
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Whit Graves, Candidate for District Attorney

            Over forty years ago I became a Louisiana State Police Trooper when I was nineteen years old.  My college degrees are in Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice.  I was accepted into the prestigious Paul M. Hebert Law Center at LSU where I earned my Juris Doctorate.  After graduating and passing the Bar Admission Exam on my first taking, I immediately came home and became a prosecutor under then District Attorney Henry Brown rising to the position of Chief Prosecutor.
            I left the District Attorney’s Office after Schuyler Marvin was cited by the Legislative Auditor for unconstitutionally using government funds from a bank account established when he was in the Webster Parish office.  That money was largely obtained from drug runners who then received lenient sentences.  He resigned but I correctly predicted he would oust the then District Attorney Jim Bullers who was incapacitated from a motorcycle accident and I would not be associated with Marvin as the District Attorney.
            Since then the operations and practices of the District Attorney has been shrouded and lacks necessary transparency.  I intend to reinstate the placing of police reports into the files of the Clerk of Court, minus of course the names and other identifying information about sex crime victims, children and others who would be at risk if their identities were revealed.  Confidence in the operations of the office by the citizens it serves dictates that its endeavors are open and obvious for all to inspect, agree with, and /or critique.
            As District Attorney, my first act will be to fire Frank “Buddy” Mondello, a convicted criminal who has served as an “investigator” for Schuyler Marvin.  He is the good friend of the confessed murderer for hire Larry Thompson who admitted to helping Marvin get elected solely to assist Mondello to get the position of great authority and power he has.  His continuance with police power is indefensible.
            I want to move to a position where more of the current Assistant District Attorneys are full time employees.  Not every position dictates a need for a full time status, but the ability to consolidate responsibilities and duties will provide the opportunity to have career prosecutors who will only become more effective with a broad base experience.  Our main objective will be to serve you with a special attention towards the victims of crimes because a successful prosecution mandates that the needs and desires of victims be carefully considered. The allowance of greatly reduced sentences through plea bargains in order to obtain a cheap conviction for statistical purposes will cease to be the objective.  Such practice only insures the speedy return of violent or career criminals through shorter sentences than the crimes actually committed demand.
            As the Chief Prosecutor, I did the job more efficiently and with greater results. I will return that effectiveness through providing the instruction, direction, and examples to the many staff members who have great potential only needing to be properly channeled towards serving you and your families.  I look forward to joining with the police and judges in insuring our district will be a place where our children and grandchildren will want to stay, feeling safe and secure.

This photo was published at the top of the post when I put it up Sunday. Since it is no longer timely, I'm moving to the bottom.
Whit Graves sent me his submission for the blog, along with a note saying that he would be busy emceeing the Shrine Circus this weekend. While he was busy keeping that commitment, two of his tires were slashed.

If you are a candidate for office and would like to address the voters with your platform for office, please send a few paragraphs to and we will publish it.  Attach a picture if you like and we’ll include it.


  1. Well it just nasty. We knew it would.

  2. Go Whit! You have my support and vote!

  3. People who aren't exposed to the nastiness of politics really can't believe this type of stuff goes on but it does. Signs torn down, tires slashed, threatening and intimidating calls and visits to supporters are tools used by those in power against a challenger who wants to clean up the system and do the right things. I went to school with Whitley and even then I saw him stand up and speak out against things that weren't right that I just dismissed thinking I would be out of school soon and it really didn't matter in the long run. But now I realize it did matter not just for me but for my children who went experienced the same problems years later. Whitley has always stuck his neck out for the right things even if it didn't affect him directly but had an effect on others when it wasn't right and he suffered for it but still came out swinging. I should have been more like him and I am proud of him and support him because of the old saying; When they came after everyone else I stood silent and when they came after me there was no one else to stand up for me. I can't think of anyone else I would rather have as a District Attorney than him because I know he would hurt himself to protect me and my children and my grandchildren. I grew up with Whitley. I know him and he hasn't changed one bit since Plantation Park Elementary School where I first knew him. I'm sorry it took over 50 years to realize what he did for me and my friends without a thank you from me. Thanks Whitley and I'll say it again when I vote.

