
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

About that 30 or 40 emails

Lynn Austin told Channel 6 yesterday that he had made a mistake and accidentally sent out 30 or 40 emails on his city email account.  Mark Natale verified that 250 had been sent out on February 17th.
Channel 12 investigated and says that it appears Austin sent out 16,000 emails last month on the city email account soliciting votes in the city marshal's election.
30, 40, 16,000? 
Here's the link to the KSLA story.


  1. I reckon he lied to channel 6 last night. A mistake, yeah.

  2. I think he just handed the race to Carl.

  3. that would be carls dream

  4. I don't know who he handed it to, but I do believe he took it away from Lynn Austin.
    What the hell was he thinking?

  5. Who wants to do a FOI or PRR on this one?

    Attention City of Bossier - this account is pubic record and subject to inspection. You are to preserve any and all emails contained in the account of Mr. Austin.

    Thank you

    Bossier Citizen

  6. You can stick a fork in him - hes done

  7. Jim - did you get a copy of the email -

    His email talked about him being a Tea Party Supporter - what a joke

    Post the letter Jim - Post it

  8. Word has it, theres more to come on the email issue and other related Austin Issues

    All that dumping you have done to people is cathcing up

    Good Luck Sammy -

  9. Smell what KSLA is cooking

  10. I will have my candidate stuffed, baked, fried, micorwaved and placed in a kilm for curing.

  11. Yea - Jim post that email

    Feel the power of the dark side

  12. Ok. I think they need to issue a missing person alert for this Austin guy - he never wants to be on campera - what is the dang problem - does he really exist

    Maybe he is the Wizard of Oz, I mean Bossier City

  13. "Yea - Jim post that email
    Feel the power of the dark side"

    Seriously, I can't. I know the one you are talking about, but I can't.

  14. Why cant' you publish it -

    its just the full text of the email -

    what are you talking about????

  15. Really...why can't you?

  16. Because I promised I wouldn't.

  17. Wonder what the mayor has to say about this. I looked for him on the news but didn't see him.

  18. Hey Jim -

    I think everyone knows what the email says by now - post it to show the bs that he tried to sell everybody

  19. Just for Men - year supply

  20. In this day and time when you run for an office, you better hire a team to run everything you do past them. You just can't get away with stuff like you could have years ago.

  21. Well ok now im interested in what was in this email yall speak of, in fact im interested in seeing all of his emails. Are they posted anywhere?

  22. It is so funny how giddy everyone on sam's team is - but the truth is - no one cares - it won't make a difference in te race - don't you guys remember the school board race - they had people go to jail under their supervision and where wholeheartedly reelected a now of course this blog predicted doom an gloom - did not happen - the race will be won in the next 30 days - boys better get their gotv, mailouts, radio and tv together - that will determine the race - not any silly email flub - but I know they are excited to be on tv -

  23. Austin uses a touched up or very old photo of himself on his billboards, he refuses to be interviewed by the Tea Party, which I understand he claims to support, he misuses a city computer account for campaign related emails and then lies to the media about it and he sends out a mailer, not touting his qualifications, but tattling that Sam is not related to Johnny. He doesn't even have a website that I have been able to find. The sad thing is, before this email scandal, he was the favorite in the race. He was just going to sit back and let the election come to him.

  24. anon at 6:32
    "the school board race - they had people go to jail under their supervision and where wholeheartedly reelected a now of course this blog predicted doom an gloom - did not happen "

    Enlighten me. I searched back to find my prediction of doom and gloom in the school board races, all I could find were these two:

    “A lot of people claimed to be unhappy with the failure of the board to demand accountability for the administrative and supervisory failures that took place during this sad episode.
    We will find out how unhappy they were during this election cycle”.

    “A lot of people were grumbling at the time, and some were outspoken in their criticism of the board, promising to hold them accountable at election time.
    We’ll see.”

    Maybe you can point out my 'doom and gloom' predictions to me. I seem to be unable to find them.

  25. Bloggers predicted doom and gloom - not u Jim - also - big announcement coming in the Sheriff's race - going to completely change the landscape

  26. I hear another candidate is talking about getting in the race.

  27. The word broke yesterday, Julian Whittington has resigned from the department and is running for Sheriff. Now it should get good>>>>>

  28. to all things there is a season time for a total change for our own good

  29. Too late for anyone else to get in.

  30. Well, Sheriff Deen intends to run and continue to keep the families of Bossier safe, just as he has since 1988. Go Deen!

  31. Jim, has this Julian Whittington information been confirmed yet? I heard he was at work today.

  32. Not that I know of - this is the first I've heard of it.

  33. Whittington would be just like Larry Deen. I also hear that another person is thinking of getting in the race. If this person does it will also change the landscape of the entire race. Julian Whittington was Deen's yes man for a long time until he fell out of the good graces of the Sheriff. I can promise you that he would be no better than Deen as far as the whole "good o'l boy" thing goes. Guess he must have missed church or something since he and Deen have had a falling out.

  34. What!!! Julian Whittington is going to run for Sheriff!! He is Larry Deen's cousin... still more of the same... The Deen family must think that this parish is supposed to be past down through the Clan like a monarchy. Get real!!

  35. Heard Tim Hollis from the State Police was going to jump into the Sheriff's race. UH, not quite sure about that... what does a trooper know about crime... just my thoughts.

