone fake a $6000 shoulder injury, only in Bossier City.
ReplyDeleteEasy, it was an existing injury and he used the incident to try and exploit the business. That's what happened.
DeleteThey made Detective Mack with the BPSD a lieutenant, I guess they had to have a girl.
ReplyDeleteFor all of you city workers, I am working on getting a bill passed that will require all City workers to live in the City. This will save enough money to hire more police that are needed.
ReplyDeleteFor all of you residents of Dogwood I am working on getting a decree passed through the homeowners association to have Chuckles named Dogwood Subdivision's Douche Bag-of-the-Year! That ought to be a shoo-in!
DeleteOn the last post you can see how immature the person writing the Post is. He is one sick, mental pup. He told me he has an alter ego living in his head named Timmy, and he goes around saying Frank rules. I never know to call him, Frank or Timmy. He is upset due to the fact I am working with some people to pass the bill ,live where you work, just like Shreveport. We need all the sick ones like him in Bossier.
ReplyDeleteYou are a moron.
DeleteNo, he is a "moran". That's how FBG spells it.
DeleteYou girls need to get a life, or a new Boyfriend, or a new Alter Ego.
ReplyDeleteBPSD must have really been in a bind to promote Shannon Mack.
ReplyDeleteFBG is just mad he got arrested for extortion
DeleteHey Chucky,
ReplyDeleteLooking at the picture of you singing in the mirror I see you have a nice little ball bumper on your chin.
Can you play "Looking Out My Backdoor" by CCR?
I can't wait till we trim some this fat. The next Mayor will have an easy job. He can find some young new recruits that want to be honest and protect our citizens, all of them, and not let criminals go to protect our Low Crime Rate. The Game is Over, and some people that are dishonest will not like it. Jim Wells should do a survey.
ReplyDeleteChuckles, Because you can't shut up we all found ouit today the only dishonest person posting on this blog is you. You were caught with a forged prescription and now you're pissed at the police for that along with being arrested for extortion, and the Funny Bone incident where you justifiably got your ass whipped for showing your ass.
DeleteHey Pill head, what's your drug of choice?
If you can produce a Script that I forged, I will give you one million in cash. And I saw your mother at KMart taking back some 4x Spandex pants, the she got on Black Friday. She asked, can you believe these split, and I don't lie so I said Yes. She got mad and went sliding off in her orange shocks, and cloth house shoes, and all I could think of was Paul Simon, Slip Sliding Away.
DeletePaul Simon's "Slip Sliding Away"? Is that another song you sing while you look at yourself in the mirror? You're such a F'ing retard.
DeleteThe best part about this is I know who you are, but you don't even have a friggin' clue to who I am. You can talk s*** all you want about who you imagine I am but Who am I. Once again, because you can't shut up and put what little life you have on the internet, I know all I need to know, and I can go about asking question, and learn more and more (like I've done already) about you. All you and do is look in the mirror, wonder, and sing the Who's "WHO ARE YOU?" to yourself in the mirror! What's even better is there is nothing you can do about it? What? Call and complain? Complain to whom? Complain about what? Complain that you're the one who put it all out there in a public forum for all to see ? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know who you are. The sad part you left off was your life resolves around me. It is obvious you are gay, backdoor man, ball bumpers, no one speaks like that if they are not gay. I see were not able to collect on the million. I have already offered you the chance to meet up, and tell me again how tough your not. Remember you are nothing to me, and if feel brave let me know, we can Talk about it. Did your mom go with the 5x, if she did that could have been risky.
DeleteSlip Sliding , cloth house shoes, orange socks, and 5x spandex. What a women..
DeleteI Love the way the Gay Guy Cannot get it thru his head. He knows only what he learns at CBARK. Where do some of the these Detectives come up with their crazy ideas? They will lie to you about what they see on a surveillance tape, but they want let you Look at it.
ReplyDeleteI think Mr. Jim Wells should want an honest police department, I know the rest of us do.
ReplyDeleteThat would hurt his relations with the BCPD.
DeleteI want to wish all the Honest Law Enforcement Listed Above a Merry Christmas.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Timmy Frank must be inpatient this week. I think I will send him a Teddy Bear.
ReplyDeleteIn North Carolina a cop threw a K9 in the car of a Fleeing Suspect that had just been stopped, it is now going to Internal Affairs.
