
Monday, December 12, 2011

Special Award: Princeton man clocked at 102 on Hwy 80

A Princeton man was arrested over the weekend when he was caught traveling east on Highway 80 in Haughton more than 100 miles per hour.
A Bossier deputy tracked on radar 18-year-old Garrett W. Smith of the 1700 block of Allenwood driving his Mustang on Highway 80 near the Haughton Animal Hospital at 102 miles per hour around 11 p.m. Saturday night. The posted speed limit is 55 mph. The deputy pursued the speeding vehicle with his lights and siren activated, but Smith wouldn't stop. Smith turned north on Princeton Road and then stopped on Jennifer Lane. When the deputy made contact with driver, he asked Smith if he saw him in pursuit, to which Smith replied, "Yes." When the deputy asked Smith why he didn't stop when he saw the deputy, Smith said, "I don't know."
Smith was charged with speeding, flight from an officer and careless operation and then transported to the Bossier Maximum Security Facility for booking; his bond is set at $1,500.
From Bossier Parish Sheriff


  1. Per an article in The Inquisitor a few weeks back, a cop near that same area turned on his lights to stop an 18 year old girl. She floored it and turned off the main road, disappearing at over 100 mph. The cop spotted the car in a driveway, and the girl confessed. She was grinning hear head off in her mug shot.

  2. Is this the 1st week that Barbara Norton did not win?

  3. Way to go BSO Deputies! One of the things I like about Bossier Parish is the BSO deputies. They are everywhere and have always been very nice to me. It is nice to live in a place where you feel safe and you know that those who choose to break the law will pay for it.

  4. Yes, once upon a time BCPD officers use to be everywhere and nice to people. Now they're scarce and have turned into butth@les.

  5. There are some really good people on both BPSO & BPCD.

  6. 8:29,
    Blame the mayor and city council. I'd be a butthole too if I worked for those people. They worked hard and crime dropped 8 years straight according to their figures and how were they rewarded? Layoffs and paycuts. Don't blame BCPD. Make sure you put the blame where it rightfully belongs.

  7. You can't put the blame of an officer's attitude on the mayor and city council. Attitude is a personal choice that can only be controlled from within.

  8. They worked hard and crime dropped 8 years straight according to their figures and how were they rewarded? Layoffs and pay cuts. Don't blame BCPD. Make sure you put the blame where it rightfully belongs.,,,,anon 9:53 said,

    God Bless the Police BUT for the umpteenth time!!!!! SHOW ME WHERE THE LAYOFFS IN PD ARE!!! The still get the raises and promotions. Last Council meeting five were promoted to Sargent. I want PROOF of PD layoffs. PRODUCE proof, I dare you.

    The rest of the city departments absorbed the so called layoffs.

    Beguiled under the guise of public safety.

    WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 2 of 2010 implemented a hiring freeze requiring Bossier City Council approval for the hiring of any personnel;
    WHEREAS, five vacancies now exist in the Police Department, and filling these positions will allow operations to continue;
    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of Bossier City, Louisiana, in regular and legal session convened, that the administration is authorized to promote five Police Sergeants.
    The above and foregoing Resolution was read in full at open and legal session convened, was on motion of Mr. Williams, and second by Mr. Jones, and adopted on the 6th day of December, 2011, by the following vote:
    AYES: Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Larkin, Mr. Irwin, Mr. Darby, Mr. Williams, Mr. Jones, Mr. Hanisee
    NAYS: none


  11. Scarce.? Put down your donut. You are pissed that you have to work. Try working utilities and get NOTHING cry baby.

  12. 7:25, When you're not working at the utilities take time to learn to read and comphrehend what you're reading.

  13. Anonymous December 13, 2011 5:28 AM!

    Six (6) officers that had just finished the Academy and one (1) active Officer were laid off and the rest came through attrition!

    Then they would not let any officers be replaced until a SLIDING downward number was reached…which came initially to approximately 40 officers and continues to cut!

  14. Ok, maybe the six in the academy. But are you confusing the six academy with the fire men? The one "OFFICIAL LAID OFF" was reinstated, correct? Wasn't that the officer that was involved in that fiasco at the casino with the asst. D.A.?

    ONE LAY OFF and then REINSTATED is not a mass lay off as is consistently being referred to by certain City Council members . Stop the Bullsh*t, indeed!

    Attrition IS NOT a layoff!!!

