
Saturday, August 8, 2015

Monica Hudson Fundraiser next Thursday

If you are a candidate for office and would like to address the voters with your platform for office, please send a few paragraphs to and we will publish it.  Attach a picture if you like and we’ll include it.


  1. Mr Jim, did you attend this campaign event so you could keep your readers up to date?
    I thought of you last week because a sweaty lady who works in the Bossier Clerk of Court office came to my door campaign for Mrs Sessions. When I asked if she enjoyed going door to door in the evening heat, she rolled her eyes nervously. Apparently afraid to even say yes or no.
    Those workers should not be permitted by law to be used as campaign assets!!! You know they don't want to do it!!! But they feel they cannot say no.
    If Ms Hudson will pledge to never use that office's workers as campaign labor, she will certainly have the votes of my husband, myself, and daughters.

  2. I did attend (I was invited). I will post something on it I agree on the 'volunteers'. It's wrong on a couple of counts, first because no one should have to give up their evenings to walk neighborhoods for their supervisor. Secondly, if elected how will that person keep discipline in the office when they are indebted to the employees. This isn't aimed at Jill, it has been that way for years and not just in the clerk's office. Shouldn't happen.

  3. The Hudson campaign if there ever was one is all but forgotten. My prediction is that she gets 37%. That is of course if she doesn't drop out prior to qualifying.

  4. I know Ms Hudson and I think your counting her out way to early and I believe with her determination you cant stop her from qualifying she is on a roll. Ms Hudson is a good Christian woman who works for her community and church and has been doing that for years till present day . I think that all of her work back ground and her education with 2 college degrees says a lot and will be what brings her thru the election as a winner. Not talking about Ms Sessions but I don't think she has had any experience with running a whole department I have been told she has a 12th grade education level and has not really ever been a manager or even an assistant manager I think she is a good young woman but I think that the COC office needs someone with lots of experience and a little more age under her belt and seasoned with the public and public affairs .

  5. I agree with all you say about Monica Hudson; however, from one with several college degrees, I can honestly say there is absolutely no substitute for experience and hard work that Jill Sessions has accomplished. She is a dedicated and well prepared worker to accomplish the necessary tasks necessary to fulfill this job. Please vote for Jill Sessions.

    1. Substitution for what experience. She worked in the civil dept. was only a supervisor for 2-5 days. Lets talk about the truth her. She has no education or experience.

    2. Yes,that is what I am told as well.....I would like to know the truth about Mrs. Session.

  6. Sessions has about 8 years experience in the Clerks office; Hudson has about 8years experience in the Clerks office. What Hudson has in addition is education, mgmt training, mgmt experience, and other valuable job experience, including her work with the District Atty office.
    Jill's a fine person. Monica is a manager and a leader.

    1. Monica worked in the Clerk's Office 25 years ago. Alot has changed since those days. What exactly has she managed a soup kitchen?

  7. I am concerned about if we are talking about the experience she has is what she was taught to carry on the same ole same ole . The COC has problems that need to be fixed and by electing someone from that office is not the answer. Lets elect Monica Hudson who has had enormous amount of experience and was in the clerks office for 8 yrs and was deputized also and has lots of experience with implementing new ideas and then executing those ideas . Take a look at her job of victims advocate and the lives that she changes and protects someone on write about that and you will see the compassion that she has for that job. I think she will make a great person to fix and move the COC into the age so that our COC is more user friendly for the public and updated to more efficient functioning office for the employees as well. I just don't see another better candidate that Monica Hudson yall take the time to talk to her and you will see that she is the one to elect. Monica Hudson is the best candidate for the job.

  8. I talked with Monica Hudson last night on her walks and im very impressed with her if you can not talk to her get her political card she is most qualified for this job. I have both of the Ladies political cards for comparison and once you see them both the only person Im voting for is Monica Hudson cause she is truly qualified for the job. Im sure there will be a lot of people jumping to her side she is a smart lady check her out.

  9. Monica Hudson has not worked in the Clerk of Court "s Office in 25 years. Her boss has not endorsed her and you never see her family out supporting her. Her college degree does not make her qualified to be the next Clerk of Court. Experience counts. JILL SESSIONS is the only qualified candidate in this race.


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