
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Bossier Clerk says no to re-election

Bossier Parish Clerk of Court Cindy Johnston has said that she will not run for re-election this year. I have heard a couple of rumors of people who are interested in the job. We'll take a look at it this weekend. 
Going to be an interesting election cycle.


  1. Oh Lord,is Skylar gonna try to run/control this office in Bossier Parish also?

    1. Schuyler will not rest until he controls EVERY politician in Bossier Parish. He was shocked when he didn't win Bossier Parish against Graves and knows he has got to get better control before he runs for ???????

  2. I'm sure he already does

  3. She has done wonderful job. Why is she not running again??? Hope she is not afraid of Marvin.

  4. Ahh, the usual modus operandi of the bossier blog viewers. Something happens in northwest Louisiana, blame the d.a. or the city attorney.

  5. No dear ....he is not that powerful, although am sure he thinks he is...the da that is!

  6. I see where Bossier City is going to be spending $1 million to restore the "downtown." First of all, who bought the property that's going to be refurbished? Or who is going to get the contract? How much is going to be kicked back to certain individuals? I guess they at least found $1 million of the $6 million that disappear and reappears depending on how it is suppose to be spent.
    When are the people of Bossier going to wake up and rid that rat nest of the varmints the run the city and the parish?

  7. They won't. Just gonna have to wait for them to just die.

  8. 8 national merit finalist in the Shreveport / Bossier area. Only one from Bossier. Great schools we have on this side of the river. Let me guess we are still the envy of the state.

  9. I see where one of the lower level rats retired from the P.D. A lot of good people were screwed over to take care of him.

  10. Who you referring to? Nobody has retired.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I removed your comments because you're naming someone who is not involved. Keep it to the candidates.

  13. Like I said, low level rat who was taken care of at the expense of others!

  14. Let me see, taken care of? He was taken care of no more than the new Intelligence officer. What a joke, name one thing this person has done besides kiss up, suck up

  15. Yup!, The whole damned department has become a complete joke because they have to surround the chief with people less qualified than him to make him look smarter than what he really is.

  16. Was hoping to see someone comment about the DA allowing a plea bargain for Haywood Bolton. The killer of the U.S. Marshall a few years ago. He walked out of jail a free man Tuesday. I wonder if he gave Marvin a big kiss.

  17. The big question would be who was his attorney and if he is a friend and supporter of Marvin.

  18. What does the clerk of court do, exactly?

    1. A. J. The handle all of the administrative duties of the court: correspondence, records, notifications... It is an important position unlike some of the madeup crap in government.

  19. April 3rd and Monica Hudson just announced she is running. Read her announcement on facebook carefully. Her spelling and capitalization leaves much to be desired.

  20. I certainly agree to some points that you have discussed on this post. I appreciate that you have shared some reliable tips on this review.

  21. Nobody better for the job than someone that has already done the job for years - Jill Sessions is the candidate to vote for.

    1. FYI...Jill Sessions is not educated nor is she qualified nor has she been the Chief Deputy Clerk or Civil Supervisor......Let's get this right...Jill was Civil Supervisor for 5 days to be exact and then appointed Chief Deputy Clerk and has been in that position for less than 60 days.....Prior to this she was only a Minute Entry Clerk. Please someone produce her credentials as far as I can see she has NONE!!!!! She did work for Sheriffs Office collecting fines and bonds. I work with her now and am sick of the dog and pony show!!!!

    2. I though I was the only one in our office who thinks the same thing. against my husbands wishes I have something to say. Jill rarely involves herself in the flow of the office. we as clerks do all the work just because the word chief is in front of clerk doesn't mean anything. She was grandfathered into her current position by default.

    3. Me too! I have been in this office for over 10 years and I must say you could have knocked me over with a feather when I herd a minuet clerk was GIVEN the chief deputy clerk position.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. I must say I have noticed in the last few months( and I mean FEW months) that Jill has been in the Chief Deputy Clerk Position that hasty decisions are on the rise. Tax Payers take notice!

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    7. I noticed someone had the truth removed from this page. I knew the truth would finally come out as I have been sitting back and listening and watching around our office and I was wondering if everyone really knew that Jill wasn't really the pick and now has been "thrown under the bus". Cindy should have not been so quick and thought it out because there are several qualified people that she could have backed instead of "NO skill Jill".

    8. I removed the two comments because they are naming a person who is not a candidate. If you want to identify yourself to me and give me the basis for those statements, then maybe I'll consider it.

    9. Jim, I cannot identify myself in fear of losing my job. But rest assure once this election is over the Bossier Parish tax payers will be hearing what I have got to say and I am sure many others in this office will speak out as well!!!!!

  22. Will she get a raise? What is up with this council's hate for it's employees?

    Seemed like the whole uprising was directed to Department Heads getting a raise when in fact the Director of Utilities got a $14,500 increase.

  23. Bossier had a 4th candidate for Bossier Parish Clerk of Court they are getting ready to announce .

  24. 12:45pm, you got it going. The Council has nothing to do with the salary of the Clerk. The Clerk does not even work at the City. And you are an informed voter? I think not!

  25. So glad this clerk is not running again as she has been a huge disappointment. Bossier Parish I hope you realize if you elect another puppet out of the clerks office it will be the same old thing. Nothing will ever change. I have lived in lots of places and Bossier Parish is so far behind times. I plan on retiring here but you people need to wake up and stop electing people that can't move your Parish forward!


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