    True layoffs were through out all other departments while promotions and hiring continues throughout the PD. Stop the Bullsh*t and be honest for a change.

    Bossier PD does a pretty damn good job at enforcing the laws of this town but please stop deceiving the public. There IS no shortage of law enforcement in this town.

    The annual cost of living raises for the city employees wording was changed to "Merit raises" and dropped. There was hope/talk of bringing the annual Cola/"Merit raises back in the 2012 budget and the wording was changed back to Cost of living adjustment raise.

    Reminiscent of when gambling came to this state. Gambling is unconstitutional so the powers that be changed the wording to Gaming. Suddenly it is OK.

    Essential non-saftey personal to the operation of the city have paid the price and are over worked and under paid.

    Pure spin!

  15. Of course BPSO caught him. They've had plenty of practice chasing ol' Larry!

  16. @Anon 2:28

    You have to admit, the Mayor and City Council never attempted to publicly set the record straight with regard to the firings. BCC operates under the radar with very inconvenient meeting times. They're not interested in including the public in city business.

  17. For the last time hopefully. The mayor wanted to layoff 40 police but the council said no to that. Their plan was to layoff the 5 in the academy and 1 already on the street. The rest came through retirements and attrition. Regardless the number of officers were reduced by 40. We have hired 4 that were originally laid off but it was after we lost more than the 40 that they planned. Since re-hiring the 4, we have lost even more than that. The 8 that we were suppose to hire would gave probably brought us up to where we need to be but the city council voted it that. We are shorthanded. If you feel you are safe with only 9 police officers covering the entire city then there is nothing I can say to convince you otherwise.

  18. 9 police officers per shift I should say.

  19. Ok, will agree PD might be short handed at times, yet the image of three or four patrol cars parked in a position that appears to be a long chatting session at the Ellis pottery and Topps parking lot is not overwhelmingly conducive to patrolling efforts in the eye of the ever wondering John Q. Public's opinion.

    Good work with the parking of the cars at the convenience stores during the holiday, I might add. Keep the bad guys wondering.

    Just please get the council to stop the spin, I love how they pat each other on the back after the meetings. "Good job Comrade!"

    You are not alone in your statement of being short handed. Hell, The public utilities Director even bailed. GEEZ!

  20. 5:09,
    Officers have to park somewhere and do their paperwork. If you see three cars somewhere is usually officers turning in paperwork to a supervisor. Try and remember we don't work out of offices. The police car is our office. Contrary to popular belief, we all don't get along so well that we want to sit in a parking lot all day and talk. Chasing bad guys and putting low-lifes in jail is much more fun. But all that requires paperwork and we have to stop and do it.

  21. If the police don't do anything but sit and chat in parking lots then how do all these people I read about in the Inquistor end up in jail? I guess they turns themselves in to the police.

  22. Point taken and thanks for clarifying. Good short debate and I hope we are in agreement about the city council's Bullsh*t.

    Would you agree with my earlier statement that attrition is not a lay-off? It is a reduction in work force.

    It sure seems like the officials are covering their unnecessary open wallet spending procedures at the cost of the taxpayer's and this town's best asset. The REAL ~working~ necessary employees.

    There has been a wedge driven between departments of Bossier City. It seems like at least at this time and for now the new council member Hannisee is open for, well, open mindedness.

  23. 6:13, a majority of those names in that RAG the inquisitor are for arrests for a ridiculously small amount of marijuana. Those archaic laws need to be changed. Ten sawbucks worth of the wacky weed and a five dollar smoking device generates big Dollars so the PD can purchase more M-16s to arrest convicted felons for the possession of 22 caliber bullets.

    But hey, we all make a mistake now and then. It just really sucks when it is pointed out and ego's get hurt.

    Over all good work PD.

  24. I should have put a comma after over all, and said yet good work PD. Did not mean to sound condescending.

  25. 6:21,
    I will agree with you on the council and the layoffs vs. Attrition comment. The main point we are trying to make is whether it's layoffs or attrition, we were reduced by 40 officers. The mayors' plan (layoffs) would have pulled people from the bottom. The real workers. The city council plan (attrition) pulled mainly from the top. It was a far better plan I'll admit because it got rid of alot of dead weight at the top. But if we didn't lose 40 by the end of 2010 then there would be layoffs till we got down to 40. We were down 40 by July. We rehired 4 that were originally laid off. Since then however we have lost another 10. We asked for 8 but it got rejected. Mark my word though, next month there will be an article in the paper telling you crime is down in Bossier. It will be a lie. Do not believe it.

