
Thursday, November 21, 2013

'Fire Nichole Bourgeois' group not going away

Our friend and Bossier’s premier political observer Marty Carlson has opined about School Board President Eddy Ray Presley's recent 'moron' remarks. You can read Marty’s column in the Press Tribune.
Meanwhile, Attorney John Settle has released the results of his public information request as to how much has been spent in legal fees.
In the case of Live Oak Coach Musemeche’s lawsuit so far the Board has expended $19,000.
In the Jessica Morton suit, $38,000.
No figures are available yet for the Lori Rayborn suit as it was just filed a couple of weeks ago. Meanwhile, the coalition behind the ‘Fire Nichole Bourgeois’ Facebook page and the petition it is associated with are not going away.
We will continue to follow up and keep you posted.


  1. Correcting an issue that has needed corrected a long time ago! PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH! I will firmly state: (1) I am in SUPPORT of the principal of Parkway, (2) Stop the bullying of school admin, SHOW YOUR CHILD A LOVING HOME VS THIS, (3) I was bullied and I will stand firm that school admin can't stop a kid from going home & committing suicide. So, Bossier folks- I pray you begin to practice what you preach! With online petitions and other nonsense, you are becoming the main bully; does this make you proud? You are reading biased news; all news is! You are not acting like a parent if you support your child in signing this or if you, the parent are participating in this shameful bully behavior. Bossier is first to scream, keep prayer in school; perhaps you, or those individuals signing these petitions and other crap, yes, crap need to reflect on your relationship in Christ! That's now the fact; wake up! FYI- lawsuits are biased on allegations therefore if you read them, it's allegations and not the truth, basic comprehension 101! So stop with bullying PHS admin & pray. Bottom-line! It is pitiful the Parish of Bossier citizens are acting like a bunch of bullies, apparently the kids are learning their disrespectful behavior at home! I suggest you all to obey by the 10th Commandment! And I suggest you all to pray! That's all. Shame on you that are joining this crap and signing crap, as it's all crap- sad. Bully. Oh yea, isn't it counselors at school to assist? Oh.

  2. So Matthew, you believe that Lori Rayborn is lying in her lawsuit?

  3. There are three sides to the truth in law. Jim, you should know this!

    I didn't say lie, I said accusation. And for one to assume a lawsuit filed is the truth is idiotic!

    I stand firm with my statement and if she had done anything so unlawful, she'd be fired.

    This is bullying and I will again say, PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH!!

    I don't have an issue with the legal fees and taxes used in defense as school boards must have an attorney.

    I'm not commenting on this anymore. I stated the facts and those who can't handle it is guilty- being a bully.

    Accusation: a claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made without proof.

  4. No one has accused anyone of doing anything illegal. Your words were its an allegation, not the truth. So you are saying that what Lori Rayborn alleged was untrue.

  5. I agree with Matthew. I will support Ms. Bourgeois. I will be the first to say I think the whole football incident was handled poorly by all parties including the football coach who refused to get off the field. As far the other incidents, I don't see how school officials can stop cyber bullying and kids being just mean to each other. This is more of a parent issue. All these petitions, lawsuits and finger pointing will only cause these school officials to go into defense mode. It's not going to solve any problems. It's just going to cause more rules that takes more authority away from teachers.
    When I attended school and a student was a behavior problem, he was sent to the principal for a paddling. That was till parents began filing lawsuits claiming abuse. The results: police officers stationed in schools, no tolerance policies. Students can even defend themselves anymore. If they do then they are charged with a crime just like the instigator. So good luck with your petitions and lawsuits. I'm sure the changes will be for the better.

  6. Parents can only do so much. Schools can only do so much. Instant communication and mob mentality just like the EBT Walmart fiasco is in play in the situation.

    When we went to school communication was slower. Hence the offensive words were slower. Kids had more time to adjust to typical human behavior.

    A definitive factor.

  7. AS SHOULD ADULTS, I might add to my above comment. Get the (electronic hand held gazmo letter button pushing that your finger is too big for) communication device out of the face now and then.

    Zero good can come from constant gossiping!

  8. This is absolutely, positively, NOTHING like the EBT Walmart fiasco.

  9. Why, because it's white people instantly communicating?

  10. A nurse has a legal and moral duty to be a patient/student advocate. No one else's. The nurse's statements of what she faced were the same problems I faced a while back dealing with juveniles at some local facilities. We are mandatory reporters of anything involving abuse or neglect of meeting a childs needs. I am proud of her and ashamed of her boss for not standing up for her. She was doing what she is supposed to do be a advocate for this child and attempt to seek the help she needed.

