
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Discovery of 16,000 emails presents Lynn Austin with dilemma

The dilemma exists not because Lynn Austin sent the emails using a city email address.  It exists because Austin told Channel 6 that he 'made a mistake' by sending 30-40 emails from the wrong outlook account.  Channel 12 followed up and reported on the 16,000 emails that had been sent out in January.  Here's the dilemma - does Austin admit that he was not being forthcoming in the Channel 6 interview, or does he continue to say that he made a mistake. 
That is hard to buy into because the emails he sent out had the city email address listed at the bottom of the page.  That isn't a mistake or accidental.  This brings on the third prong of the dilemma - does he just attempt to stonewall it and say nothing about it at all?  None of these alternatives are attractive to him, but this won't go away until he manages in some manner to put it to rest.
Here is the letter; notice the email address listed at the bottom.
The other letter
Several people have asked me to publish another email that was sent out, this one went to about 30 members of the Republican Women of Bossier.  I was provided the text of the letter to publish.


  1. Cocky would be an understatement when describing Mr. Austin's recent email activities. I would hope that the voters of Bossier City respond accordingly.

  2. Newsflash. Attorney Joel Pearce is advising Lynn Austin. You've seen the movie - "Dumb and Dumber"

  3. I predict he will do the stonewall thing. He has no website, he refused to be interviewed by the Tea Party, and he uses a very old or touched up picture for his billboards. He doesn't appear to be very forthcoming.

  4. Joel Pearce? You have to be joking.

  5. 16,000 emails. I find that hard to believe.

  6. Jim,

    According to this letter that Mr. Austin wrote to the Republicans in the area, he says he supports the Tea Party takeover of Congress.

    Why didn't he give an interview to the Tea Party?????

    We are deeply concerned by that?

    Matt, did you invite Mr. Austin to participate?

  7. Jim - has anyone read that email -

    it repeats itself several times.

    Also, does he have the support over every single employee of the marshall's office? Wonder if they know that

  8. Why didn't KTBS cover this story?

  9. KTBS, where is MARTY CARLESON?

    True to form rather than report on these types of things she chose in her last piece to go after an ambulance chaser who nobody pays attention to anyway. She is a sham just like that rag thats printed in shreveport. All she knows how to print or write is positive things about bossier city hall and negative to anyone who disagrees.

    She is the modern day wag the dog in bossier.

  10. I think Marty is one of the most informed people in Bossier Parish. She does her homework, day in and day out. If you disagree with her conclusions, fine, but give her credit. She is a good writer and works harder at learning her subject matter than anyone else I know.

  11. We called Lynn Austin's office, emailed at least two email addresses, and gave him at least four days to respond. He never did.

    He still hasn't tried to contact us directly.

  12. Well, at least he believes in the repeal of Obamacare. Maybe he can get Bossier City an exemption.

  13. Jim,
    I have seen several of your readers post messages about Austin not having a website. At the bottom of the email that you posted is his website. I followed it and it went to his site.

  14. It's bizarre that his own letter says he doesn't have a website, then he posts a web address on the very same letter.

    Just an observation.

  15. Jim, are you going to put up Austin's website?

  16. mr austin looks to be 20 years older than his picture on those bill boards maybe he does'nt want the tv to show his real age,boy is it a scary site ....

  17. Why would anyone put up Austin's website after this? This is misuse of city resources to try and get him elected. I think its a Chubby-moment, what a dumb$%& move! Is it stupidity or arrogance that these bossier politicians have? Maybe its both. I cannot believe someone that just lied about the email.

  18. Jim and Matt:

    Would each of you send a FOI to the city for these emails- we can only depend on you two for that information. The press will not do it. And Matt - I disagree with the you on the cost and the deletion of the emails - I don't think they will do that -

    Because they know you will file a suit to get them and if they get caught not giving them all to you that could be a problem

    Please get them

  19. Why isn't there an article on her about Sam Wyatt's wife being fired at the Chamber of Commerce? The public needs to know about Bossier's dirty politics.

