
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Schuyler Marvin re-elected

Schuyler Marvin was re-elected to another 6 year term today by a heavy Webster Parish vote. 
Total Vote:
Marvin - 23,791
Graves - 21,215

Webster Parish:
Marvin - 8,835
Graves - 4,315

Bossier Parish:
Marvin - 14,956
Graves - 16,900

Remember what I relayed last week about the tail wagging the dog? Yeah, that just happened.
Lo Walker came out with an endorsement for Marvin. It appears that he has longer coattails in Webster Parish than in Bossier.
Jim Whitman was easily elected Bossier City Marshal, carrying 70% of the vote.
Foster Campbell had an easy ride back to his seat on the Public Service Commission.
In the School Board races, Eric Newman had a landslide win over incumbent Eddy Ray Presley. 
Frank Kelly won over Tammy Armer Smith, 2,123 votes to 2,087. 
Onward and Upward folks!


  1. Marvin won by about 5 percentage points after raising 4 times the amount of money over a 3 time (now 4) campaign loser.....looks like the people are starting to catch on to Mr marvin ,....imagine what couldve happened with a better candidate and a little more fair fight?

  2. As I predicted Graves could not carry 55 percent of the Bossier Parish vote and lost. Graves carried 53.1 percent of the vote in Bossier Parish. Almost but not quite. Marvin carried an unbelievable 67 percent of the vote in Webster. Thank the Almighty for another 6 years of smooth operations. Good luck next time Graves. Maybe the seventh time is a charm. --Dr. Scoop

  3. Too bad that better candidate is more intelligent than the supporters of Graves.

    1. So half the Webster/Bossier population is not intelligent ?...cuz this was pretty much a 50/50 race....

  4. I have it on good authority that our own Dr. Scoop is none other than Nate Silver, the god of prognosticators! Feeling humbled that he brought his mathematical acumen to our neck of the woods!

  5. The three stooges , whit, lawler, Matthews ! Why would whit hitch his wagon to lawler? No one likes that guy. Sorry bad judgment.

  6. Kudos to Dr. Scoop, he called it right. It's deja vu all over again, in 2002 the numbers were strikingly similar, with Mike Boggs carrying Bossier by almost the same numbers, and Webster giving Schuyler the win.

  7. If any other candidate would have run against Marvin, the results would have been very different. Many of us don't like Marvin, but have good reason to absolutely LOATHE Graves.

    1. You LOATHE Graves? Really? He took Bossier Parish 53/47. Find another person, any person who has the guts to stand up against this rotten DA's office and I'll back him or her 100%. You can't find anyone! Whoever it might possibly be couldn't reach the same results Graves did. This blog is full of stuff bashing the "good ole boys" all the time but no one does anything about it except lip service. Graves did and kudos to him for trying.

    2. You may loathe Graves but you'll wish he was DA when someone in your family falls victim to a crime. I've lived here all my life and I've watched the DA's office steadily go downhill since Henry Brown left and I just thought it had hit rock bottom. With Marvin winning this time, he will be bullet proof and know it and there's nothing that will stop him from doing whatever he wants to do.

    3. Yes, I truly loathe the man and I assure y'all I'm not a good ole boy, quite the opposite. Why do I loath him? Graves helped a relative of mine and then joked about being owed something. Sorry, he needs to wash his mouth out with soap.

  8. Henry Brown was No better than the rest of them. He has skeletons too.

  9. I'm sure. Only way to get elected around here it seems.

  10. What I'm trying to figure is why bossier defeated the hotel/motel tax. That was going to help the area and it wasn't even a tax on the locals. Way to go Bossier. Bunch of idiots. Enjoy your criminal politicians.

  11. For those of you that are interested, this particular DA's race is the largest margin of victory since Henry Brown ran against Glen Armstrong in the late 70's. Henry Brown vs. Bruce Bolin decided by less than 200 votes; Jim Bullers vs. Ford Stinson was 52.29% for Bullers; Schyler Marvin vs. Mike Boggs - Marvin with 51.49 percent victory; and Marvin v. Graves - Marvin with 52.89%.
    What it proves is that if you are the DA - you will make a lot of people mad by doing your job. This is the hardest office to obtain and the hardest office to keep in the 26th JDC. Henry Brown left with so many enemies - including former Governors - saying he was corrupt. Jim Bullers left office with many saying he was a good old boy and corrupt. Marvin gets the same treatment. I am glad i never have to walk in any of their shoes. Good luck to Mr. Marvin in his third term.

    1. And you sir are full of crap!!!

    2. Way to try to make Marvin look good...did you mention he spent 4 times more money than a 4 time campaign loser and still barely won??