    1. OMG you are so right! I don't know him but I saw him at the circus today and I am still awake because I am pi$$ed off at my husband because when I got home he was layed up on the couch watching the Saints/ Cowboy game. I was in line to have my daughter's face painted and watched him to go up to a little boy who was obviously mentally handicapped and talk to him. He kissed the boy on the forehead and then turned around wiping tears from his eyes with his shoulders slumped. Then he squared his shoulders and over the loud speakers starting asking people to buy Crackerjacks to help pay for the costs of transporting kids to the Shrine Hospital. WHAT A CLASS ACT!!! and I don't think anyone saw it but me. Anyone who loves kids like that has my vote. I cried thankful that my daughter didn't need help from the Shriners. I asked one of the clowns about him and he said that Whit had been doing this as long as he could remember. I don't know any other politician who would take a weekend out from politicking or watching football to do this for disabled children.

    2. What a beautiful testimony of Whitt!!!!!! Ty yy

    3. That's about as good of a recommendation as a person could hope for! I know Whit Graves and count him as a friend. I know he's honest and head and shoulders above the corruption that has been prevalent in the DA's office. Whit will be kind always, firm when he has to be and fair to each and every one. He will bring intergrity back to the DA's office and a send a message to everyone that the DA's office is not for sale. Whit's involvement with Shriner's is a testament to the type of man that he is.

  4. Seems like all you need to do slash your own tires and you get a news story out of it where you can say how good you are - good lord - when you park your political sign in front of a fundraiser for disabled children and then pop your own tires - wow - look at me - i am so good - and my opponent is so bad - he would pop my tires in broad day light at a fundraiser for handicapped kids - give me a break

    1. I'll call BM on that one. BS, I meant to say BS.

    2. That wasn't Whit's trailer parked at the edge of the parking lot. It was Marvin's. Whit's trailer was over at the Parkway football game.

  5. Because I believe in the Justice system is the reason my vote will go to Whit Graves! We have some many underhanded things going on in Bossier Parish it is sickening! Time for a CHANGE! One that means dont do the crime unless you can do the time! Whit Graves for DA of Bossier Webster Parishes!

  6. No one in the DA office would slash those tires, that would be a criminal act.

    1. And who would prosecute them? Schuyler?????

  7. The La Supreme Court has already determined that Whit is not honest. He lied to them as an asst district attorney and was put on 2 years probation. While that's now old news and well-documented, it is nonetheless important. He can't be trusted. Period. There is a reason he has lost 3 elections - because the voting public is smart, astute and can easily recognize dishonesty when we see it.

  8. Once again, Whit has misled you. The tires were deflated, not slashed. While that's unfortunate, what is more telling is that Whit sets off this false story of "slashed" tires when he knows it's a lie. Typical.

    1. Interesting, so you were there? Since you're obviously no friend of Whit, what was your role in deflating/slashing the tires?

    2. I stand corrected, it was only two tires. I inquired and found out that both were replaced at a cost of just over $400. Wonder why he would replace deflated tires that were fairly new?

  9. Is that Whits senior pic from Airline?

  10. Jim, you asked "I wonder why he would replace deflated tires that were fairly new?". I'd have to answer that with a question - Why would he as a former asst DA lie to the La Supreme Court in a death penalty case? I can't answer either because neither answer would be satisfactory in my mind. But the latter happened which leads me to believe the former did too. It certainly casts reasonable doubt.......

    1. Can we please get off the damn tires.

  11. How many Shriner's circuses has Mr. Graves emceed in the past? The answer to that is ZERO. Mr. Graves should be ashamed of himself for using disabled children to obtain votes. Mr. Wells you should also be ashamed for using your platform to spread propaganda and trying to manipulate your easily manipulated readers. It is obvious that the early polling shows Marvin soundly ahead and Mr. Graves' campaign has resorted to desperate negative campaigning. What Mr. Graves suppresses is that the fund created in Webster Parish paid for extensive training of troopers of the Louisiana State Police. But then again, the Louisiana Supreme Court has already confirmed Mr. Graves is not trustworthy so why would your readers fall for such. --Dr. Scoop

    1. I don't know how many he has MC'd but I've been taking my kids to the circus for the last 5 years and he's been there every time. Some of the money Schuyler Marvin put in the secret bank account in Springhill was illegally and unconstitutionally used to send Troopers to a school to learn how to better catch more drug runners so Schuyler Marvin could get even more money for the secret bank account. None of it was used to fund the DA's office. NONE

    2. I don't know how many circuses Whit has MC'd for the Shriners but I do know he has been an active member of the Shriners for many years.

  12. Marvin will go down just like Larry Deen, but what I'm hearing is its gonna be a lot uglier....I don't know of the supporters of Marvin on here are just ignorant or uninformed

  13. Dr Scoop - I guess your approach is if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, you'll baffle them with bullshit. Won't work. I've always welcomed any candidate to submit their case to my readers. Your candidate is welcome to do so. If my readers are so easily manipulated, why don't you give them a shot?

