
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

BCPD Working Double Murder

Bossier City Police detectives are busy working on the double murder this weekend in Southern Terrace subdivision.  Jacqueline Beadle, and her housemate Kayrl Ann Cox were found by relatives. 
Despite pressure to develop suspects, the detectives are working the case systematically. 
Personally, I believe that pressure, and by that I mean political pressure, rushed the investigation in the Bill Norris triple murder case three years ago and led to a bad conclusion. Gerald Needham was arrested and charged with three counts of first degree murder, but had to be released when the murder weapon was used in another incident in Haughton.
BCPD appears to be determined not to let that happen again. 


  1. Lol. This article ought bring out some interesting comments. Thanks for the set up Jim. I'll start.
    The Bill Norris homicide was the first of 3 homicide where the wrong suspect was arrested. There was no more pressure to solve those homicides than any other. It basically boiled down to incompetence. After each of those investigations, people were transferred.
    Bottom line is we are working with far less people and are no longer a pro-active police department. Get use to this in Bossier. Our elected officials have squandered millions of dollars (CIC, parking garages, frivolous lawsuits, etc.) and
    your starting to see the results.
    Also we have lost several veteran officers to other departments which use to not be the case. In return we have either hired people who are not qualified or have been let go by other departments. The elected officials will continue to squander money and tell you Bossier is safe but believe what you want.

    1. The officers involved one BJ Sanford worked a case I was involved in, he lied to me about the assailant's name, used a witness in his report against me that was in a another state, lied about helping to have me arrested for extortion, when his name was all over the arrest report, McWilliams told me the officer working my case had quit and left the force when all he did was to move up stairs, so McWilliams assigned someone he knew would screw me over, and try to cover up a case. When Criminals walk free, the public should be concerned. I think the public should require each police officer in the BCPD to take a polygraph, and ask them one question, Have you ever lied to a Victim. Our elected officials did not make Sanford and Griffin pull the Copperhead deal. How did they pick him, pictures on a dart board, draw a name etc. If your are a good police officer, my hat goes off to you, if you are not , I want you to get fired ASAP , and I am going to do everything in my power to make it happen. and BJ even told me his wife would lie for him, I told him you better find a new wife, because any wife that will lie will steal.

    2. Jim I knew you were pro police, it shows in the introduction to this Story, and once the BCPD pulls one over on you, you want be as pro. I really thought you were more intelligent than to say pressure caused them to be corrupt. I gave the mayor an 18 page report pointing out the corruption in a case I was involved in. If the Mayor would have looked into my report then Det. Sanford would not have been so eager to go along with Brian Griffin and make a false arrest, and hide it from the public. McWilliams was so bold, he waited over a week to address the public of their blunder. So what you are saying is, if five people blow their horn at you at a red light you can run the light. I have checked around Jimmy, and the BCPD is the only Department that does this, but Kudos to you, for standing up for a failure.

    3. Does anyone on the BCPD know what their Mission Statement is, and What that means. It seems to me like the people I have met with the BCPD do the opposite of the Mission Statement.

    4. Charles Wilder is crazy, posting his insanity. Old Chucky is just mad he didn't his lawsuit, for his BS "shoulder injury". all he can do is run his lost Chuckles.

  2. With the announcement of CSC and the sale tax generated by Boardwalk how can that be squandering. Look at the donut guys parked side by side, hidiind behind buildings al over town. We need to make lazy people do their job. Look at their pension problems and talk about squandering.

    1. the donut guys as you call them side by side are busy writing reports (3-5 reports typically, which im sure you're name as the complainant is in several of them by the way you sound) because they bounce from call to call and write their reports in pairs because for one its safer....check out how many officers have been ambushed or killed writing reports because their head is buried deep in paperwork.

    2. Or the ones taking a nap at the fire stations.

  3. Our violent crimes detectives can barely find their way to work, and now, you expect them to solve a double homicide? You saw how McWilliams, Stewart, and Griffith, messed up the Bill Norris homicide, multiple dead, and no arrest! Now, McWilliams and Stewart has their other buddies in violent crimes, who couldn't solve a shooting on a firing range! Only difference now is Chief Stewart is over patrol now, McWilliams other buddy Chief Worley is over detectives! Yes, they our making our department look horrible, but worse of all, the victims and victims families never revieve justice. That is inexcusable!