    3. I may be full of crap - but the records are all available on line at the secretary of state's web page - the margin of victory is the largest since that race between brown and armstrong. Stats dont lie.

    4. I'm sure they don't but why don't we look at the money difference in this race vs the other races? Every one was scared to give whit nmoney cuz they were scared of Skylar...he wasn't even on TV or radio ....he didn't have large trucks around every corner! ....and yet he still almost won....don't compare those guys to your guy...I'm sure they had a fair fight

  12. Henry brown may have had skeletons and enemies but he put people in jail. Sent murderers to death row. Everyone's main complaint about Schylur is the sweetheart deals he cuts criminals.

  13. Where are all of the Richard supporters? All 29% of you.

    1. This is the most hateful comment that could possibly be posted. Just glad I am not in your camp!!!

  14. Larry Thompson is serving over 100 years in the penitentiary. Guess which DA prosecuted him? Schuyler Marvin That small detail somehow got lost in all the lies and propaganda by the Graves/Lawler/Matthews team. Doesn't matter now. Thankfully Marvin won and by a larger margin than any DA since the 70's. Graves has been running, and losing, for so long that the man who first beat him - Judge Ford Stinson - IS NOW RETIRING!!! Think about that for a moment. Graves has been on a 20 year losing streak. Stop it already Whit

  15. Hey Bossier Parish Morons: Doesn't look like a DA soft on crime:


    DNA evidence helped convict a Shreveport man of raping an 11-year-old girl Thursday in Bossier Parish.

    It took a jury of 12 less than 2 hours to find Marion D. Jones, 51, guilty as charged of aggravated rape, which happened in 2007.

    Prosecutors say a sexual assault kit taken from the victim was sent to the North Louisiana Crime Lab where a DNA match was made with Jones.

    A conviction for aggravated rape carries a mandatory life sentence without the benefit of probation, parole, or suspension of sentence.

    First Assistant Lane Pittard prosecuted the case for the State and Judge John Robinson presided over the trial.

    Judge Robinson is expected to impose the life sentence on December 30, 2014.

    Copyright 2014 KSLA. "

  16. Key point to your comment is the suspect is from Shreveport. If he was from Bossier or Webster then I bet there would be a plea bargin.

    Aggravated Rape of an 11 year old child in 2007. Did not indict until over a year later. Pled guilty to Indecent Behavior with a Juvenile 4 years later with the DA's office agreeing on a cap of 20 years at hard labor. Jones filed a motion to withdraw his guilty plea which was granted. The DA's office did everything they could to get him to accept a plea bargain and only took him to trial when Jones pushed them into a corner refusing to accept a plea over 7 years after the crime was committed. Additionally while out on bond, almost the entire time, he committed an Aggravated Burglary in 2012. The girl is now 18 years old and can just now start to heal from her emotional scars. I wouldn't have bragged about this case. But then it may be the best case Marvin can brag about. You're right about being Bossier Parish Morons. Graves should have been elected and stopped all of this nonsense.

  18. Anon 11-11-14 @ 6:44 P.M. You guys just can't give up against Graves can you? The last thing you want or need is someone telling the truth about the court system. Name one thing in the newspaper put out by Graves that wasn't the truth. Speaking of truths---Lane Pittard prosecuted Larry Thompson Sr., not Schuyler Marvin, and he only got 30 years, not the over 100 years you claim. Or were you adding the years he got across the river which you attempted to make everyone think came from his Bossier Parish case? Yes it's true that Judge Stinson beat Graves 18 years ago, right after Stinson lost to Bullers for the DA's spot. But then Stinson had the full support of the Minden Mob. So did Robinson, Nerren and Marvin. Graves took Bossier Parish by over 53%. I hope that he does run again which evidently is your worst nightmare.

  19. Thompson received two separate sentences of 30 years and 50 years, to run consecutive to one another...80 years. At his age and health might as well be over 100 years

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. 1:42 AM - If you want to reword that without identifying the victims that would be a good thing.

  20. Docket No. 120,143 - 30 yrs
    Docket No. 124,940 - 50 yrs
    These sentences were ordered consecutive. Further, both are 26th JDC docket numbers for Larry Thompson. If you would like I could copy the minutes for his sentencing on both

    1. 120143
      Defendant is duly and legally sentenced by the Court to serve 30 years at hard labor in the La. Department of Corrections, to run consecutive and consecutive with any other sentence.
      Defendant is duly and legally sentenced by the Court to serve 50 years at hard labor in the La. Department of Corrections, to run consecutive and consecutive with any other sentence.

  21. My mistake. I obviously don't have the legal training you have and relied on the Clerk of Court site at the library. Still 80 years is not the 100 years you claimed.

  22. I never claimed 100 years. I simply pointed out it was 80 years.


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