
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Candidate Forum: Mike McConnell for Sheriff Commercial


  1. Blahahahahahahahah

  2. Oct 4 1:32 pm Do you like anybody?? Can't you just say he is not your choice for Sheriff- So overdone!!and not funny!! Sad really!You add so much to the debate and discussion of who is the right man for the job?
    shows Real Class and Character?

  3. Mike, in a perfect world where there is a handfull of people that do not rule the law of their parish you would be perfect candidate. The only possible chance you have of winning is to uncover and reveal to the voters all the hidden secrets of the years of the control factor and find an antidote for the dosage of mind altering bull that has been feed to the good citizens of Bossier Parish!Better men that you have tried to make a positive difference, that's the problem you are a good man! I pray you are the one that breaks their mold!

  4. McConnell, What a joke!

  5. Anon 7:27pm -

    It doesn't have to be a perfect world for Mike to win. It only takes enough of us to take a chance on a "good man". I'm going to support Mike - That's potentially 2 votes.

  6. McConnell, after the election, will you ask Whittington for a job? Or go back to CPSO and ask Prator for a job? Or run back to SPD and ask their new Chief for a job? What are your plans after the election?

    All of that law enforcement knowledge and experience, surely you will get back in law enforcement!

  7. 9:32,
    Yet another classles comment from a Whittington supporter. See this is what you have to do because you know Whittington has been nothing more than Larry Deen's "yes man" for 22 years. I for one can't wait to watch this disaster at BPSO take place. He better keep cousin Larry on speed dial.

  8. Anon 9:32

    It appears that you do not support Mr. McConnell in his bid for Sheriff. Let's ponder something for a moment:

    In the story of the turtle and the haire, the rabbit sat back and said that he had the race all hemmed up. The turtle, on the other hand, plodded along, keeping one foot in front of the other and was victorious because of his "heart". The Sheriff's race appears that way to me.

    McConnell shares with us his ideas on how he is going to institute change. Does Whittington? Uhh, no.

    McConnell has a working knowledge of police work and comes from the school of hard knocks, so to speak. Has Whittington? Nah, he's been GIVEN his positions, which he didn't actually stay in very long before being given another.

    McConnell has asked for contributions and I'm sure he's been given some, but I really don't think he's received the tens of thousands that Whittington has been GIVEN. so, has he worked for the contributions? Not so much.

    I have seen signs from the McConnell camp being placed around town just to have them removed by shady characters (I refrain from saying which candidate's supporters are doing this)taking the signs down and/or stealing them. Does anyone notice that any of Whittington's signs are being removed? Nope, they're all over the place!

    McConnell's webpage has all kinds of blogs as to what he stands for, his beliefs, and hopes for the parish. What does Whittington have in store for us? Dunno. He hasn't said. At least not that I can tell from his website.

    So, I guess to sum it all up, you may not like McConnell, but at least he has a plan. What's Whittington have? Ain't got a clue, but maybe somebody will GIVE him an idea so that he will have a platform to run on.

  9. Hey 9:32

    Go steal a sign or some thing! Jerk.

  10. anon @10:11.

    The first step to recovery is the admission you have a problem! Come on, you can do it! On October 23, mini me will be looking in the mirror saying what in the heck was I thinking, and you will be saying I did not realize I had that big of a problem.

    Neither of you can seriously believe McConnell has a chance. If you do, there are programs to help recover from addiction.

    I have seen McConnell's signs. If that is what you call them. They look like they were made from pvc pipe in a junk yard.

  11. In my opinion Mike McConnell has already won. His plan was to defeat Larry Deen. Because he threw his name in the race he caused ole scary Larry to retire. The fact that Julian Whittington supporters have had to steal signs and engage in classless comments shows me that McConnell is the better candidate regardless of his chances.
    Anon@ 11:00, I have to ask, why the need to bash a guy who has done nothing wrong? Why bash a guy who you feel is no threat to your candidate? The man saw a problem and he put his name on the ballot and has offered some solutions.
    I'll ask again what has Whittington done? Neither he nor his supporters can answer that questions. All anyone can do is hurl insults toward McConnell.
    I for one am looking forward to the disaster that is going to be sheriff Julian Whittington. The "YES MAN" sherriff.

  12. Who is hurling the insults now! How can you say what you do about someone, turn around, and do the same. What do they call that kind of person?