    Oh and by the way, the Bossier City Marshals were pretty much told that they will support Lynn Austin. Not by choice.

  20. Why was she fired? Political retaliation?

    For Sam speaking out about the email deal - ???

  21. Jim - ask for the FOI - if they don't give it to you - send a subpoena for them

  22. This is like the revolution in the Middle East -

    Peacefully of course - questioning our government and leaders - as we should

    calling out wrong acts

  23. Anyone who believes Lynn Austin resigned and didn't have any input in city affairs to run for marshal is the type of person who would become a victim of other scams.
    Lynn Austin is NOT a nice person. He may not directly put a knife in someone's back, but he will direct the act to be performed by others.

  24. I live in the Red River Bottoms of far north Bossier Parish, so I could not care less about who is elected to this office. But I wonder if it costs the city anything for this man to have an Email Email is just included with my internet service and it would not cost me any extra if I sent 16,000 Emails. I don't have a cock in the fight or a bull in the auction, but this seems like a cock and bull story to me.

  25. "Because they know you will file a suit to get them and if they get caught not giving them all to you that could be a problem"

    When I take them to court, what shall I say? "Your honor, please compel BC to release the rest of the emails."

    "Young man, of which emails do you speak? The BC says those are all the emails."

    "I know there are more, I just know it."

    That doesn't stand up in court.

  26. Also, if there are 16,000 emails, they will probably be printed one per page. At a printing cost of 50cents per page, that's $8,000. Even if I had the money, it is better spent on other projects.

  27. to the fella in north bossier the problem is that one the use of the city email suggests the city endorses him, two it also gives austin access to the city email list to solicite their votes that the other candidates do not have as well as the free advertising. if your ok with government picking who the winners and losers are going to be, with all do respect, you should move to cuba or one ofthose other countries.

  28. So L.A. sends out 16K e-mails on a city e-mail acct accidentily , of course. Then tries to let it slide by saying he picked the wrong Outlook address. Classic politics the good ole boy way.

  29. KSLA reported 16,000 emails. KSLA is a joke. Does anyone really believe the 16,000 numbe? Who would input that much data? Where would it come from? Get real. This all might be wrong, but 16,000. In the end none of this will matter anyway.

  30. I imagine it was 16,000 individual emails sent one by one, but 16,000 recipients. With access to every city employee email account, hypothetically he could send it in one email.

  31. The city only has 700 or so employees. Do you really think 16,000 employees are at the city?

  32. 250 emails went to city employees, the rest to other people

  33. I might have bought the whole "it was an accident" bit but when it was printed at the bottom of the letter that he sent at as his contact email then that means it wasn't an accidental click. He was accidentally caught. I could not care so much about what email he uses but when he lies about it is my problem. Now he just doesn't say anything. I haven't heard him say anything at all really, just those over the top fake radio advertisements.

  34. go lynn. i am voting for you, as is my husband and mother and father. why? becaause you are the most qualified. end of story. dont qualifications count for something?

  35. Just for the sake of discussion, how is Lynn Austin the most qualified? Everyone says it, but Lynn Austin is the only one who refused to answer the question on the Tea Party interviews. Carl and Sammy answered the question, but Lynn hasn't answered to anyone.

    Care to elaborate?

  36. Matt, because he's Lynn Austin, DUH!

  37. Hey Matt -

    Nevermind about the FOI request.

    these folks will do it

  38. I dont drink tea matt. But what I do know is that lynn has more law enforcement experience than the others combined

  39. A vote for Lynn is not a vote for the most qualified it is a vote for the same old business as usual.

    Bossier city and the school board had large savings accounts prior to his arrival. I'm not saying he's responsibl for all the spending but he was on the ground floor and at the table in the decision making. Your vote for him will be based on your personal relationship not on a review of the facts. And aside from that he obviously lied about the email thing, what will happen on the big things. And this doesnt mean I think the other two are perfect.

