
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Westboro Baptist Church plans to picket Tomlinson Funeral

The Bible says that by their fruits you will know them. The 'fruits' of Westboro Baptist 'Church' are rotten and bitter, encouraging discord and disrespect.
Military funerals have become pagan orgies of idolatrous blasphemy, where they pray to the dunghill gods of Sodom & play taps to a fallen fool.
This message to be preached in respectful, lawful proximity to the memorial of Spc. Joshua A. Tomlinson Sat., May 29, at 1:15 p.m. First Baptist Minden
301 Pennsylvania Ave., Minden, LA
Spc. Tomlinson gave his life for the Constitutional right of WBC to warn America. To deny us our First Amendment rights is to declare to the world that Spc. Tomlinson died in vain, and that America is a nation of sodomite hypocrites.
“Except the Lord build the house, They labor in vain that build it; Except the Lord keep the city, The watchman waketh but in vain.” Psa. 127:1.
The Lord no longer builds the American house; nor does the Lord watch over and protect America. These soldiers are dying for the homosexual and other sins of America. God is now America’s enemy, and God Himself is fighting against America.

Westboro Baptist Church


  1. I know. What a bunch of sick bastards.

  2. In one sentence they call him a "fallen fool", and in the next talk about "respectful proximity."
    Nothing respectful about these satanic thugs.

  3. The fruit of the spirit in this case appears to be "NUTS" NoOne Under The Son. I know, I know, I am not suppose to judge, but I can be a fruit inspector.

  4. I'm going to be there. Josh and I served together. We began our careers together. And I will have a gun. And a tazer (because Josh would have liked it). I hope they show up.

  5. Anonymous, I am sorry that your friend has fallen. I know it must be an awfully tough time for you as well.

    I wonder if anyone has notified the Patriot Guard Riders about this. But, they probably already know. I have a friend in Virginia who is a PGR, and I was notified that they do a very good job of keeping the Westboro slime away from the grieving.

  6. Can they really do this?

  7. They do it all the time. To anonymous at 1:52, please know that we honor your friend (and you).
    Andy, I have tried to get on the Patriot Guards website but it won't come up.

  8. These fools are worse than Jane Fonda. They will rot in hell.

  9. Yeah Jim, it must be overloaded with traffic. I couldn't get it, either. I know a guy or two...and have a biker/Soldier son who knows a guy or two. I'll find out what I can.


  10. What about the Forgotten-Warriors in Louisiana? Wonder if they would help the family.

  11. Westboro Babtist Church is most definitely no church of God, (it would be blasphemy to consider it & it's parishioners as such), especially when they coordinate such a vile and disgusting protest against a family's grief over the loss of a loved one.

  12. Josh Tomlinson deserves to be buried with the dignity the hero for which he is. And to think that a bunch of crazy bastards are thinking of disrupting this hero's funeral is way beyond the realm of rational thinking human being.

    These soldiers (men and women) like SGT Tomlinson didn't go off to war to defend the immorality of this country. The irony is these soldiers went off to defend the rights of all American, including these cretins from this bastardized church, to live in freedom which includes the right to be a moron like these sick bastards from Westboro. And the sad thing about it is that people like Specialist Tomlinson didn't think twice about doing what he did to protect those rights. And this is the thanks he will get? Damn, I want to cry.

    God Bless you Sergeant Joshua A. Tomlinson.

    To Anonymous 1:52. I feel your anger, but please take this advice from a retired Army Master Sergeant, Don't do anything that could bring shame to what could become a shameful event. If there is to be shame, let it be from those sons of bitches from this so called church.

  13. I know there are alot of people planning on showing up to defend are soldiers honor agianst the Westboro Baptist Church. My God Bless them.

  14. Westboro certainly has an ungodly, voyeuristic obsession with what is sick about society. Unfortunately, what is sick is them. What is that quote about picking to mote out of your own eye first? I often wonder if these groups read the same Bible as the rest of us have been exposed to; sure doesn't seem like it.

  15. I meant "the" mote. Sorry.
    And what I should have written first, again sorry, is that my deepest sympathies go out to Tomlinson's family and friends who are affected by his loss. The loss of any one good man diminishes the rest of us. Blessings to all of you.

  16. You have been totally linked. GOd bless the Tomlinson family. Bring on the Patriot Guard!

  17. I can't get the Guard site up either but I've sent some other feelers out. Stay tuned.

  18. On Sunday the Patriot Guard escorted the body of Sgt. Tomlinson back home. My son (10 years old) and I had the unexpected privilege to ride beside the group for 17 miles on our way home from Shreveport. To give you an idea of how many riders were in the procession, I got on I-20 at MP21 and when I exited at MP 38 I could barely make out the lights of the police car in front and could not see the end behind me. I was moved to tears to see the support and respect these riders had for Sgt. Tomlinson and my son rode in silent awe. My thoughts and prayers are with the Tomlinson family. Minden is a big Baptist town and we protect our own. Strangers stirring up trouble will not be tolerated.