  26. 6:30,
    California has legalized marijuana. Move there. It seems to be working just fine out there. Sounds like a wonderful place to raise a family. Idiot.

  27. What a bunch of cry babies. Gives me a new perspective of what I pay for.

  28. Tell me your name and address and come by and give you all "perspective" you need.

  29. 7:23,, show me where California has legalized Marijuana. It is decriminalized for small amounts,except for medicinal purposes. I agree that is ridiculous for the most part. California law.

    ""As of January 1, 2011, possession of one ounce (28.5 gms) or less of marijuana is an infraction, punishable by a maximum $100 fine (plus fees) with no criminal record under Ca Health & Safety Code 11357b.""

    Even our neighbor, Mississippi small amounts are decriminalized, not legalized.

    30 g or less (first offense)
    misdemeanor (summons
    only, no arrest) none $100 - $250

    State Laws»

    Code Section 41-29-101, et seq.; 41-29-139
    Possession <30 g.: $100-$250; second conviction: $250 and 5-60 days jail

    Sir or Ma'am you are the idiot, indeed. Please do your research before making such stupid statements. There are some very fine families that come from the states of California and Mississippi.

  30. Is this the 1st week that Barbara Norton did not win?


  31. I predict that in a few years a small amount of marijuana will be legal nationwide weather we agree with that decision or not.

    I believe that BCPD is short handed.

    I respect both the police dept. and BPSO for the job they do but not Larry, Lo, or the city council.

    Barbara is still the chief idiot.

  32. They need to change the sound of the sirens for the BCPD to go "waaaAAAAAaaa!"

  33. I am so disappointed at what BCPD has sunk to. It once was a department BC could be proud of.

  34. 5:44,
    Once again, blame the mayor and city council

  35. Stop blaming the mayor and city council and start looking in the mirror.

  36. Hey 10:25

    You gonna beat up a woman to show me perspective? I hope the department will get rid of people like you.

  37. 7:57, By telling Mr Big Bad Bossier City Policeman you were a girl probably scared him off.

  38. To all you whimpering BCPD officers, Did you sign a contract forcing you into servitude? If it's that bad and you hate that much, quit and go else where.

  39. The good officers are leaving and going elsewhere dumbass. That's what they are trying to prevent. Listen to what they are saying. They are trying to inform the public not whine. Your not getting the truth from your politicians so just listen. But hey when bossier starts getting as bad as shreveport, don't you dumbasses start whining either. I have yet to detect whining from the officers. All Ive heard is them saying they are shorthanded and I believe them.

  40. Since everyone else is a dumbass why don't you get elected. You seem to have all the answers. By the way did all of these great officers retire or get fired?

  41. I can't wait for the next time a vote for a tax renewal for Bossier City Police pay to come up. Let's see, there's been threats of giving people "new perspectives" and calling people dumasses. As far asgiving you people the trust to protect me and my family, I think we can do better. I'll be voting no.

  42. I too have noticed the quality of law enforcement has fallen in the past couple of years. Until I see some improvements I won't supporting them with my vote either.

  43. 6:50, 8:47
    Please don't vote. It seems you voting for anything will do more harm than good. You may need to lay off the wacky weed you seem to want legalized or decriminalized.

  44. 12:51, you're so damned stupid that you don't get it. Keep insulting the citizens who hold your future in their hands.

  45. You don't hold anything of mine.

  46. Anon 1:47,
    You come on here and insult the officers. Then you get your feelings hurt when you get insulted back. You smell like a typical liberal.

  47. There is no vote on Police pay raises. It is a mandated state civil serve law. They will get their raises.

  48. 1:47,
    What is all this talk about holding people's futures in your hand. Who do you think you are? Jimmy Hall?

  49. A few years ago a millage was passed for pay raises, and a tax renewal was passed a few years ago to continue police pay raises. Those are in the hands of the public, dumbass!

  50. Yep, taxes were raised and the police and fire did not get back what was taken from them plus they have yet to hire additional officers or firemen. I bet you won't get any answers from the council or mayor as to where all that additional money is going. It doesn't come up for renewal again until 2020. Thankfully most of the current politician will be dead or retired by then so it's a mute point.

