
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Darlene Poole endorses Mike Nerren

Ok here it goes!!!!
I personally know them both. I was Whit's secretary during the time of his suspension, so (I guess you would call me the incompent staff). Come on whit take responsibility for your own actions. If you people would go to the link on the Supreme Court website and read the facts for yourself you will see it was not the fact that he didn't file the brief in a timely manner nor the fact that his so called incompetent staff didn't tell him time and time again about the deadlines that he ignored over and over but the bald face lie he told in open court that he had the documents and was going to file them with the clerk as soon as the hearing was over!
You know this is not the first time whit has blamed his incompent staff ( ME) for this, but I took it the first time because yes he was my boss/friend but NOT NOW ! With friends like that who needs enemies.
As far as Mike Nerren I was his secretary also he never missed a date on filing a brief. He NEVER put the blame on anyone for anything no matter what.
As far as Whit helping the Martins with their child getting into the Shriners, that's what he is supposed to do. HE'S A SHRINER. I know personally the little boy that had to have heart surgery at 9 days old that Mike helped get his father to ACH because the hospital would only fly baby and mother, which mother still recovering from surgery because that was my grandson and thanks to him we were able to be there for his surgery.
I would not expect anything different from either one of them. Go and read for yourself the link then you will know who the one with honesty and integrity.
MIKE NERREN has mine and my family's VOTE!
Everyone makes mistakes - take responsibility for them.

-Darlene Poole

Make your endorsement for District Judge. Email it to


  1. You act as if being a Shriner is some high paying job or something, rather than being a public servant.

  2. It amazes me that you take the most unrelevant part of a statement to rebute. I think the big picture here is that he has to use his work as a Shriner to deflect people from seeing the dishonesty and carelessness on his part to the point of having to be repremanded in his professional career!

  3. I dont think its non relevant when you act as if being a Shriner is a "duty" and take away the man's public service, instead of saying thank you for his services.

    to be honest you sound like someone that was disgruntled working for Whit, I know a lot of folks like that that get fired or quit and blame the boss. And if you actually "READ" the text Whit did take responsibility for not filing the memorandum.

    your endorsement would carry more weight if it was a tribute to Nerren rather than negative whit. in fact knowing that you worked for whit and now work for nerren makes you quite bias.

  4. All three of you need to get a life y'all act likes kids And to whoever just wrote this last comment if you can read it said she use to work for mike so before you start saying something get your facts together first

  5. Just to let you know I don't work for Nerren any longer. The facts are the facts. If a person has to blame his staff for what he did not do then that's pretty sad. And not one time did apologies come from him about the lies. And now some years later he still wants to claim the same story. Not the kind of honesty I want in that office..also for your information whit and I were close friends long after we both left the DA's office. But right is right and none of this crap he is pulling is right. But I guess you will stoop to the lowest of low's to get votes

  6. You have presented NO, I repeat, NO FACTS LOL This is the typical smear campaign from the Nerren and Marvin group. And you say he should apologize about the lies he told. There is no mention of lies in that report. This is what drives me nuts about politics, how you can take not following through on submitting a memorandum in a timely fashion into lies. I'm hoping you don't serve on a jury anytime soon because you are the one distorting the truth.

  7. Let's all get real and vote for the real man and that would be mike I have heard all bad things about the other one and not mike because he is the real darlene from your story you can tell who the right person is and the hell with these people saying what they are saying to you

  8. Really???? The Graves supportes know all to well about typical smear campaign from their own camp and its ok for them to lie over and over. seems to me that you must be a close friend or maybe even a family member. Sure you would believe what ever Graves tells you. My vote is for Nerren!

  9. I'm curious, who did Nerren support for President? Why won't Nerren go on record as to who he supported. I've got a feeling a lot of Republicans around here are going to be very disappointed when they see the answer to this question.

  10. i assume he supported Romney he is a Republican

  11. The lie he told was " it was because of my incompetent staff, my poor health"" oh and then in his interview in the form it was because of Jim Bullers and his work load and running for judge then.
    When really it was because he DIDNT DO IT!!! And lied about having it with him in open court. FACTS ARE FACTS

  12. Duh, everybody knows that Romney is a Republican. The question is who did Nerren support?

  13. REALLY??? The president thing again come on Whit supportes. Its really bad when you have to just make up lie after lie!

  14. darlene I didn't see the quotes you have above in the paper on the ruling, so I assuming this is your perception or recollection of what happened. Since you worked for a law firm for Nerren, who clearly knows the law, you may want to ask him as an attorney if your statement of "fact" is an actual statement of fact, or is it what would otherwise be characterized as "heresay" This is why the courts don't let in "heresay" into a court of law, because of this sort of disortion and non-sense from disgruntled third-parties. Case closed.

  15. I am sure the lie that was told to all the woman at the Republican meeting by the one and only holds no weight and they all knew better, But nice try!!!

  16. So are you saying that Nerren supported Romney? Simply question, just answer yes or no. Also, answer did he also support Obama, again its a simple yes or no answer. I do find it interesting that you won't answer the question.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Really why does it matter who supported who??? Just vote on the man you think is the right one.. Regardless Obama is our president like it or not. Who cares who nerren supported or who whit supported.. Can you give reasons this matters?