    1. There not my Brothers, Stewart has threatened to falsely Arrest me, and Worley lied to me when I told him where they find a person they were looking for in my case, and he said the case had not ended, which was a lie. fine leadership, fine Department, and I have never had anyone threaten me on the phone. Stewart must be a a tough guy.

  4. Way to back up your "brothers"!

    1. Christy Humphrey, are you married to Stockton's Secretary, ask him what I told Stockton he could do with his tape recorder.

    2. I asked. He said he didn't know anyone named Anonymous.

  5. Backing up our brothers and supporting and excusing incompetance are two different things! I demand that our officers be properly trained and experienced. Being assigned to units like bicycles and the boardwalk that has little to no affect on others is fine for the buddies, but our violent crimes unit and juvenile unit deals with life and death. There is no room for the buddy system and incompetent people! Victims and their families suffer as a result!

    1. Maybe you should meet with Chief McWilliams to discuss your concerns with him instead of anonymously posting negative comments about him and your co-workers on a public blog. Your comments do not only make the detectives look bad, they make the department as a whole look bad.

    2. Christy, just because your hubby is one of those detectives and a drinking buddy of McWilliams don't take it personal. You have no clue what you are talking about or what goes on at BCPD. But if you insist on putting your 2 cents in, then don't get your feelings hurt when the truth is spoken. It way beyond the short amount of time your husband has been there and he would not have that position if it were not for his brother being best friends with Chief McWilliams. No one has to make the detectives look bad, they do that by themselves! Chief McWilliams has destroyed the image and reputation of our department, and that is very sad!

    3. Looks like you're the one that's all butt hurt, not Christy. Suck it up big boy.

    4. And by the way, Christy is not married to her brother. They may do that where you come from, but not so much here.

    5. @notlowalker I could not have said that better Michael Halphen!!! Good to see you live and well! Give'em hell! Lol...

    6. I think the detectives make themselves look bad. especially after not 1 (bill Norris) Not 2 (Patton St. homicide) but 3, yes 3 THREE (old minden rd homicide) where the wrong person was arrested then released

    7. Your talking about Chief Darryl Worley, he is the one that lied to me and said my case was closed, when I picked up a report the next day the report said the case is closed until new evidence is presented, And I had new evidence, the assailant they were { looking } for was back at his job. the case had eleven months left on the statue of limitations, but they could not drive five miles to question him. Great Job little Darryl . I can see exactly why McWilliams Prompted you. You fit the Description of the people, I just can't say officers, that he wants around him.

    8. I am a victim of the System, and one day it is going to be broadcast to the Public, and hopefully the U.S. I feel it is going to take this to help to show the US what the BCPD is doing. McWilliams does not need anyone to tell him the old way is not working. Corruption in the BCPD was here all the way back to the 60's. I know a man that had a bar on the strip that burned down twice, I call it the Insurance plug shorted out. and put the money in the right pocket, and no investigation takes place. Walker thought he could dip down in the ranks and find a Steve Prator, well I guess you can see Shane is no Steve Prator. by a long shot.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Really 8:56, you're attacking girls now? And your facts were wrong, by the way.

  8. Let's hope for the victims and families sake they have a suspect! Most homicides of this nature where there is no forced entry is conducted by a person known by the victim, friend, family member, boyfriend, etc... Give the detectives time to properly investigate!

  9. Looks like they we will have to call Kenn Hamm out of retirement! We have not had a good homicide detective since Kenny Hamm! Or our illustrious Chief McWilliams can call Lynn Austin over to investigate the homicide since Austin claimed to have single handedly cleaned up the crime and shut down the old bossier strip all by himself! That's what he said in his last campaign!

    1. He also said that he and Johnny Wyatt saved everyone during Katrina

    2. That's true! I forgot about that! Austin, here boy!!! Here am Austin!!! (Whistling) run boy! Yes your nothing but a broke down pathetic hateful old boy! So full of yourself you will lie, set people up, have people plant evidence, and make false allegations! Don't Run away from Carl Richard, get that old horse out of the barn, you know the one that you told the public you were going to get on and ride to the barn for Johnny Wyatt! Austin, do you realize you can still be indicted for your actions and/or failure to act after leaving office? You have said many times that Johnny Wyatt should have been inducted for his expenditures, have you covered all of your tracks? Don't be so sure Mr. Temporary Marshal!