  14. If you are a candidate for office and would like to address the voters with your platform for office, please send a few paragraphs to and we will publish it. Attach a picture if you like and we’ll include it.

  15. No polls have been taken and anyone who says there has is a liar.

  16. No tires were slashed or replaced. Both tires were filled with fix a flat while the officer stood there and verified that there was no damage. Sounds staged to me.

  17. I have verified that two tires were indeed replaced, and I know where they were replaced. I had thought this might just be a neighborhood problem at the Fair Grounds, but you have at least thoroughly convinced me otherwise. Now, why don't you come out from behind 'anonymous' and let's put your story against the Graves' and see who is lying?

    1. I'll correct myself, it was in South Bossier.

  18. The tires were pierced with a sharp object. Probably an ice pick or something similar. Before using the fix-a-flat Whit attempted to fill the tires up with air in which it only filled up part of the way and then ran back out. Then he used fix-a-flat on both tires and was able to make it to Brookshires where he filled it the rest of the way up so that he could make it home. He later took the truck and had the tires replaced. What is interesting to note here is that the DA's office is aware that there are no camera's at the CenturyTel Center from other investigations that they have performedin the past. Also note, Buddy Mondello(The Convicted Criminal) is Marvin's Chief investigator. Hmmmm,

  19. What is interesting to note is that Graves has once again misled us with the facts. When originally complained that 4 tires were "slashed" and he made some heroic effort to return to the circus has now been exposed as a couple of flat tires fixed easily with fix a flat and driven home safely like mine and your tires when we have a flat. No slashing. No limping home on metal wheels like he originally implied. Buddy Mondello was out of state at the time these tires lost air. But it took us challenging his version of the facts at every turn to finally drag the truth out of him. Again, the La Supreme Court has adjudged the man a liar and he simply proves them right time and time again!!

  20. Whit never said 4 tires were slashed. Please educate us on the correct way to describe the situation that occurred. Should he of said his tires were stabbed, poked, pierced, gouged, penetrated or popped? The fact is one of Marvin's thugs penetrated Whits tires with a sharp object.

    1. Whit should tell the truth to begin with and half of these posts would be unnecessary.

    2. Didn't know that Whit had ever posted anything. Jim was the one that said four tires and then corrected it when he learned better.

  21. Since one of the commenters keeps bringing up the Supreme Court, that ruling and a letter from the court are both linked on the sidebar of the blog.

  22. Several things don't seem right with this post by Mr. Graves. First, anyone who has seen him in the last ten years or so knows that he does not look like that picture he has chosen to post with his remarks. I would love the public thinking I look like I did in more youthful days. Secondly, (I know its nit-picking, but he is the one touting his scholarly abilities) he should proofread his remarks and make sure that simple things like subject-verb agreement are correct. Third, I see part of his platform is making assistant district attorney's "full-time". I assume this means they will not be allowed to practice law outside of their duties with the district attorney. Does this mean they will not be allowed to practice any civil law, at all? Or, does it only mean they handle their civil law cases out of the district attorney's office like Mr. Graves did from 1990-1999. Fourth, I note that he is quick to assume that his tire incident must have been the work of some supporter of his opponent. Perhaps it was the work of one of the many criminals or a member of his family that he boasts he was so efficient at putting away, or misguided youth or any one of a number of explanations. The fact that he immediately posts it shows that he is only trying to drum up some publicity for himself. There is a line of thought that goes something like this: If you want to know the true nature of a rumor monger, pay attention to the accusations and gossip that he spreads- those are likely the things that he contemplates or practices, himself. Mr. Graves likes to speak as if he had a big part in running the DA's office when he was there. Wasn't his chief investigator a federal felon? I seem to remember many people gossiping about the activities of his peers in that office. He is attacking because he has to. The last thing local politics needs is a man with that kind of ego.

  23. When is Schuyler going to post something? Scaredy cat?

  24. Oh Lord! If we are going to converse about the size of ones ego, shall we commence with the size of the second coming of the "little big man" Schuyler Marvin. I'm not a huge Whit Graves fan but the only thing big about Marvin is his mouth and his arrogance. Maybe Schuyler has enough backing from all of the years being involved with the local mafia, dinning with them on a regular basis, Saturday mornings, Fridays at lunch, special meetings in the back rooms on what favors to do for whom! Isn't that right Marvin!!! But hey, you were not the only political person in Bossier City / Bossier Parish going to those back room meetings were you? Schuyler will follow Larry Dean's pathway! Just give it time. Then he and Buddy Mondello can share a cell block with some of their buddies!!!