  19. I really appreciate these high-minded discussions of the legal qualifications of those desiring to sit on the bench.

  20. william, you win the best post yet! ditto william

  21. anonymous 4:01 can you answer a question for me? Why is who Nerren voted for for President an issue? I thought we were voting for a judge for our community. Aren't we supposed to be basing our decision on qualifications? As an outsider, it looks to me like graves' camp is grasping at straws to try and find SOMETHING negative about his opponent. As a member of John Q. Public, it looks a little desperate. I get the whole republican vote thing, but as a republican, I find that republican voters are usually well informed voters. I do not think this strategy will fool them.

  22. As a Republican, it would matter to me if Nerren was behind Obama, but I doubt that is the case, seriously doubt it. If nothing else it would be political suicide and I can't see Nerren being that ignorant, at least publicaly.

  23. Seems to me there are about 3 Nerren supporters on here all talking to themselves and each other.

  24. Well to me you really don't know what you are talking about just because there are not a lot of whit supporters you have to run your mouth dont write on here if you don't have anything better to say than that

  25. All you people need to know VOTE MIKE NERREN!!!

  26. What happens when you give Viagra to lawyers?
    They grow taller!

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. Robin was Whit's employee before she was his careful what you say!!!! As was his second wife. Facts poeple...stick to the facts. Not inuendoes

  29. You must not know just how close I was to whit.

  30. Y'all all know how it work when you work for people like this you get to close what I have a problem with is that this lady worked for both and she said she is close to both what dose that say about her and anon 623 you said whit first wife also worked for him was it this lady Darlene she gets around with these men I know whit and I know he is a good man and he has the best wife ever they deserve the best

  31. Anon 7:07... Nobody said anything about Robin, except that she worked for Whit before she married him, his second wife also worked for him before she married him.. Those are just facts. You accused "this lady Darlene" of things. And said, I quote "REALLY CLOSE FRIENDS if tou know what i mean do we want a judge that are that close to his employees what kind of message what that send out think befor you vote go whit" Things I might add that have actual happened in Whit's life. Unlike your statement about "this lady Darlene", this is not an attack on Whit or any of his wives ( current or ex) Just a fact. I will refer to this quote "Those who live in glass houses should never throw stones!"

  32. Now lets just say we really DON'T want to go there! Whit if you are reading this you really want to put the rains on your people because this could get real ugly if you know what I mean.
    And for you supporters of his I'm not getting defensive my record stands for it self. Happily Married for over 30 years to the same man.
    Stop grasping for straws.

  33. I do not know Mike Nerren personally but i took advise from an earlier post and called his office. To my surprise he answered the phone.

    I told him about the blog and asked who he supported for President to which he replied in a direct statement, "Romney". He also said he supported the admendment to strengthen our rights to bear arms just in case the Whit supporters wanted to know that.

    He said that the issue of presidential support was started by a Whit support in Springhill in an attempt to gather Slattery supporters and that he understood that Whit was there when it was happened. What he said made sense.

  34. KARMA will bite you in your butt Whit people!!!!!!!

  35. Forgot, Mr. Nerren also said that anyone who has questions can call him at his office and he will be happy to answer. If you are truely interested the number is in the book.

  36. Oh whit supporters any actual facts or reasons I should vote for him BC as of now y'all are pulling cards trying to find a ace on one of them. No facts= no vote

  37. Mike NERREN is the man!!! And whit graves ain't!!!! Enough said!!!

  38. Looks like a nest of nastiness in these Nerren supporters comments. I'm neutral, but good lord.

  39. If this is a reflection of Nerren supporters it is indeed a turn off.

  40. Darlene I don't know you but honey the comments from Mr Whit Graves people has already cast my vote for Mike NERREN! Go NERREN

  41. Let's attack Darlene y'all have no one else to target at this time Mike NERREN you have my vote and my family!!!! Keep up the good work

  42. If this is a refelection of the Graves supportes it is a HUGE turn off!!!!

  43. OMG really people MIKE ALL THE WAY

  44. Seems to me all the nasty comments are from Nerren people, and no, I don't care one way or the other, I live in Texas.

  45. I heard Mr. Graves was Muslim but i'm still voteing for him.Also i heard Mr.Nerron saved a cat out of a tree.

  46. I want to see Whit Graves birth certificate. What's he hiding?

  47. actually that was nerren's cat in the tree, so that doesn't count...who cares where graves was born, our president wasn't even born here.

  48. My vote is for MIKE NERREN!! It seems to me that the Whit Graves supporters that are posting negative comments on here are just cause a distraction from why people should vote for MIKE NERREN!!! And really the ones that were posting nasty comments about Darlene, Do you not have anything better to do with your life than try to personally attack someone that you do not even know making false accusations about her?? You should be ashamed of yourselves and grow up!!!