  13. Well said, anon 9:32!

  14. Scratch that, I meant anon 10:11. My mistake.

  15. Ha! That was funny, pvc from a junk yard! If it was my sign, i'd put it up with wire. weenies like you only tear them down and take them anyway. Why spend alot of money on it when people like you are gonna do what ever they can to give their "man" the edge. even if it is dirty politics.

  16. I seem to remember that McConnell was the only one in years to buck up against Deen. It wasn't until Deen announced his retirement that Whittington decided to run.

  17. 8:01,
    I like how you respond to my comment but not my questions. Why can't Julian or his supporters answer simple questions?

  18. To my supporters and critics,

    It has been a long year on the campaign trail and we all can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I want to thank all of my supporters and also my critics for making me a better person. I entered this race to bring about positive change within the Sheriff's Office and the Parish. Regardless of who the next Sheriff is, I wish them good luck.

    Anon: 9:32
    Yes I will probably get back into law enforcement because I miss it and I was very good at it. Teaching Criminal Justice is a good gig, but I love policing more.

    Anon: 11:00
    And yes, my signs were made out of PVC pipe because it is way less expensive, can be put together on site and not heavy. It was thinking outside the box to keep cost low. Even though people have donated to my campaign, the money is still their's and not mine. I have been very frugal with it and I will do the same as Sheriff. I just wish folks would not have stolen/destroyed them.

    Throughout this campaign, I have met many good people and candidates for office. I have come to have great respect for Mr. Julian Whittington and Mr. John Matlock Sr and I will support either one of them as the new Sheriff of Bossier Parish. I have even spoken to Mr. Whittington about him coming back to the Sheriff's Office to finish out his retirement if I am elected. Mr. Whittington had to resign 3 years early from full retirement to run for office.

    I will finish by saying this, if people won't take a stand against what is wrong with our government, they won't stand up for anything and it is people like me who are the thin line between good and bad in this world. Win or lose, I have done what I know to be the right thing to do. My fight was not with Mr. Whittington or Mr. Matlock, it was with Larry Deen. I was the only person to stand up against him, EVER, and I won.

  19. I am a former deputy who quit many years ago because of all the problems Mike has been exposing. After I left I would have never dreamed that a line deputy would challenge Deen and force him out of office like Mike did. Lay people may not realize the courage this took, but those of us who have worked within the system know it was nothing less than a one man coup.

    It's too bad that Bossier good old boy politics likely ended Mike's campaign before it started. There are so many things he could improve upon. And those who have no knowledge of the inner-workings of the department would be blown away if they knew how bad it really was. Now there will likely be some deputies who will come to Deen's defense, but remember, in addition to the many good ones, there are many who are under-qualified and over-paid who have a lot to lose if someone like Mike was elected.

    All that being said, Julian is a friend of mine. And I can see why he has been labled a "yes man," but in that department you either go along or move along. So he went along for 22 years, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he doesn't have his own ideas and won't make major changes in the department. His life-long goal has been to be sheriff, and to accomplish this, although it may seem extreme to others, he had to remain in that broken system for all those years. If he makes the necessary changes, then the 22 year wait will be worth it.

  20. Mike! Well said! This post alone justifies my support for you. It seems to me that your detractors can only make two arguments - 1) the adhominems, and those are the ones you want support from anyway. and 2) those who just don't think you can win. Sure, Julian has more money and apparently support from the establishment, but then chance of winning isn't the reason you vote for people to lead us. That sounds like those people who didn't start supporting the Saints until AFTER they won the Superbowl. Again, I wish you the best of luck and you will have my vote.

  21. Ha! Typo! Those who throw adhominems are NOT the ones you want support from anyway. Again, best of luck!

  22. McConnell,

    Do you seriously believe that you ran off Larry Deen? Man, you really need to come back down to earth. Larry Deen would crush you in an election, wait, you are still being crushed in an election.

    You were about to be fired from BPSO when you resigned because of your typical insubordination, and refusal to follow BPSO procedures. You spent a whopping two years as a BPSO deputy and you suddenly think that you are the great one. Your career in law enforcement has been a joke, as is your “mini me” persona.