  19. Thanks for that information. I'm glad to hear that the Patriot Guard is involved.

  20. After seeing KTBS's interview with Phelp's daughter in which she basically said the parents had sent their child to hell, I wandered just what was their view on salvation, so I visited their site and found they are "EXTREME" Calvinist. One of their views they highlighted especially on this site was predestination. "Basically God chose some ahead of time before they were born to be saved and would be saved with or without their wanting. And others were born to die and go to hell and no amount of wanting to be saved will help them." I just wander if thinking they are the chosen ones and everyone else is going to hell causes some amount of pride and lack of love towards others. Oh, and speaking of love, they call their protests "Love Crusades." I really found some really interesting reading here, which I totally disagree with. And since I believe anyone can be saved and that Jesus died for everyone, I am a false preacher and I am damned and will go to hell.

  21. I am sure that members of Westboro Baptist Church die, just like all other humans. I would like to see thousands of people show up outside one of their funerals, and behave exactly the opposite of WBC members. Quiet, dignified, and respectful behavior, and carrying signs that express sympathy, and with slogans like "God is Love" and "Faith, Hope, & Charity". But I am just dreaming and it will never happen.

  22. Westboro are media whores... They travel around to schools, funerals, concerts and smaller churches looking for free publicity and lawsuit cash from people that threaten or attack them (they are a family of lawyers using their first amendment rights to sue aggreived parties for money to their family church of 15-20 members)

    The best thing that can ever be done to them is ignore them as if there were a poorly behaving child screaming for candy... Ignore them and prevent them from harming others. The PGR has long ago found that 'weakness' in them. The flag line not only shows respect for the fallen, but also insulates the family from the WBC. When the WBC starts to scream or bull horn their message, a few harleys will cooincidentally test out their engines... No one out shouts a dozen harleys.

  23. Where did you get the information? It's not on the groups published schedule.

  24. I_fight_what_you_fearMay 26, 2010 at 10:51 AM

    These people have no idea what us soldiers have gone/been through. How dare them speak of a fallen comrade like that. I will be there saturday, and I hope they do not show up, but if they do I will tell them a friendly hello from the 2/75th ranger bat. from ft. Lewis, WA..R.I.P Tomlinson...

  25. Saw on KTBS that the Patriot Guard Riders will be there. Thank God. This man doesn't deserve what the Westboro is doing nor does his family who will have to go through it. He deserves nothing short of a peaceful and honorable funeral.

  26. Wow everyone! I'm so happy to see all the support for such a great man. My son is one of Josh's closest friends and is really upset that this bunch of idiots plan to protest at Josh's funeral. For Josh's family and friends, thank you all for making sure Josh will get the respectful service he's due.

    Anonymous 10:12 PM - I would give anything to have been there for that experience. Thanks for sharing that with us.

  27. Ill be in Minden on sat if EVERYONE stands up to these people and is not scared to ruffel a few feathers we could run these sick freaks right out of town. Cops cant stop an angry mob

  28. I Was a friend of Josh's back in school, I'll be at the service Saturday so If they wanna show up I say bring it!!!!!! This sux that "Christians" would be such Judgemental,Hypocritical Vermon. I wonder if Phelp's will try to get his church to drink "the purple drink" This guy must be a reincarnation of James Jones from Jonestown. Im ready for them if they have the balls.

  29. i have always understood that the greatest insult to an enemy is to ignore them. i will be there but i will not cause a scene i will silently stand and honor the sacrifice this man gave to protect our FREEDOM

  30. I did not have the fortune of meeting SPC Tomlinson. I regret that. But he, as is every other servicemen, is a brother or sister in my eyes. I am in the Louisiana Army National Guard. I have good friends of years in each branch of service. We will all be there to show support for our fallen brothers family. Whatever they ask, we will do. Please everyone, show your support. This young man, gave his life, for our safety. Now we can at least help his family, since he died protecting ours.

  31. I received a call from my pastor today. The churches in Minden are coming together to organize a "ring of protection" for the family. They are planning to completely surround First Baptist Church before, during and after the funeral service and then go to the cemetery to buffer the family from anyone who shows up to protest. Anyone who would like to join this circle is being asked to come.

  32. thank you to all that support josh cause we all know that he passed in honor trying to make sure that we have a life of freedom and if it wouldnt be for our troops past and present then we may not be where we are today. So those of YOU that are planing on the picket at josh's funeral why dont you find something better to do with your time cause all you are doing is hurting us don't you think we are already going throug enough losing him we all loved him and wish for family and friends to be at peace with his death knowing he passed with HONOR and MOST OF ALL ANOTHER THING HE DID IT FOR YOU TO CAUSE IF IT WOULDN'T BE FOR HIM AND ALL OTHER TROOPS THEN YOU WOULDNT BE ABLE TO PICKET SO GIVE IT A REST AND GO AWAY. PICKETERS ARE SO DISRESPECTFUL. THANK YOU TO THE REST OF YOU !JOSH WAS A FRIEND OF MINE AND SO IS ALL OF HIS FAMILY AND WE ALL LOVED HIM AND ALWAYS WILL MAY GOD BLESS! ALWAYS, HEATHER ANN SONNIER 23 OF DUBBERLY,LA GIVING ALL RESPECT TO THOSE LOST AND STILL FIGHTING WITH GODS SPEED AND LOVE!

  33. Heather Ann, thank you for the comment and as you can tell, although we didn't know your friend, we certainly do honor and respect him.
    Bossier Parish proudly stands behind Joshua and his family.

  34. Praying for the Tomlinson family from Shreveport, LA. Josh was an awesome person and I am grateful for his service.


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