  49. The fact of the matter is that Mike Nerren supported Obama. That fact will be released soon.

    1. That's a joke. Nerren been a Repub since he registered to vote. Graves used to be a Democrat. Look it up. And who really cares. What's that have to do with who's a better judicial candidate?

  50. I am new to all this bloging, but had someone call me to go look at my Bossier. I have never been on this blog until this morning. I went all the way back from the day the bloging started and it seems to me that the Graves supporters like to say what thay want and Lie on this blog and outside this blog and thats all ok, But when the Nerren supporters correct the Lies and make it known they are in deed lies its the Nerren Supportes being nasty?? Wow I have read every post from day one and trust me the Graves supportes have been very nasty and even talking about family members and Nerrens children. I do know both Graves and Nerren and know that a lot of the things the Graves supporters are saying are in fact lies and its sad Mr Graves allows his supportes and himself to feel its ok to lie just as long as you get votes. Well after reading all the post and hearing so much outside this blog that Graves himself has said to people and all his supporters have said and continue to lie most people can see through all that just as I have. I know Nerren will make a good Judge His MERITS speak for them self. I know of 2 other times when Graves ran he caused so much turmoil between all his lies and how nasty he gets just to win. Its more about winning to him and not what a Judge really stands for. Maybe that is why he did't win that last 2 times he ran!!!! I hope everyone can see through all the Lies and on December 8th Vote for the the one that will be fair,HONEST, and uphold the law who has Integrity, Who would never Lie and hurt others just to win votes!!! MIKE NERREN has my vote and I hope you will all give it serious thought for after all the FALSE Accusations about Nerren and his family and supporters God knows who is the best man for the job and God knows the truth. GOD SPEED MIKE NERREN 2012

  51. I agree Graves would of been better to not repeat History in running this rase just as he has the last 2!

  52. Just like the post that Mike Nerren supported Obama really people??? Were you in the voting booth??? Do they let 2 go in now??? I believe Mr. Nerren cleared all that Lie up in a earlier post when someone called him and talked to Mr. Nerren about this Lie Mr Graves and his supporters started!! along with all their other false Accusations and Lies. It seems to me when you really have to dig this deep to a lie of who Mr. Nerren voted for just to try and get some votes thats really bad. Now for the facts and the truth If Mr Graves and his supportes are talking you can bet its a LIE they will do and say what ever they feel will win him some votes. PEOPLE REALLY?????? Mike Nerren has never and would never allow his supporters to make up Lie after Lie to win votes or to belittle others. Stick to the facts and the more you Lie the more people realize this and your not winning any more votes or RESPECT for that matter.

  53. So far there are three endorsements. One for Whit Graves which was postive for Whit and nothing negative on Nerren. Both Nerren endorsements had some positive comments on Nerren but then attacked Graves. It is clear to anyone reading these posts what is going on here.

  54. If you would go back and read all the post you may see that the Nerren supporters respond to all the attacks on the supporters and Nerren and his family by Graves and his supporters. It also seems it is ok by all that support Graves and Mr. Graves to continue to Lie their way through this RUN OFF!!! IT is very clear to everyone reading all the negative post and FALSE accusations and Lies about Nerren and his supporters and family what is GOING ON HERE!!!! I guess the Graves supporters felt this was bash Nerren Blog and tell as many lies as you can before Decenber 8th but Lies hold no weight and the public and voters realize What is going on here on this BLOG and outside this blog!!!!

  55. All these generalizations. There is not one lie you can speak of intelligently from the graves people. The only lying that is going on is from Nerren accusations that have no basis in fact. "the graves supporters felt this was a bash Nerren blog" Really? Actually the only bashing on the endorsements came from the NERREN people-end of story. I've never seen such delusional thinking.

  56. The lying started with all the Graves supporters and mr. Graves and is far from delusional thinking. IT'S FACTS!!!! I have read all the post way before any endorsement blog started on this blog and outside this blog End of story!!!! The Nerren supportes only respond to all the Lies being told about Nerren and Nerren supporters and Nerren's family!!! END OF STORY!!!! Like I said this BLOG has been a bash Nerren Blog and just see how many Lies we can get out there before December 8th. End of Story!!! But nice try!!!!

  57. again, you have yet to cite one untruth spoken. It seems you have no idea how your commentary must be coming across to readers-you play the victim role while attacking graves-its really comical.

  58. I haven't seen any bash Nerren on here, but a lot of bash Graves, just fact.

  59. Darlene, why do post your your name on some posts and then go under anonymous on other posts. Perhaps you should use another IP address in which to post from that way you can truly be anonymous.

  60. 11:44,
    That's because the knock giants Nerren is that he works for msrvin

  61. The facts were put on this blog and maybe you need to keep up!!! Its BASH Nerren blog so I am sure you Geaves suppoeters would find it so comical. You have used the we are playing the victim role over and over. Its not playing the victim it's telling the truth something the Geaves camp has not done!!!! Everyone that reads all the post from day one gets it. I do not feel standing up for the truth is attacking Geaves!! Thats what I find comical!!!!

