
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Graves vs Marvin: I'm looking forward to the debates!

Although DA Schuyler Marvin had a free ride 6 years ago, this time he has an opponent. Whit Graves announced today that he will take on the incumbent in the November election, assuming Schuyler does decide to run again. I haven't heard yea or nay.
Coincidentally, the news cycle today also had the story that the DA has decided to press for the death penalty in the case of Brandon Butler, who is accused of killing the two young ladies in Bossier City on Mother's Day. Sure, he's had a couple of months to make the decision, and like I said, I'm sure it's pure coincidence that he decided to do so on the day that Graves announced.
Meanwhile the judges' races are unchanged, with Jeff Thompson announcing for a seat and Charles Jacobs for a seat. Sections B & D will be open, and I can't remember which is running for which.
I am hearing, however, that Jacobs may have a very solid opponent. With the DA too busy on his own race, that might cause difficulty for Jacobs, who is counting on the DA's clout to get him in office.
The Bossier City Marshal's race is heating up. I'm hoping that the Bossier Republican Women will have a forum/debate/question and answer period with the candidates like they did in the Marshal's election when Lynn Austin was elected.
It would be nice if they included the other candidates also, Marvin, Graves and the candidates for judge.
Pop your popcorn and get ready, it's gonna be an interesting three months ahead.
Me, I'm gonna hide and watch.


  1. Does any one know about Jacobs challenger?? Looks like Marvin is gonna have to get out of the office and do some work in order to keep his job.

  2. WHOOOOO-HOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I wanted someone, anyone to run against Marvin but I never dreamed it would be Graves. I won't mince words, I LIKE WHIT GRAVES!!!!!! I'm sure Marvin will try to smear him like Nerren tried to 2 years ago but the real question will be how Marvin answers the tough questions. That's if he answers questions. I bet it will be hard to get him to a forum or a debate. GO WHIT GRAVES!!!!!!

  3. I was hoping for a decent candidate for DA, both these have way too many skeletons. Looks lie the same ole same ole.

  4. The only skeleton in Graves closet is those created by Marvin. The skeletons in Marvin's closet are real, dead people wanting someone to answer for their murders.

  5. there is a reason graves is running against Marvin and not an easier judicial opponenent. When that bombshell hits, Marvin got we he's got coming. Let the games begin!!! Every and I mean every dog has his day, welcome to hell marvin

  6. Very excited to see who will be running. Only one more month and we will know who all makes the ballot!

  7. well I guess its obvious who Mr. Wells is supporting. I just can't in good conscience vote for someone who has manipulated the system and used every dirty trick in the book to get criminals and drunks he knows to be guilty out of charges simply for the money.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Explain to me just how it's 'obvious' who I'm supporting. You have no idea who I will support.

    1. it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Marvin hasn't announced, sarcastic comment about announcing the death penalty, there is nothing wrong with supporting whit, it's your blog, just admit it. Who is the very solid opponent who will oppose Jacobs. that sounds like something whit would tell you.

    2. Jim, why did you delete my comment? :(

    3. 4:26 - Marvin hasn't announced - that's the point. When he announces I will have a blog post on that. And it was a sarcastic comment about announcing the death penalty on the day that Graves announced. Just like getting Charles Jacobs picture in the paper presenting forfeiture checks, just as he did with Mike Nerren. I'll always make fun of obvious political moves, it's, well, fun to do so. As to someone opposing Jacobs, sorry to burst your bubble, but I haven't spoken to Whit in probably a year and a half. it came from someone in Springhill. Now, stop trying to read my mind.
      5:06 - I haven't deleted any comments, I'll check and make sure it wasn't sent to a spam folder by Google.

    4. Perhaps someone from Springhill might run against Jacobs?...This rumor sounds interesting.

    5. Springhill rumor? The only person up there that could run for judge would be Judge Slattery. Is he up for reelection too?