  51. anon4:50

    My ass is not dumb, it is full of sh#t.

  52. As you can see from the last post why Lo Walker and the city council wants to get rid of these idiots. This is the representation of law enforcement in Bossier City? I for one is embarrassed to be paying taxes for such rabble.

  53. 7:02,
    Well let me give you a taste of your own medicine. If you don't like it, move to Shreveport. By the way, nice grammar in your post. You sound like you belong in Shreveport.

  54. Anon 7:02,
    Is your neighborhood safe, your welcome


  55. After reading some of the comments on this blog I am now beginning to believe the story my neighbor told me.

  56. I am a retired BCPD Officer and I am disappointed in the rhetoric being used by what I perceive is a BCPD Officer. I do not blame you in speaking your mind; it is the way you are doing it and this does not help your cause. I was proud of our department when I retired and want it to return to what I know it can be. Be smart and choose your words carefully, words that will advance your cause, not demean it. Your are presenting yourself as spokespersons for all Officers within the department, so be careful as to what you say and how others will perceive you and your cause!

  57. 9:03,
    What I've read was an officer and another poster having an informative debate with one another. Then a jackass decided to throw an insult in the mix and call BCPD a bunch of whiners. Then it seems that jakass in return got his/her feelings hurt. I'm not so sure the people retaliating against this one person are officers. He/she is just assuming. This person obviously didn't like the police and thats ok but if they are going to get into the middle of a conversation and throw insults at anyone be prepared to take it if your going to dish it out.
    All the officers I know are proud to be a BCPD officer and they are proud of Bossier City. They just want the public to know the truth. The depleted manpower is causing a hugh safety issue and the public needs to know about it. I think you can already see by the number of murders we have had this year alone that crime is increasing. I have said it before and I'll say it again, next month they will put an article in the Times telling you crime is down in Bossier. We are today patrolling the streets with the same numbers of officers we did in 2001. If you feel safe knowing only 8 or 9 officers are on the streets at any given time well your just crazy.

  58. "What I've read was an officer and another poster having an informative debate with one another." and,,,

    "We are today patrolling the streets with the same numbers of officers we did in 2001. If you feel safe knowing only 8 or 9 officers are on the streets at any given time well your just crazy.",,,

    The,,"What I've read was an officer and another poster and the, "We are today patrolling the streets," proves to me that you are not very good at keeping your online personae intact. It seems like you are posing as different posters.

    If indeed you are a PD officer you are not very intelligent. YOU ARE BUSTED!!!

    I agree with anon9:03.

  59. 3:51, I have no problem in someone presenting the truth, but when threats are made, I do not like that and it takes away from the message...

  60. I am 3:51. Thank you, 4:14. It is hard to judge who is who on the internet, yet patterns emerge.

  61. 3:51,
    Hey Sherlock Holmes, what exactly did you think you busted?

  62. I too am a retired Bossier City Police officer, and I too am disappointed with what I've been reading on this blog. I was on the department when we lost our state supplemental pay, and when we lost officers due to a layoff. (If I recall it was six officers.)
    The loss of pay and officers devastated us back then too, but the difference between what happened then and what is happing now is the way we went about it. We worked to get the public on our side. We didn't belittle people we were tying to convince by calling them idiots or used vulgar language like my ass "is full of shit!"
    We were called whiners then too, but we didn't call them idiots and moron. (We knew these people voted and once you alienated them the were lost forever.) we ignored them and went to the ones who would listen. When we were given the chance to talk to people on calls, we did. We stopped by business and talked to business owners. It's called putting out information.
    What you're doing here is offending people directly and indirectly. Imagine someone who doesn't know what is going on stumbles onto this blog and reads a person who claims to be an officer saying, "you're an idiot or my ass is full of shit." You've lost them.
    As for telling people to move to Shreveport... Think about this. The Bossier City citizen you're telling to move may move and along with him goes two things. One is his tax dollars that goes to paying salaries and pay for equipment. Two, his person, and possibly his family. This will reduce population. If the population drops in Bossier City, there will be no need to hire the officers you're arguing to get.
    You guys need to act professionally. If you guys intimidated a person they way you're trying to intimidate people who disagree with you on this blog you would be sitting up in internal affairs. Or at least that's the way it use to be.

  63. I think Anon at 5:08 is what most Bossier City police officers are like. If the other guy doing the blogging and argueing is an officer he should be fired. You can't talk to folks like he did and expect them to support you. The idiot that he is disagreeing with has probably had a lot of contact with the police so he/she does not like them.

