
Monday, June 23, 2014

Fall Elections

Some interesting elections are coming up this fall. Two 26th JDC (Bossier-Webster) judges, John Robinson and Ford Stinson, are retiring and those seats will have to be filled.
Of course, they are all up for re-election. Names are being tossed around, State Representative Jeff Thompson is said to be considering a run for one of the seats. I believe he would make a good judge.
Assistant DA Charles Jacobs is also running. I got a good chuckle at a couple of pictures of him presenting forfeiture checks to the Sheriff and to BCPD. When Schuyler anoints someone to run for judge, he always sends them out to pass out these checks and get a little free publicity. Mike Nerren was doing the same thing when he was running against Whit Graves.
And no, it doesn't upset me, it's not an egregious abuse. In fact, it is so blatant that it borders on being comical. It's as if Schuyler is having one of those 'see what I did there' moments.
Speaking of the District Attorney, I'm also hearing that he will have an opponent this fall. Qualifying is in August, we'll see if that bears out.


  1. Is Jeff Thompson going to run or not? He would be taking a huge pay cut if he does. I personally believe he is not going to run. I believe he is just telling people he is to keep others out of the race. Randy Robinson wants to be judge but probably couldn't win against a good opponent.

  2. Marvin whistling past the graveyard these days.

  3. It appears Whittington has picked up right where Larry Dean left off! Damn shame!!! Sold his soul to the devil for a few dollars and popularity. I'm so disappointed in him.

  4. You too! If he only knew how bad people are talking about him. He turned his back on true friends. He needs to pray real hard. He professes to be a Christian.

    1. He has avoided the public. He has proven he is not a friend to anyone with the exception of those that can help him. He has forgotten people he worked with and was supposed to be friends with for over 25-30 years. Julian, people now know the real you. The Lord says you will know them by the way they live their life. Well yours is about as two faced as they come. I pray the Lord forgives you and that you are a Christian as you profess to be. Charlie Owens and the other clowns you have brought into the Bossier Sheriff's Office will bring you down. You had so many deserving employees within the dept. capable of running the office but you chose to do it the political way and bring in all these people retired from other depts. and overlook the ones that have devoted their career to the Bossier SO. The morale is so low among your employees you should be ashamed. You don't have the guts or integrity to run the Sheriff's office. SHAME ON YOU. Justice will prevail. If the public only knew your indiscretions since you've been in office. I will get around to telling it to your face. Hope you enjoyed the trip to Las Vegas Juneau bought and paid for. And what about not helping BCPD in their time of need. Your just a weakling. What a disappointment. Don't throw any stones at anyone until you look in the mirror. Your two faces that is.

  5. Really? Everyone seems to be pretty happy with Julian.

    1. I agree. These people are against everybody, but can't effect anyone.

  6. i dont see anything wrong with c.jacobs delivering these checks it helps law enforcement

  7. Nobody thought Larry Deen could be beat but Mike McConnell scared him enough to make him retire. I'm sure if someone decent would run against Schylur then he would do the same.

    1. Nobody was afraid of Mike McConnell. It was Julian that he wanted no part of.

  8. Nothing will change around here if the good old boys club wants a certain person in they will make sure he or she will get in. Follow the money trail and seek out who is attending the special secret fund raisers where the deals are made in favor of kickbacks, rake-offs, etc. It is still going on today as it has always gone on in Bossier as well as the State of La. If a candidate that is not their choice happens to look like they have a slight chance of winning, the real big guns and money will come out and they will find something on that person if they have to go back to their birth. The good old boys will not let anyone get elected unless they can control them for years to come and will do it in the name of "good gov't and good values". Just think about it for a while and watch it come true.

    1. So, what is your point?

    2. Evidently "So, what is your point?" has replaced "We're better than Shreveport," or "If you don't like what's going on in Bossier move to Shreveport."
      Sounds like the person made is point quite clear and is spot on!

  9. They can be beat. People just need to get out and vote. They wanted all these people to move to bossier but the problem for them is they are not home grown and therefore not loyal to them. I'm telling you they can be beat.

  10. Schuyler can't be beat. He has way too much money from those who needed favors.

    1. I hope the right people win, that will help guide Bossier Parish in the right direction. I do like the fact we are getting more jobs for this side of the River, and they have nothing to do with gambling.

  11. Angry about the "same old people" deciding who gets elected - those damn voters!!!!!

  12. Marvin having an opponent?i'm sure that's something whit's put out, since he's told people he's going to run against thompson, then jacobs, now marvin.

  13. I think all the unhappy people that work at Bossier City should quit at the same time. That would show them.

  14. I wish all you "good ole boys" would hurry up and die at the same time.

    1. So you don't think that anyone else would hire you?

    2. Not the Detectives, the Cooperhead story is a classic, and they are stuck with it. They might get some Security jobs with no guns.

  15. the only way marvin could get beat is if he gets caught with a young boy, or wrecks his vehicle while drunkin driving and hurts someone

  16. Does anyone know what Jeff thompson's going to do yet? Im thinking he is not going to run for judge. This is a way for the good ole boys to keep others from wanting to run.

    1. Thompson has announced - on his Facebook (?)

  17. Oh shoot, stop the press, someone is running for constable. Guy looks like a terd!!

  18. Didn't know we had a constavle

  19. Well I was driving in old bossier today and saw where some new apartments were being built. All indications showed that they are going to be section 8. I told everyone that Liberal Lo Walker and the city council have sold their soul to Mary Landrieu. She keeps contractors renting space in CIC and in return Lo keeps filling our city with the type od people that vote for Mary. We are becoming Shreveport pretty fast.

  20. Please be more specific.

  21. Robert Bond got the max 40 year sentence and will die in prison - all at a fraction of the cost of what a murder trial would have cost us taxpayers. Say what you want about Marvin, Nerren, etc. but that is just one of many examples of great leadership in our Parish. Keep those good ole (smart!) boys in office!!!

  22. I was there won a flag from David Vitter.

  23. You're exactly right, it's all about the money for Marvin. The more money you donate the better the deal you get.


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1. No personal attacks or insults.
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