ReplyDeleteStory today about a man being locked up for 30 years after being torched into a confession of a Crime he did not do. That's like arrested the wrong person, when you knew it was the wrong person, because of public outcry for an Arrest. Does that sound familiar. It does to me.
ReplyDeleteThe last post was written by Chuck Wilder the Illiterate!
DeleteChuck Wilder is my friend and he was the Project Leader for the Largest Refinery Project in the History of North Louisiana. Maybe you are the one that is literate.
DeleteTruth Hurts don't it Gay Boy
Deletethe Gay boy statement was meant for Dec 12 @4-33pm he is the funny boy.
DeleteDamn Chuckles, is your "friend" one of the many personalities who lives in your head? Besides, have you read what you've written? It's on a third grade special education level and hardly makes any sense, or as you'd call it "since".
DeleteThe only gay person identified is you Chucky Poo! You're the one hitting the nerve on "That Gay Thing".
The gay guy has been following me around for four years, like he has a fatal attraction. He Calls chin hair ball bumpers, he loves the song backdoor man, should I go on. He' not coming out of the closet, I helped him. I have a family, and I am 100% straight, so he can follow someone else. Ball bumpers How sick.
DeleteDid I really hit a nerve on the little gay guys fewns, that is so sad. Well maybe Santa will bring him a gay guys calendar, maybe that will turn his little frown into a smile.
ReplyDeleteFBG, You're the one qualifying your sexual preference. I guess you're not quite secure in your manlihood. Just because you have a family doesn't mean your straight. Besides, after all that bragging about how you hit a nerve with that gay thing who's to know? I mean are you a 10 karat, a 14 karat, or a 24 karat homo?
ReplyDeleteI never bragged, you have been following me for over 4 years, I have never heard the word ball bumpers, for chin hair, and you brought up the song backdoor man, so if it looks like a duck, its a da m duck. So go do whatever you do. As long as you keep following the more the percentage I am right goes up Timmy frank, and what sixe do you wear, I was going to get you some Jamie's with the foodies' and the backdoor.
ReplyDeleteFBG is like a dog. His main goal is to lie about his experience with the BCPD, but if you pick up a ball (like exposing his homosexuality) and throw it, he'll chase after the ball.
ReplyDeleteDang FBG, if you've never heard of such words you must have really been locked up in Brentwood and away from society.
ReplyDeleteTune in to KTBS, and what size are those Jamie's you mom said you wanted with the backdoor.,
ReplyDeleteI ran into a guy the other day when I was volunteering for the Salvation Army and I asked about you. He said you were an over the top catcher, whatever that means,catcher
ReplyDeleteCatcher? And you said you didn't know anything about being a homo! Once again Chuckles, you outed yourself. You've already have one foot out of the closet so come on completely out of it.
DeleteCatcher what size are those Jamie's time is running out, One thing about it you have not denied being a gay catcher, I hope you find a partner because I can you tell you have had no have no life for the last four years ,oh that's right you have 50 followers , I bet they are pitchers big boy.
ReplyDeleteThe only person who ever claimed to be a "catcher" or a "pitcher" is you, when you said you used to be a "'miner' league pitcher". As for Jamie's, WTF is a "Jamie"?
ReplyDeleteHey Chuckles, I see you're becoming the ass clown on the KTBS website. What, being an ass clown on this site wasn't enough so you had to expand? I think it's great that you are showing your ass on other site because it is regional and now they know Charles Wilder is an idiot throughout northwest Louisiana, northeast Texas, southeast Oklahoma, southwest Arkansas and other places around the planet where people read it. BTW, I'm hoping that other people will follow you there too and expose you for the moron that you are. Keep up the good work Chuckles.
ReplyDeleteI saw your mom at Wal mart the other day. She was wearing those 5X spandex pants, lime green hoodie, orange socks, and purple house shoes, and asked her what size Jamie's you wear , the ones with the feet, and the backdoor, and she said 4x, she said her little TimmyFrank loves to eat. I asked her why his name is TimmyFrank, she said that was two names she decided on, so she named him both of them. I said Merry Christmas, and she just walked away in those house shoes, and still all I could think of was that song, Slip Sliding away. Timmy Frank you should see by now I do what I want, and you can call he any name you want you coward. Because you want say to my face, because you will do just like the floor manager at the Funny Bone did when I stood up and the end of the show, he ran and locked himself in the mangers office, which was a good move on his part. You are a Coward, and always be coward the hides be hide a computer screen.