    You are the only person that I know that has been fired as a Bossier City Police Reserve Officer! Congrats on your achievement! BCPD will not hire you, CPSO will not hire you, BPSO will not hire you, Bossier City Marshal’s will not hire you. SPD may, but from what I hear from their leadership I doubt it. They were glad to see you go. That leaves the Shreveport City Marshal’s Office! You fit in perfect there. Maybe you can run for Shreveport City Marshal when Caldwell and his cronies are in federal court.

    I hate to bust the bubble that you are living in alone, but insubordination, refusing to follow policy and procedure, and failure to work as a team player in law enforcement, does not make you a hero for “standing up against the man”, it shows your true colors as a weak minded individual, your ignorance, and your lack of leadership.

  23. No, Mike could not have defeated Deen, but he sure would have embarrassed him by exposing all of the wrong-doing within the department the general public has no clue about. Deen got out to avoid having his legacy tarnished. So in that sense, he did run Deen off.

  24. McConnell,

    We know that you are not feeling well due to the sickening, empty feeling in your stomach, and you are not seeing things clearly so maybe this will help with the confusion:

    Delusion - a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also : the abnormal state marked by such beliefs - Get the picture!

    "I am smarter and have more training than all Bossier Parish Deputies put together." Mike McConnell (My Bossier Post) That is Delusion...

    October 22, the Delusion will be over. Hey, with Holloween around the corner, maybe you can get a police uniform from Dollar Mania so you can demonstrate all of that law enforcement knowledge.

  25. Ano 6:44 pm so sad, you are so bitter, so judgemental. I don't believe I have ever ran across such a perfect person that was such an authority on everyone's character but their own- your friends and family must be so proud!We the people would be the Big winner here if we just keep our opinion to ourselves and pull the lever for Mike,silence is golden, actions speak louder than words, much louder! And by the way I think the signs are really original, love them! who wants a carbon copy type of leader!So Original!! So different! I wish Mike all the Luck in the world and Pray the citizens wake up in time!

  26. Anon: 6:44

    You know who I am, but you are a coward. You say I was about to be fired from BPSO, prove it... you can't because it is a lie. You will stay "annon" because people get sued for slander and liable. So the ball is in your court, reveal yourself and your information. If not, you are not credible.

  27. Oh, I'm not bitter, just speaking the truth. Truth hurts doesn't it. If you don't like my opinion, don't read it! If you want to know the opinion of we the people about mini me, ask SPD officers, Caddo Deputies, and BPSO Deputies. He is a laughing stock. He is the most self centered person I have ever known!

    He made such a fool out of himself by saying "I am smarter and have more training than all Bossier Parish Deputies put together." Mike McConnell (My Bossier Post)

    The Bossier Parish Sheriff's Office is one of the best law enforcement agencies around, and has some of the best trained law enforcement officers. Our department became better once McConnell walked away like he has always done!

  28. 6:44

    I forgot to mention your last paragraph where you say "standing up against the man" shows that I am weak minded. This makes no sense and makes me laugh. That is a trait of a strong person, you have your facts wrong... and you are still a coward. You my friend are weak, because it is YOU who would just go along, right or wrong, good or bad, the sheep following the lead sheep. But please, reveal yourself and your information.

  29. McConnell,

    You are the candidate for Bossier Parish Sheriff. You want to be the head law enforcement officer for the parish. You say I am wrong, you prove me wrong.

    Make public your personnel file from the Bossier Parish Sheriff's Office to include any and all discipline, commendations, and promotions.

    You prove me wrong, and I will admit I was wrong. You won’t, because you can't. You know I am right. I lost all respect for you when you said you were smarter and better trained that all BPSO deputies. How stupid can a candidate be to make that kind of remark? But at least you showed your true colors.

    Prove me wrong; provide Mr. Wells with the documentation to place on My Bossier. You have 2 1/2 weeks before the election.

    If you can't take criticism, you don't need to run for public office. Prove me wrong!

  30. Make sure to include any tranfers as a result of diciplinary action!

  31. For ( anoymous post at 10:12) Bravo!! that is telling it like it is.

  32. 10:12

    You still have not revealed yourself. Please, come forward. And, it looks like you are now changing your tune from "termination" to "transfer". I am still waiting on your proof that I was going to be terminated from the Sheriff's Office.

