
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Carl Richard named Deputy Constable/Marshal of the Year

A local Bossier City resident and native was honored last week at the annual conference of the National Constables and Marshals Association held in Baton Rouge, LA.
Carl Richard, a local Deputy City Marshal was honored with the award of Deputy Constable/Marshal of the Year.  Carl was chosen by his peers from all over the nation and the State of Louisiana.  The Louisiana City Marshals and the National Constables and Marshals Association has over 600 active members.  Those members selected Carl Richard for his outstanding service to his community and the Association for exemplifying the highest standards of professionalism in Law Enforcement.
Carl Richard has 22 years experience as a Deputy Marshal in the Bossier City and Shreveport Marshal's Offices.

Richard has announced his intention to run for Bossier City Marshal.
If you are running for any local office, send us your information and we will be happy to post it in My Bossier. Send it to


  1. Congratulations Carl. If you can convince the public your not going to be like ole crazy Charlie Caldwell you might just win.

  2. I wish you the best Carl, and thanks for your help last year. Congregations.

  3. Looks like you are doing a good job in Shreveport, please stay there. Our Marshal's office in bossier is outstanding, they are not politically motived, they do their job regardless of recognition.

  4. I have nothing bad to say about the Marshall's office but I do know they have to contend with next door, and next door has had their share of , I will let you fill in the blank. I hope for the sake of next door the new man is not influenced, and carries on the Excellent Name of the Marshall's Office.

  5. I won a judgment in Bossier City court last December and ending up having to have the individual's wages garnished because he refused to pay. The marshal's office mails the checks out at the end of the month, however this month, as of today I still haven't received the check, so I called the Marshal's office to inquire about why. I was told that, due to the Marshal being sick, the checks haven't been signed and that they have no idea when he will return, therefore, there is no way of knowing when I will receive my garnishment check. He was supposed to be back this morning, but hadn't come in. I didn't sue an individual for lost money and damages because I have a stack of money sitting around. I need that money and feel that is absolutely absurd that the illness of one man can stop the whole process. I'm sure there are other people who are waiting for their money as well and would find it ridiculous that Mr. Austin hasn't designated someone other than himself to sign checks in his absence. Here's a suggestion to whoever the next City Marshal is, delegate some your duties to help your office run more efficiently.

  6. Sir that is so Backward, I can't understand like yourself what the Hell is going on in Bossier City. I will be honest the Police department is the same way. It's like if who is not on first, the Game Stops. I live for the day of Revitalization in Bossier, starting with a new Mayor. Good luck to you sir, and you just have to Try and Understand this is Bossier City you are dealing with, and if you think it is going to get better anytime soon, pinch yourself, your dreaming. FBM

  7. Please people, we are the envy of the state. Our old backwards way of doing things are great. We have had the same group of people in power for 30 years andcwe'll keep electing them. No need to move into the 21st century. David Montgomery, jimmy Hall and their buddies are making plenty of money for themselves so just be quiet and deal with it.

    1. Anony, May 5, 2012 at 4:O5 pm This has to be a Crooked piece of Crap Bossier Cop, that knows new blood is not good in the buddy buddy wink blink Society we have now, like they used to say in the old days A change is a commin, and I hope Carl asks many Questions, and gets plenty Answers. The old days have past. So if you can't retire, quit.

  8. @ Anonymous May 5 at 9:04 a.m. - I surely hope you didn't vote for Austin. He is all about himself. After Johnny Wyatt's funeral he was telling people he didn't want the job; that he just wanted to mourn Johnny's death. But a high ranking official told me before the funeral Austin was trying to get appointed to the job . . . before Johnny was in the ground. And Johnny's son backed Austin and almost the minute Austin stepped into the marshal's office he decided he didn't want to be marshal.

    I will be casting my vote for city marshal on whichever candidate Austin does not endorse.