    6. I don't think Slattery is gonna run for District Judge.He would lose his Springhill seat if he lost the election.It would be too much of a gamble.

  9. I didn't vote for whit for judge but I will be voting for him for district attorney. I think Nerren was the better choice in that election. I think whit will make an excellent district attorney.

  10. Go Whit and Go Carl we need a change in both of the offices. I hope there would be a good debate/forum in each of these elections so some real questions can be answered by the current group.

  11. There is absolutely zero chance Marvin would ever have a debate with Graves.

  12. People are going be nervous if (when) Carl and/or whit gets elected. I can't wait. Especially Carl. Bossier City Hall is really going to be nervous.

    1. Bossier City Hall nervous about Carl?? Give me a break! No one in city hall cares a thing about Carl.

  13. We are very excited to see Whit run. It will get very interesting on the local front in the coming months.

  14. Why do people dislike Schuyler Marvin?

    1. It's part of the good ol' boys system, where if you donate enough money, you get free get of jail cards. It's mainly the "sweetheart" deals that he is known for. If you have time, pick up an issue of the inquisitor. It seems sort of like a tabloid at first, but it may help catch you up to speed on different topics pertaining Schuyler. If you see Schuyler's name or picture on the front page, it's most likely a good read to see why a majority of people dislike him.


  15. Slattery won Webster Parish over Nerren and Graves in the primary election in that race. Slattery versus Jacobs would be Springhill battle. Slattery owns home in Springhill but doesn't live there and Jacobs married into Springhill. Jacobs prosecutes cases in Springhill City Court with Slattery and bad blood from last election where Jacobs didn't support Springhill candidate Slattery and supported his boss's candidate Nerren (no brainer).

    1. Jacobs married into Springhill? Everyone I know around the area seems to be annoyed by his professional incompetence and frequent trips to the country club..At least Nerren has a brain of his own, this guy will be a leash dog for Skylar. You should ask people why he is not working for the city of Cotton Valley anymore. I know several people in the area that are not happy with him both morally and professionally.

  16. It is funny to me that Whit is making such an issue of what he refers to as "sweetheart deals". I suppose when the same deals are made for his clients (and they are) it is called some other term?

    1. "(and they are)"
      Do you have any examples?

    2. Whit doesn't have any examples of "sweetheart deals" either!

  17. This will be the end for Whit and Carl

    1. Good! Maybe they will both get the hint and quit running!!

  18. Maybe if Marvin and his band of ADA's and hand picked judges were putting criminals in jail instead of cutting deals then maybe we wouldn't be having all the drugs and shootings in Bossier.

  19. Sweet heart deals my ass, its called coverups
    This should be quite interesting

    Frankenstein c ya soon

  20. Perhaps the most stunning collection of circumstantial evidence of corruption ever to be seen shall hit airways in due time. Until then...


  22. Looks like Buddy Mondello's buddy confessed to killing 4 people. I wonder was else he guilty of doing. Buddy Mondello is the criminal that Schylur hired to do his dirty work.

    1. I assume you have proof of that. Plz share w us all.

  23. Around a decade ago I served on a Grand Jury. Marvin seemed to treat us all with the utmost respect. Realizing the D.A. was kissing our asses to vote for indictments. In my opinion those indictments were just.. From my understanding a Grand Jury member can pull together the serving members of the jury to investigate suspected corruption of authoritative agencies. If I stand to be corrected please correct my thoughts.

    I would really like to read/understand the protocol and due process.

    If I am right and this corruption does exist, why has not this so called corruption been brought to the attention of a Grand Jury?

    1. A grand jury can meet by itself but I haven't heard about one doing so, ever. Usually the D.A. controls the grand jury and is the only one to present evidence. The old saying a D.A. can indict a ham sandwich by presenting the evidence he wants is the same as saying a D.A. can keep a person from being indicted by not presenting the evidence a grand jury would want to hear. Just because a grand jury indicts someone doesn't mean he has to prosecute. He can nol pros as quick as they indict. It would take a new D.A. to come in and then ask the grand jury to look at the old D.A. I don't know about that happening anywhere other than New Orleans years ago.