ReplyDeleteChuckles, Once again you're too stupid to even know you're stupid. As for standing up at "the end of the show", I thought you were picking yourself up off the floor? Which is it Chuckles? We all know what happened. You showed your ass, you were asked to leave, you refused, got your ass whipped. That was the show.
ReplyDeleteBTW hides be hides? And you say you were a manager of the largest refinery project in north Louisiana. LOL!!!!! Emptying trash cans and getting coffee is a project.
You don't have to believe me I don't care. Did Sanford lie and say he caught the triple murderer or not. I just want to know long it is going to take for the skin to heal on your face your boyfriend rubbed off last night. Ho Ho Ho. And I did run the 240 million dollar upgrade for Pennzoil.
ReplyDeleteIs that why they keep having problems with the place blowing up once and awhile? I also know FOR A FACT that you've spent time in Brentwood. How about telling people about that! Asshole!
ReplyDeleteDid you get any long black toys from Santa. Maybe that is why your mom says you cut off the backdoor of your Jamie's. She told me you sleep with your brother Eddie Frank sleep together. You Coward
DeleteHey Coward is all you think of is Ass coward. I can't wait to meet you, I think you will change your attitude Coward. I know you will Coward.
DeleteYou didn't deny your a mental patient at Brentwood. Did you? You don't even have a clue to who I am you c.s. I could set up a time and date at some place. I'd be there and you wouldn't even who I am, but I would know who you are, you're the dumb looking s.o.b. with the ball "bummers". LOL!!!!!!!!! You worthless p.o.s.
DeleteI don't know what Brentwood means. You may but I don't, and you are the biggest Coward I have ever talked to Coward.
DeleteDon't know what Brentwood means? Everybody in Shreveport area knows about Brentwood, especially you since you were once a patient there. And it's funny that you've accused others of being patient there. When you weren't being the mop on the floor of the Funny Bone!
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Hey I just wanted to warn Brad and Sameer there is this gay guy named Frank Dec 31, 5;35pm that uses this site as a gay pickup site so becareful about the information you put on this site, he has been after me for four years, he is one sick SOB. He knows I am married with fam
DeleteFBG, You just have that way to get hit a nerve doing a gay thing, and you're quite proud of it and have bragged about your ability to do so several times.
DeleteI've known several homos who are married with a family, so don't hide behind that. You worthless piece of sh**!
I goggled Frank the other day, and it had a fat guy saying all men please call me, I'm broke and live with my mom, but she has good plugs, PS we have Fleas but you will get used to them. This is the last time you will here from me coward. You are a real coward. They shouldn't even call you a man because your not. coward.
ReplyDeleteOK, let me see if we hear from you again! You're a low life liar!
DeleteIt's of for you to come out of the closet, you cracked the door, and I opened it Bitch.
ReplyDeleteDo you know how to spot a fag. He follows a married man around for four years trying to get their attention, fag.
ReplyDeleteYou can stop wearing that bandage on your nose, it's obvious now.
ReplyDeleteWell maybe just leave it on, that might save you some money. Fat Bitch
ReplyDeleteI win again you worthless piece of shit! On January 2, 2014 at 10:18 PM you wrote, This is the last time you will here from me coward!"
DeleteOn January 3, 2014 at 4:27 PM I wrote, "OK, let me see if we hear from you again! You're a low life liar!
One hour and eight minutes later you just couldn't help it, you broke, YOU LIED, you wrote, "It's of for you to come out of the closet, you cracked the door, and I opened it Bitch."
Then you commented again at: January 3, 2014 at 10:14 PM, and again at January 4, 2014 at 1:33 PM, and again at January 4, 2014 at 3:24 PM. You're such a friggin idiot.
Remember, I do what I want, you are the one that broke, over for your Boyfriend bitch. Are you still wearing the same bandage bitch? You don't play me. If I want to change my mind, I do want I want. My last blog had 248 hits, I didn't see that for any gay blogs. I bet your boyfriend is glad you came out of the closet, it was probably a little tight in there, no pun indented. I think that is so cute the way you do the dates, and times. You would make someone a good Secretary if they could keep you out from under the desk. Did I hit that nerve yet little girl.