  25. You really want to talk about using old photos? I remember good ole boy Lynn Austin using a photo 20 years old. It looked nothing like what he looks like today. What's the matter? Don't like your opponents using your own tactics?

  26. Ed Burchett and his wife did the tires.

    1. Why don't you Photoshop a picture of Edward and Chrissy holding an icepick? That would really prove your case.

    2. Ed Burchett and his wife? Professor Plum with the candle stick in the library would be more believable.

    3. Saw an ad on ebay today. Ice pick for sale. Only used twice and then wiped clean. 965-2332

  27. Who knows what to believe on this site. 4 tires slashed, then 2, then not slashed, then ice pick. Who saw the ice pick? This is staged BS.

  28. I love it when the lawyers come out to play on the blog. We get theories, counter theories, attacks on the facts, attacks on credibility. You guys are good.

    1. Jim you need to have a special Blog on the tires only, give these Viagra dudes something to look forward too.

  29. Jim, they are hardly good. lolol. Not only do they flatten tires, they also wouldn't know the truth if it slapped them in the face. Help deliver us from anymore of their shenanigans. The FBI is too slow.

  30. I thought I recognized the picture so I took the time to go to the courthouse in Benton and make sure. Sure enough, it's the same picture from the collage of the bar association from 2010. So the picture's only 4 years old, not 15 04 20 like Lyn Austin's was. So if it was a high school picture, I guess Whit was pretty smart to have passed the bar right out of high school. It took Schuyler 3 times to finally pass the bar.


      I'm done, just felt necessary.


      I'm done, just felt necessary.

  31. Hey Jim, you post the all clean letter from the Supreme Court. What about the probation letter?

  32. Posted everything I could find. The probation is covered in the ruling.

  33. Hey guys, if we're going to go back 15 years, lets talk about Schuyler and the Legislative Audit where he opened a bank account Jim Bullers didn't know about, took payments to let drug runners get no jail time, and then spent the money in violation of the Constitution. If I remember correctly he resigned before Bullers could fire him. Then let's go back a few more years and talk about him being an unindicted co-conspirator in a section 8 housing fraud scheme. Then let's go back and talk about how he got his fraternity thrown off campus and its charter revoked which led to him having to go to Southern University because he wasn't allowed back on LSU campus. Oh yeah, I forgot it took him three times to pass the bar. Ya'll want to talk about one time Graves filed a brief late, let's talk about Schuyler. By the way, where is his post about what all he has done?

  34. Schuyler post, Schuyler post, Schuyler post-- rah rah rah!!!!

  35. Only a narcissist would post a pic of his truck. It proves nothing. If you read all of the docs on Whit's bar case, it is a fact that he told the chief justice of the supreme court, he had the brief right here, pointing to his briefcase, and he'd file it after court. he filed it months later. it's not merely filing a late brief.

  36. So our choice is a guy who filed some paperwork late or a guy who let's criminals free for campaign money? I'll take whit graves all day long

  37. Last night I drove past "El Kabookie" and the parking lot was packed. Every time I drive past that place it makes my skin crawl, knowing how many people have been screwed over by Shriners to take care of their own, then they turn around and tell what great and upstanding citizens they are.
    After reading what happened to Mr. Graves I can only imagine when a Shriner pats another Shriner on the back, their only looking for the right spot to place the knife when he need to stab his "brother" in the back.

    1. You are one big screwball.

    2. That night, the shrine was having their annual banquet to raise money for the Shriner's Hospital. So if raising money for kids makes your skin crawl, you are an idiot. I hope your children or family never have to go to the Shriner's Hospital to get treated. They will treat your kids the same. It's easy to bash the majority for a few bad eggs. Shriner's Hospital is a true blessing.

    3. My daughter was treated at Shriners Hospital many times and all I can say is it is a first class operation.

    4. There is nothing wrong with the hospital, it's the Shrine itself. Besides the screwing over those who aren't good-old-boy. How any organization that basis itself on Muslim symbols, especially in today's environment, and claims to be patriotic and Christians is beyond me. Another thing that is beyond me is how an organization that claims it's goodness through good works can wear a symbol of thousands of murdered Jews on their heads. Yeah, great and wonderful organization.