    I could be wrong because some of the blogs were so poorly written that they were hard to understand.

  64. "sitting in internal affairs". What a joke. He just does what the administration wants. Look at the officers that have been fired.

  65. After reading what I've been reading I can understand why some of the officers have been fired.

  66. Im on the side of the officers. They didn't start the insults. They have every right to defend themselves from verbal abuse. The one person that stated his a** is full of sh** I don't believe was an officer.

  67. If you get riled up easily over what is written, and the written word isn't verbal, I can just imagine the verbal abuse the officers in Bossier City are famous for when dealing with citizens.

  68. Just wondering . . . If you look at the time of day from cry babies, are they accessing the Internet from their cars when they should be patrolling? Maybe that should be looked at.

  69. 11:46,
    Your really getting desperate. We get it. You don't like the police. This all started with officers asking for an increase in manpower. Which ultimately benefits you as a citizen. Yet you have called them names then cried when they responded to your name calling. Yet you have offered no reason as to why you don't want more officers on the street. You obviously have a personal issue with BCPD.

  70. You, or one of your fellow officers, made fun of someone's improper grammar in an earlier post. To be fair let me point out your piss poor grammatical skills. Your is possessive. When you are trying to compound you are, it's you're. If you're going to remove the smote from your neighbor's eye, first remove the log from yours.

  71. Keep proving my point. You only want to make personal attacks. Please explain why you don't want more officers on street.

  72. The only point being proved so far is you're allowing someone to get under your skin and making you look like a cry baby. I know you've been trained to rise above some one who is trying to drag you down to their level. My suggestion is to use that training and stop making the rest of us look like fools.
    Yes, we need more officers on the street, but you're not helping your case by showing your ass arguing with some unknown whose motives to argue are unknown.
    Maybe this guy has an axe to grind with the police. Then again, there are people on these blogs who like to stir up $h/+ just for the sake of stirring $h/+.

  73. Retired BCPD,
    I respect your opinion. I really do. First of all, none of my post are disrespectful or vulgar. I don't know who those people are. Second, I don't know how you feel about the current administration but I'm pretty disgusted by their decisions and lies. I don't see where anything I've posted constitutes being called a cry baby. If I put information out there it is based on facts. If some disagree, so be it. If some are on here to just start sh**. Well I can't help that either. You can't win em all. I know you were probably to taught to keep tour mouth shut and go along with the program or suffer the consequences. Well I've already suffered the consequences for speaking my mind. Going along just to get along isn't my style. I stand up for what I believe in and will continue to do so.

  74. Just to clarify, I'm talking about the mayor and city council when I say current administration.

  75. Anon,

    There in lies the risk of posting anonymously on an open forum, anyone can profess to be one thing but isn't , and unless there are certain patterns in writing skill you can't distinguish one writer from another.
    As for my opinion about what is going on at the police department and the current administration, let's just say I've been hearing the stories. If they are true, then I can say that it sounds like the department has regressed thirty years, and I can only hope better times will be coming your way.
    And knowing the people I've been hearing about, some I'm surprised, other I'm not.

  76. The city started it's downward spiral under George Duhment

  77. Anon @ 12:01, can you give examples? How did the city begin its spiral under George Dement? Damn, I'm with you on this one.I hated the business growth and increased tax revenues under Dement. Oh, I really couldn't stand the improvements in the parks and recreation where all the parks, and not just Mike Woods were getting good care taking. Then the Century-Tel Center, yeak that may have been a little over the top, but I sure enjoyued some concerts, hockey games, and other events that wouldn't have happened had it no been built. But what pissed me off under the Dement Administration was the expansion of the police and fire deparments. But what REALLY pissed me off were the decent pay raises I got when he was mayor. Yep. George Dement really dragged this city down and Marvin Anding and Don Jones really did such a great job as mayor. Oh, and thank goodness Lo Walker came along and put us back to the level where Anding and Jones had us.

  78. How much money does a police officer make an hour while off duty working in uniform as security at a function such as a high school football game or hired at a retail store or what ever? Wondering.

  79. BCPD Officers get $25 per hour, but they do not work football games, usually reseve officers or deputies do that.

  80. Part-time security jobs for retail stores are private matters between the officer and the business. They do not involve public funds are are done during the officers' personal time. Therefore, unlike an officer's salary is no one else's business.