ReplyDeleteYou will never Sweetness.
ReplyDeleteFBG, Why were you let go at Pennzoil? Could it be something about you ending up at Brentwood? It's not a secret you're crazy. Hell, you've even told people you're a mental patient and reading the nonsense you're writing proves it.
ReplyDeleteI heard what your toast is, Bottoms Up.
ReplyDeleteI like the fact you have an alter ego. Timmy when Frank gets mad does he turn green, or soft green?
ReplyDeleteThis punk has been following me around for four years, I think he the one with the mental problem. Hey Frank I was in CVS today, and they have nose bandages for sale.
ReplyDeleteChuckles, what was the diagnosis when you went to Brentwood? Is the prognosis good, or are you doomed with a life time of insanity? Are you taking medication? You see, I know people who know you and secrets get leaked. The problem with you is you can only speculate as to who I am. You think you do, but you don't. I'm not even a member of the police or sheriff's department, that's what's funny. Think back, way back, was it at Pennzoil or was it some other time you pissed someone off? Maybe it's been longer than four years, then again it may be just when you started your crap on this blog! There's only one person who knows, and I'm not telling.
ReplyDeleteHeck, I could even be that gay thing who's nerve you hit?
ReplyDeleteI am so afraid I am going to sleep with the covers over my head, not. What you need to understand is you are nothing to me. Pennzoil would never hire you, I know because I was on the hiring panel for many years. When Pennzoil needed a project manager on their largest project ever, they picked me, also top started person me, top trainer me. so you can do whatever you would like, it want phase me. I just want justice, and I will go about getting it in a truthful, manner, and if you don't like it, well I am sure the BCPD does not like it either. the public should know the truth, and If I have to give it to them, so be it. And I know who you are.
ReplyDeleteFrom reading your illiterate incomprehensible writing I can see as for "for getting a manager for their largest project ever" Pennzoil settled for the cheapest bidder and ended up scraping the bottom of the barrel to get a "manager". Is this like when you said you were an all-star quarterback or a "miner" league pitcher? As for BCPD, yes it's a mess, but in your case justice was served.
ReplyDeleteI was in CVS today and they thanked me, and I said why, and they said some guy named Frank came by and bought 200 packs of nose bandages.
ReplyDeleteCharles, By reading the drivel that you're writing it looks like you need to go forge another script to get your meds. You need some medical stabilization.
ReplyDeleteThat's why FBG was at CVS, to pass a forged script. You better watch it FBG or "Brittman" or some other BCPD or BPSO detective will be "falsely accusing" you again!
ReplyDeleteMs. Brittman fits the mold for a Bossier Detective, do you think her gun is loaded, or she had a perm the night before I talked to her. And she's no Joe Friday, put them up I am Tiffany. One thing about it, she want have to worry about you hitting on her. How's that nose?
ReplyDeleteSuch great and thoughtful comments Chuckles. Hey, the next time you forge a script think about getting something that will help level out your chemical imbalance. Is a chemical imbalance the reason you were a patient at Brentwood. Yeah, I know your stay at some mental hospital for a nervous breakdown, a "mutual friend" of ours told me about it. BTW, he thinks you're a nut, too!
DeleteI don't think people are happy about that water price increase Lo.
ReplyDeletedon't they arrest people for faking a script?
DeleteEspecially if the person writing the script calls the police, he gets bet up too.
DeleteNot in Bossier, and some not for murder.
ReplyDeleteFor those who are interested, Chuckles is showing his ass and spouting the same b.s. on the KTBS website. He admits he's hearing voices in his head and one of those voices is named WIlliam.
My stalker finally admitted he was dishonest last night. He said his had friends that were there when I was assaulted, but yet he could not recall anything that happened, even the comedians correct name. Then in the next blog someone asked the comedian's name which was the same name the extra honest Det. Sanford used, and was asked where that name came from, the name which was wrong but he lied and said I said she was there. This guy is a Gay Stalker, that is why he will not say he is not gay. Cone on Timmy Frank, get a life, I can tell you are hearing voices, and they are lying to you.