    5. So the hospital is okay but the people who fund and run it are not?? So if Hitler ran a children's hospital that's okay. YOU are a moron. Shriner's are a great and wonderful organization, period. If you don't know what you are talking about shut your mouth. Your bias against any Shriner? Oh and you hate kids.

    6. The real moron is the ones who hide behind kids to assuage their guilt in the complicity of doing evil. By the way, Hitler said many time what he did was "for the children". You need to learn some history before you state spouting off what you think you know.

    7. Why don't you do what the Masons and Shriners in Bossier City do before thinking, coming up with an idea, or making a statement? They check with Jimmy Hall first. As far as a "few bad apples"? Well, there ares some old adages (that means saying), "You're known by the company you keep", and "If you lie down with dogs you get fleas!"

    8. Hey Whit, It's OK that you got your tires flattened. It was for the children!

  38. I thought this board was full of people that were against the shriners, claiming that its a good old boy fraternity that secretly runs bossier city? I know I've seen numerous comments on here saying that before. I guess these guys hate "good ole boys" unless its their good old boy. typical.

  39. Whit is not part of the bossier city tribe. You don't see anybody from the Bossier City cult doing civic things. They go to their lodge on Benton Road and get drunk. Whit is part of another lodge.

    1. Hang on there, are you saying that some shriners don't claim others? Aren't they all of the same brotherhood or whatever the Arabic word for brotherhood is?

    2. You have no idea what you're talking about do you? Most of us can tell, don't worry.

  40. I don't know why there is any debate on here. Mr. Graves has lied to the supreme court. And, he lied to defense counsel and hid evidence against his professional and ethical duties as a prosecutor and even worse lied to a jury who had to decide whether to lock a man up for most of the rest of his life (read what the appeals court said: "he did worse than failing to disclose what he had a duty to disclose to the defense- he argued to the jury that nothing like that existed when he KNEW it did"--- unscrupulous to the core:

    the jury was led to believe that Pate had no expectation that she would receive favorable consideration in exchange for her testimony:

    We know that Debbie Pate has nothing. She told you herself, I have no deals with the District Attorney's Office, I've been subpoenaed down here, and I've been told that nothing I say can be used against me except for perjury or filing a false report. She has nothing to gain or lose, and I'd be honest with you. * * * * And I'm not going to sit here and tell you that that's not going to be taken into consideration and [sic] my recommendations to Mr. Bullers. I'm not going to try and snow you on that, but there's been nothing promised to her, nothing at all, either on the outcome, one way or the other of this trial. * * * * She has nothing to lose. She has nothing -- she hopes she can gain something, but nothing's been promised to her and she has nothing to gain by saying specifically it was Glen Lindsey. (R.p. 286).

    It is evident from this monologue that the prosecutor went beyond failing to disclose. He actually argued to the jury that he had never promised consideration to Pate; thus, any benefit she anticipated through her testimony was based upon a mere "hope" rather than a justifiable expectation.
    In sum, the prosecutor, after discussing various possible plea agreements, admittedly promised to give consideration to Pate in return for her testimony and then failed to disclose this fact when Pate testified to the contrary. The state also failed to disclose [628] the actual agreement made with Pate subsequent to her testimony and while the jury was still deliberating. Had the defense been aware of this information, it could have attempted to impeach Pate's credibility or moved for a mistrial. Thus, we find that this information should have been disclosed to the defense under the requirements of Brady and La. C.Cr.P. art. 729.3.

    1. Wow! Is that true? Sounds like that Nifong guy in Duke that tried to railroad those Lacrosse players on that fake rape claim by that stripper! Last thing we need here.

  41. We have beat this horse to death. My last words on the subject are if you want a DA who bends, twists, circumvents the law, who has no scruples and at the very least is unethical, and who has 4 judges in his pocket, then by all means vote Marvin. You get what you deserve. He and his supporters have flattened tires, unhitched a trailer, torn down signs. Wake up before it is too late to bring a balance and some integrity to our justice system...a fair system to the hard working people here.

    1. Mr. Whit Graves is definitely the one who can and will bring the letter of the law back to the DA office. thank you for your vote on November 4

    2. yes we want a da who lies to juries, supreme court see state v lindsey 621 so2d 618

    3. You totally are misrepresenting the facts. You are referring to a late filing of a brief that happened over 15 years ago. Your mud is old mud and will not hold water in this campaign. Funny to me how no Marvin supporter talks about his integrity or ethics or his following the letter of the law...why because you know he is lacking. You gonna have to do better than this buddy.