  9. Let's look back. Austin was CAO making over $100,000 a year. Then he wanted everyone to believe that he wanted to be the City Marshal and give himself a pay cut. Yea right. He was told to do it by the powers that be. I still don't believe he took the pay cut. He claimed he wanted the position so bad because he got that fire again after being named interim police chief. (that's another story). He was so excited that he no longer wants the position after a few short years. He was so excited to be City Marshal that I never saw him there and spent slot of time in that office.
    Carl you have my vote. Got to get people to the polls though

  10. Let me get this straight. This guy does not report campaign expenditures, goes on lavish trips on the taxpayers dollars, uses his Marshal's car for personal outings, threatens citizens that put up political signs for other candidates and is Marshal of the year. I wonder what the worst Marshal is like.

    1. Truer words were never spoken. It is about time someone tells it like it is and knocks the halo off of Carl's head.

  11. May 7, 2014 at 9:06 AM: AMEN.

  12. Like every other politician in Bossier

  13. Carl I think you have some Bossier No Sayers Slinging Mud, and remember No Sayers Mud doesn't Stick. We need new Blood, not people that turn their head to Controversy. I hope You Win, And most of All, take out the trash.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. will vote for Carl who has four felony charges that he got out of and filed bankruptcy twice because you don't like Lynn?? If Carl can't run his own life, how do you expect him to run a Marshal's office? You are living with your head in a hole if you think Jim Whitman does not have support. He has the support of the people that actually care about Bossier City and not what they can gain by electing Carl as Marshal. Carl will just bring the ruthless ways of the Shreveport Marshal's office to Bossier.

    1. Felony charges are different in the BCPD, they have different guidelines.

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  17. I agree Austin is scared of being beaten by Richard. Austin is showing his cowardness by not running. Richard has a lot of work to do to straighten out the mess that Austin has created. Austin barely won the last election, and Whitman will get his rear handed to him in this election.

  18. Whitman. 63%
    Richardc 37%

  19. Looks like the donut eaters have now turned on their Savior Shane. What a miserable lot.!

  20. Richard 75%
    Whitman 25%

  21. Richard 90%
    Austin 10%

    But we will never know because he is scared! Do be scarred Austin! Come on boy, you can you do it, one more! Come on Austin, run on your own! Come on boy!!! Here Austin!! Do you want to really be looked at as the man who destroyed what Johnny Wyatt built up! You need one more term! Here Austin, you can do it boy!! Take that step! Do be skerrred! It will sting a little when Richard beats you but in time you will be ok. Come on boy, you can do it!

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  23. Mike Halpen for Bossier City Mayor!

    1. God help us if that happens!

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. Electing Jim Whitman to Bossier City Marshal would be like electing Mountain Man from Duck Dynasty. They talk about the same speed and sentence structure, but it would be funny to watch. Lol...

    1. That's what I thought when they appointed McWilliams Chief.

  25. Someone needs to clean up the Bossier City Marshal's Office! Richard will be the only one to do it! Whitman is part of the good old boy system.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. For all who don't know, all the names mentioned above are corrupt buttholes except one, and that person is Mike Beam. Mike is a good man with good intentions. Please don't judge him wronglybecause of the others.

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    5. Mike Halphen back as Police Chief and Carl Richard as City Marshal! That would be great! They could clean house! Halphen has seen a lot and knows way touch for them to jack with him that's why Hall and Austin are scarred of him!

      Better than that Halphen for Mayor, Richard as City Marshal, and bring an outsider for Bossier Police Chief to give the Deparent new blood!

    6. You would have to sober Halpen up first!

  27. Austin, here boy, come on boy! Run Austin Run! Here boy (whistling)! Lol!!! Not that's funny right there I don care who you are!

  28. Seems to me after looking at the Campaign Finance Reports of the names mentioned above the Jerry Juneau family were heavy donors to all of the above mentioned persons. Including donating materials, signs, and fundraiser locations. I watching the current campaigns of Richard and Whitman, I see the the Juneau family is doing the same for Whitman.

    Juneau has the contract to provide the phone services for the Bossier City Jail, Bossier Parish Jails, and Caddo Parish Jails. HIs phone company is Telecoin and is located in Bossier City. He is also huge donors to Sheriff Steve Prator in Caddo Parish, several police Jury members in Caddo and Bossier Parish, as well as City Council Members, District Judges, Sheriff Julian Whittington, and Mayor Lo Walker of Bossier City. It is no wonder that he has all of the contracts for phone services in the jails and prisons. Inmates are forced to pay the rates, and the politicians are getting the kickbacks. I found that the Public Service Commission has fined Telecoin. It appears from some phopne calls that were made that federal authorities may be conductiung a probe into Telecoin and public corruption by election officials.