    I am not worried about criticism, you picked the fight, not me. But, I tell you what... reveal yourself, and you and I will meet with Jim in a nutral place and I will bring along my "silent partner", so to speak, and Jim will know who speaks the truth. Jim can even write about our meeting and then everyone will know the truth.
    Before I left the Sheriff's Office I knew that this day would come and I would be slandered so I took precautions.

    So, once again, the ball is back in your court and the game of poker begins.

  33. Anon 9:02,

    Let's see, you think you know about McConnell's BCPD days, his CPSO days, his SPD days, his BPSO days and now you think you know about Psychology. It is apparent that you don't know anything about anything. My pops says that a lot of people know lots about nothing at all. That would be you. You're a jerk and everytime you spout off about McConnell and where he's been, you seem to know all about it. In fact, you seem to know everything about everything. Don't know what he's done to you, but from your blogs and comments, you sound like you deserved whatever you think you got and shoulda got more. Shut up and move on. Better yet, don't move on, just shut up.

  34. I am a current SPD officer in a role as an administrator. Just to set the record straight, the personnel files of officers who have retired, been terminated, or resigned are placed into archives after a certain amount of time and cannot be accessed without authorization. Although the files are of the officer, they are not the officer's and belong solely to the Shreveport Police Department and also the City of Shreveport and cannot be released without proper authorization (court order). As far as the comments about Mr. McConnell's work ethic and history, I worked closely with him on numerous occasions, and for a short time as a supervisor in his chain of command. I assure those of you reading this, he was an asset to the department and was and is a very capable law enforcement officer. Although I do not live in Bossier and cannot vote, he would be a very capable Sheriff. I wish him well.

  35. I'll show you mine if you show me yours!


  36. As a BCPD officer, I have spoke to several BPSO deputies about Mike McConnell. They all said he was a very dependable and hard working deputy.
    I don't know who this one poster is but either he has an ax to grind with McConnell or he has slot to lose if McConnell is elected. But when your talking about BPSO that could be any high ranking deputy or secretary.
    As far as the coward revealing himself, you can forget it Mike. He isn't going to reveal himself. Typical classless Julian supporter.

  37. I'll vote for you Mcconnell! After watching both videos, you look way scarier than the other dude. Way scarier . . . You make me want to stop my criminal activities on this blog. I kjnow you're the man for the job! Big foreheads ain't so scary. By the way, can I buff your melon. And are you and that dude, Duke Whatshisname, brothers? The family resemblance is astonishing.


  38. This blog has attracted some real idiots. I hate that because this is the best blog around. Although it seems that Jim and I disagree about who the next sheriff should be, he has been fair to both candidates.

  39. Also like Andy's Place.

  40. Hey! Kartman, I resemble that comment!


  41. Well, me AND anon 10:12!


  42. To anon October 5 10:12:

    I would like for you to go back on this blog and "copy & paste" the comment you continue to reference about McConnell saying that he was better trained and smarter than every Bossier deputy. I remember when it was posted, and that's not exactly what it said. The Deen and Whittington camps spun it that way in an effort to downgrade what McConnell was saying. From what I have seen, Mike doesn't come here with a rehearsaed, preplanned speech like Julian has throughout his campaign. Mike is answering questions right off the cuff, and also in writing on this blog. Its very easy for us to go back and pick apart certain portions of his dialogue on here to make him look either good or bad, but the fact still remains, he is stating his beliefs and ideas, like them or not. He isn't saying what everyone wants to hear in order to garner support. He isn't making the politicial deals that would allow him to raise 400,000 dollars in campaign contributions. What benefit is it for people to give Julian thousands of dollars in his bid for sheriff? What are they gaining from it? Their money could help their candidate be elected, but here's something some of us have thought of that you may not have: How about some hard work?? I, for one have never heard from Julian Whittington about anything he plans to do, but I have heard from Mike because he has knocked on doors, provided his phone number for questions, and answered e-mails with meaningful responses to questions. Julian has held some Q&A forums where he had campaign supporters in the crowd to ask scripted questions, so he could answer them while still looking sharp. He would look like a fool in a debate with Mike, and that's exactly why he refuses to take part in one. I am the same deputy who posted previously under "Bossier qualifying - Day 3" near the end of it,so before you attack my credibility or say that I'm McConnell or an avid supporter of his, please go read that. I'm not advocating any particular candidate here, but I am advocating change; something Julian apparently has no intention of doing.