  40. Hey Jim, I heard that one of the news orginazations is working on a comprehensive FOI request for emails, salaries, trips, gas card usage, retirment, etc.

    Because the email invoke Tea Party - they are going to see how true those statements are - when a person has been working for the public for so long-

    should be eye opening

  41. Jim- do you ever send out FOI requests -

    that would be a nice add on to your blog - and would direct more traffic to it

    just a thought -

    Matt won't do anything - so we have to ask you.

    That local tea party is very disappointing

  42. Anon @ 9:00,
    I will question you as to how was Lynn Austin responsible for the school board's loss of money, when he was only the security director and had nothing to do with budgets.
    Now, I will not challenge you for the city's loss of money, he had his fingers deep into that fiasco as the mayor's right hand man.

  43. A business or government email account should only be for business petaining to the organization. I think of this as a big deal. It is totally unethical to say the least.
    I also found it ironical that he is so pro Wyatt yet plans to cut the Marshall's office. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to see his misdeeds and talking from both sides of his mouth.

  44. Jim - do you ever post comments -

    I mean - someone called you out about FOI and you don't say a thing

    Come on Jim - either get involved or somebody is going to start another MYBOSSIER BLOG - Uncensored and unfiltered and full of public documents

  45. "Come on Jim - either get involved or somebody is going to start another MYBOSSIER BLOG - Uncensored and unfiltered and full of public documents"

    I think My Bossier manages to stay pretty involved. We broke the story of the emails a day before Channel 6 & 2 days before Channel 12.
    I understand that someone is preparing a public records request.
    Out of curiosity, what are you looking for? They already admitted to thousands of emails being sent out. Is there something particular that you are seeking on or do you just want a fishing expedition?

  46. For what its worth I think Jim's blog is perfect. While I may disagree with him here or there his site serves a purpose. There are other places and ways to get docs to light.

  47. Thank you for that comment. I'm sure we won't always agree, but we can have a conversation.
    Thanks for reading.

  48. You people are amazing. Lynn Austin is a man and leader with character. You all will be just like all the other bandwagon jumpers who will want to be buddy buddy with him when he wins. Geaux Lynn!...Bossier Patriot

  49. another belly button anon at 12:37 pm....even Helen Keller could see him for what he

  50. Dear City Leaders -

    When you get an FOI requesting these emails, don't try to hide any or fight the request, this will just make more news and hurt your candidate.

    Remember, the PUBLIC is already distrustful of City Hall

  51. Really - City Hall - Don't Fight it - Don't Do it.

    Please just comply with the request

    thank you

    Bossier City John Q. Public

  52. If its a open slot sam will try to fill it look at his past

  53. Lynn Austin has not kept up with changing times. He states that the Bossier City Marshal's office are supporting him. He is sadly mistaken. I don't see him winning this race. He has clearly presented himself to Bossier City citizens as a cheater, and a liar. Classic politician. 16000 e-mails are easy to send. Lynn Austin needs to go home and retire.

  54. Another thought! How does a man with an arrest record run for an office upholding the law?

  55. Anyone can be arrested. Prosecution and conviction are another matter.

  56. Yes, to ANO Feb 25,6:51 Qualifications and Experience do matter! Richard has 18+ years working directly inside the mainframe of the complex City Marshals' Office. Lynn may be the most Qualified for what he does but not for the position he is seeking!

  57. With all the outrage over Austin's emails you have to wonder what the citizens of the city of Shreveport would think about the Shreveport City Marshall cars going into Bossier City passing out push cards and putting signs in yards. Isn't that the S'port taxpayers dime they are on?

  58. Nobody in Bossier Parish said anything when a Bossier deputy was putting up signs for a Judges race, taking the signs out of the back of his patrol car. All with Deens blessings. So why do you think they would now for this race.

  59. Matt has info posted at his site -

    why don't you post that stuff Jim

    Its informative


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