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  31. Jimmy Stewart is the only one in the entire department capable of being Chief. Ask around

    1. You must have just asked Jimmy Stewart.

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. He's been known to get in a tiff from time to time, too!

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  33. Austin, here boy!!!!

  34. I like it when the crime rate went up they blamed it on Wal-Mart. Actually made Mark Natale get in front of a camera and say that. How about its because we have 40 less police officer and the ones we do have are scared to do anything because one little mistake and you could get fired. This has been going on since Shane's detective buddies screwed up the copperhead case. A lot of good officers have left and all we seem to hire is other department's rejects.

  35. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. What does the police department have to do with the marshal's office?
      McWilliams runs the police department as he sees fit. Just like the next marshal will run his department

    2. Anon @ 8:13, There are the right way of doing things, like the marshal manages the marshal's office and the chief or police managing the police department. Then there is the Bossier City way... Sort of like BIzzaro world of Htrae. (A mythical world where things are done just opposite of the way things are done on Earth.)

  36. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  37. The Bossier City Marshal's Office does not support Jim Whitman. During the last election, we were forced to do a commercial for Marshal Austin or risk losing our jobs if he was elected.

    Myself and several others will not be put in that position again. Jim is a nice man, but he is not a leader, and he acts in his best interest and not the interest of the office. We are supporting Carl Richard but Marshal Austin has made it very clear to us that if we are caught supporting Carl Richard there will be consequences.

  38. A business was robbed and a double homicide occurred just last night. I guess that's Wal-Mart's fault too. People until we elect individuals who support law enforcement then Bossier will continue to turn into Shreveport. Let's hope the right person gets arrested this time.

  39. I have friends that have seen Judge Tommy Wilson at campaign events for Jim Whitman which is an Ethics violation! Looks like there will have to be an investigation!

  40. Looks like Bossier City is worse than Shreveport ever thought about being! Sound like they have their own little organized crime ring within government over there!

  41. Lynn Austin, are you going to walk away from the Marshal's Office with a great chance that Carl Richard will beat Jim Whitman. Lynn, you barely won the last election! Jim Whitman does not stand a chance! Whatever you have accomplished in the 3 years you have been Marshal will be for nothing! I am so disappointed that I supported you in the last election.

  42. Ahhhh, it's an exciting morning on this Monday morning in Bossier City Hall. Oh yea, oh yea, oh yea, let's see what the Marshal and Whiman have to say today! November cannot get here soon enough!!!

  43. What ethics violation for Judge Wilson? Once again WRONG!

  44. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  45. If you want to accuse someone of wrongdoing then send me an email and I will publish it - with your name. If you want to name them with unsubstantiated charges, you'll have to name yourself too.

  46. So jim take that advice and remove the posts that do the same that are hidden in sentences.

  47. Done, had no idea what they were until it was pointed out to me.

  48. Everyone keep it on subject, Marshal's race.

  49. This is getting to be more like a bunch of whiners and gossipers than it is about why folks think which of the two candidates would make the better marshal.

  50. Guess I will file an ethics complaint against Judge Tommy Wilson for attending political events and supporting Jim Whitman. I do not want our Judges supporting any candidate and yes it is and Ethics violation, don't believe me, ask them! Don't believe them, watch!!!

  51. A judge can attend a political function. He cannot endorse a candidate.

  52. That's true Jim, however, for Judge Wilson to make phone calls and attend meetings to soliciate support for Jim Whitman or any candidate is an Ethical violation. A tape does exist of a conversation of Judge Wilson asking someone to support Jim Whitman. It will be turned over to the Ethics board.

  53. That would definitely be a violation.

  54. Thanks for removing some of those useless comments, stay on point, this is about the Marshal race.

  55. Mike Halphen for Bossier City Marshal! He can fix this mess!

    Austin, here boy!!! Run Austin Run! That is funny. I, too, believe Richard would beat Austin hands down. From what I hear around town, Mr. Whitman has very little support.