  62. Hey 11:40 you to I see are behind on post. you have now entered into Nerren supporters responding to alllllll the lies posted when this blog was set up for the Election and alllll the Lies outside this bash Nerren Blog and all the false accusations made way before this blog and on this blog and outside this blog!!! I have noticed you Grave suppoeters love to sling mud all around but never seem to take credit for any of it. Wow sounds like someone else I know!!!

  63. 12:02 - I'm very interested in your comment that this is a 'bash Nerren' blog. Could you elaborate and give some links, because in all honesty, that isn't true. This blog hasn't bashed either of the candidates, only attempted to give a forum for all.

  64. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  65. ANON 1224, im assuming "darlene". You just stated "she is working now and all the affairs she is having" Please show me the EXACT POST you are referring to regarding her "affairs" that Graves supporters stated she was CANT because it's not in here!!! The only word on this blog that mentions the word affair is from YOU. The only mention of anything was from Darlene herself where she said she was very close to Graves at one time.

    How are we to give you ANY credibility???

  66. I'm thinking some of these comments must be from people Graves either arrested or prosecuted at one time, because they are just out to get him. They do nothing to advance Nerren's cause and are an embarassment.

  67. 1:09 I guess you need to read more!!!!!! Get your facts straight

  68. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  69. classy darlene. you just violated #2. I ask Jim to please remove these posts, clearly Darlene's purpose of her endorsement was to launch ridiculous accusations against Mr. Graves. You promised to get ugly Darlene-you delivered, congrats.

  70. Truth! Hurts and I told you to put a stop to your people!

  71. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. That's a gross visual. Hope they were clothed. Yuk...

  72. "Put a stop to your people". Really Darlene? I definitely see some bickering back and forth but the only true nastiness on this board is coming from you. Everyone has enemies I suppose, and obviously you're one of his. And its evident that you will do and say anything to keep him from being elected judge. You've turned this into a personal vendetta and that's fine. As Marvin would say "Its a free country I can do what I want". Well, I suppose if your're the DA you can say that but us po-folk better watch our asses.
    Another thing. When people give endorsements they tend not to be negative about the other candidate. What they do however is compliment their candidate and highlight his/her strong points. Point in fact look back a couple of endorsements and read Dewey's. Like some other poster said, you've discredited yourself with your sleazy accusations. And one more thing, do you think if you capitalize the word "FACT" it makes it a fact? LOL

  73. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  74. If anyone wants to discuss the candidates, qualifications, feel free

  75. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  76. Look again, and if you find one saying that give the the time and date.

  77. Anonymous said...
    Can anyone tell me who Darlene is? Where dose she work now let me guess another lawyer looks like in the past she goes from lawyer to lawyer and really close to one who is running someone needs to find out more info about that one was there ever anything about an affair i have read post about them having one of which should make your mind up on judge whit whit whit
    November 14, 2012 9:04 PM

  78. Anon 7:07... Nobody said anything about Robin, except that she worked for Whit before she married him, his second wife also worked for him before she married him.. Those are just facts. You accused "this lady Darlene" of things. And said, I quote "REALLY CLOSE FRIENDS if tou know what i mean do we want a judge that are that close to his employees what kind of message what that send out think befor you vote go whit" Things I might add that have actual happened in Whit's life. Unlike your statement about "this lady Darlene", this is not an attack on Whit or any of his wives ( current or ex) Just a fact. I will refer to this quote "Those who live in glass houses should never throw stones!"

  79. But you know it really is a moot point because these people don't want to know the truth

  80. There is no comment November 14, 2012 9:04 PM

  81. Okay, I've cleaned up comments (somewhat) from both blog posts. Keep it on the subject and no more personal attacks.

  82. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  83. I've already put that link up twice. Keep it positive in favor of your candidate.
    I suggest that if you have nothing favorable to say about your candidate, that you just keep it in your sneakers.

  84. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  85. Unbelievable, anonymous people (whit supports apparently) make up allegations out of thin air and are allow their blog time but someone states what they saw and is willing to put their name on it but they are censored and by a person who is a self professed whit supporter. Is anybody here concerned about the credibility of this blog ?

  86. I don't give a rat's ass if you are concerned about 'the credibility' of this blog or not. There are plenty of allegations from Nerren supporters too.
    Why can't you just support your candidate and promote him instead of sniping at the other side?

  87. I don't think you understand, I am not sniping at the other side !!!

  88. The citizens of Bossier/Webster have never elected a lawyer to be our Judge who has been suspended from practicing law and we won't start now. Calm down everyone. The people will see through the smoke and mirrors offered by the Graves propaganda machine. Nerren wins.

  89. Nerren endorsed by 1) Mayor Lo Walker. 2) Bossier/Webster DA Schuyler Marvin. 3) Webster Sheriff Gary Sexton. 4) Bossier City Marshal Lynn Austin. 5). State Rep (ret) Billy Montgomery. 6). Bossier Parish School Board repr Mike Mosura and 7) Bossier City Firefighters.

    Graves endorsed by - ???? Wonder why??????