  81. Thank you for the replies. I was curious. I somewhat disagree with 2:42. Unless things have changed in the last couple of years, I have seen active officers working football games.

    2:48 I somewhat agree with you on the no ones else business statement on the, it's their personal time comment in your post, yet the officers are wearing a Bossier City PD uniform and in a reasonable facsimile are indeed still representing the City of Bossier and it's citizens.

  82. My employer doesn't provide me a car and uniform to go make $25 an hour elsewhere. These officers make too much now. I am glad the city cut their pay.

  83. Wow. SPD officers make $40 an hour for there extra job pay. I can see now why morale is so low at BCPD. There salaries AND extra job pay is the lowest in the area.

  84. Anon @ 4:10, I'm sorry you were able to pass the civil service exam and the background check to become a police officer in order to get a car and uniform to earn extra money, so don't hold it against those who did..

  85. Anon 4:10

    If you think Bossier City Police Officers make too much for the work they do, you are a complete idiot.

  86. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  87. b38 k plus benifits - starting.

  88. Please include state supplements and correct me if I am wrong about 28% of the salary is paid by the city for retirement. A very healthy retirement indeed.

  89. Correct me if I'm wrong. Are they or are they not the lowest paid agency in caddo and bossier parish.

  90. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  91. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  92. If you want to have a genuine conversation continue. If you just want to trash BCPD and its officers your comments will be removed.

  93. Hey Jim, how about removing the post where we're called idiots from the BCPD officers we disagree with. I mean, fair is fair.

  94. 10:30,
    Since you want to comment so bad, why don't you explain WHY you don't want more officers on the street and WHY you don't think BCPD's pay should be in line with the other agencies. That's all we are asking for.
    When we ask for the money back the Cory council stole from us they tell us the city is broke. Yet I read in the times where it was a record year for business growth in Louisiana. We are just tired of being lied too. The formula is simple. Lowest pay means lowest quality of officers. If you can make a better argument I'm listening. I'll take it A's constructive criticism.

  95. Anon 6:18, I would say NO you are not the lowest paid crime fighting agency organization in the Caddo-Bossier area. I am sure smaller towns and villages pay is much lower than Bossier City's. In fact I would say you are paid quite generously if the city's contribution to the Police retirement funds are included in the cost to maintain the Police Force. Work 20 years and VERY VERY well taken care of the rest of your life.

    The rest of the city employees retirement contribution to the city employees retirement is single digit % rates. Dude, You are not make your case in a very convincing manor. WE are all suffering, BIG TIME! It's going to be alright, just give it a little time.

    You are getting your annual COLA(cost of living allowance,((for the impaired)),) raises. The rest of the city employees are NOT!

  96. Let's compare: A BCPD officer starts, who doesn't have to have a college degree to get on the department, starts out at $38K, and after a period of time receives an additional $500 a month supplemental.
    And get a 2% raise each year.
    A BCPD officer gets 12 days to call is sick and won't lose pay. If I call in sick, CHA CHING! Money out of my pocket.
    Not to mention if a BCPD officer is sick or injured he/she gets 1 whole year to heal up. Me, "You go look for a new job when you get feeling better."
    I get Christmas, New Years, Thanksgiving and 4th of July. A BCPD officer gets 2 days for the maor holidays and 1 for MLK. And after a year on the job he/she gets 15 days of vacation and eventually will get an extra day a year and maxes out at 30. I, I get two weeks, three if I don't want to get paid, and I've been working at my job for nearly 15 years.
    Some times I like my job, some times I don't. But I'm taking care of my family and I receive a fair wage and make a decent living. I too would like a cost of living allowance or a raise, but I understand, under these economical conditions, I can't, so in order to earn a little more, I put in a little more time now and then.
    That's life and I accept it.
    So, explain how your life is so miserable under your conditions.

  97. Nobody days life is miserable. Calm down. But if your pay was taken from you for no fault to you then you would be upset too. 38k a year to start is extremely high. I don't know where that figure comes from. It's more like 32k a year. We have never complained about the benefits. Civil service gives us those benefits not the city. Trust me, if they had it their way they would take that from us too.
    My main argument is lowest paid get the lowest quality applicants. If you want low quality people wearing a badge and carrying a gun and responsible for your safety by all means keep that mindset.
    If your pay and benefits are so bad then come work for us IF your qualified. Oh yea, 5 of 7 city councilmen says we can't afford more police. 2 and mayor says we can. Who do you believe?

