
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Jennifer Barringer endorses Mike Nerren

I would like to share why Mike Nerren is my choice for district judge. In my opinion Mike Nerren makes decisions based on what is right and not based on outsiders influences. He does things because its the right thing to do without having to be recognized and let everyone know "he did this" to make himself look good. When my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer she was Mike's secretary. She was unable to continue her full duties in his office due to the side effects of her cancer treatment. Instead of laying her off or cutting her pay he gave her his support throughout this difficult time. He allowed her to ultimately make the decision to quit working due to her illness instead of telling her he wouldn't be able to use her in his office.
My son was rushed to Arkansas Children's hospital when he was 9 days old to undergo emergency heart surgery. The hospital sent their jet to pickup my baby and told us they were only allowed to take one of us with them. They also told me that my baby would get worse before he got better so be prepared for him to go straight into surgery as soon as we landed. This situation would be devistating to any mother or father to know that only one of us would be able to be there with our newborn during this surgery because the other would have to make the drive from Shreveport to Arkansas while it is taking place. When Mike Nerren heard about the situation he made arrangements for my husband to fly to Arkansas and be there when we got there with my son. He did this because it was the right thing to do not because he had to or wanted recognition for it.
These are the reasons I am voting for Mike Nerren. In my opinion it doesn't matter who is else is backing him because I'm not voting for his supporters. I am not a huge fan of Schuyler Marvin which is why he didn't receive my vote in the race for district attorney. I am a huge fan of voting for who will be fair and honest and that is Mike Nerren. He has established this reputation throughout his career and I feel sure it will continue to proceed him as District Judge.

- Jennifer Barringer

Make your endorsement for District Judge. Email it to


  1. Your insinuation that Whit helped a child only because he was looking for recognition is about as low as it gets. Perhaps if you knew Whit you would think otherwise. Nevertheless, your accusation is false and perception of reality is quite dim.

  2. You want to talk about low as you can get how about blaming others for your own screw ups.. And Again IT IS WHAT IT IS!

  3. Actually the reality of my statement is true. My uncle is a shriner it is their responsibility to help those kids get what they need! And I do know Whit which is why I think of him the way I do. I worked for him and witnessed first hand how shady of a person he is professionally as well as personally during my time in his office. Everyone has the right to their own opinion but before you make one you should hear the whole story not just the part they want you to hear.

  4. Darlene, I'm sure your uncle is a fine man, and as you know he works for Shriners out of public service, not compensation, I don't believe they get paid to be a shriner.

  5. Your endorsement brings up an interesting issue. I would believe Mike Nerren, like most people, would be sensitive towards someone close to them that had Stage 4 Cancer. But this is about being a judge of people from all walks of life. Nerren is heavily tied into the DA's office which you admit having reservations about. The frightening thing to me is seeing the DA having judges with close ties to him. Politics is politics, and the people who suffer are the vast majority not tied into their niche group. For you I'm sure you have nothing to worry about since you are close friends with Mike Nerren. But for the rest of us, I am compelled to want a total separation of powers from the DA's office and the group of judges. History shows when these types of relationships run their course it ends badly. I say this to other readers rather than you because you have an emotional attachment to Mr. Nerren, which is totally understandable, anyone in your circumstances would. And I believe you that Nerren is probably a good man, it's just the totality of the circumstances surrounding the DA's office and his relationship with Nerren, and actually the Marvin political machine, is quite alarming at best.

    1. Marvin supported Judge Stinson, Robinson, Cox, Self and Craig. They are hardly his puppets. In fact, they are very independent and make up the best Judges in north LA. The notion that Marvin "controls" these fine men is preposterous and offensive to them. Just ask them!!!!

  6. I don't know either one well but as far as I can see mike is the one we want I will make sure he has my vote as well as my family Jennifer I really liked your story as for as ed maybe you need to think otherwise

  7. Yes you are correct my uncle is a fine man! And not sure where you got the part about getting paid to be a Shriner no where did I say that.. It is a privilege to become a Shriner. And you have missed the whole point..