  56. Mike, please get off your high horse.

  57. Jim, the blog is the talk of city hall and the the police department yesterday and today. Hall, Austin, and McWilliams have been talking and emailing back and forth. They are ticked because someone is commenting from the pd, city hall, and the Marshal's office. The Marshal has pretty much threatened everyone again. I am told McWillams has his internal affairs talking to their officers talking to their officer friends trying to figure out who is posting from the pd and they are planning on terminating them. Jim Whitman looks lost and confused, not sure what has been said to him privately in the Marshal's office.

  58. Yeah right, I am sure they are all scared of a few posts, let the conspiracy theories commence

  59. I know McWilliams and Whitman, although Whitman has a few more brain cells. McWilliams qualifications are he does what he's told, as will Whitman.
    As for looking for sources, I received a phone call Monday from one of city hall inner circle's boot lickers. I haven't talked to him in a long time and suddenly I get a call "just seeing how you're doing. Have you talked to so and so lately? Have you seen so and so lately? What have you heard about what's what?..."
    Maybe coincidence, but if not, they do under estimate the people they think are stupid.

  60. I hope that everyone posting as "anonymous" on this blog realizes that nothing in this day of computer forensics is truly anonymous.

    1. Maybe if you were using a city computer you could, but it would take a warrant to get IP addresses from where the statements are being made. Good luck on that! LOL!!!!

    2. Keep thinking that. Lol!!!!!

  61. Lol!!! that's a true and factual statement! So and so is popular these days because I received a phone call just like that! That person just needs to grow a set of nuts and call so and so! Don't be skerred!

    As far as the Marshal's race I supported Mr. Austin last time but after seeing what I have seen, and learning the things I have learned, I will be supporting Mr. Richard this time. I will not support Mr. Whitman as he is obviously a yes man to Mr. Austin and the current city administration.

  62. If it were not for anonymous this blog wouldn't exist lol

  63. That's true but we only post anonymously because the cowards running the police department, city hall, and fire department would all set up, or try to have those of us who work there terminated for speaking the truth.

    Still, the problem is when when speak the truth on this blog, most of it is deleted because those mentioned don't like their names being mention and their acts being exposed!

  64. If I were Jim Whitman, I would start applying for another job because he is going to lose this election 80/20!

  65. Jim, this is going to be a long election period! I'm already tired of hearing about it!

  66. I know, and we have a lot more races to cover too. We'll all be tired of hearing about it before it's over.

  67. I don't know why they just don't abolish the Marshal's office and have the police department assume the duties! Lynn Austin spent $50,000 in paying overtime to the police department to have BCPD officers perform City Marshal duties.

  68. I agree. All of the Sheriff's Offices takes care of the district courts and other duties of the Sheriff's office, so why do we need a Marshal's office? If the City Marshal is paying the police department to do Marshal's duties, we should have a legislator propose a bill to abolish the Marshal's office. That office has always seemed to be a waste of tax payer money.

  69. Mike Halphen for Bossier City Mayor and Kenny Hamm for Bossier City Marshal! Experience we can count on!

    Here Austin!!! Come on boy!!!! Lol... We know you are scared of both of these guys because you have lied, and deceived both of them haven't you!!! Wouldn't you hate it if they are elected! Never say never!!! See Austin, Hall, and the rest of you knuckle heads, your time has past! You tried to run everyone off but you failed! We wil support who we want, when we want, and as much as we want and there is not a damn thing you can do about it! This is Bossier City, and if we want to run Mike Halphen, Kenny Hamm, or anyone else y'all have tried to run off we will. These guys have more honor and character in the little finger than y'all have in your entire body!

  70. Carl Richard is going to make a great City Marshal! What a day that will be!!!

  71. My family and I are supporting Carl Richard. I don't know much about Mr. Whitman, but I do know a lot about Lynn and his dirty ways. So if Lynn is pushing Whitman as hard as he is, then we will support Richard. Mr. Whitman would just follow in Lynn's footsteps and it's time for new direction in Bossier City!