  43. Contd...

    To the point that you tried to make about McConnell being on the brink of termination before leaving the sheriff's office, that's not entirely true either. I know exactly what happened because I was there, not because I heard about it from my neighbor's cousin's friend's babysitter (who happens to "know" the sheriff). I'm not going into exact details because its not my place to. If Mike wants that known, he will make it that way. I actually think he already did in a previuos post, but apparently we have short-term memory loss issues on here. Insubordination is unacceptable, however, so is faulty policy and procedure. I think Colonel Richard Bailey has no business writing the policies for the S.O. He was hired in 2009 under contract labor after a 30 plus year career in the Air Force writing policies. I'm sure he's quite knowledgeable in regards to Air Force related matters, however he is close to 70 years old, has no law enforcement experience, and is not P.O.S.T. certified. He makes over 100,00/year and receives 9 weeks of paid vacation, 10 sick days, and 11 holidays per year, as per his contract. Do you think a man with his law enforcement credentials has any business whatsoever writing the polices for a police department? He's had no formal law enforcement training, nor any on the job experience! Mike made a very minor comment to a deputy in passing about how a supervisor with less experience and training than him reprimanded him after Mike had pointed out an error in policy and backed it up with fact. That deputy went to the supervisor in question and told him what he had heard. This is typical practice up there. . . sell your fellow bretheren out for personal gain. Mike has proven that he refuses to go along with something he doesn't believe in and not say something or try to do something about it by running for sheriff. He saw problems in the department and has tried to exposae those things. That mentality just doesn't work out there. If you're not going to go with the flow and let your individual interesst bs subordinate to those of the sheriff, then he'll find someone who will. That's exactly why his supervisors and hierarchy are in the positions that they are. They, too, will do anything the sheriff says to them, right or not because they're making good money, have families to support, and can't afford to lose their jobs or salaries there. Those supervisors that refused to do things the sheriff told them to becuase of their moral values have been replaced with ones that will or left. Look at T.C. Bloxom. He is a prime example of a man who was sick of the machine out there. He took a 50,000$/year pay cut to go work for the U.S. Marshal's office. He was about 32 years old with 9 years of service in when he made chief of corrections. He made a little over a 100,00/year in that role. Pretty sweet gig, right? Julian didn't think so, but a lot of people would. The problem was that he didn't agree with what the sheriff was doing and wasn't happy, so he left. Who did the sheriff replace him with?? Julian Whittington! I don't know who you are, but I can assure you that all the BCPD, SPD, and BSO deputies I've talked to have had it with the way things are run out there and will welcome change. I know that a few deputies are supporting Julian and have even donated to his campaign because I saw their names on his in kind contribution list, but they don't represent the thoughts of most deputies there. Its funny that one of the deputies that contributed 2500.00 to Julian was promoted to captain effective October 1. I'm sure that's just a coincidense, right?? LOL! I bet!

  44. Kartman, how much did Andy pay you to plug his blog on here? Just curious.

  45. Anon 7:55

    All I can say brother, is . . . WOW! That blog was excellent. Thanks for the input. Keep you head low and your ballistic vest on. Great work at the SO, my friend.

  46. I have to lay some tile in the kitchen Jim. Am hoping for some help.

  47. Well, looks as if this page has fired up in my absence. That is the last time I go out of town during a campaign.

    Mr. McConnell,
    I commend you for your words towards your opponents. I know of no other candidates for any office who have said that they have great respect for the other candidates and would support them if they win. It is unfortunate that the desenter is trying to crucify you over it and it makes me wonder. Bet you would never here those words come from the mouth of Mr. Whittington.

    I have often wondered why Mr. Whittington has said so little about his campaign either in public, in his commercial or on his website. I must agree with the poster who stated that the less he says, the less he is held accountable.

    You, on the other hand, have given volumes on many topics and have not once swayed or backed down from answering the tough questions. We can only wish there were more like you.

    I must be honest with you though. It is unfortunate that the best you could hope for is a runoff. All things being equal, you would win by a landslide. I suspect that most folks would have folded up camp and headed home long before now.

    If you run in four years, you will still have my vote. Thanks for trying to make a positive change.

    Best regards

  48. Mike,

    I notice on your finance report you have plenty of charges for "campaign fuel" and several charges at restaurants for "refreshments". Most of these charges are around $30.

    I'm not genius, but $40-$50 at Newk's isn't getting you much more than a meal for 3-4 people.