  8. Maybe. Just maybe. Mike Nerron wants to separate himself from Marvin. Ever think of that? Maybe that's why he is running for judge. I know what some of are thinking. Then why don't he just run against Marvin? Well history will show that people who run against their boss usually loses. Notice Whittington never ran against deen even though we all know how shady deen was. Besides. He has been a prosecutor (not a defense attorney) for many years. Now he wants to be a judge. He has my vite

    1. There is a big difference in being a prosecutor and being an assistant district attorney. Both candidates have served as an assistant District Attorney. Only one, namely Whit, can be considered a prosecutor

  9. Maybe? Did Nerren tell you that? Because last time I checked he is flaunting his endorsement from Marvin on his website and on his commercials. Come on get real!!!!!

  10. Maybe you need to get real and vote for the real man that would be mike I would not trust my dog with whit just saying

  11. Not everyone has the heart to help like I hear Mike does. Love your story Jennifer. I don't know either man however Mikes getting my vote!

  12. Wonderful story Jennifer and Mike has our vote!

  13. Oh by the way Robin don't be ashamed to put your name out there. Anonymous 2:22

  14. Darlene I don't know you but I'm with you on robin she wants to support her husban but can't show her name at least you are and I'm sure mike appreciates that mike has my family's vote for sure love your story by the way

  15. I'm pretty sure that Mr. Graves' wife would 'show her name' in support of her husband.

  16. actually anon 518, you should read what Judge Bolin said to the times about the DA's office. And I quote "I'm scared to say anything, it's that bad" If you get out of that something different shame on you.

  17. 11/14/2012 Anon@ 2:35 Pm is a very wise person.

  18. It is real strange to me that someone is so preoccupied with who Mr. Nerren voted for for President. Where I vote no one is allowed in the booth with you to see who you voted for. I wonder who was allowed in the booth with Mr. Nerren so that they think they know who he voted for. Maybe they should just ask Mr. Nerren. As a Dictrict Judge, Mr Nerren would be working to serve and protect all citizens of Bossier/Webster no matter who they are or how they vote. Fair, Unbiased, Honest, and upholding the law to the best of his ability. I do not understand what this person is trying to prove by continuing to pose this question of voting in the Presidential Election. Guess they are just trying to start a rumor they think will hurt Mr. Nerren. How sad.

  19. Yea what happen to that interview??? Hummmm must have had a friend at channel 3

  20. its a conspiracy Darlene!!! I don't think anyone on this blog takes you seriously anymore, at least not anyone intelligent. Im hoping to hear some legitimate endorsements for Mike Nerren, surely this is not a fair representation of his supporters-that would be impossible.

  21. I can certainly see why you have jumped around in your employment with that attitude. I don't think you are doing Nerren any favors here, sorry.

  22. After all the attacks on Darlene by the Whit camp; how can you blame her for not getting defensive? I haven't seen any attacks on Burchett's endorsement. Darlene told her story and because Whit supporters did not like it, they attacked her. That is what is pitiful. Between the crap Whit goes around town saying about the Nerren family..(including the kids), his lying to the LA Supreme Court, his heated argument with Slattery's son before the runoff, and his supporters personally attacking Nerren supporters, how can ANY INTELLIGENT person still support Whit Graves!!!!!!!
    So here is the endorsement for Mike..I am voting Mike Nerren because he is an upstanding citizen with a wife of 20 years, 3 children. he is an honest man who has NEVER lied to the Supreme Court. He has integrity and has not started rumors nor talked about Whit's family especially his child. He has always conducted himself as a gentleman with the utmost example of class. Give it a rest Whit supporters.. If Darlene runs for office don't vote for her if you have a problem with her...

  23. Just vote on dec 8 and quit arguing about childish stuff. I know Darlene and she didn't jump around jobs... Not to mention had it not been her health she would still be working for mike it's just a simple low blow whit did to call his staff incompetent. Seriously if you can't stand up and take the blame for something that happened years ago then heck no I don't want to vote for you. I know both men running for this office and out of the two I just believe mike will do a better job for our community.