DeleteYou're totally delusional. The name I used was a name you've been throwing about. And "your other commentor" is none other than you and even Stevie Wonder could see that. I think you've proved on the KTBS website you're a nut just like you proved it on this blog. BTW, once again you need to learn how to read with comprehension and context.
ReplyDeleteTell me Grand paw how you wood jump off the house with your eyes closed, and it would feel like you were flying. And how you would eat watermelon and swallow the seeds, And how you would close your eyes for five minutes, and pretend like you didn't see anything, and walk in front of an 18 wheeler that was five minutes away and almost get killed, and set your alarm clock an hour before work, and never be late, and pretend to know people, that you just remembered two years ago, tell me grandpa please tell me. This was you on the KTBS Website. You did not get that GED, and it shows. You could have never worked with me. There is nothing in your Brain, Grey Matter, Air, And More Grey Matter.
ReplyDeleteCharles, You have to be the most stupid MFer I've ever seen on a blog. You really need help. There is no doubt in my mind why you got your ass kicked that night at the Funny Bone, Once again hotshot, you never answered my question on KTBS website about being big wheel at Pennzoil. What's the matter, too many people who know the truth may read that blog and call you the lying piece of shit that you are? As I've said, I've proven my point that you're nuts and if anyone with any common sense reads what you've written they will know the same.
ReplyDeleteRemember I don't answer to people with a neg IQ, I do what I want when I want. You are the one with about 8 wrongs, an I right. You are one stupid Guy I have nothing to prove to. I Love the way you tried to make yourself look smart, and ended up looking like an ass wipe. Your a nobody, lets face it. What are you standing up for, lower I Q people. I don't answer your questions. Now I know why you used to love set on grandpa's lap so much punk.
DeleteChuckles, Now I understand completely about your problem. The reason you're not getting any better is you don't answer to people with a negative IQ. So, when you tell yourself you need to get better you won't because you don't listen to what you're telling yourself. Have you discussed this with your doctors at Brentwood? This may be the key they need to unlocking the barriers to your recovery.
DeleteIt is so sad that Mayor Walker, didn't care as much about Corruption as Mayor Dement Did. I will be so glad when you are gone, and I will make sure the next Mayor knows about your past so he does not repeat it.
ReplyDeleteOne mayor laughing you out of his office wasn't enough so you're going to try for two? I think I might run for mayor and hopefully win so that the one laughing at you will be me! But since you were a project manager for a major project at Pennzoil I may ever hire you for a special project. You can be monitor at the sewerage plants, because who would be better to know when the tanks are full so of s*** than someone who is full of s***!
DeleteAnon @7:38, You'll be making a mistake hiring Funny Bone Guy to monitor the sewerage plants. He doesn't realize he's full of shit so how would he know the holding ponds are full? If you hire him there will be a shit flood in Bossier City.
ReplyDeleteAnon @9:57. You're right! LOL!!!!!
DeleteI just wanted to pass on to people with -IQ's You spell Hmm, not hnh. Man you are stupid. The are coming out with a new show called Justice For All, about crooked Cops and Judges, I am sure they will come here, but I am going to contact them and let them know about the piece of shit cover-up cops we have here. I have already worked with them in 2012 on the HBO Series Treme.
ReplyDeleteCharles, William, or whoever, Before making an ass out of yourself and making a statement you know nothing about it would be prudent to do a little research. But since you are an expert at stupidity and making statements about which you're not qualified why start now. Here's a little help. I've posted a link that gives the definition of "HUNH". And you have the balls to call others "Stupid"? Here's the link dumbass
FBG, You worked with HBO on Treme? WOW! You've been a All-Star Quarterback, a "miner" league pitcher, a big wheel at Pennzoil, a floor mop at the Funny Bone, And from the looks of it not successful at any of them, and you're least successful was defining words for a a dictionary. Hey, I know the exact job you're qualified for, I think Harvey Toyota is looking for a guy to suck the farts out of the seats of the used cars they get!
DeleteChuckles, the big wheel for the largest refinery upgrade in the history of Pennzoil! What a joke! How in hell are we suppose to belive that crap when you can't spell, construct a comprehensive sentence, understand the context of a message, or know the meaning and spelling of "hunh"? Come to think of it you may have been, when the refinery on Jewella was plauged with series of fires and explosions. Is that when you were relieved of your duties and ended up in Brentwood? You're a absolute joke and the problem is everyone but you knows it.