  90. Who in the hell would vote for someone endorsed by Billy Montgomery???? NOT ME!

  91. Like Jim said you people need to keep this clean

  92. Now what are we going to do bash the people who endorses others?????

  93. I love it how a Nerren supporter has come on the board and bashed Billy Montgomery pretending to be someone from the Graves camp. Nice try.

  94. Can whits people just stay off this of you have something ugly to say about any of mikes supporters or mike do it somewhere else tired of hearing it

  95. Yeah whits people just stay off this unless you have something nasty to say about him

  96. It seems so funny how Jim says to stop all the crap and that seems to FIRE the Whit supporters up even more. Get a life support your guy and focus on doing postive things to help Graves not hurt him!!!! I do support Nerren for many reason and will continue to support him as will others what is posted on this blog will NOT change the awesome support Nerren has. I also want to add that Nerren support does not just end with the ones who Endorsed him he has support all over Bossier and Webster and its not because of anything to do with who Endorsed him Its because of who he is and what he stands for and for all he would bring postive to the Bench. No one can chase all the Negative and Lies being told here on the blog and outside the blog nor do I feel that its going to change the minds of his supporters and the new ones on board and Nerrens Merits speak for them self and come December all this will be over and Life goes on. Nerren is a good person and his own person and will stand up for what is right! I hope everyone trys to focus on what you can do postive to support your guy not waste all this time trying to have the last word because only one can be Judge and may the best man win!!!!

  97. And the best man is Mike Nerren

  98. Go mike u r the man. Can't wait for the victory party!!

  99. Don't blog much but here it goes. I am involved in the district and know both men running as well as most of the people supporting them. First, Whit graves is a very good criminal trial attorney. Second, although he has had some personal problems he is a decent person.

    With that said, I will support Mike for the position. Doesn't mean Whit is a bad person just means Mike is better for this job. Mike is more even tempered and has the ability to resolve problems. He is also well liked by almost everyone he has contact with. His ability to resolve problems while treating people with respect is why he is so popular with all agencies in the district and probable the reason he has all the endorsement .

    Whit's skill as an attorney would be better use in a defense or prosecution position and he would be a good defense or prosecution attorney but he does not have the temporment needed to be a good judge.

    Again, I know and like them both and in the right spot I could support either but for this particular position I support Mike.

  100. To bash the opponent, as has been done in this endorsement, only demonizes your candidate's candidacy. I challenge others to take the high road.

  101. "Concentrated power has always been the
    enemy of liberty."

    Ronald Reagan

  102. Never intended to bash anyone. Just told the truth about it all and defended what was being said about myself. I agree with the person who said whit was a good prosecutor because he was. Just as I said before go to that link and see for yourself.

  103. The most credible source I can think of is the La Supreme Court. What did they say about Whit? In Re Whiitley R Graves. 01B 0922. 5/11/92. Lets see how long this stays up.

  104. I'll leave it up, even though it is rather pathetic that the best thing you can do to support Mike Nerren is to trash his opponent.

  105. a slap on the wrist that happened years ago and mixed with extenuating circumstances as well as a politcal twist ....folks we have beat this dog to death...give me a break!!!

  106. I think that Mike Nerren has proven by his merits he will be the better one for District Judge and uphold the law and be honest and stand up for whats right. Whit has already been out today making up more lies to win votes proven fact he talked to a very close friend of mine and it was unreal the lies he was saying bout Nerren. what Graves has done are facts

  107. You talk about nerren people bashing whit whits people is the ones who started the mess to begin with and when nerrens people say something they want to take it down talking about can't take the truth

  108. "Whit has already been out today making up more lies to win votes proven fact he talked to a very close friend of mine and it was unreal the lies he was saying bout Nerren"
    You just can't stop bashing, can you?

  109. Thank you Jim you just made my mind up go mike

  110. Good, glad you made a positive comment.

  111. I just saw a copy of a negative mail piece Whit put out on Nerren that was mailed to Webster voters. I suppose if I pointed out the pack of lies contained in it that would be "bashing" or pathetic".

  112. Whit's mail piece is a joke. He ignores (purposely of course) the numerous cases that were overturned or that he lost. And his unknown statement concerning Nerren, they tried at least one case against each other which I understand Nerren won, guess Whit forgot that. He was accepted by US Supreme Court where he doesn't practice but suspended by the LA Supreme Court where he does practice. Whit also focuses on only criminal cases because of his lack of experience elsewhere. Nerren has experience in all areas. Do your homework, this stuff is easy to find if you want to find it.

  113. Sorry, to end on a positive note, the colors on Whit's mailer were nice !

  114. On Post a comment, is says no personal attacks or insults, no accustory statements about wrong doing or criminal acts against anyone. I GUESS DARLENE DID NOT READ THE RULES. I am a women and it sounds like Darlene is a women scorned with a lot of anger. I hope Darlene is never on a jury with that attitude.