    2. So a D.A. treated you with utmost respect and you assume he is just kissing your ass rather than providing you with the common courtesy that most people deserve. What is it like to go through life with such a rotten outlook? Therapy would be a wise investment.

  24. Does anyone know why the FBI is investigating Schuyler Marvin?

    1. Your question begs the age old question: So, when was it that you stopped beating your wife?

  25. just curious how many marvin supporters on the board? If so, would be interested in hearing any positive attributes or accomplishments in his role as da.

    1. WOW! No one biting on positive attributes for marvin in 15 hours--that might be a clue.

  26. If you donate money to him he may give your family member a job and/or cut them a sweet deal if they break the law. Very positive right?

  27. Anon at today 10;00AM sir or ma'am you are an idiot.

    My comment,,,, In my opinion those indictments were just.,,,, as in reference to the word justice.

    For what it is worth though, most ass kissers do treat the ass kissee's(the receiver of the kisses) with utmost respect.

    I need zero therapy. You either need reading glasses or more education.

    I feel pity that I have to explain to your idiocracy.

    1. Guess, I'm an idiot. But you ignored the point of my post and the question: Why do you think the man was kissing your ass just because he treated you with "utmost respect". The therapy comment was directed at you because I could not imagine going through life with the attitude that nobody treats me with respect unless they want something from me. Consider my "idiocracy" (did you mean idiocy?) explained, now. Please answer the question: Why do you think the man was kissing your ass and wasn't just being polite to people, that as far as he would've known, deserved his respect?

    2. The term "idiocracy" , I used comes from stupid with a few funny moments movie about a guy who wakes up in the future where the country is in total chaos through the dumbing down of society. This really is happening in our nation and here locally. Not all thank, God. But quite the substantial populace.

      I believe this with all the political correctness and the things are going in now through life experiences with my Sixty years on the planet,

      Apparently you think of me that way through one comment on a not very big or busy web blog site. You seem to know the way I live my life and every aspect of my way of living standards beliefs, and morality. All in one comment. That is your opinion and I can respect that. Hence, in my opinion you jump to a huge conclusion very fast and I think that is part of the dumbing down aspect.

      I will not address the ass kissing/respect question any more because I already answered and addressed the question.

      Until I am thoroughly convinced of the alleged corruption in that office, which I am not convinced I will vote for Marvin. I think he has done a good job in his two terms.

      Being treated with the 'utmost respect' is above and beyond polite.

      I am looking forward to your next comment/retort, sir or ma'am.

    3. After rereading my published comment I feel I do need to add the name of the movie was named,"Idiocracy" and please in your future on the internet be more polite and I hope you are not like this in person to people that make a comment that upsets you. You appear mad, very mad at something and I wish you luck at losing this trait.

    4. Geeze, pardon me one more time,LOL to clarify, literally laughing out loud, I did not say the D.A. was kissing my ass. He was kissing the Grand Jury's ass.( ~snicker~)

      My typing fingers hurt.

  28. And thank you, anon on August 6, 6:47PM for the explanation of due process..

  29. DA Marvin has officially announced his candidacy for DA. Go to Arklatexhomepage for more info.

  30. This site has follower that support the losers every time. That makes Marvin and Whitman the winners ..... Because normal people will elect them. You mad folks need to pound sand, shout at the wind, or do whatever you do. Guess I won't see you at the victory parties.