  24. It seems there have been some questions of Darlene related to her allegations. I only think it fair that someone questions her regarding these so-called "facts" according to the actual documents you refer to. The problem is her "facts" and the actual facts indicated in said document do not match. Both of the recent Nerren "endorsements" were half endorsements for Nerren, and the other half ATTACKS on Whit...yet you both act like victims and say you were attacked...sorry that doesn't make sense. To be honest I don't think your behavior is such that it would be appreciated by Mike makes his supporters look malicious. And if in fact Mr Nerren is such a stand up guy, he probably doesn't need you taking cheap shots at his opponent, Whit other words he should be able to stand on his own merits. I would suggest calling Nerren since you are close and getting his advice on this unless you are dead set on doing further damage. My feeling is, certainly based on some previous comments by other posters, is he would want you to behave in a Christian way, not some hot head.

  25. Now let's bring religion into it... Geez here we go

  26. This race is a gentile and kind as its gonna be. Downhill from here folks. Remember when Graves ran against Judge Stinson and Judge Robinson - it's guaranteed to get in the gutter. Hang on. Gonna be bumpy!!!

  27. Can anyone tell me who Darlene is? Where dose she work now let me guess another lawyer looks like in the past she goes from lawyer to lawyer and really close to one who is running someone needs to find out more info about that one was there ever anything about an affair i have read post about them having one of which should make your mind up on judge whit whit whit

  28. I doubt darlene will be working for marvin and the gang anytime soon after her comments, but can't say I blame least we agree on something

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  33. Now there is an outstanding argument on Mr. Nerren's behalf. In only one paragraph you have succinctly summed up the substance of his legal career and all of his outstanding qualities!
    Bravo, Sir or Madam!

  34. For those of you that can lay all the hearsay and rumors aside here are the true facts that can be proven...Mike Nerren career in law for many years with not a single violation reported...Whit graves career in law for many years in which he was put on probation and had his license suspended...So one man obides by the rules and laws that are set forth for all to follow and the other breaks them as if he is above the law...There are enough polititions in different offices that believe to be above the law set for us I will not vote for one who has already proven to not follow the same rules that apply to everyone else. I vote Mike Nerren!

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  37. To all Nerren and Graves supporters, I know it must be hard to hear all the personal attacks against your candidate but rest assured it will soon be over, Nerren will take office just as the current Judges and DA did when Graves ran against them and everyone can move on.

  38. If you talk to people in the legal community, or juvenile families that have been exposed to Nerren, you will learn he is not the angel a couple of the posters are making him out to be. It seems there is a consensus that this man is quite arrogant and brash in his capacity, which fits perfectly with some of the company he keeps, like the DA Marvin. These men, part of a big corrupt political machine in Bossier and Webster Parishes, feel they are above the law. I prefer not to have this machine organizing our lives for us...being prosecutor, judge, and jury over our legal system. They are making a mockery out of our political system.

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  40. Ok it's feel sorry for Darlene day poor poor Darlene you can't take the heat get out lady you made your bed lay in it now if nerren will still have you

  41. No it's not feel sorry for Darlene it's feel sorry for Whits stupid people posting bad comments towards her! It shows how ignorant you are!!!!!!!

  42. There are ZERO comments from anyone accusing Darlene of "affairs" on this blog. Please provide the time stamp of when this happened, it didn't so you will be unable to post. Please stop playing the victim and fabricating lies where it's obvious you are the one lying and acting like you are being mistreated. Again, if there is such a post, please provide that information-otherwise you will be taken at face value. It is unfortunate for Mr Nerren because even he would not stoop to your level.

  43. Anonymous said...
    Can anyone tell me who Darlene is? Where dose she work now let me guess another lawyer looks like in the past she goes from lawyer to lawyer and really close to one who is running someone needs to find out more info about that one was there ever anything about an affair i have read post about them having one of which should make your mind up on judge whit whit whit
    November 14, 2012 9:04 PM

  44. Do any of you even read the rules?

    1. No personal attacks or insults.
    2. No accustory statements about wrongdoing or criminal acts against anyone.
    3. Say all you want about the pros and cons concerning the candidates and the issues, or the general subject of the blog post, just follow Rule #1 and Rule #2.