ReplyDeleteThere is no we, just one fat guy, that probably has a scrape burns on his face right now. I would rather live your sad pathetic life following a married man around wishing you could get that mans attention ,because you have it gets you off you sick B. I have nothing to prove to you catcher, and CVS has face bandages in 3x, perfect for your big Logger head,
ReplyDeleteLet's take a quiz. Why does the above post looks like it was written by someone with a literacy deficiency?
DeleteA. The person is drunk.
B. The person just took med he got from the forged script he passed (probably at CVS since that's the pharmacy he usually mentions.)
C. He is illiterate.
D. He needs to go back to Brentwood for psychological treatment because he's nuttier than a squirrel turd.
E. All of the above.
AHHHHH. E, with a heavy emphasis on illiterate and nuttier than a squirrel turd.
I have thought of a new name for you, Marathon catcher, that fits you. After four years I hope you have figured out I am not gay like you, CATCHER, any burns on that nose.
ReplyDeleteThat is so cute the way did all the work above. I am going to give you a D for Dumb and Dumber, makes me think you might be a local Detective, isn't that special. I am mailing you a case of Ben Gay you ferry tail. Hey Marathon Catcher let me know when I hit that nerve, I am looking very forward to that talk.
ReplyDeleteI'm not gay but I have a cousin who is and I showed him your picture, you know the one where you're sining to yourself in the mirror, and he said he remembers you from Central Station (that gay bar that use to be a train station under I-20 in Shreveport). He said he recognized the back or your head and said that's old Chucky Choo Choo! I asked them why Chucky Choo Choo? He said when you're not on stage playing your guitar you're in the back pulling a train. I asked him if he ever had you for a partner and he said yes, so I had to ask him if you ever hit one of his nerves, and he said he doesn't kiss and tell. So I don't know if you hit the nerve or not, but if your partner acts like it I suggest you just go along with it.
ReplyDeleteIt took some doing but I was able to obtain a video of Chucky Choo Choo at Central Station.
Wow! The above spam talking about trolls, "funny" people, jokes.... couldn't be more appropriate with Funny Bone Guy, who is a "funny" troll who posts his joke of a life on this blog.
ReplyDeleteLooks like you have been a bad girl, maybe you friend will spank you. Did you get that Ben Gay, Fruit Cake, and Face Bandages, I sent you. Someone said they saw you at the Mall, and your Face was covered in carpet Burns. Where is that Nerve, Come out Come out where ever you are, I want hurt. I changed my name on KTBS, and now you can look all you want. I heard when you got your job there was some running involved, and the did your on a hill since your such a dough boy, and the said you were not running you were falling. They give you some bandages but you said that was OK you had some. I think when you thought about a troll, your were looking in the mirror. You know like the one you hold up to see your feet.
ReplyDeleteYou have to be the most stupid person I've ever contacted. You can change your name all you want but you can't change the fact that you write like an illiterate so you'll be easy to recognize.
ReplyDeleteAs for hiding, where have you been the past couple of days? Recuperating, because it was too sore to sit down, after a night at Central Station playing Chucky Choo Choo?
What's your fetish with bandages? Were you dressed up as a nurse putting bandages on your friends during some sort of sick and twisted sex games. Oh well.
As for knowing where the nerve is, you're the one who keeps bragging about how you hit it all the time. How in hell am I suppose to know where it is?
Oh BTW, wipe your chin Chucky.
The Best Lol n Troll Network with the Name of Lols Gag... Troll Images, Prank Peoples, Funny Peoples, funny planet, funny facts, funny cartoons, funny movies pics, iphone funny, funny jokes, Prank Images, Fail Pictures, Epic Pictures, Lols and Gags, Lol Pictures, Funny Pictures, Lol is the Laugh out of Laugh where you can Fun Unlimited and Laughing Unlimited.