  36. Tim Hollis would be a fantastic job as Sheriff. You ask what a trooper knows about crime? Well I would say a lot more than our present Sheriff. I am not sure that Larry Deen has ever been on patrol, and if he has you can best believe it was for a short period of time. We need someone to come in and actually police not shake hands and kiss babies. If Bossier Parish doesn't wake up we are going to be east Shreveport. My vote is for Tim Hollis if he decides to run.

  37. I should have said Tim Hollis will do a fantastic job as Sheriff.

  38. I think a good way to determine if a deputy is IN or not is if he makes over a 100k or not.

    Hollis is a nice guy but he doesnt have the juice parish wide to make it happen. But then neither does doyle, he isnt even a bossier boy.

  39. Does anyone know why the relationship between Deen and Whittington is strained?

  40. This Whittington post was only to take everyone off the Austin email issue. And you guys fell for it.

    Oldest trick in the book - find a bigger story to get you outta of the media frey

  41. No one fell for anything. Readers interested in the marshal's race will be just as interested in a shake up at the sheriff's office. It just makes the political season twice as interesting. Austin is not off the hook.

  42. Several interesting races coming up this years, in addition to sheriff. Tax Assessor - Bobby Edmiston is going to be challenged. Jane Smith's seat - so far Duke Lowrie & Jeff Thompson. I hear that Richey Jackson will make another run against Henry Burns - that one was squeaky close last time. And I hear that Robert Adley will have an opponent.
    Jane Smith is running for the state senate district 37 seat since Buddy Shaw isn't running again.
    Couple of those races might get pretty heated.

  43. Jim,
    I have observed that several of your followers have advised that they can't find Austin's website. I found it located at the bottom of his email that you posted.

  44. I heard Richey Jackson is running against Robert Adley for Senate not Henry Burns.

  45. For the person who asked what does a state trooper know about crime. I can answer that. Most state troopers worked at a local police department or sheriff's department before moving up to the state police.

  46. Excuse me , who is Richie Jackson and what are his qualifications to run for State Rep or State Senate

  47. What are Adley's qualifications for staying there? The governor hates him - which means he gets nothing done for his district. He is the most arrogant politician we have, he has done NOTHING for Lake Bistineau including not attending a single meeting in 2010 to discuss salvinia (despite his photo op and self-declaration that he would be the salvinia czar). I hope Lane Pittard beats his ass.

  48. I thought Jackson was running against him.

  49. Jackson and Pittard are running. And at least one other. Does it really matter who Adley's opponent is? Just vote for the opponent.

  50. Who is Adley, Pittard and Jackson?

    Should we know these people and what do they have to do with
    Wyatt, Richard and Austin

    and/or or Knight

    and or Whittington, Dempsey, and/or McConnel

    and/or Matt and Jim

  51. How bout an FOI already -

    Slow pokes

  52. Your Post has been removed by the blog administrator

  53. Whats a Czar? and what does he do with water plants?

  54. You can shove your post up you A$$

  55. I just subscribed to this to see how stupid the posters are


  56. Okay, emails being sent out via cities server is at the very least an ethics violation but what about the Sheriff hosting private campaign meetings, not open to the public, at the Sheriff's administration building a couple nights ago and another last night at the substation on Viking dr. Hosting private meetings with his contributors to discuss up coming election strategies in two public buildings has got to be an ethics violation, if not illegal. Hmmmm, wonder if someone will ask about this?

  57. We can't do anything without proof.

    If you know something about it, do YOUR part as a citizen and go investigate it. Get video or audio or printed documentation (email, FOI, PRR, etc.). I'm up to my neck in allegations of corruption committed by politicians, but the proof is an inch deep.

    We would be more than happy to have the extra help investigating and broadcasting these stories of corruption.

  58. MATT, you are a crazy as Joel Pierce with your constant conspiracy theories.

  59. Conspiracy theories? What conspiracy theories?

  60. 10:16 You are an idiot! I also heard about the closed door meetings that Deen had at sheriff department buildings... and this came from sheriff department deputies. Deen is cooking up something wicked... and soon we will all smell it.

  61. 11:56 - I think you are the conspiracy theorist. It's pretty easy to see that you are writing a number of comments on this site in order to "stir the pot." You are the one that keeps throwing out these crazy ideas that have absolutely nothing to do with the original story. Puh-leeze!

  62. Hey Matt -

    Nevermind about the FOI. These guys are goint to do it.

  63. 4:10 As a matter of fact, that was the first comment that I have written on this blog. But, as you know truth hurts and you are still an idiot and it is because of people like you that Deen and the other Good ol Boys are in office in the first place.

  64. Dear Bossier CIty Hall -

    When you get an FOI for the emails - turn them all over -

    don't try to delete or skip some -

    you never know who might already have them all and can check your compliance

  65. Directed at ANO feb 24 5:33 Very funny, like you haven't heard of Richey Jackson. He is one of the most powerful candidate's of this era. His family has lived in Bossier City since the early
    1900's. Just one of his many many accomplishments include his achievements as Truancy Director of Bossier/Webster that won him and his department WORLD wide recognition as the Best.
    Never mind! you must be new to Bossier City?

  66. I know Richie Jackson and I can say he believes what he says and not what he thinks you want to hear. He is a man of convictions, integrity, and strong conservative beliefs; and he's not afraid to share those beliefs with anyone.

  67. Anonymous poster wants us to take his word for it. How do we know you're credible when you won't even give us your name?


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1. No personal attacks or insults.
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