    4. not misrepresenting anything. the supreme court and disciplinary board found that he lied to sc. he did get deferred suspension for late brief. state v lindsey is whit in action. as for marvin's ethics and integrity, have seen no specifics. all whit says is supporters get sweetheart deals. that's vague and difficult to defend without specifics

    5. Whit doesn't care anything about the law or justice. He is in it just for the money. And those were his words when I asked him how he sleeps at night knowing most of his DWI clients are guilty of the crime

  42. Which four judges are in his pocket?

  43. Yeah. He pays these judges?

  44. Bossier City pawnshop owner Randy Matthews says he wants Bossier District Attorney Schuyler Marvin to agree to fight him in a charity cage fight in order to settle their differences and to raise money for a local charity.

    Matthews - who claims Marvin told him to "get the hell out of my office" and had a police officer escort him out - says he has declared a political war of sorts against Marvin and wants him out of office.

    Matthews reportedly went to Marvin's office to ask questions as to why four counts of felony theft were reduced to a misdemeanor against a man accused of taking four guns from Matthews' residence.

    An exclusive Inquisitor video has been obtained and attached to this article. View the video for the full invitation by Matthews.

    1. probably because Randys daughter told the guy he could borrow the guns. And since when did fighting resolve anything. Of course that's how Randy solves everything

  45. Randy Matthews should be on the 10th floor of LSU

    1. Sorry but the last room is reserved for Marvin pending the election.

  46. For all 9 of us who keep this blog alive - Marvin 64 Graves 36 on Nov 4!!!!

    1. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

    2. Don't sell my blog short, there are at least 10 or 11!

    3. lol if even only 2. 5000 hits a week make it the most read blog in the area....

  47. As a Marvin supporter I completely agree with 64 to 36. These Tuesday elections are so cumbersome that I doubt I even go to the polls.

  48. Shady Grove Graves 9 to 1. Go Whit!!!!

  49. Time to bring some intelligence to the blog. Let's look at history of voter turnout first. In 2002 Marvin received 19,985 votes (51.4%) while Boggs received 18,866 votes (48.6%). Marvin received 12,154 votes in Bossier Parish (46.2%) while Boggs received 14,134 votes (53.8%). A total of 26,288 votes were cast in Bossier Parish in 2002 and a total of 27,468 votes were cast in Bossier Parish in 2010 so we can expect no more than 30,000 votes to be cast in Bossier Parish in 2014. Whit won 49 percent of the Bossier Parish vote in Dec, 2012 against Nerren. Let's give Whit the benefit of the doubt and says he gets 55% of the vote in Bossier Parish for 16,500 votes (30,000 x 55%). Marvin gets 13,500 votes (30,000 x 45%).

    Marvin carried Webster with 62.3% of the vote in 2002 and will easily carry 65% of the Webster vote against Graves. In 2002 Marvin received 7831 votes in Webster Parish (62.3%) and Boggs received 4732 votes (37.7%). In 2002 12,563 votes were cast in Webster and in 2010 12,363 votes were cast in Webster. Let's assume in 2014 12,250 votes are cast in Webster with Marvin getting 7962 votes (12,250 x 65%) and Graves getting 4288 votes (12,250 x 35%). The final results of the election would be Marvin 21462 votes (50.8%) while Graves gets 20,788 votes (49.2%). Sorry guys this is simple mathematics. Graves is also not going to get close to 55 percent of the Bossier Parish vote. Simply a pipe dream to believe otherwise. Please let me know if further explanation is needed. --Dr. Scoop

    1. Mr. Poop, this would be accurate if all things were equal. However, what you have not factored into your dream is candidate Marvin who has no scruples and at least no ethics, makes sweetheart deals, does not treat all people with respect even those who work in the courthouse, whose supporters slice tires, tear down signs. He will have the support of those big land owners who he has done favors, but that Mr. Poop is the extent of it. He even rehired a wife abuser and had a good police officer fired. Do I need to go on...I think not.

    2. What good police officer did the DA have fired?

  50. Ed Burchett and Whit's wife "sliced" the tire as a staged, desperate campaign move. Bad idea Ed. Won't work.

    1. If this is typical of the DA investigations, tiz no wonder that office is amuk.

    2. If you knew Ed Burchett then you would also know he would never do such a thing.


Rules of the road:
1. No personal attacks or insults.
2. No accustory statements about wrongdoing or criminal acts against anyone.
3. Say all you want about the pros and cons concerning the candidates and the issues, or the general subject of the blog post, just follow Rule #1 and Rule #2.