  115. Anan 846 guess you can't read either stop talking about people you don't know

  116. JIM, first of all telling the TRUTH is not BASHING!!!!!! ONCE again its always ok for Graves and his supporters to say what they like and LIE on YOUR blog and outside this BLOG But you and all his supporters do not want the Nerren supporters to step up and let that be known. GRAVES IS A OUT RIGHT LIAR!!!! You allow the NEGATIVE post towards Nerren and suporters that are out right LIES but when someone post a fact or true things that are being done and said by GRAVES YOUR BUDDY!!!! you trun that around as BASHING!!!! I feel that no matter what is said good about Nerren its always a bashing from the GRAVES camp and now you I see have jumped on board!!!! I thought you of all people would stay nutural, but I see this blog like it has been since it was set up for the ELECTION is a bash Nerren blog and so many see this. When something is madeup and a lie is told I feel its fair game on here to STAND up AND CORRECT the lie!!!!!

  117. I agree with you Anonymous 9:53 I have been reading a lot of the post and even went way back and see where its very one sided here. I voted for Mr. Nerren the first go around and will vote for him again in this run off. I have to say seems as if one side has free blog time and others they feel need to just sit back and allow them to do so. But after you are hammered over and over it gets hard to just sit back and not tell the real truth!!!! I pray Nerren will be our next District Judge!!!

  118. Okay, let's look at the facts.
    1. I have published three endorsements for Nerren and two for Graves.
    2. In the comments above, you say that it is all bash Nerren. My count says 51 comments in favor of Nerren and 19 in favor of Graves.

    How in the world can you turn that into me not being neutral and presenting both sides?

  119. Mike mike he's the man if he can't do it nobody can!!!! go mike nerren

  120. Jim, logic is not possible, you are dealing with one person who posts under multiple anon's/darlene. She keeps talking about multiple "lies" like a child and appears to enjoy playing the victim. To Nerren's credit he has had to apologize for her bizarre behavior over the weekend. I'm a Whit supporter but like Nerren and unfortunately she is doing him a real disservice.

  121. Nearly everyone knows at least one of these guys, and they are both well thought of (political rhetoric aside). It comes down to each individual's personal preference. I tried to provide a forum for both sides but it got out of hand, way too much drama.
    In addition, I think at this point that most people know who they support. The only question is where will the Slattery supporters go and who can generate the voter turnout.

  122. REALLY??? This is not Darlene!!!!!!!!! Hey Whit you think going and telling people Nerren voted for OBAMA is really working for you???? Or that He worked for the Sheriff Dept and Marvin only Hired him cause he was starving or that you were so low to bring his son and wife into your lies. If you will lie to the STATE SUPREME COURT YOU WILL LIE TO ANYNOE ABOUT ANYTHING!!!!!!!! This BLOG WAS STARTED FOR WHIT GRAVES and once the Nerren supporters started to CORRECT the lies none of the Whit supporters likes it. I SEEEEEEE A LOTTTTT of ANONYMOUS post on this Blog from both sides. Its so easy to blame someone else and Lie to take the HEAT off yourself!!!! ONCE again Mr. Graves your lies will start to all run together and GOD KNOWS WHO WILL BE THE BEST MAN FOR DISTRICT JUDGE !!!!!! Graves and his supporters are doing him disservices!!!!! This is all to familiar to WHIT for this is how he ran his last two campaingns. PEOPLE WILL SEE THROUGH ALL THE LIES!!!!!!!! As for me will now put my energy from this day forward into supporting the one who is HONEST,FAIR, A FAMILY MAN WITH MORALS THAT HAS A PROVEN RECORD OF ALL HIS MERITS!!!!! THE ONE THAT WORKS HARD IN DOING WHATS RIGHT AND NEVER ALLOWING ANYONE TO INFLUENCE HIS DECISIONS!!!!! THE ONE THAT HAS PROVEN HE WILL NOT LIE TO GET VOTES!!!! MIKE NERREN 2012 OHHH AND THIS IS NOTTTTTT DARLENEEEE


    I'm busted. I started blogging 6 years ago just for this moment.

  124. Wow, If this is what the judges election if like I can't edit till the city elections start. Those ought to be really fun.

  125. Jim you may of started this blog 6years ago but the Judges race blog has been all about Whit and his supporters and what they can do to discredit Nerren. I realize the Nerren supportes have had to defend all the lies but even you have posted things like you just can't stop bashing can you???????? Don't see any where of a post like that against the Whit supporters as they continue to bashhhhh!!!!! But that being said why would you hes your Buddy!!!!

  126. You're going to have to help me out here. What lies are you referring to? Give me the comment and the time, or the blog post and when it was posted.

  127. WHit's first race--anonymous letters with horrible allegation against Judge Stinson that of course were not true.
    Whit's second race--allegations against Judge Robinson by Whit himself that of course we're not true.
    Whit's third race--lies again from Whit himself. This time worse than ever because he is being helped by Mr. Collier, who is just as dishonest as Whit Graves.

  128. Okay, assuming that is true, what does it have to do with this blog?

  129. Anonymous 1:07 I remember all that and History has repeated itself once again!!!! I know the 23,000 plus supporters of Nerren and the new ones on board will see through all this and continue to support Nerren all the way through!!!! Nerren is in fact the best man for District Judge!!!!

  130. 1. You're going to have to help me out here. What lies are you referring to? Give me the comment and the time, or the blog post and when it was posted.
    2. Okay, assuming that is true, what does it have to do with this blog?