  45. well now Novenmer 15, 2012 1:17 here if you read the post I found for the post and time stamp ohhhhh and don't forget to read the part of was there an AFFAIR??? that she read post about them having one them meaning Mike Nerren and Darlene!!!!! so like I said dang keep up with the blog and yes there has been comments of accusing Darlene of affiars rerad 9:04 i reposted it for you and everything!!!!


  47. I guess you can't read then it clearly talks about Darlene having affairs read before you post

  48. Zero comments didn't do homework hehehe


  49. Anonymous said...
    Can anyone tell me who Darlene is? Where dose she work now let me guess another lawyer looks like in the past she goes from lawyer to lawyer and really close to one who is running someone needs to find out more info about that one was there ever anything about an affair i have read post about them having one of which should make your mind up on judge whit whit whit
    November 14, 2012 9:04 PM


  50. Can anyone tell me who Darlene is? Where dose she work now let me guess another lawyer looks like in the past she goes from lawyer to lawyer and really close to one who is running someone needs to find out more info about that one was there ever anything about an affair i have read post about them having one of which should make your mind up on judge whit whit whit
    November 14, 2012 9:04 PM

  51. 1:49 read more baby

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  54. Wow, people on this blog are really bored with their own lives or have too much time on their hands. Does anybody work for a living on here?

  55. My vote along with ALL of my family goes to the only man for the job yes Mike NERREN

  56. One clear choice for Judge,Whit Graves, the only man without ties to the corrupt political DA group.

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  58. I voted for Slattery. I came to this blog to learn more about Nerren and Graves so I could decide how to vote. What I have learned is that both men are the scum of the earth. Mr. Burchett and Mr. Baten both gave decent, positive endorsements for their candidate. The rest of you are only hurting your candidate with your irrational, childish and hypocritical comments. I am looking for a good reason to choose one of these men to be our judge. Can anybody give me a reason to vote FOR their candidate? And not just because you have personal reasons to hate the other guy.

  59. Mike Nerren doesn't smoke. Whit does. That's it. Nerren for Judge.

  60. If you were a cop with a warrant entering a dangerous situation, you would take Whit.

    If you needed an attorney on a criminal or civil matter, you would hire Whit.

    If you were going to trial on either matter, you would want someone intelligent and fair, with no outside influences, you would want Whit as your judge.

    Any of these questions posed to anyone non-associated with the campaign that knew both men would answer the same to all three.

  61. 8:28 NOT TRUE NERREN ALL THE WAY!!!!! I don't know any of them so that's your view not everyone else

  62. Are we electing a judge or a saint?

  63. I heard about this blog and had to come and read for myself. There seem to be three intelligent bloggers, the rest seem to be in grade school still. Only negative people enjoy reading or posting something negative. This Darlene, you are a very negative, hostile person, in my opinion,you are only hurting Nerren, just like Marvin. The downside risk of inheriting another politician's/person's negative reputation outweighing any benefit at its best. As for airing dirty laundry on here, grow up. We need a judge not another reality white trash show. FYI, Darlene, its my perception if you choose to post such silliness, do it anonymous, then you will not look like a disgruntled employee. FIrst go around, I did vote for Nerren.

  64. Anon 411 you make me sick with your comments at least she put her name up and is not scared and she is telling the truth and she is not hurting nerren she is telling the truth so you grow up unlike whit who can't tell the truth if it hurt him

  65. Anon at 4:11, I proudly admit I am a Whit Graves for judge supporter. But I feel like a hypocrit getting such a chuckle from your post. You expressed what I thought but not brave enough to write. Still chuckling!!!

  66. Anon 803...make you sick??? Who needs to grow up? Fyi noticed you did not post your name. Makes me think its Darlene going to bat for herself anonymously...the verbiage is as juvenile


Rules of the road:
1. No personal attacks or insults.
2. No accustory statements about wrongdoing or criminal acts against anyone.
3. Say all you want about the pros and cons concerning the candidates and the issues, or the general subject of the blog post, just follow Rule #1 and Rule #2.