    If your donor's contributions are still "their money and not yours", why would you be gassing up your vehicle and eating out with it so much?

    Seems similar to the current status quo to me.

  49. Thank God, we vote in 16 days!

  50. I'm concerned that the new sheriff (whomever) will concentrate on the tactics of north and south La sheriffs, concentrating initially on "payback" transfers and terminations, indicative of the post Gruber administration at SPD. Voters should look at experience, knowledge and capability, not who blessed them with endorsements. If you want a status quo, or a change instead, you'll know who to vote for if you truly care about your parish and its future. Bossier Parish is moving forward for a reason. Now is not the time for petty politics, accusations, and character assasinations that is indicative of political races.

  51. Anon October 6, 2011 11:03 AM

    I just wanted to ask a quick question. Did you see where Julian spent close to $13,000 at 2Johns for ONE meal?? Do you think its better that McConnell spent 30 and 40 at a time courting smaller groups of supporters here and there or that Whittington spent $13,000 on one event for about 100 people? That's about $130.00 a plate, right? While Mike spent maybe $6 or $7 per person? Just because he's not wining and dining 100 at a time doesn't mean he's spending the campaign money on dinner for his family. Bringing that up, you don't think Whittington's family was at those $130.00/plate events? I actually saw photos of them there. Wouldn't that be actual PROOF that he was spending campaign money on his family as you are trying to insinuate that McConnell is doing? That being said, of the two, one does seem to be pretty frugal with his budget to me, and I would inagine you could figure out who I think that is. Seems to me like a whole lot of the status quo to me....huh?

  52. Hey, Anon 11:03:

    That's it? That's all you got? A sandwich and a coke at Newks???? Notice it wasn't at Earnest's Supper Club in Shreveport, like some other politicians would wine and dine at! Dude, put a sock in it! You're an embarrassment.

  53. Mike,
    I really believe there are alot of undecided voters left out there. We need to get them organized and to the polls. Don't give up. That's just what Julian'a supporters want you to do. They are scared as hell that you might have a chance. This is why they attack you they way they do. This is why they steal your signs. Good Luck. I'll be voting for come election day.

  54. October 6, 2011 7:42 PM

    Delusion - a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also : the abnormal state marked by such beliefs -

    "I really believe there are alot of undecided voters left out there. We need to get them organized and to the polls. Don't give up. That's just what Julian'a supporters want you to do. They are scared as hell that you might have a chance."


  55. Dude, you gotta get the laugh right. It's . . .


  56. Sounds to me like some people haven't left the 3rd grade playground.

    Win or lose, Mike, you've taken a risk and put yourself out there. That takes guts. That's a lot more than any child who throws some of the above comments out. In fact, those people have guaranteed my vote for you.

  57. Where did you get the idea that McConnell is not winning? All the money in the world could not fit into the voting booth, but thousands and thousands of good decent people who have just had it with the same of the same can,and I pray the good people of the Parish Term Limit the cousins!!

  58. Nobody has ever said how they are cousins, anyone want to go for it

  59. I don't even know Julian, I don't even really know the sheriff, met them both a few times!I do know we need a break from business as usual! I don't know Mike either, but what I do know is Mike would be a hugh Breath of Fresh Air and I will be proud to cast my vote for him alone with a Special Good Luck gesture!I hope he Wins! We need some good news!

  60. Hey, Anon 8:55,

    I'll take a stab at explaining the cousin angle.

    First you need a state. Let's say, Arkansas.

    Then you need a family tree with a brother and a sister.

    The straighter the tree, the better. No branches, they get in the way!

    Then they find a Justice of the Peace and buy a couple of rings.

    Uh, well, we don't need no stinking JP!

    That's how it's done!


  61. Hey Heckler, sounds like you are describing a family tree you are intimately familar with while leaving out the branch that includes the braying donkey.

  62. Mr. Whittington,

    I cannont follow a man who will not, or cannot, give his view of his plans for change in the Sheriff's Department or change for the parish.

    Please, for the love of Pete, give me some reason to put my faith in you. Make me believe in you... I just want to hear it from you, not a voice over on a commercial.

  63. Hey, anon 8:08,

    For your information, it's sheeeeeeeep, not a little burro!