    Anyone want to answer? I'm still waiting.

  131. Jim said...
    "Whit has already been out today making up more lies to win votes proven fact he talked to a very close friend of mine and it was unreal the lies he was saying bout Nerren"
    You just can't stop bashing, can you?

  132. heres one you posted JIM in favor of your buddy!!!!! NOVEMBER 18TH 1:36 PM I see you just reposted what someone else posted but was sure to add your little YOU JUST CANT STOP BASHING CAN YOU!!!!!! Do not believe that was in favor of anyone other then Graves. Never have I seen you jump in and post that towards the Graves camp but why would you hes your BUDDY!!!!!!!

  133. Of course I added it, because it was bashing. Same goes both ways.
    As to Whit being my 'buddy', I have met him and talked to him casually at the courthouse on 2 or 3 occasions (before the election). I have no idea what you are talking about.
    As a matter of fact, I deleted as many comments from the 'Graves camp' as I did from the 'Nerren camp'.
    Now, how about answering my question:
    1. You're going to have to help me out here. What lies are you referring to? Give me the comment and the time, or the blog post and when it was posted.
    2. Okay, assuming that is true, what does it have to do with this blog?

  134. Why don't you stop talking about Darlene and start talking about whit do you have a thing for Darlene I thought this was an election for judge she is not running stop talking about her she has not done nothing anyone else has don't on here but you just have to keep on don't you why don't you get a life and grow up

  135. I have been reading all these comments for days now. I think its time to agree that there seems to be a endorsment from you Mr. Wells for Mr.Graves.I dont have problem with that because if i read correctly and i also agree with you...
    (i dont give a RATSASS...Let me let everyone know now Mr.Nerren is so the BEST man for the job and thats its really REALLY breath takeing to think that someone would have to even think up some of these things or lies i should say about Mr. Nerren. Please tell me more about these bells on the doors.... are they still there in his office??

  136. "there seems to be a endorsment from you Mr. Wells for Mr.Graves"
    And where do you get that? Seems to me I asked each candidate to post something - which they did. I allowed anyone who desired to post an endorsement, of which there were 3 for Nerren and 2 for Graves.
    Trust me, had my desire been to endorse one candidate I am perfectly capable of doing that, and have done so in the past.
    "Please tell me more about these bells on the doors" - and just for curiosity, what in the world does that mean?

  137. "and just for curiosity,what in the world does that mean?",i am also curious Jim what that means.Would someone please let me and Jim know what that means. Thank you

  138. Lies is "plural". I have yet to see a credible post from this Darlene character or anyone else that indicates a "lie". Darlene sounds like a very unhappy person taking out anger on Whit Graves who has served his community his entire life from his State Police days to Prosecutor, volunteering, on and on.

    And for the record, Jim could easily endorse Graves or Nerren if he wanted to, its HIS blog. If Darlene, nerren supporters, or graves supporters have issues with the way he runs his blog, then go find another message board. I think most of us would appreciate it!

    It would also be nice to have an intelligent post every once in a while that makes sense.

  139. Intelligent posts? Look at the, Evodna Spriner Endorses Whit Graves blog and posts.

  140. Evodna picks losers every time. Congrats Nerren.

  141. anon 706, i was referring to the Nerren supporter freak show, i agree springer described the crisis in the race better than anyone has

  142. Nerren Supporter Freak show???? Its so funny how Graves supporters started all this mess!!!! Nerren 2012

  143. Dewey Burchett, III wrote the first endorsement and it was for Whit Graves. The first comment on it was "Yawn". So Anon 1039, Who started "all this mess!!!" Huh?

  144. I love both candidates. I only wish each the best in the journeys they take. I will vote for Whit, but that doesn't mean I am an enemy of Mike.

  145. Anon 12:48 OHHH this started way before you could Endorse your own Candidate!!! Graves supporters and Mr. Graves paved this road way back on this blog!!!!!! Maybe you need to go read alllll the post from day ONE!! Again I love how the Graves supporters started all this mess!!!! NERREN 2012

  146. I heard that Darlene is Mike's sister. Is that true? If that is true, no wonder she likes him.

  147. If the Good Old Boys of Bossier endorse Mike Nerren, then I have to vote for Whit Graves.

  148. ANON 11:31 You may want to keep up with the blog!!!! For the record no Darlene is not Nerrens sister. WOW how this gets so twisted day after day!!! GO NERREN 2012!!!! :)

  149. 11:31 REALLY?????? I would think that Graves and Nerren's family are their biggiest supporters thats a given!!!! Darlene is not Mikes sister!! But if she was I am sure the world would expect her to support him!!!! Your family are the ones that are here for you when no one else will be!!! Your family are the ones out there working and praying that they are elected and working just as hard as Nerren and Graves!! I am all so sure that Graves and Nerren both have way more support then just family!!!! Really??????

