
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Funeral Services for Joshua Tomlinson will be Saturday

Funeral Services for Spc. Joshua Tomlinson of Dubberly will be held Saturday in Minden. Burial will follow at Gardens of Memory in Minden.
Wouldn't it be nice if everyone in the area could take 1 minute to suspend whatever they are doing at 2PM Saturday in memory of Joshua and all of the others who have fallen for their country?
Monday is Memorial Day.
Memorial Day is a day set aside to recognize all of those soldiers, like Joshua Tomlinson, who have given their life in military service to their country.


  1. Jim, there is rumor, and I hope it don't happen, but some protesters from is supposed to be there. As I said, I hope this turns out to be false or at least they are out of site. My prayers are with this family.

  2. Darrell, I certainly hope not. Those people are an abomination, doing the things they do in the name of God.

  3. Darrell, there is nothing on their schedule about it.
    They are going to be in Oregon this weekend picketing synagogues and churches.
    I will try to stay abreast and alert everyone if they do plan something.

  4. I think that's an excellent idea, Jim. I will schedule a post for that time, and my 8 readers will participate, I'm sure.

    And Lord, I hope that bunch doesn't show up.

  5. Darrell, Andy - I just posted that unfortunately, they do plan to.
    Darrell, thank you for calling this to our attention.
    It makes me sick.

  6. Wish we could line the route with people and flags; I'd drive over there.

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