  64. I was referring to you not the sheep

  65. Mike,
    I am the BCPD officer you spoke with one day while walking my neighborhood. I spoke with you just as I walking out the door to go to work. I think you know who u am now.
    I would just like to say GOOD LUCK. I'm still supporting you 100%. I would also like to say win or lose, thank you for getting rid of Larry Deen. I admire you in the way you have handled yourself throughout this campaign. I appreciate the way you have put yourself out on the front line and answered every question (sometimes more than once) thrown your way. Unlike your opponent, you have shown you have strong leadership skills. Unlike your opponent, you have not been hiding from the public relying on old money to buy you the election.
    Regardless of how the election turns out, to me you have already won. You've shown that changes need to made. You've also shown that people like Larry Deen are not to be feared. It's amazing how quickly he retired the first time he had an opponent. He ruled through fear and intimidation. When he could not intimidate you, he cowered. Julian is also showing his fear. He hides and refuses to answer questions. The only difference in Larry Deen and Julian Whittington is Julian is nicer and not mentally unstable.
    I'll say GOOD LUCK again. BPSO needs someone like you in the worst way.

  66. Hey anon 6:22

    Wait a minute! I'll have you know that I resemble that remark. Mostly from my mother's cousin's aunt's second best friend's father, who is also my brother! So there!


  67. BCPD Officer @925,

    Shane McWilliams would like for you to get to work, and stop whinning!

  68. I didn't think the Bossier cop was a whiner, but it is apparent that you have been arrested and don't like cops. Probably for weeing in public!


  69. Heckler,
    No, Anon 8:13 doesn't like cops. That's why he is supporting Julian.

  70. Anon 9:25

    Thanks for the support. I do remember our conversation and I will always remember the incident you related to me between Sheriff Deen and Chief Whittington while you attended BPSO Deputy Hilman's funeral.

    Thanks again.

  71. Hey, Mcconnell

    Don't keep us all in suspense! Tell us, tell us, TELL US!

    (The individuals portrayed in the prior text threads are actors. Any resemblences to actual persons is purely coincidental. All names have been changed to protect the innocent.)


  72. Please please tell me now is there something I should know,
    Is there something I should say that'll make you come my way,
    Do you feel the same cause you don't let it show?

    Please please tell me now is there (please please tell me now)something I should know
    Is there (please please tell me now) something I should say
    That'll (please please tell me now) make you come my way
    Please please tell me now can you see (please please tell me now) what makes me blow
    Can you (please please tell me now) see how much I'd die
    Everytime (please please tell me now) it passes by
    Please please tell me now what it (please please tell me now) takes to make it show
    Is there (please please tell me now) something I should know
    Is there (please please tell me now) something I should know

  73. Ha! An 80s music fan. Duran Duran is the greatest!

  74. I'm glad someone sees the humor! People are going to have a heart attack stressing over the election.

    Cast your ballot, vote for who you like, and talk for your candidate. On Sunday October 23, we will all be one big happy family again! LOL...

  75. And somebody is gonna be $100k+ a year richer!


  76. Heckler,

    Better make that plural. Some people will be 100k a yeR richer.

  77. Really decent good People have been known to come out of their coma just before an election, I will pray really hard for their recovery. Mike, you are just what the doctor ordered!!
    We all Wish you the Best!

  78. Mike,
    You probably already know this but I would concentrate on getting Bossier City and south Bossier parish residents to the polls. Julian doesn't really have any strong ties to the city and Deen has neglected south bossier parish his entire career.

  79. Yeah, Mike, remember when we had the flooding, Deen made sure north bossier had plenty of sandbags and preparations to weather the storm, but totally neglected south bossier.

  80. Just what the Dr. ordered? Seriously! Must have been Dr. Kevorkian because McConnell has done nothing but commit suicide in this election.

  81. ano 8:21pm Awww, come on tell us how you really feel! Your comments are just old. If you do not like Mike then do not give him the time of your day! According to you he doesn't have a chance anyway so why keep giving him a plug?? He is not worth your valuable time and he owes you an apology for occupying your every thought!Who the heck are you supporting? Oh! I bet it's the other guy!!!

  82. Don't forget about Julian! He's committed "SILENCE-cide"!!!!!


  83. how does Julian rate front page(almost all of the page) coverage and we have to go to older post for Mike's post??
    Fair and Balanced!