  150. I heard about this blog and had to come see if what I was told was true. It is a complete joke. Bashing instead of blogging benefits of their candidate and how they would fulfill the needs if elected as District Judge. I could not even read all of the post, the bullying is so over the top. Its my perception that one needs to read their post prior to posting, misspelled words, improper grammar coupled with bully tactics. I might have skipped Graves post but it truly seemed to me Nerren's camp is very negative, hostile and vile. As for the Darlene person, you issue is with Graves and if you were half the woman you are proclaiming to be, you would have taken it to him. Using a blog to put what all you had to say about Graves, discredits you and your endorsement. Nerren is already having to overcome Marvin's negative bullying and reputaion. Give Nerren a break and keep your personal opinions and issues to yourself. When Nerren has to go behind the scenes and apologize for comments, he obviously is embarassed by it all. I personally am voting for Graves for the sole reason he obviously is the man for the job because his experience is so threatening to the Nerren Camp. If it wasnt, the trash would not have had to get to this level. Its my opinion, all the bullying, negative bs did Nerren a disservice.

  151. I have said it before and I will say it again. I had respect for Whit until he started telling all the lies. He never called me and told me he was going to start the crap about his suspension. With me being his only staff that was working for him at that time I had the right to defend my self as any other person would. Then he lets his supporter start the other crap about me and they don't even know WHO I am. NO respect at all now.

  152. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  153. "when you lie about someones children and wife and family to make some points you have crossed the line"

    When and to whom?

  154. JIM, I do believe he already is aware of When and to whom and as to what was said!!!!! Its rally sad someone would use childern in their sick games of Politcs

  155. Anon 4:52 Have you ever heard of hypocrasy? You complained of "improper grammar coupled with bullying tactics" to then say "you (sic) issue is with Graves and if you we're half the woman you claim to be. . . " Do you understand that your statement was improper grammar followed by bullying tactics by you. or is this meant to be satire?

  156. Rules of the road:
    1. No personal attacks or insults.
    2. No accustory statements about wrongdoing or criminal acts against anyone.
    3. Say all you want about the pros and cons concerning the candidates and the issues, or the general subject of the blog post, just follow Rule #1 and Rule #2.

  157. Jim: They are not going to say what or to whom. It's a political tactic to allow them to claim Graves is bad mouthing Nerren's kids. Four years ago Judge Craig's mother wrote an article in the Bossier Press saying Craig had not been in trouble since he was a small child. This prompted Burchett to investigate and then come out with the fact that Craig had been convicted of DWI. The Craig supporters jumped all over him for bringing out something that happened when he was a young man and had nothing to do with his qualities now and screamed DIRTY POLITICS!!! This same group is now trying to bait Graves into saying something about Nerren's children. So far Graves has not taken the bait.

  158. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  159. Careful using the word integrity when describing Whit ! He left the StateTroopers in a cloud of controversy after being passed over for promotion several times. As an ADA he, along with others in the office, was investigated by the Feds in a case that ended with one person convicted. He later left that position on the heels of a suspension by the Supreme Court for misrepresnting fact in connection with a capital case, more controversy. if any of our children would have done what Whit Graves did we would have punished them for lying which is just what the Supreme Court did. Conclusion, whatever qualities Whit has as an attorney integrity is not one of them.
    November 20, 2012 6:41 AM

  160. I am supporting Nerren for he has a proven record in all areas of the law and with his experience,desire and dedication he will bring leadership and integrity to the office of District Judge. Nerren 2012!!!!!

  161. Jim he knows to whom and what he said about Nerren's child and wife and family!!!!!!!!! It's sad he would use children in his sick game of Politics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  162. Anon 7:02 That is what I get for responding on a phone while at red lights in traffic. However, if you are going to correct me, you missed several others. Not having a semi colon after post in third sentence, an apostrophe in “it’s”, grammar correction in Nerren has already instead of is already having, misspelled reputation and embarrassed, apostrophe in wasn’t and it’s and abbreviating bs. Rooky mistakes on my part. As for Hypocrisy, it’s spelled with an “I” instead of an “a” and as for bullying, it was pretty weak and a stretch. I do not need to gain power over her. Satire, I will give you that, trying to give constructive social criticism, did I shame her, I doubt it. My whole point was obviously missed. Hate I missed what was removed.

  163. "Hypocrasy" is found in the urban dictionary. While I could claim it as satire, it was probably just a misspelled word. My bad.

  164. I dont give a "RATSASS" how you spell it. I think Nerren will win by 12 to 15 percent of the vote.Could be worse.

  165. Is "rats ass" two words, one word as you used above, or should it be hyphenated as "rats-ass"?

  166. Its just two words, no hyphen. Rats Ass. Although it probably should be Rat's Ass.

  167. I believe you are correct. It would be possessory and should have an apostrophe as a rat would only have one ass and therefore not plural.

  168. Thanks for the clarification.



  170. 10:52 anon, isn't Rooky spelled rookie?

    Just poking a little.


Rules of the road:
1. No personal attacks or insults.
2. No accustory statements about wrongdoing or criminal acts against anyone.
3. Say all you want about the pros and cons concerning the candidates and the issues, or the general subject of the blog post, just follow Rule #1 and Rule #2.