    1. I was wondering when the sweetheart committee was gonna show up.

  31. Speaking of sweetheart, how is momma doing?

  32. Anon on grand jury 8-9-14 @ 10:17. If corruption is your only measure on deciding who you will vote for, then I pity your decision. My best friend is an attorney in this area and I believe him to be a good one. He doesn't talk much about his work for fear of disclosing confidential information. But when he talks about Schuyler Marvin all I hear about is attorneys like Michotto and Lynn Lawrence getting deals no one else gets. And guess what, they gave large amounts of money to Marvin. Then I see for myself where a guy rapes a mentally challenged girl but pleads guilty to trespassing, a guy murders his wife and burns her body in the woods and pleads guilty to manslaughter, a man gets a 6th offense DWI and pleads to a 1st offense. You really need to consider the aspects of the lack of performance and failure to act at all I believe have been exhibited by the current administration. I'll vote for Whit Graves and if he doesn't do the job he promises, I'll vote for whoever runs against him next time and I will continue that process until I find someone who will run that office correctly and without favoritism.

    1. and how many DWI deals has Whit received. All attorneys and DA's cut deals all the time. Just how the justice system is these days. If Whit gets in he'll cut deals too. Sometimes there isn't enough evidence to get a conviction on the charge so a deal is better than nothing

    2. Sounds like your friend isn't really a good lawyer. If he exists at all (kind of like that girlfriend away at summer camp that you told all your friends about) Sounds like he blames his shortcomings on other lawyers having some sort of unfair advantage over him rather than wondering if maybe those lawyers don't work harder than him are smarter than him or just better. I wish you would say his name since you reported his sour grapes whining and slander. at least that way, I would know who not to hire, when I couldn't afford one of the top guys. I bet you are really the "friend" you are talking about. Stop blaming others for your misforutnes You should look at your self in the mirror before court and repeat- "Im as good as michotto, Im as handsome as michotto, Im as smart as lawrence, I can do it!" Just a little self-confidence and you can! Be a can-do man, and not a sour grapes Stacey and soon you will be driving nice cars like those guys, wearing fancy hats and going to all the tuxedo parties.

  33. We should get behind Randy Smith for D.A.! He keeps taking Graves to the supreme court and whupping him silly! Randy Smith for truth, justice and life! Whit Graves for one more for the road, bartender!

  34. Maybe Randy Smith is going to run for judge? He is springhill.

  35. Whit has my vote!!

  36. Thank you August 10 at 10: 18 for some useful information and input instead of the idiot posting comments and jumping to conclusions and fussing about how miserable one's life must be from one or two sentences on a website about a nice town that really does not have too big of an impact on worldly ways and means.

    Corruption is not my only measure of a good honorable man. My Grand Jury experience was my ONLY experience with the District Attorney.

    I will check into Graves for the vote. A singular vote does matter.

  37. I read up on schuylar Marvin on wilkepedia, don't know who authored it or how that works...seemed to be a few inaccuries, but in any event its like reading a bio on Edwin Edwards...all sorts of accusations, investigations, then shit hits the fan...I guess if the two met Edwards might say to marvin, A fisherman always sees another fisherman from afar

    1. After EWE fished with Marvin, he and whit can get together and figure out whose had more wives

  38. Whit's biggest challenge is not Marvin, but himself. He is easy to not like. A state trooper strut and the pompous attitude of a lawyer. Not a lot there I could vote for.

  39. Oh yea! Why would we want a district attorney that has seen all sides of the law, from state trooper, to passing the bar on the first time, to Assistant District Attorney to private attorney? I can see how that could be awful...
    At least his "strut" will prevent him from pulling sweetheart deals that put criminals back on the street.

    1. And pretty much been forced to leave all of them but the private section

    2. I don't put much stock in people who can't run on their own merits and have to start a bunch of rumors about their competition.

  40. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Schuyler is absolutely getting his pants blown off in the Holder trial. The young man is clearly insane and should be in a sanatorium somewhere. Unfortunately Holder has become a pawn in Marvins grand plan to get re-elected. However this recent slip is likely to put himself into checkmate. And remember checkmate ends the game.

  41. He picks the judges. He won't be beat in this trial. Why do you think he wanted to prosecute it himself.

  42. Who is the judge? Craig or nerrin?

  43. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  44. Really? He comes the slander machines.


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