  98. 3:14,
    What do you do for a living? How bout you explain your job description before you start wanting to compare salaries and benefits with what police and firemen do.

  99. 3:14, I'm going to throw it back in your face. One, It's none of your business what I do. I'm not a public employee, you are.
    Two, I chose my job as well as you chose yours'.
    I'm sorry, but your constant harping about your salary, what you do, how much you work, you do sound like a... I would say it, but I'll get my post removed.
    You're not the only one having a hard time. I've had pay decreases before. Know what I did, looked for another job that would meet the pay I wanted.
    So grow up!

  100. I wonder if the police chief is aware of this blog?

  101. 4:58,
    You can't respond with nothing intelligent so you pout A's usual.

  102. ^^^^^

    Make it happen, Number , One.

    The interjectional ones are speaking now. Slowly trying to make the public realize they have been deceived and duped by the FORMER leaders of safety/first responders(God Bess them) personal and making it a realization how the essential non-saftey personal of this once great bigger than a town/smaller than a big city has been beguiled and black mailed in the name of public safety for the last few years. The TRUTH hurts. Indeed!

  103. The ^^^^^'s were meant to apply to 5;32's comment.

  104. 5:43, "You can't respond with nothing intelligent so you pout A's usual."
    Speaking of intelligent responses. "pout A's usual?"
    I concede, your IQ level is through the roof.

  105. "Set up like a bowling pin, knocked down, it gets to wearing thin", in the words of a great lyricist Robert Hunter.

  106. 6:09,
    Still nothing

  107. 6:14, when you're not playing cops and robbers, do you play cowboys and indians too? For crying out loud, grow up. I sure hate to thing that someone acting a juvenile as you is allowed to carry a loaded weapon in the name of protecting this city.

  108. 6:58,
    Your still trash talking.

  109. 7:00, I've been reading the back and forth. Dude, give it up. You're making the whole department and those associated with it past and present look bad. You're question was answered long ago. I know you got screwed over, at one point or another most of us got screwed over. I wasn't one of the golden children and therefore got screwed over just so one of the golden children wouldn't have to.
    You're question has already been answere. Get over it or get another job.

  110. I'm over it. I'm just messing with this person who keeps bashing the officers without nothing to intelligent to say. Just having a little fun that's all.

  111. I'm glad you're over it.
    Remember this, there are men and women who bust their asses trying to uphold the standards the citizens of Bossier City expects from the officers of the Bossier City Police Department. We even had officers injured and died in the line of duty to uphold those standards. Honor them by upholding the standards of a Bossier City officer.

  112. Why does a retired BCPD officer have to hide his identity. What does he have lose?

  113. I have my reasons to post anonymously as you have yours.

  114. I respect that. You know how things are around here.

  115. Can't say as I blame him. Have you read the threats made toward those who voiced opposition. He'd might be visited or pulled over and given a "new perspective."

  116. Now you can see what I meant in my posting the other day, about name-calling, threatening and so on. State the facts, make your point, but be professional. Your words will come back and haunt you - that is all I am saying...

  117. Could this happen here?

    Retired Cops and Firefighters in RI Town Accept Pension Cuts in Bankruptcy Deal....

    The employees’ pension fund ran out of money this fall, and general revenue wasn’t sufficient to cover the benefits, the Times says. The employees don’t receive Social Security, but they agreed to cuts that, for many, will amount to 25 percent over five years. The deal will help Central Falls exit bankruptcy in as soon as a year, according to the Wall Street Journal.

    Copy and paste to address bar,, Full story at,,,

  118. Of course it could, and we have scoundrels buying golf courses and living high on the hog with police retirement funds. Two of them are a retired BCPD captain and the other is a retired BCPD chief.

  119. Meant to say there are two of them, a retired BCPD captain and the other a BCPD chief.

  120. All that is being investigated by the FBI, there will be casualties!

    How does the saying go? Oh yea, I remember... "REAP WHAT YOU SOW"

  121. What a nice Christmas 2012 present it would be to see a certain cigar smokin', Corvette driving retired BCPD captain keeping house with his cellmate in someplace like Leavenworth, Kansas.

  122. It would be even better if he went hand in hand with Jimmy hall and Larry Deen.

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