  72. Carl Wayne has the support of my family as well!

  73. Carl has the support of baseball players because he is a big athletic supporter

    1. That's funny! Coming from a supporter of Lynn Austin who is a d**k any you must be one of the nuts below him. And it takes an athletic supporter to protect hold secure each of you! Now that's really funny!

  74. What's that guys name running against Carl Richard? I also supported Lynn Austin for the last election, but I assure you I will never support him for anything else! Lynn, the next time you call my residence and attempt to make idle threats about who I am supporting, son, you better bring a big stick and a lot of money! Your boy toy Hall will not help you out of the bind you will get yourself in son!

  75. City Hall has been on its toes the last few days ticked off about this website. Chief McWilliams at the police department still has his internal affairs guys asking questions, trying to identify the officers posting comments. The Marshal and Jim Whitman have been up in arms about someone in our office posting. The Marshal and Jim set up a meeting with the Son's of Italy Club in Bossier with assistance of Bossier Deputy Sheriff Johnny Estess. They fail to realize most of the members have died! They may have 10 left. But Jerry Juneau may still try to have them vote! The Marshal and Jim have been having meetings and making phone calls to possible supporters from our office trying to get support for Jim, but its the same people over and over having to donate. Jerry Juneau, Vince Maggio (they are cousins) and so on... Judge Wilson is still calling people and talking to people trying to get support for Jim. A few of us are just sitting back waiting on the storm to happen when Jim loses the election, and the Marshal and Jimmy Hall can no longer hold our positions over our head.

  76. I remember the debate they had in South Bossier last election. Carl had a plan and presented it. The only thing Lynn could say is how he loves Bossier. You could tell he really didn't want the job but that's what he was told to do so he had to run. I say Carl wins and all the goid ole boys start to leave. It's going to be great.

  77. Lynn has lost a tremendous amount of respect and support since being Marshal. We have truly been able to see the real Lynn Austin. Jim Whitman would have a tough enough time beating Carl Richard in an election just running on his on merit, but since he has chosen to follow Lynn Austin like a puppet on a string, Austin is definitely going to cost Whitman the election.

  78. I feel like Bossier is sick of the old and ready for the new, like Carl Richard.

  79. I am a life-long Bossier City resident and it seems to me we have had a drastic increase in violent crime in our city recently. Is it just me or have I just not been paying attention?

  80. Your like most Bossier City residence. You just haven't paid attention. The politicians have being lying to us this whole time and we believed them. People are paying attention and they are so old and set in their ways that they can't change. They seem he'll bent on making Bossier as dangerous as Shreveport. I for one cant wait till I retire and move from this shithole.

  81. Why wait for retirement?

  82. Will getting a strong city marshal back in office help the crime rate?

  83. It'll will probably help keep our crooked politicians more honest so I say "yes".

  84. How stupid. What do you think a marshal does anyway? He just wants to turn the office into another branch of the Shreveport Marshal.

    1. Well they wear guns and badges and drive police cars. I can only guess that a strong marshal with priorities could only help lower the crime rate. I guess I'm missing something . . . what does a marshal do?

  85. Sad to say but it would be an improvement

    1. Really? That means you have been served papers or subdued in court because that is what a marshal does.

    2. For Lynn Austin the job, when he is in the office, consists of leaning back in his chair and his feet on the desk.

  86. If a person files bankruptcy once, I would probably believe that they had a legitimate reason ie illness, accident, or some type of incapacitation. If you file bankruptcy TWICE, you are clearey gaming the system! How can anyone vote for a person with multiple arrests and a history of grossly mismanaging his personal money? How is Carl Richard going to be able to manage the Marshall's budget when he can't even handle his own?

  87. Gerry May at KTBS has some good insight about Richard's illicit past...and present!

  88. Carl Richard has been seen in Bossier City multiple times, driving a Shreveport Marshal Vehicle, stopping at businesses that have NO business with the Shreveport Marshal Office talking about his campaign and asking to put out literature for his campaign. He has also made it known that he intends to fire ALL of the Bossier City Marshals once he is in office. He has also placed signs in my front yard, without my approval and without my knowledge. The next one that shows up in my yard in Bossier City will be met with litigation.

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