
Friday, July 1, 2011

Lege redistricting affects Bossier

Below are the new maps of Representative Districts 8 & 9.  The Town of Benton is now in District 8 and out of Henry Burns' District 9.
Jane Smith is term limited and is running for the District 37 Senate seat against Barrow Peacock.
This means that I will have to choose between Duke Lowrie and Jeff Thompson.
I have enjoyed having Henry Burns as a representative.  Any inquiry that I have made, and there have been several, were answered completely and promptly by Dodie Horton.  She provided us with the maps below.
So who will I support now?  I may make a couple of endorsements after qualifying takes place on September 6th thru the 8th.
I also want to watch the races develop.  I don't know what Jeff Thompson's strategy is, but Duke Lowrie is knocking on every door in the district.  Personal contact goes a long way, particularly with two candidates who have never held elective office.
You can't win this one with speeches to the Service Clubs and some behind the scenes politicking.
Julian Whittington signs are popping up all over the parish, and I'm told a lot more are to come.
Incumbent Police Juror Winfred Johnston has 5 or 6 opponents, if you have driven north of Benton to Plain Dealing you have seen them.  Also some Matlock for Sheriff signs, although I haven't seen any in other parts of the parish, but they may be there.
Mark Toloso is actively working Police Jury District 2, where he is challenging incumbent Glenn Benton.  I haven't seen a lot of action yet in the Assessor's race, but it's coming.
Below are the maps of Legislative District 8 and District 9.



  1. I don't know about others, but I for one a totally sick and tired of Jane Smith. I know she'll probably win, because she has name recognition, but she's and three day old fish have a lot in common. It's time for her to be thrown out.

  2. peacock and thompson win.

  3. I agree, totally sick of Jane Smith. Thompson has already run for office and lost. All we need in the legislature is another attorney throwing around big words and causing confusion. We need someone who can relate to the working people of our district and not be bought off. Thompson has the good ole boy backing. If that is what the people want then they need to vote for him. Personally, I am sick of certain people in this Parish controlling things.

  4. Jane and Thompson had previously cut a deal that he would get her seat when she was termed out. Another 3132 deal mayby.

  5. I like the idea of a real candidate going door to door and not sending letters out making it look like they did. It is sad that politicians will think we'll buy that old trick.

  6. Speaking of Tax assessor I've noticed several signs around town for Ryal Siem.

  7. Anon at 8:42 which candidate is saying he's walking but really isn't? I have seen Duke on my street myself.

  8. In response to the question about who's been walking and who sent a letter out saying they missed us when they were walking... You are right when you say that Mr. Lowrie has actually been walking. I've seen him too. I got my letter that claimed walking from the other candidate after watching two boys drop a campaign flyer by my door and only one other on my street and then take off.

  9. I can vouch for Duke. He and I had a lengthy conversation and I can say he has my vote. Public servant vs. A lawyer. I'll go with the public servant everytime. Good luck Duke.

  10. Our public servant system is in debt. We have never had a lawyer represent us in this district. Every district that has a lawyer, gets more done.

    Jeff will win, because we need a conservative lawyer representing us during this tough time.

  11. Lowery is a retired public servant who is now the owner of his own business. What we don't need is another lawyer in Baton Rouge who muddies the waters. We need straight forward thinking, not someone who creates loopholes in order for him to exploit later.

  12. So we replace our public servants with lawyers that is priceless.

  13. Jane Smith! What a joke. During the last tea party I was afraid Jane was going to break her neck tripping over people and objects to get in front of as many cameras as she could. The woman never met a camera she didn't like.

  14. Heard a similar story from an older couple in benton who described the same story of some young people getting out of car placing a flyer on their door and then days later getting a letter from Thompson saying he had missed them while walking. They said they had been home all week and he never came by.

  15. Ryal Siem is walking. He came to my house today.

  16. Anon@6:54,
    I bet the cameras didn't say the same thing about her. Lol

  17. A letter came in the mail to my house this past week from Mr. Thompson saying he was in the neighnorhood and noticed we were flying Old Glory. The problem with this is neither we nor my neighbors who received the letter fly a flag. Is this man an idiot? He just lost my vote.

  18. Mr. Thompson bragged about his raising $100,000 for his campaign. Sounds like the good ole boys are are coming through for him. My question is how could he brag about this when so many working people are suffering in his district. That proves he can't relate to the average voters in his district. People will vote but not all those people can afford a donation to some career politician's campaign. Get a grip Jeff. It would help you to get out of that air conditioned office and meet the people. Work up a little sweat it might help you. Don't send your lil helpers because you can afford to pay. Mr. Lowrie personally can afford to pay someone to pass out flyers but chose to personally meet each one of the voters in the district. Unlike you, people who don't have the big bucks are just as important to him as the ones you choose to associate with.

  19. Duke must be doing something right it apears someone defaced all of his signs in north bossier last night. The thompson people have no limits. Be careful duke there is no telling what they will do next to you.

  20. Duke care because he is a true public servant. Jeff is just a typical lawyer. Your choice bossier.

  21. I saw a JeffThompson commercial yesterday. My money is on that he is not walking the neighborhoods. I bet doesn't doesn't do to much walking anywhere. In fact, he looks like a walking heart attack


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