  84. Blog posts go in by date. Newest posts are at the top and it progresses downward.

  85. Those who think that BPSO is the best agency around have no idea what you are talking about. I am a former deputy as well. Kinda weird how you have so many former deputies on here commenting. Probably because we are the main ones who want to see change. We are the main ones who see the potential the Sheriff's Office does have to be the best agency. They have all the right resources and a good bit of the equipment. Their problem is leadership. I also worked with McConnell and I can tell that person above who commented about his insubordination that the statement is false. He was never in trouble for that. You were probably told that by another deputy who is a Julian supporter and wanted you to do exactly what you did and spread that story. What he did do was actually make good arrest and didn't look like an idiot in court. The man knows his stuff. I also have family who is retired from SPD who worked with McConnell there. They have nothing but great things to say about him and his knowledge. Whether he wins this position or not we will not know just yet. But in my opinion he has already won. He has taken a stand for what he believes in and wants to change. This is what many people would love to atleast attempt to do. At the end of the day the citizens of Bossier have to decide what they want. Do they want a man who knows the law and wants to change things for the better and is willing to try new things? Or do they want a man who sat and watched things happen for 22 years and never did a thing? 22 years paid off great for him as he was basically forced into retirement from BSO after he was over looked by his cousin for #2 position which was not supposed to happen because his father put up a good bit of the money for Deen's campaign years ago. He was moved from the Courthouse to Chief of Corrections. If he does get it then I hope he makes changes that he does know need to happen and dont just go with what has worked for all these years and collect him a check for a couple of terms and retire and not care. I hope that whoever it is that does win will actually care about what the citizens want and not just the power trip. It doesn't matter to me who wins as long as things get better in the Parish and in the Department.

  86. 11:48

    Very well said. I too am a former deputy who left years ago because I wasn't willing to go along with all the foolishness in that department. The very reason I set my sights on that department for my law enforcement career was because of what you said . . . its potential. If the right person comes in and does the right things, whether it's Whittington, McConnell, Matlock or someone off the street, that agency could be great. The department could recruit and draw the best of the best from every agency around, and not just for the pay.

    I have said before . . . if the people who wouldn't know only knew they would be blown away. I think the department is borderline dysfunctional. It only survives because it is a government agency.

    I only hope that whoever becomes sheriff has the courage to do the difficult things that will need to be done. And the deputies, even the really valuable ones, should expect major changes that will affect them personally. The payscale was published in a Times opinion article . . . there is no justification for deputy sheriffs making this kind of money from the taxpayers, not to mention their retirement benefits.

  87. Yes the department has great potential. The times did have an article about the raises ans budget. You have lawsuits against deputies and things that are never made public which isnt uncommon. However its weird when you work there and not long after a lawsuit you hear of people getting promotions. Again it doesn't matter as much who wins but change needs to take place. Julian has yet ti reply to peoples questions about his plans for the agency or parish. He replied to an email about his plans and states he appreciates the interest in the election. That is a stupid response. Why wouldn't a citizen be concerned with who will be responsible for patrolling their area when they are out if town or home or even responding to a call when needing help. And it was stupid because he avoided the questions in the email that was about a page long and answered it in about 2 sentences. Maybe Julian did not have time for the email. Maybe Bossier parish don't need ti have time for julian or his politics if this is the best he can do for the citizens concerns. Also weird that a man had a Mcconnell sign in his yard on northside dr. And it was stolen the other night. Ironically there is a deputy who lives on the street. However numerous signs have been stolen of mcconnells.

  88. I was told today that apparently Julian plans to clean house when he gets Sheriff but is scared to say it because he may lose votes of current deputies in fear they will get fired if he gets Sheriff. Still a dumb move in Julian's part for not letting the public know his future plans for the parish. I don't know about everyone else but I do not want a man running things for my Parish if he can't be up front and let me know his plan.

  89. Unless you worked for a law enforcement agency before CPSO you haven't been in law enforcement over 20 years. I can't stand someone who lies.

  90. Dude, how many times does the man have to say it? He worked for the BCPD as a Reserve Officer before going to the CPSO.


Rules of the road:
1. No personal attacks or insults.
2. No accustory statements about wrongdoing or criminal acts against anyone.
3. Say all you want about the pros and cons concerning the candidates and the issues, or the general subject of the blog post, just follow Rule #1 and Rule #2.