    1. One of the main problems in Bossier is the ones in charge are "perfect". The ship may be going under the waves but it's put on a happy face, damn the bad publicity, and to hell with thr truth!

  11. AnonymousNovember 22, 2013 at 7:34 PM ,,,,,,Bingo winner winner chicken dinner.

  12. Geeeezzzzz.....All you have to do is watch the football game video of the arrogant good Doctor to see where the problem lies..... I'm sorry to inform you, Ms. Bourgeois, but your shite DOES smell!!!

  13. """"Given these circumstances, School Board President Presley might have selected to react to petitioning south Bossier folks’ concerns with either a simple acknowledgement of those concerns – or better yet, abiding by the old adage that “discretion is the better part of valor,” avoiding a computer keyboard altogether until he’d fully processed the gravity of this issue.""""

    Quoted from Marty Carlson's editorial. The instant communication factor. Think before a comment is applied.

  14. Nothing will happen. Nothing more than typing practice for you all and I got a raise.

  15. To this Ahrens feller. It appears you are one who knows the law. So I would ask you to answer if teachers and school admin have a "duty to act'?

    Let me expand on this, if a case of a kid or kids are threatening a student do the teacher, principal, DC or a school board member have a responsibility to do or say something?

    A reasonable person I would hope would say yes. So then their actions should be in the best interest of the kid correct, whatever that may be? Well it seems there are those who believe that the school actions are not in the best interest of the kids but in their own self interest. Those who believe this know it from having been in a situation or having been a witness to it.
    I would ask you directly have you personally been involved in or witnessed any of these events to state that something did or did not happen. My guess is you have not and are simply attempting to defend those in the school. You most likely are associated with the school. I will agree with you in principle that most of the problems stem from the lack of family participation in their childs lives and teaching them discipline, morality, honesty and the like. But that doesn't change the teacher, priniciple, DC or Boards responsibility.
    I ask do you really believe that this situation at Parkway is the only place that these things have happened at? Do you believe that an attempt to protect self interest has only taken place in one place? I can say for a fact that is not the case.
    Before you label me know that I have no association with anyone in the recall effort, and have no dog in this fight except for taking issue with your assertions in this blog.
    Times have changed and the schools are not as they once were. Get over it. Most of the teachers are doing the best they can do. The true bullies in all of this is a School administration who's only care is their own self interest. Posted Anonymous why for fear of Bullies.

  16. I have a simple question. The girl that killed herself had tried to commit suicide once before. To me, that should have put her parents on notice that the child had issues and it should be their responsibility to get her help. Maybe there were issues beyond bullying. When does it not become the school's responsibility, but rather the parents'?

  17. Only 17 comments. A lot of them pro Ms. Bougeois. I don't see her going anywhere and i think that's good for Parkway. She does her job as a Principal so now it's time to start doing your job as parents south Bossier.

    1. You're basing your opinion of someone's job performance on this blog? LOL! The majority of the people in Bossier doesn't even know this blog exists. I can only guess if more people knew about this blog and the subject matter of which were discussing you will probably see more people express negative opinions about Ms. Bougeois.

  18. Hopefully, when the BPSB comes back for those additonal taxes in 2015 the South Bossier folks will respond with "cannot vote - we are just a bunch of morons" remember Eddy. If we stick together as a group we can stop this taxing without representation which seems to be Mr. Eddy's opinion of his position. Just remember they will have to come back in 2015 for addtional renewals and i hope that people will bring this up because I am sure these lawsuits will be well working theirselves through the system.

  19. I want everybody to do everything they possibly can do to prevent suicide. But in the final analysis, the person who commits suicide to totally and completely responsible for his or her own death. Lawsuits to take money from the taxpaying citizens is counter-productive, a crime against civilization.

  20. This post isn't about suicide, it's about the lawsuit that says the school ignored bullying.

  21. Maybe Bourgeois is more suited to be a maximum security prison ward.

  22. I am not familiar with case, but I just hope and pray Justice was Served. I had a case in Bossier Parish where my Attorney told the State's DA they were wrong, according to the Louisiana Attorney General, and no Crime was Committed, the DA's Office said they did not care what the Attorney General had to say. For the people that are not familiar with Law, the Louisiana Attorney General's office sets the laws in place after they are passed, and instructs all law Enforcement on how the laws are to be carried out.


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