    3. Clean up the old Bossier Strip single handedly? Didn't Strip activity start to deminish after the December 3, 1978 tornado? If I recall was maybe only a sergeant on the polce department then (hell that was so long ago), but that means he also has power to bring on significant weather events.
      Why not, some of the city boot lickers think he's one of the their gods at Bossier City's version of Mt. Olympus, commonly called city hall.

  10. Mike Halphen for Bossier City Mayor! Experience and leadership we can count on!

  11. I wish Halphen would run for Mayor, boy could he make some changes! Staying with a new city attorney! Then a new fire chief and police chief! The Plummers, Hall, Austin, Rodney Orr, and all their buddies have bad mouth Halphen, cursed his name, and publicly humiliated him! I would love to see him seek retribution! You may not like him, but he will speak the truth, and tell it like it is! He accomplished great achievements for Bossier PD! Some may not want to admit it but you can't take that from him!

  12. Clay Boddie for Mayor!

    1. Lmao. Why? So he can beat the fuck out of people to get what he wants? He did it to innocent citizens before. What's changed?

  13. They are all reptilians. The lizard people live among us.

  14. And the snakes bite each other. News flash gents, there will be another lay off for 2015. Enjoy your pension.

    1. I am looking forward to it, and if they fire Sanford I want to hire him as my yard boy.

  15. That would not shock anyone! As much money as bossier city makes, and Jimmy Hall, the Mayor, and City Council squander it!

  16. Anyone see where James Montgomery got arrested for murder? Isn't he related to David Montgomery? Explains a lot. It's seems quite a few people who are rich and powerful in our community have ties to Larry Thompson.

    1. Good try, but they are not related

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. 2:18 comment edited:
    Even if they were related that would have nothing to do with David, and trust me, I'm not a fan of David. He is underhanded, and ***********( like so many of those currently running this city. Apparently, to be in Bossier City Administration you must be dirty, deal underhanded, lie, cheat, steal, have the mean to set up someone or falsely accuse them, ability to try to destroy people's careers, and an ego out of this world!

    1. First I would like to say I am glad they did get the person who is responsible for this horrible crime.
      Yes, the administration in this city is underhanded and most likely should be in prison. The people who don't play along, mostly do to being honest people, are labled as dumbasses and are pushed out the door. They can't be trusted because of their honestly or the lack of allegience to Jimmy Hall, Lynn Austin, or other behind the scene figures. One reason is the powers pulling the strings have no dirt on them to control them. So they are maligned and not give the chances to get into positions of authority.
      What is comical is watching those who joined the right club thinking it would advance their chances, or to watch those who were allowed to reach the outer edge but not fully allowed to enter into the inner circle, and seeing them once those in the inner circle is done with them. They are totally shocked. They can't believe all those years of butt kissing were for nothing only to find themselves no better than the ones they helped to malign.
      And there are some who will read this and know exactly who you are. The suckers!

    2. Rock on Jim, you must have changed coffee brands, I just wish you would say how you really feel on the BCPD.

    3. May 19th 9;07pm Please tell me you are a Star Trek Fan, Everyone Dances around the truth, and the Truth is the Mayor could make changes to realign, Austin, and Hall, But I never here anyone ask, Why didn't he fire dumb, dumber, and dumbest, in the Copperhead case, what you except, is what they give, nothing more, and always less. Except in, and be proud to pay those high taxes, you deserve there treatment because you are the one paying for the sad BCPD.

  19. What's your point?

    1. The point seems clear enough. How about going to Jimmy Hall, he's an attorney and has reading and comprehension skills, maybe he can explain it to you. If you're one of the ones who were used and thrown away that might be difficult to see Jimmy.

  20. 9:07,
    You are correct. Several officers joined the cult (masons) thinking it was a good move for their careers. They soon found out that unless your in the inner circle your just a nobody going to meetings and literally getting on your knees and bowing to other men. Jimmy Hall is one of those men you have to bow to I'm told. Lol. How pathetic do you have to be where you feel like you have to join a group and bow to another man? It's funny to watch them when they are going through the initiation. They are so proud. They think life as they know is about to be easy.

  21. What is your point?

    1. This is the typical response of one of the people we're discussing. Unless they are told what to do or how to think by Jimmy Hall or Lynn Austin, they have no friggin' clue.


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