How does a Pig use the computer, and walk in the snow, you Ferry tail. I heard someone saw and your whole face was covered in Rub Burns. Man I have been all over KTBS and your to STUPID to find me Gay Blade. If you are Harassing that William, I have changed my Lo on in to something with numbers, so I could be cool (Not), I used to Love Playing Football for or Against with boys like you. I would hit them so hard they would go to the sideline and say (Coach can I go Home) and he push them back in, and I would do it again. Let me know when I hit that Nerve, Nerve Come out, Come out wherever you are, Please come out I will give you some candy. have you shined your badge today, I bet you have o use a mirror to see it.
ReplyDeleteChucky Choo Choo, I see that I'm getting under your skin because your spelling gets worse and you become more a the raving lunatic that you are when you're rattled, and I can see you're rattled.
ReplyDeleteI thought you were an all-star quarter back. Why were you out hitting opposing players. I know, because your a lying piece of shit, that's why.
I haven't been on the KTBS website in a couple of days but when I do and see a comment written by someone with the intelligence lower than an ameoba i'll know it's you and I'll say hello.
Oh, as for coming out, I'm one of your multi-personalities. So the next time I take over you can kick my ass, or would that be your ass, or maybe our ass.
Damn, you better go make another trip to Brentwood to see about getting rid of me and William!
Have you ever talked to a pig before, that's why I don't read your crap. Your mom says when you and Timmy Frank go to bed at night it is like a Pig in a Blanket, Where's that nerve, here nerve, come out, come out, where ever you are. I need to teach, I mean I need to talk to Timmy Frank about following people, it's not safe, and I really want to help the Ferry Tail. here nerve, I still can't see you, I will bring Candy, whatever you like.
ReplyDeleteChucky, Capri Video called and said you left your credit card there and need you to pick it up. Evidently you dropped it on the floor in their theater where all the other perverts go to watch porn and hook up. Next thing you know you'll be down at Hamel's Memorial Park, oh wait, maybe you have. I hear that there use to be a rest area on I-20 just a little ways past the race track exit but it got so bad they had to close it down. I hear some guy named Chucky Choo Choo was the main one up there. Hey, that makes sense because it's close to where you live. Just a hop skip and a jump from the old hacienda huhn Chucky?!
ReplyDeleteOh well, to each his own! I'm not going to judge!
Hog zilla, I Have some Corn for you. Again I am not reading your crap, Your I Q is do so Low, They do not have a measurable scale .for it. If you think I have problems, you need to look in the Mirror a real big mirror and say I am not Crazy, every Gay guy chases a straight guy, it's normal, it's normal, its normal, I guess I am nuts, it's OK to have two people my head, everybody does, everybody, see if you could tell yourself this was normal, no your still a fat queer with a carpet burned face. where is that nerve, oh I didn't know they have hogs at Hamel's Park.
ReplyDeleteI just realize why you wanted me to meet you at Bodcau a couple of months ago. I know it's hard for you to meet up with anonymous men at Hamel's Park since SPD has been patrolling it more and at the rest stops since they now have security guards. So, I guess you have to resort to picking up guys on the internet and asking them to meet you at places like Bodcau, Cypress, Bistineau.... But, Sorry Charlie, I don't swing that way.
ReplyDeleteAs I've stated before I have proven my point over and over again that you are a low life maggot infested piece of crap, but I do have to take into consideration that your personal state could be caused by your deficient mental capacities. In other words you're nuts, and thank your for admitting it. Now we can move on.
Which I what I'm going to do for a while. You are free to rant and rave without hinderance from me. I believe the more you post the crazier you get and the more the point of us who are trying to point your that you're nuts is proven.
Rant on you lunatic, Rant on and prove me right.
Hog zilla is Dead to me, You keep your Gay Ass away from me Punk. I already have a built in trap, and I think someone tipped you off.
ReplyDeleteThe Best Lol n Troll Network with the Name of Lols Gag... Troll Images, Prank Peoples, Funny Peoples, funny planet, funny facts, funny cartoons, funny movies pics, iphone funny, funny jokes, Prank Images, Fail Pictures, Epic Pictures, Lols and Gags, Lol Pictures, Funny Pictures, Lol is the Laugh out of Laugh where you can Fun Unlimited and Laughing Unlimited.
FBG, You couldn't even set up a roach trap where all you have to do is pull of the tabs covering the holes.
ReplyDeleteYou better watch it, I hear old Chuckles stuck his fingers in a finger trap and it took him several days to get out of it.